Showing Posts For Edragor.9164:
Current meta favors capping instead of holding/defending a structure …therefore it favors the karma train mentality. The immunity buff is some idea, but it doesnt solve the issue and is hindering more than helping in that matter.
Simple Solutions/suggetion is to scale rewards (Wxp/gold/Karma/chests) for objectives (camps to keeps)
First 5-15 minutes after Cap:
-> Attackers recieve no or only very low rewards for recapping in that time
-> Defenders recieve bonus rewards for building/starting Upgrades/defense
→ No NPC guards in this timeframe!
Every full Upgrade (T1-T3)
-> should resolve in bonus rewards for attackers
-> reduce defense rewards a little bit
Every succesful defense
-> +1% on rewards for attackers
-> -1% on upgrade cost for defenders
(Maybe capped at 75-99%)
Bonus rewards for uncontested objectives after 3hours
- Attackers can claim a bonus chest
- Defenders get bonus WxP & Magic find for their server for every bonus chest still in their posession
NO PvD and No Golem ports
Players SHOULD NOT be able to do ANY dmg on doors or walls.
Like speedbuffs ,ports should not work for golems.
Loyality bonus for sticking to a server
Either some WXP/magic find stuff or erase all/some ranks after a transfer.
Orb buff scaleing
Downscale for the first server, upscale for 3rd placed server.
NO Stomp WvW Score for 1st placed server at all.
Night time debuff
Between 2:00-10:00 you receive only half rewards and WvW score ticks.
The clock should be sync’ed with the local time and NA should have a spanish / french server instead of haveing NA-spanisch/french people on EU server and vice versa.
Dolyak escort reward
Sticking around a dolyak will give a WXP/MF buff and start a timer (5min?). After the timer counts to zero AND only if the dolyak arrives at its destination you will be rewarded.
The Buff will expire in 5-10 sec. if you leave the dolyak area.
PvP rewards linked to invested time is a VERY BAD design choice..and maybe some day even game devs will realize it…maybe.
Pvp rewards linked to amount of games/tourneys won is not better…cause you can sync games
Best choice would be…linking rewards to the ladder (even if its broken in its current implementation)
If u loose rank you should be able to use it for like 5 additional games, if you cant get back to the former/required rank finishers will be downgraded and high-ranked equip discarded into inventory. Unable to use them until you get back to the required rank.
…and delete all glory ranks. period. No real pvper will whine about it…
Auto & AI-attacks
I would agree that automatic-attacks of any nature should be reduced in dps power for all classes (-25%) – not only skill#1 but even pets, turrets and the like.
Likewise haveing conditions or extra-specials (i.e. thiefs sword root) being applied automatically without any player interaction …is a bad design choice imho.
Passive Heals
In general a good mechanic, but maybe some passive heals are too strong. Still, auto-cleanses are not a good design choice. To cleanse player interaction should be required.
Additional Endurance bar
Maybe a good idea, IF you start every fight with the amount of endurance currently in place.
This way passiveness in dogeing (and chargeing up) would “pay-back” with a little more endurance later in-fight.
Charged skills/Power-up attacks
I like this idea, too, and it would deepen combat meta a lot – while low entry “button smashing” skill ceiling would remain mostly the same. Its a system which worked very well in old Arcade sidescroll-shooter and not too complicated for novice players to grasp and use.
My take on this would be:
- Holding a button, would charge a bar (and every Power-up-step showing on screen with a flashy Number)
- Charegeing ONLY possible IN-FIGHT
- Costs endurance
- No other attack possible while holding the current attack, except for movement
- Maybe even showing this by prolonging the telegraphic part of the attack animation
- the more endurance you invest, the more dps or “extras” you will gain like:
—> additional condi-effects
—> enlarged area of effect
—> higher dps
—> more condi stacks
—> extra special attacks (i.e. cc-effects)
—> prolonged duration of effects
i.e. Thiefs Sword Skill#1 could still root, but at the cost of 1 endurance bar and holding the autoattack-button for 0,25-0,75sec. Holding the button for a max duration of 1,5-3sec. could prolong the root duration, or give some extra dps or even enlarge the attacked area.
i.e. Eles churning earth could be instant but would only be 1/3 in diameter and do only 1 bleed stack/lesser dps. Holding the button for the full duration would resemble its current effects but also cost some endurance (maybe some extra condi like pain to compensate for endurance cost).
(edited by Edragor.9164)
solo or team both share same problems:
- Quitters dont get punished enough
4vs5, 4vs 5; 3vs5… or only “very unlucky”??
- Thighten pool
Often the same players like last match…talking about a Saturday afternoon btw.
1,5x – 2x of the currently MMR-range used to build groups.
!!Btw. NO Average calculation for MMR group composing!!
i.e. MMR 10 and 90 may be an average of 50…but its not comperable to 2 players sharing both 50MMR each.
- Ranking decay
Should drop 10% per week u missed to play…(MMR not dropping)
BUT total amount of games played, should count towards this rank decay somehow.
This way you can earn yourself a puffer against decaying if you happen to go on vacation or dont have time to play for some weeks.
i.e. you need at least 10 games per week..if you played 20 games you wouldnt drop if you missed a week…30 games in a week would puffer yourself for 2 weeks missing out, etc.
70 Games per week should be the Cap for this puffer and capping “puffer allocation” at 10 per day.
This way you can create yourself a decay puffer for 6weeks if you played 1 week at least 10 games every day.
(rough numbers on this example)
- Accurate Rank position above 25%
Even if I am only hopping around 40-70%, I want to know what my current ladder position.
Still, I get that you dont want discourage players showing them that they are “rank gazillion”
- Game internal ladder
WTF, why do i have to log onto GW2 HP to see my ranking? The whole ladder belongs into the game itself.
First, I am more into WvW and spvp, BUT interessting stories/cutscenes or some events I like, too
…but mostly wont have the time to play them at the current pace
…and often even would like to skip the whole time-consumeing pve-mob-bashing/dungeon crawling around the story itself.
…like to experience/read them in my “personal order” (like skipping chapters in a book)
I am not saying slow it down, nor do I believe that the temporariness of those living stories is bad at all or that you should eliminate the mobs for me… ^^
BUT I strongly believe there should be a way to keep some “essence of those stories” or history / lore in the game. Kinda like in RL people have tendencies to not let go of some of their tales (ie. old people always telling their war stories like it was yesterday).
