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New condi build [Daredevil] Patch 16.05.17

in PvP

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


This definitely a hyrbrid but before people claim it as OP time needed for people to adapt to new builds. While I do not PvP I still notice the tendency of people to stand around in poison fields even not stunned or immobed in WvW as they try and finish off the thief.

The build also relies on good play on the part of the player in avoiding conditions himself as his only cleanses are the long cooldown Shadowstep and the SOA albeit he at least as a high health buffer for that.

Anything that helps break the standard d/p build is a good thing.

You thinks like me. All you say is true.

YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

New condi build [Daredevil] Patch 16.05.17

in PvP

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


A good Hybrid Build that can kill with both direct and condition damage.
Good, but not pure condi. Excellent in the current meta.

In that video there was different classes unable to fight condition burst, or for shure with builds not able to do so. But that’s a good build anyway.

Thx for that pretty comment for my build ^^

YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

(edited by Elliodas.9023)

Condi build Patch 16.05.17

in Community Creations

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


Qualifies as a hybrid in my book and a very good one. I do think we will see the dominance of d/p change albeit there still time needed for people to adapt and break bad habits such as standing in that field.

This build has zero in the way of boon theft meaning if it pure condition it would run into issues with resistance uptime. That it in fact hybrid allows the player to inflict significant power damage. It also very weak to condition damage itself relying on the player to ensure those conditions do not land. I do not see this as OP.

It also shows what a good all round signet SOA is. It oretty hard to keep off any build.

Well done as far as thinking outside the meta box

Thx a lot! I love thief. And I read all changes on the patch for do that build. Nobody use so much s-p because other combinations is better for other builds. In this moment, with my build, is the best combination for move, evade and interrupt enemies ^^

YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

(edited by Elliodas.9023)

Condi build Patch 16.05.17

in Community Creations

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


Looks fun. Is a build like this exportable to WvW?

Maybe yes, why not. I only testing on PvP and is so funny. If you want to try for WvW and working, tell me for pm ^^ hahaha. I hope enjoy the build, dude o/

YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

(edited by Elliodas.9023)

New condi build [Daredevil] Patch 16.05.17

in PvP

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


Before anyone starts crying I want to say its actually a hybrid build

Thx for that. Always when I post a condi build, everybody hate me and talking kitten… but thx for that buddy ^^

YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

(edited by Elliodas.9023)

New condi build [Daredevil] Patch 16.05.17

in PvP

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


Sword/Pistol it’s a very good condi setup
Only one question: why did you use Misery sigil?

More condition duration. We have bleeding and poison with a long time effect. The torment is the only one don’t have a long time effect. Only for that ^^

YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

(edited by Elliodas.9023)

Condi build Patch 16.05.17

in Community Creations

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

(edited by Elliodas.9023)

New condi build [Daredevil] Patch 16.05.17

in PvP

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


Fully with patch changes:

YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

(edited by Elliodas.9023)

Conditions build [Thief] PvP

in Community Creations

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


I think this build no is better than mine, buddy :-/

YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

Thief conditions [Build]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


Hi guys! Today I bring you a build that I used in this PvP season which has been phenomenal! Unlike the common thief, this one works better in a group than alone. I hope you like it!

the problem is you hardly share the venom with your team as you cant take the hit near them… so its mainly evade builds thus i think the d/p build is much better for its role

your role is team fight and not roamer thus in team fight do you think necro/guard/warrior is better?

Well, I wanted to give another focus to thief. I have been criticized for this, since using this build does not need to be a very good player to handle it … since it spaming. I feel sorry as some of the community has been totally downgraded since “is not their way of playing.” I repeat, people, I have contributed a different build around the thief and since it gives more team play according to my opinion when it comes to team fights

YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

Thief conditions [Build]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


Hi guys! Today I bring you a build that I used in this PvP season which has been phenomenal! Unlike the common thief, this one works better in a group than alone. I hope you like it!

YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

Ironman is back! [Scrapper/WvW]

in WvW

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


New video roam with, I hope to enjoy!

YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

[Scrapper/PvP] "Unbreakable"

in PvP

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


Today, I’ll show you how to keep an enemy base occupied & win easy! Defense, maintenance and attack. Those are the characteristics of the build. GL & I hope to enjoy the video!

YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

Get more Platinum Doubloons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


inb4 market breaks

But don’t working or yes?

YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

[Scrapper/WvW] "My New Era: I'm Back"

in WvW

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


good share thanks


YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

Get more Platinum Doubloons!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


Hello everyone! Today I show how you can get platinum doubloons fast and simple.

YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

Get more Bountiful Sharpening Stone

in WvW

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


Get more platinum doubloons for prepare “Bountiful Sharpening Stone”.

YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

[Scrapper/PvP] Build: Power Regen

in