The tech needed is already in place as some players mentioned:
My history tab
Could be expanded with a “MY living world” tab.
—> Compressing the whole LS-chapters into brief paragraphs with links and act like a “newspaper” directing us (…hinting) to npcs (heralds, heroes or books) with further information.
—> Even “store” additional infos we might have gathered ourselves (i.e. tied together with some of the achievement we earned while the story was around)
Cut scenes
“Flame and Frost” had a system which let us “revisit” the cutscenes
—>My char may not have been present, but those 2 heroes were and may “VIviDly” retell what happend like its happening now
Text Splitting
NPC dialogues and books CAN indeed hold even large text amounts if you split them into dialogue / chapters / paragraphs. Careful phrased, you dont even need too much work to create these and could recycle those filler-texts. i.e.
[LS Text/cutscene 1.Part]
<… and then she/he said… > OR <leave>
[LS Text/cutscene 2.Part]
<looks around suspiciously / bored / agonized / smiling …before continueing> OR <leave>
[LS Text/cutscene 3.Part]
For book pages you can do the same, ie. “next page is tainted / burnt /… continue reading OR leave”
Zone Event heralds
Guessing there might be some internal tracking, which events we participated in and maybe even how often we done them. If not … scripting it wouldnt take more than a work day and those heralds could:
—> Randomly pointing out events we never had played before in that particular zone.
i.e. “Have you heard anything about…” <event name>
“I guess you have never noticed whats going on in/near” <zonal sub region>
—> Those heralds could even mention our personal Top 2-5 events we did already in that zone (for the gazillions time). And thus personalize our game experience.
ie. “Well-met, arent you the hero who did / saved /killed…” <Top1 event name> “…and also was responsible for…” <Top2 event name>
I really appreciate that there are no question marks in this game, but heard about DEVs who are wondering why we dont talk about their new created events. Cause often most of us have problems discerning which events are new, may have missed out before or maybe even forgot them. Similiar things will happen to tales and stories as time progresses and the above simple ideas might help players to keep track a little bit more.
- GvGer asking in map chat others to leave the map…because some of their guildies dont get in…
- GvGers obstructing a map with their numbers without contributing in the slightest, not careing for towers, camps etc….while score goes down and down and…
- GvGers want to make our beloved WvWvW into WvW
That are my top 3 problems with those players….
Imho AN should slice a borderland into 4 own maps and put them into the Custom arenas (maybe extra rent fee in gem shop to support?) to let guilds play their 100vs100 in a really competetive way …?
We dont know much details, but the current Server MMR got stuck and the randomization recently on the matchups a little more interessting.
Maybe after this 1st leagues event/season the top & bottom servers will be split into leagues of their own and wont be matched up for some time.
There will be 2 or 3 leagues in the first “season”, the i.e. Top6 of each league might end up in a gold league for the next season, those further down the ranks then into their own silver/bronze league.
This way we would have 2-3 individual ladders for a region, instead of 1 like now. Next season the losing servers in gold would descend back into silver league while winners of the silver league would get a shot to step up into gold…would actually give more progression/fluctuation and enhance even matchups.
“State of WvW” would be nice and yes Devs actually said itself more than once, that they would welcome this…wondering why the “socalled” organized guilds didnt step up to this after 1 year of WvW….
Maybe would be better to get a gameing site like Gamebreaker, wartower, curse etc. to host this. Seems if the guilds itself feel too overwhelmed to be up for the task… my guessing
I like this new map rework and following implementations:
WvW Score for Stomp
Good idea, cuz it favors small groups over zergs. Lets you feel that you actually contributed to your server.
(Bonus Score on just kills would “overdo” it and favor zergs more instead of small groups)
No rewards for the Caps
Means, wont be “that much of target” for Karma trains and dont forget there are still guards in the area, which will reward small groups with karma etc.
Overall good choice, too.
Following things i dislike and think they are problematic :
Stat bonus
Will attract the already winning server and empower them even more. Very bad idea…
Enhance stats according your current ranking, ie.:
1st Server gets no boni or only very small enhancements like
- reduced armor repair costs
2nd Server gets only non-combat mechanics like
- magic/gold find
- reduced armor repair costs
3rd Server should get the highest boni out of this meta-event.
- Magic/Gold find
- WXP bonus
- Armor Repair reduction
- Siege prices reduced and/or lesser build-up costs on siege and structural repairs
…and maybe +50 stat boni (if the above isnt already enough help to "rally up " their forces)
Pre-installed cannons
Not sure about them. Feels kinda boring haveing only cannons and might be too much of a helper… Imho better solutions would be:
- traps but wit a recharge/deactivation lever (and levers not clustered up in one place but at diverse jumping locations)
- Net cannon too merely imobilize, but less hurting effect
- Ballistae…cuz good against zergs, but not that good on single players
Everything in MID area
After patch everyone will wanna go there is one problem, but it will resolve itself over time.
Additional Cap points at other locations ie. Skritt/Centaur lair or even in the jumping puzzle itself located would give the borderlands owner a slight advantage and be even more interessting, if you would need to cap 4 of 7 (or 5of 8 ), instead.
Neutral mobs
Will favor single dps classes(small attack cones/lines) and be a nuisance mostly to AoE users….shadowstepping thiefs will like those mobs even more… * hint *
Same Player size?
At least enlarge Asuras for solo/team matches…
but imho would be best to have ALL races shareing the same player size in solo/team matches and optionally for custom arenas.
AND reduce pet sizes while your at it…
Tab option to ignore pets?
Necros, rangers,mesmers and engis are very annoying to fight against. Tabbing through all those pets/turrets.
In addition their “stuff” is cluttering the screen and you cant even select them via click in that mess. (especially if those classes are asura…) For mesmer clones its kinda ok (…i guess), cuz its part of their meta and engis turrets are not moving, which kinda makes it less troublesome…
Still, it gives them a distinct advantage, doesnt it??…
Option to ignore 1 or 2 maps?
Why not let players decide to individually opt out 1 or 2 maps in the solo/team ranked games rota,which they dont like / want to play at all?
I personally hate the spirit watch orb meta and even if i like sky hammer for its jumping pads, I believe it favors ranged classes too much…
Does MMR actually work in solo?
Playing at 50-65% and got a pvp level 1 char in our team. Glory rank doesnt equals skill…but kinda makes me wonder how he got at this rating with only lvl1…
Faster rank decay
I am only casually playing, still i believe there should be a faster decay on your ranking. Players with only 10-20 games played since solo matches were released, but still reside in the top 100 …seems wrong…
MMR itself shouldnt decrease fast or not at all, but you should “fight” for staying on your ladder position way more regularly.
Queing in for a particular custom arena(s)?
Dont want to hot-join ANY map, but for example a particular 3v3 DM arena or maybe the arena where someone I know is currently playing… WITHOUT haveing to sit and wait (and maybe miss) a free slot on that particular custom arena i would like to play on.
Useing the same que system like in ranked matches with the option to register for instant-fight OR spectator. The former would put you directly into a team as soon as a place would be free.
Make fun-maps accessible in custom arenas
Dragon bash, snowball mayhem were kindy cool and funny game modes/maps, why arent we allowed to play them in spvp custom arenas?!…
Skins tied to ladder rank
Why not have skins/equip which is tied directly to your CURRENT ladder rank (10-20% steps)? As soon as you drop in ladder rank you wont be able to use those skins/eqip.
i.e. Skins for the Top 100. If your rank drops to 101 or worse you cant equip it until you get back to 100 or better again.
Imho most of those npcs,crafting stations and other convenient stuff should be part of Towers/castles or even camps and either be part of an upgrade or arrive over time.
And should be seen as something “worth” fighting over / investing into.
But eventually every (saying more..) useful npc (even dungeon equip vendors) should be accessible in WvW as part of a reward for holding/upgradeing stuff.
This would enhance incentives to hold/keep objectives longer and/or even upgrade them more often.
Why not put JP entry portal into the Mists or one on each borderland?
…with current changes some might still idle before the Portal in EB waiting for a Mesmer (and thus taking away space in EB)
I am no thief, but wouldnt agree.
Imho the need to retab the thief after stealth is kinda part of the skill ceiling fighting thieves and a “form of protection” for this squishy class.
But I would be glad to be able to not haveing to tab all those kitten pets or engi-turrets…
…for mesmer clones its ok, cuz part of the whole class mechanic of hiding behind illusions.
Traps sounds fun…but wont address the blobbing/zerging issues.
WXP for more diverse activities sounds fun…but wont address the blobbing/zerging issues.
JP entry outside from EB sounds right…but wont address the blobbing/zerging issues.
What does address the blobbing/zerging issues in WvW? :
- Reward-split
- No (or higher) Cap on AoE
Does this adress the whining about getting nuked in WvW? :
No, but its not exclusive or even related to player AoE.
Backstabbing Thieves, Arrowcarts, might-stacking…
ONLY capping amount of max incoming effects possible to effect a player at any given time…
…will reduce discussions on getting nuked/power(de)buffed to fast by whatever source.
Getting attacked by a 100swords is one thing…
…but getting hit by 100 swords in a splitsecond at the same time…is unbelievable ;P
Conditions are fine…
Cleansing is fine…
Fast-stacking your Condis against classes heavy on condi-removal…is dumb.
After each cleanse you HAVE TO be able to reapply a condition again, if not you have to adjust your skill management.
Take a close look at matches between healing class vs. any condition specced classes. If condi class isnt able to reapply condis fast enough after each cleanse the whole fight wont come to an end or heal class will win over time.
…its about steady dmg to counter heal/reg.
Instead of capping # of players affected by a skill/AoE…
Cap max incoming effects/dps affecting a player in a given timeframe.
This way AoE can better serve its purpose of “area control via dps” without insta-gibbing or powerbuffing players.
After seeing the divided oppinions on the Arrow cart changes, i guess we should find a middle ground between “overnukes” vs “lacking area control by dps”…
Instead of capping # of players affected by a skill.
Cap max incoming effects/dps affecting a player in a given timeframe.
Spec-Mode And CAs were a nice addition, but some things I think are needed:
- Turning off Conquest Points
- CA & tourney Browser should be accessible via UI not NPC!
- Qeue up for multiple Arenas (solo/group/ as Spectator)
Similiar how the WvW map qeues currently work, but option to surpress notification in-match.
- Max players = Allowed Qeue-size
1 to “unlimited” and Browser should show the currently qeued amount of players.
- Rejoin CA qeue after match
(..if u like to fight another match on that particular CA)
- Elemination mode
Winning team remains. Team that lost, will be changed out with other players/teams waiting currently in the qeue.
Face it, players like to fight/duell …and at the end of the day (or in the meantime) still will qeue up for conquest tourney.
Being able to qeue for multiple CAs as well as tourney at the same time and from within a map/Arena is not only more convenient for the player/team, but also would keep the player pool high for matches.
Very popular Arenas (with high/long player qeues) could even use the MMR system to try match qeued players of similiar skill (…but not changeing MMR itself by CA matches, ofc)
And players can fight in other Arenas while waiting for a free place in their favorite one(s)… not needing to spam refresh browser page all the time^^
In the future i also would like to see:
- Recycle/Allow non-conquest maps
Like snowball mayhem…or even allow player-generated maps (modding scene allows for for good synergies with e-sport plans…).
The majority of players doesnt seem to like:
1. zerg blobbing to “power stack” Buffs & debuffs
2. zerg blobs avoiding AoE dps or debuff effects
3. getting nuked too fast by focused dps
But instead of capping the amount of players affected by AoE/boons/debuffs…
Set Cap on…
- the # of boons (sources aka player skill effects)
- the # debuff (sources)
- the amount of (AoE) dps
…which can effect a single player in a given time frame (0,5-2sec.)
i.e. If player A already got buffed with 1 might by player X, he wont get an additional 3 might buffed by player Y until half a second (or so) later.
Overlapping AoE on a zerg blob would hit all players, but none would be in danger to die instantly by too much concentrated dps on the area, if incoming possible dps on AoE is capped to a max of 9000hp every 2 seconds (or something).
I believe the majority of (casual/new) players doesnt like to die under 10 secs (or something).
(Recent AC change and its split view of the Com seems to underline this problem.)
Cappping the amount of incoming dps seems the most reasonable approach to prevent insta-gibs by AoEs / zergs, while makeing AoE a more viable counter against zerg blobs at the same time.
Likewise this change would open up for more formation play…
…and Buffs could still be stacked but would need some skill-rotation, timing and “load-up” time (…as players can only be affected by a limited amount of boons at a time, zerg cannot spam mindlessly everything they got and would be more vulnerable huddled together).
Mark my words…
Focus-Ele will rise…
…as soon as players realize how prone D/D-Eles are to root/slow & steady long range attacks…
(..and cant say my D/D ele likes flamethrower much, cuz seems to get you “everywhere” hint)
Sword Thiefs will rise…
…as soon as players “become pro enough” to not get confused too much by their own shadowsteps… ;D
Btw. D/F-Ele is nice against pesky trap rangers and burst-thiefs…and didnt even thought about to combine with earth shield…jeez, forgot this one, thanks for the reminder. Even more way to become tanky/bunker^^
Some good points on both sides.
BUT…main reasons for (T)DM are:
FUN to play
…not saying its that fun to watch or balanced^^
But its uncomplicated enough to attract newbs to pvp. Gives guilds some GvG and duelling ground.
Combat Training
If you only like to better your class and its only fights your after… holding/captureing or additional objectives can get a real nuisance…
While only searching fights in conquest actually hurts the team.
Thats why at least Custom Arenas should have some options to emulate (T)DM X vs X
Why not use already existing mechanics? Its so easy…
+x% WXP/Karma/Gold Bonus Buff in the area around a given objective (dolyak,keep,…) which:
- stacks up with each kill
- stacks up for each siege set up
- stacks up with each repair
- stacks up every x minutes remaining in the area
- leaving the area/dying deletes the stack!
Most pvp-objectives already can register who is around in the area (dolyak count, guild buffs) and if you left the “zone”, which would delete the accumulated stack.
And the higher the stack gets the more interessted a player would be to keep the buff and stay around for defense/repairs or in hopes of new attacks.
Still, its no automatic reward for “standing around doing nothing”, but those players who did invest their time/effort will be rewarded better should an attack happen.
This would prevent bots/reward leecher from recieving rewards, still rewards for doing defense/escorts and warding off enemies would rise the longer/more effort each player puts into it.
Lets try a No-AoE-Cap week or month testing phase?
And let the Com test and decide, which meta is preferable in WvW?
Because arguing about what if class X stacks Y but ruling out a counter possibility in the first place…doesnt help the discussion nor does it solve the zergblobbing problem.
And takeing the caps out for a test-phase, cant be that much effort considering the big interest in AoE changes and splitting zergs up.
- Rewards for defending UP
- Rewards for Capping DOWN
- Scale rewards slightly up the longer a battle progresses
- Rewards for Capping upgraded objects scale UP
- Less risk = less rewards (zerg XP HAVE TO BE split!)
…or give at least ladder for:
- most dolyak runs /hour
- most kills / hour
- most rezzes performed / hour
etc. at least for me these things are way more pvp-oriented compared to some grind-only Level progression rank system.
Its very inconsistent with AoE in this game.
My personal opinion all AoE should work the same in a pvp environment:
1. AoE dps & heal not capped
Even not capping boons/condis shouldnt be that problematic as there would be counters. See 3.
2. AoEs dps reduced
Some AoEs dps is a bit too high (playing ele…). Maybe high dps in center area and lower dps at Aoe border?
3. single target attacks => small-scale AoEs
To counter heal blobs and stacking players even a single target attack should hit other players if they are ontop each other.
This would greatly change combat meta and behaviour. Blobbing only possible for very well coordinated groups. “Fast turtle” in for heals and fast spreading out again to not risked being nuked alltogether by some focused attacks.
Small groups and positioning would be emphasized and tactic/strategic and more “spread-out” gameplay enhanced.
The more a zerg has to spread out its forces, the more options for a single player or small groups to be able to successfully start attacks.
Kinda confused…
But Custom arenas will have options to “emulate” a TDM mode, i hope?
(i.e. turning off conquest points; only counting kills)
At least via some diverse options to emulate other game modes in custom arenas the Com could “decide/show” which playmodes are prefered.
i.e. The game mechanics for CTF are already IG (snowballmayhem) where is the problem to transfer it onto the other already existing maps with regular skills.
Let the Com be able to try what works and what they like.
If a mode or map doesnt work out, it wont be played a lot for sure.
Its ok to split XP equally between all participants (…otherwise support-char would be missing out on rewards…), …
…but the post sounded like everyone would get 100% credit and that doenst work for pvp.
…if a single player being worth 100XP died and got “flagged” in-fight with 2 other enemies…XP for each HAVE TO BE 50XP.
On a sidenote:
The rewards for capping objectives in WvW should be split,too …imho, it would deincentify zergs and karma-trains even more.
Actually, you have the advantage as long as you have some siege set up for defence OR enough supply/manpower to set up some fast counter siege…
….BUT who sets up siege – over and over again – only to find the objective be taken away under 5 minutes?!
I defended lots of towers solo and could stall enemy mostly long enough via arrow carts to enable some more reinforcements to arrive.
Sometimes for hours even under repeated heavy pressure through enemy.
…but as soon as I dared to leave the tower some minutes unprotected – to get nearby supply camp back or make some snack in RL – tower was either gone or walls/doors too far down.
Keep lord isnt really stalling the attackers either.
…and not even talking about golems … xD
Fast caps are wrong!
Nothing wrong about ninja-attacks, but in addition to very “brittle walls & doors” they get too imbalanced.
Because the whole ninja-attacks idea is about getting a headstart on the attack in the first place ..but shouldnt be a free-ride to a uncontested cap.
(…hiding mesmer & thieves are fine)
Especially not, if we are talking about groups smaller 10…
You want to take a tower solo?
Thats fine, but then consider yourself “working” some hours for it…
(edited by Edragor.9164)
PvPers in sPVP and WvW WANT rankings/ratings…NOT (only) RANKS!
Ranking won’t happen. ANet is developing GW2 with a heavy carebear philosophy. You can see this with the way they hide player names first and foremost. They don’t want anything that can lead to a personal competitive environment where players compete for kills, IRS, or other active achievements in WvW directly with other players.
In other words they’re trying to abstract the opponent “player versus player” aspect in WvW. Mostly this is to get more of the WoW PvE crowd in WvW, the same reason as why map completion requires WvW.
Pretty lame, but it is what it is.
But if someone is really into soccer, he wants to know about…:
- yellow & red cards (who/when/why)
- number of goals & number of goal opportunities
- which player switched in/out
etc. etc…
…the more your interessted in the competetive aspect of any game the more infos / data you would like to get beyond the mere win:loss ratio.
Sure, you shouldnt “harrass” a GW2 / pvp newbie with all those stuff …but Dropdown menues are no witchcraft…
BUT in “State of the Game” they mentioned Ladder – System which should be ready very soon for spvp as well as WvW(?) & PvE(?)…talking about that they would share the same system…
Sounded like their on the right track sPvP wise (soonish…^^) and concentrating on stuff the Com wishes for…
…but was kinda wondering what they meant for WvW?
Did they actually talk about ratings of some sort for guilds/players/servers?
…and if yes, why no infos /preview or else on these things?
(edited by Edragor.9164)
You need time to organize defenses.
The fewer player online/on map, the longer it will take for them to arrive at contested object.
…aka less fighting, more uncontested (=boring) flipping
Thats why wall/gate HP have to rise significantly, at least for T2/T3
The longer it takes / the more siege you need…
—> the more time for defender to counter-react
= more & longer fights
—> attracts more players (zerging up)
= leaves more “strategic openings” over a longer time period on other objectives
…aka more time/reason to split zergs/forces to start going after additional objectives…
You dedicated all your time/gold into a legendary?
…stats get upped to Ascended Level retroactivly
You dedicated all your time into a fractals?
…you get well equipped for WvW without haveing to step onto battlefield. No need to farm badges, at all… (and gold income has been better,too)
You dedicated all your time/gold into small Guild?
…you have to start from scratch in a “new system” and farm/grind before your even allowed to farm the new rewards and try new meta/game-mechanics at all.
(Why not have every T0/T1 mission type be free or fast accessible for the smaller guilds???)
You dedicated all your time/gold into WvW already doing progress on achievements?
…you have to start from scratch in a “new system”.
For most dedicated WvWer its about deeper and enhanced meta, personal/guild and server ranking (…meaning ladders not ranks!). NOT about power-progression or some nice-to-have abilities grind.
Life-time achievements aka ranks are already IG, but WvWers would like them to be more meaningful in a OPTICAL SENSE…after all they are some grind to achieve, but not much to “show off”.
Some faster achievable sub-ranks/titles would surely be appreciated, too.
These new abilities are/should not be power-creeps but meta-enhancements by opening specific roles. And therefore should work kinda like traits or skill points, imho.
First ones easy/fast to achieve, not “set into stone”, but defining your role/preferred tasks in WvW.
BUT even those are for ME with mostly interest in competetive play…uninteressting/not needed.
PvPers in sPVP and WvW WANT rankings…NOT (only) RANKS!
Who (guild/player/server) in the last 15minutes…:
- did most capping?
- healed most players?
- How many deaths/kills happened?
…and NOT some one-time grinds (even if its a pve environment…its about pvp aka competition)…
…or does anyone know a sport where the winpoints (goals in soccer i.e.) accumulate over time…?
I am looking forward to these changes and always like to have more flexibility to tune my settings to my playstyle.
…and if your PC (or settings) cant handle the amount of grafics…
…at least as soon as you see a lot of nameplates you can start running away (from the grafic lag)… ;D
Alternative suggestion:
Tie in achievements as prequisites into new XP system/skills.i.e. to push nearby dolyak speed by x% you would require:
WvW LvL 2
Rank 1 in Dolyak caravan achievementI think this is a very reasonable compromise. I understand the argument in favor of encouraging more PvE players to join WvWvW. However, I also appreciate the argument that veteran WvWvW-ers should be compensated – somehow – for the last 7 months of pixelated blood, sweat, and tears in the Mist War.
With the quoted suggestion above, it becomes a win-win…
Actually, thinking about all these new progression systems, too many different tokens and stat-increase via Ascended Gear… i fear AN is (unintentionally I guess/hope…) splitting its Community and abandoning its manifesto.
Thinking about all the legendary analogies and pve comparisions and the need to have char-bound as well as account-bound progression…
Best/Most Flexible solution would be tying more existing systems/currencies together…
Why not use:
Skill points
…to buy WvW skills and thus have them char-bound/role-specific. The higher the costs the more unique/char-specific some ability/skill/title would become.
WvW Achievements
…to work as account-specific prequisites. Using not only its current rank but also its current progress and category as a value. ( gain doliak-specific abilities u should have to defend doliaks first and not zerg SM for those (and vice versa))
Depending on the nature of the skill/title or the restrictions you want to put on it, you could either weight more account- or char-specific elements.
Commander Book
Could cost 100 skill points, but would only need minimum on WvW total achievements points (i.e. defending/capping SM or just only towers shouldnt matter that much).
This would retain it charbound & exclusive nature (due to high skillpoint cost), but easy enough to achieve via some WvW.
Title: Mighty Dolyiak Master
After doing a million doliak runs you would like to show off on the battlefield via…
- an aura around your char
- unique dolyiak pet/summon
- emote, which lets u make the “Doliak mateing sound” … ;D
and the current title system isnt very impressive…
Therefore it should only cost 1 skill point to gain this on a char after achieving the high account WvW prequisite(s).
Because haveing the achievement performed should be enough and twinking shouldnt be punished while working for things like these.
I think your right not to divide the playerpool.
But I would simplify the solution by putting only 1 (or 2) checkboxes into tourney-browser (and (fun) sPvP browser) and differentiate the pooling timer maybe:
- Allow match-up with teams/grouped players?
If your solo-joining and dont like to fight against groups you will only get matched with other solos.
If you try to join with 2 or more players this checkbox is not accessible.
- Prefer match-up with teams/grouped players? (optional)
This checkbox is only accessible to groups of at least 2 members.
The system tries to match-up with other groups/teams, as well as allocate mainly teamed members to own group.
I.e. for a 2man-group the system would try to allocate another 3man group, before shuffling 2+1 or 3 solos into the team composition. Before shuffling any solos to teams <4, the system could wait a little longer before any solos are considered to fill up the team(s).
(Ofc, solos haveing the first checkbox checked wouldnt be available)
(edited by Edragor.9164)
I like to to think it saves dev-time and makes a game more complex to use already existing mechanics compared to adding always new stuff to solve existing problems.
My suggestion(s) targets at following things:
- reduce of objective-flipping
- tie in JP into WvW scoring
- present more diverse things to do solo/small group
- as well as adding layers of meta for big guilds/whole server
- incentives to split zerg force even more
- reintroducing orbs /CTF style
- adding new achievements and personal & guild reward mechanics
- more sandbox-feel via simple mechanics adding up to each other over all maps
- more ways to score in WvW and make a “comeback”
…and therefore not only a mere suggestion, but a WvW specific view on things to open a discussion about adding more layers to meta/WvWscoreing:
The Orbs
They (re)spawn at lot of different locations (even possibly at the same time) and can be seen on map after respawn (maybe even announced). 5 minutes before actual spawn, players nearby can see them “materialize” and after that pick it up FFA (like before dropping on death, despawning if untouched).
Orb Spawn locations are every:
- Borderland JP
At some 3-5 random locations where 1-2 orb(s) spawn roughly every 60-120 minutes. (PvEers can be nice scouts who wont get bored in there…^^)
- Tower & keep
For T1/2/3 every 3/2/1 hours after last cap a respawn is possible.
Makes upgradeing towers more rewarding, while attracting more enemies into the area…and as well as more defenders (/orb runner).
Orbs go where…?
To our beloved quaggan, ofc
Either of the nodes (as long as your server holds it) will do it..but the center node/isle should reward sligthly more.
Orb Run Event Rewards
Rewards should be like other events (karma,xp). In addition for each orb:
- 1st server
+1% “OLD FELLA”-buff stack per event (permanent for whole week!)
- 2nd server
+1-10 WvW score
+1% “OLD FELLA”-buff stack per event (permanent for whole week!)
- 3rd server
+10-30 WvW score
+10% “OLD FELLA”-buff stack per event (permanent for whole week!)
+ “OLD FELLA”-buff trigger for Eternal Battlegrounds
Players from homeworlds currently 1st in WvW score will mostly try to defend orbs and keep other servers from transporting them to quaggans. For the 2nd its a small incentive to better own Score, but also defending against 3rd server who would/might try to push scoreing a lot via orbs…and thus be able to make a comeback….Or even let them comeback to rush both servers afterwards…as the currently losing server can try to play joker on Eternal battlegrounds via this “OLD FELLA” buff.
(Skritt/Centaur camp would be possible orb-rent-in locations, too but maybe to near JP)
Eternal Battlegrounds “OLD FELLA” meta
There is this old oak-tree-elemental in EB who outlived a lot of battles, but got ill by age and is mostly harmless and slowly moving around its way. Still, you shouldnt stay in its path to not be squished to death or wiped off your feet…
Sometimes it roars in anger & agony weakened (thus dmg inflicted on him will rise 10x times …attracting players) and rooting on a big scale especially the winning servers while currently 3rd in WvW score will often be unharmed…
No single guild, nor a single homeworld can down him on a day…maybe not even a week…
He wont regenerate, tough… BUT he can be healed by everyones healing effects!
World boss raiding meta in a nutshell
Every single players dmg AND heals will be tracked over the week as well as the guild represented at this time.
As explained before doing orb runs losing server can trigger dmg buff for all allies on EB, as well as it allows solo player or guilds to “farm” a bonus buff on dmg to this raid boss.
Rewards for Most DMG / HEAL / Finishing blow…
…done for player(s) & guild(s) tracked over the week/until kill. Big treasure chest (high chance on precursors) and adds a lot bonus WvW points to their homeworlds score (either at kill or end of the match).
This way you get more personal/guild-related ways to affect WvW score and even enhance personal rewards while presenting Boss Raiding, Orb-CTF and deeper WvW meta in a single package.
I agree, that there should/could be a lot things to spicen up meta/tactics & strategy in general.
More types of NPC units
No,no,no… they should get existing pve mobs right before adding even more…
Imho, pve mobs in pvp settings should serve the following purpose…
stall or confuse THE PLAYER
Via mob numbers or high hp-pool for enemy players to be able to arrive or to “even out” fewer numbers in a pvp skirmish using those mobs merely as a shield or confusion tactic…
NOT to down newbs NOR to challenge/annoy veterans with too many mechanics (CCs) & too high dps (…while haveing HP like “butter” stalling even a small group for only seconds…)
More mobility
…makes the map appear even smaller…
…roamer builds vs non-roamer builds might seem to “be unfair”, but it also gives tactical depth…
minor ability to command weaker NPC units
Ability to change patroulling routes around towers, maybe ability to designate individual guard areas or attack points (quaggans) for the existing npcs. I could even fathoam some “upgrade” to be able to control a guard like some ranger pet.
BUT NO, to every ability which enables a player to “summon/hire” his personal NPC “lifeguard” for him to wander around with.
New types of siege engines
- Smoke/fire/swamp/mine/spiketrap fields (destructable, small barriers)
- tower/castle upgrade for pittraps (..or asurian jump wires hurling players off the walls, but be “loaded” again by players)
- charr/asurian automated-turret-tech…(similiar but longer lasting than engi turrets)
- asurian shielding-tech ( siegerazer bubbles, but with attackable “shield generator”)
- deployable explosives (doing mostly structural damage similiar to balliste)
weaponry installments on towers/keeps/etc
Dont like any fixed installements or blocking areas for siege. Cuz it takes away the sandbox-feeling and freedom in tactics/strategies. …and if a Treb is needed to “counter” some “hidden arrow cart”…so be it.
Only the really glitchy and exploitable areas should be fixed/ made unaccessible…imho
cavalry type siege weapon?
…and be kited to all eternity?^^ Short-term speedbooster to “rush/push” i dont have a problem with…
Keep/castle exclusive armories
More use of some of those environmental weapons like boulders, feathers, scales or even npc mage as tower upgrade who provides some elementalists weapons every xx minutes to summon.
Maybe one day…if we only kill those annoying eagle-raptors long enough…there will be only their feathers left in the area around spawn..(hint^^)
More diversity/specilization via upgrades
Spiked doors for a tier 3 door upgrade sounds similiar to existing boiling oil, but with a different mechanic it could be an alternative upgrade path…
…i.e. spiked doors do less dmg compared to oil, but you dont have to activate them…
Similiar, you could decide if you would like to upgrade for swampy area near walls OR have some spikes & spears set into firm ground…
More objectives to take IE vantage points, more neutral tribes
Yes, but first…
Scale rewards
To reduce the boring “object flipping”/karma train behaviour…objects should scale their rewards and value differently for attacker and defender AND rise more in value if you defend/hold them over time for both.
Map combining metas
Imho, its lacking some meta which combines all maps, i.e.
- Capping/defending ALL camps (and/or guards) in ALL maps should reward a bonus score
- Activation of switches in different parts of ALL JPs should reward WvW bonus score
(+ achievement/rewards for the players)
Bigger maps are not possible engine-wise atm.
…but unsure if they couldnt add more layers…freezeing the “quaggan lake”, but keeping holes to get under the water…would add a lot of new space.
((Kick out some krait if its a performance issue…we already killed lots of em…living story and such, they should be decimated by now…))
Putting/shifting some objectives to the edges of the map would do the trick , too.(skritt camp, lots of unused space behind/under hills)
More map diversity every x matches would be fine. More maps available on every match wouldnt work well in lower tiers…(i guess…see BLs)
sarcasm on
…the community is crying for scavenger hunt…but its already IG.
Traceing your steps back to find ALL bags might net you your precoursor one day…^^
PvPer dont mind progression systems to be some sort of short tutorial to not overwhelm, as long as the power ceiling is fast achievable i.e.:
- Leveling skills to lvl 30
- unlocking additional skills to diversify
- unlocking weapon skills
- achieving a ladder position/ranking (depending more on current playerskill)
Only a few things pvper dont mind to “GRIND” for…:
- Lifetime achievements/Titles (or unlocking all additional (not urgently needed…) skills/skins and such)
- keeping rank/position in a ladder
- evolving own playerskill over long periods of time
Thats why you CANNOT use/compare pve or Pen&Paper RPG progression systems with pvp…
…similiar reason why shooter fans dont like unlocking of weapons/maps to be part of pvp modes. If there is a new weapon (or map) released, you want to use (LEARN…!) it NOW..not haveing to grind for it…
Still, Devs all over the world cant seem to figure out this distinction between “pure” pve VS pvp “progression”… cough Planetside cough
(seems, the concept of horizontal VS vertical progression is TOO hard to grasp…^^)
Slightly Offtopic…
My main problem, how this game is “evolving slightly” into a generic “mmo-gateing-zoo”. (Ascended Gear…)
Instead of evolving existing systems and building on them, they add one new system after the other, while existing systems/mechanics get neglected…
(…or not touched, out of fear they could break?!)
- Karma vs Laurels
We had already karma IG (lots of other specific tokens), what was the need for laurels then…? Would crafting economy “derail” because some might push all karma into craft materials??
(…punishment for those who dont like to go for legendaries and therefore are sitting on “useless amounts” of karma?…^^)
- WvW Achievements…
Instead on expanding/adding more “in-between-steps” (wvW monthlies, own daily category, etc.) for the existing WvW we get a “new system” decoupled from the old…makeing the old system (even) more “worthless”…
- Skill points…
Yeah, other than for Mystic Forge/Legendaries…again a nice system becoming useless or “misused” (…why use skill points at all for crafteing?!).
Why not use skill points for more skills…like WvW skills??
(edited by Edragor.9164)
Depending on how the whole progression system is set up …
Problematic again we have too less information on the goals/mechanics of this new system.
Imagine your WvW rank would push xp which your are worth to an enemy…?
Char-bound, cuz u dont want to be hunted down on your lowies
Imagine you have to decide similiar to traits which WvW skills you want to use and pay for reskilling…?
Char bound, cuz u might want to fullfill different “roles” with different chars
“lifetime” WvW achievements/titles…?
Account-bound, char-based grinds only reduce possibilities on twinking/experimenting..and this reduces fun over longer periods…Still, lifetime progression is needed to keep veterans hooked.
..and thats (in a nutshell) the core elements which “make OR break it”… depending on how much time is needed grinding for these new skills/ranks…AND how much diversity has to stay behind in order to be able to “keep up”
Sidenote: Same with Ascended Gear VS Exotics….
I dont even have started to experiment & craft my “full wishlist of ADDITIONAL/SPARE” exotic sets…
…and we already have Ascended Gear for 8 slots only 6 months after release…
…6-12 further months ahead I will leave the game, because AG gear WILL determine the WvW meta…and NO TIME to invest into something grindy like Ascended Gear…
I WOULD HAVE TO FOCUS on ONE Ascended jewelery… (… more boring)
AND WOULD HAVE TO FOCUS on ONE CHARs WvW progression, too…
(?!… even less horizontal progression remaining = even more boring)
Not sure on its impact on the meta, still I would like some things (like kills, healing/support/repairs) to be more meaningful in WvW, too.
…but, I would be even happy to have some sort of guild-based and player-based weekly ranking (Top10-20 Guilds and Top 100 Players) showing things like:
- supply used
- kills done
- Rezzes performed
…and else
…wouldnt even need any rewards attached to things like these.
Be it a shooter or a really intrigate strategy game…reading/haveing match statistics has always been – at least for me- a very important part of the game.
A simple Arcade game can get away with a simple Highscore…
The more complex the game gets, the more complex match statistics are needed to hold any meaning…
I agree, on glory farming..but you can do that way better via hotjoin/swapping servers.
…and imho glory shouldnt be the issue. A progression system like glory CANNOT be representive of any pvp skill whatsover…
Its about tPvP ranking points and ladder position.
As fas as I understood it works similiar to ELO.
So, make a new char..and rise up very fast on the ladder or even “catapult your team” to the top by creating new chars….thats not an issue at all…
Because a ladder IS NOT about achieving some position once…BUT about KEEPING IT longterm
Thus, any reward/gratification/winning price system HAS to be tied into either real, competetive tournaments OR holding a position in ladder over some period of time.
i.e. Top10 of the month get rewarded only
you need to be in Top10 to be able to wear a particular skin
Even if it can be annoying fighting against those 2xthief,1xMesmer squads.
I kinda feel stealth in itself isnt that OP. Culling can make it imba, though.
Some can use stealth extremly well and are hard to get…others you can easily down even while being invisible by “shooting in cirlces” and anticipating movement of the invisible foe.
Problematic are burst+stealth in combo.
The surprise of being attacked, takes away time to react, while the attacke can safely burst his target without any “defense” from the attacked.
…some seem to like it for being able to play some sort of “sniper”…
BUT imho, BURST should be about DOWING WEAKENED targets fast (<50% HP) and not be that harmful on “healthy targets” (>50%HP). Therefore i would scale backstab extra dps and other burst skills.
(Similiar like rangers/mesmers have to stack weakness condi to push dps further up…)
STEALTH should be about surprise mostly and evading/getting away.
Instead of extra dps on backstab from stealth, I would kinda go for cripples/slows/conditions.
Or in short, thieves should slowly wear you down…and finish you off fast in the end.
Ranking has to be char-based. ( addition to be mode-based)
A player might be super-pro with one class, but the higher he gets the ladder..the more hesitant he would become to “try other classes”…
…or to group with lower-ranked friends
Winning/losing high should scale your ranking.
Its not about rewarding/punishing a player. If you lose/win high, you dont belong (for the moment) into this “bracket”, thus you have to be “rocketed up or down”.
Also this keeps the ladder more dynamic.
Sure, some high-ranked player could/would try to “push the ratings” of low-ranked players – and some players even pay for it –
…BUT a ladder ISNT about achieving a rank once, but about keeping the rank and climbing up over time to the top.
Its cheesey, but middle/long term those “pushed players” are only short term visitors in the upper brackets and as fast as they rose, they tumble down the ladder again eventually.
..and if some newbies can push to the upper brackets in “like a day” AND COMPETE AT THIS LEVEL SUCCESFULLY, then they deserve to stay there, imo.
(Would be even good promotion showing the skill-based & competetive nature of the game.)
Solo vs Premade
Shouldnt be split.
Its teambased mode after all…and some might argue that a premade is a more coordinated group-setup, still they face a PUG team with roughly the same ranking.
MAYBE a slight modification, that PUG team will always have a slight higher MMR compared to the premade.
This way PUG would only face other PUGs of possibly slightly higher matchrating, while they would be never matched against premades with higher MMR in total.
(edited by Edragor.9164)
If you want to play like a soccer match (and even if its only a fun macht with friends)…
…but have to take your mobile every 1 minute…
…you cant blame the rest of the players for losing
…and “banning” you from the match.
Just sayin, if there is “something” keeping you to focus a few minutes on a pvp match,
you either have to live getting punished for leaving (even if its unintentional)…
… or not queue at all.
After all, the missing player is “sabotageing” the rankings of fellow team members by leaving/afking.
If the new progression system takes kills/events to measure progress, its understandable that veteran players want their already earned achivements to count… at least a bit.
After all, the new passive skills shouldnt make your char op in WvW and if a part of the Com at release already has access to some of those skills, it cant do much harm, can it?
Alternative suggestion:
Tie in achievements as prequisites into new XP system/skills.
i.e. to push nearby dolyak speed by x% you would require:
WvW LvL 2
Rank 1 in Dolyak caravan achievement
- You dont need to remain in a tower ALL the time.
- Actually YOU NEED to patrol between tower and other objectives:
→ to keep Steady/Fast supply line
→ to defend/retake nearby camps/guards
→ to provide info
—> especially on zergs to be able to react and prepare your tower defense
—> white swords
→ to repair/upgrade/build
→ fending off solos & small groups and driving them out of the “protected region”
(…and without orange swords you dont have to fear the zerg arriving a minute later)
- Scouting range & amount of objectives you can SAFELY COVER depends on:
→ organization (&rotation…) of patrols/scouts/guards
→ available/willing players
→ builds (roamer…) & player skill (& enemy skill / counter activities ofc)
→ viewing distance & obstacles in LoS
→ Upgrade Status (…iron walls are better than wood aka more time to react)
…and holding at least a single tower per map, attracts fellow players over time into the map providing reinforcements…
…the majority doesnt like to enter a seemingly “over-dominated” map, thats why every server should try to hold onto spawntower as long as possible.
Still, would be nice to be able to pay via badges.
Or redesign the payment mechanic into a money pool filling up a bar…
…this would/might help PUGs into upgradeing. Everyone could pay in the amount what they currently are able to afford. As well as present an incentives to “fill up the bar”.
I like small scale skirmishes, defending/patroling a tower + nearby camp(s) with a few people …and after patch:
…you are getting less unwanted zerg attention (no swords to roflstomp for them^^)
…way more player tag around and help defend/upgrade/scout
…WAY MORE small guerillia squads harrasing and providing interessting matches/battles
…even organized zergs start to split a lot more (to not get flanked by all those small groups)
…more guarding/defending camps “naturally occuring”
Maybe its only me, but feels like meta got “enhanced” by the little changes.
…only the whining of PvE-Karma-train zergs is annoying, that have to “wait” at a camp for buff to expire…only to attract the enemy and haveing actually to fight for the cap
I dont like AC gear at all
…cuz you cant craft it
…or at least earn via WvW badges
…, but it pushes the stat/power ceiling.
For my WvW play i still focus on exotics, because I like to change my builds at least once in a while…or to counter some FOTM builds
…currently ACG stat increase is not that drastic with only 3 slots, still, it feels like missing out bufffood.
And in future ACG WILL impact my WvW experience, because cant afford to go for multiple ACG sets, nor twinks (not even by laurels).
The fewer the choices (classes/builds) get to “dable/play around with in pvp”, the less interessting the pvp/WvW will become for me…
My suggestion:
Agony system fine.
…go for more diverse exotics and balance existing ones (Givers set & MF could need some love imho…)
Soon servers will adept, they will stop zerging and have 3-5 groups running around..
So there is always a group close to a white sword to check it out.
And to defend the towers if needed.
…and stall even a bigger zerg long enough for reinforcements to be able to arrive in time.
On Abbadon I play mostly on BL of the leading server. Even if there is a large zerg around from my server, its mostly tower& camp flipping like crazy. Especially the more pve-/reward-oriented zergs take stuff only to lose it some minutes later again…and again..and again…
Arguing that its not worth to upgrade or leave some arrow carts behind in some tower, cuz will be lost in some minutes…
Yeah, some way of seeing it… I guess.
Still, I (and others) have been able to show numerous times that 2-3 well-placed arrow carts can:
- effectivly stall the enemy for reinforcements to arrive
- even “fend” of smaller groups who search “easy targets”
- attract & animate PUGs to help in building/repairing/scouting/patroling/defending (…and even if its only 1 dolyak run)
- net in high rewards if enemy pushes relentlessly or by doing patrols
(…especially in combo with ballista and/or 1-2 players pushing out, bursting weakend targets)
- Holding towers >30 minutes at least
(mostly 1-3h…enemy always seems to know when I go afk for some more minutes…^^)
Possible mostly by…:
useing blueprint
1 PUG jumps,too
othe PUG takeing step backwards, then jumps into direction of nearest camp, signaling he needs supply
everybody jumps
Setting up BP and building it
everyone jumps happy direction camp to cap/get supply
…without haveing to group, nor do you need a Com Symbol, no TS or chat
(except for putting out scout-info/calling reinforcements…if needed at all^^)
…you form (at least temporary) a guard/patrol squad of a “free & democratic” nature…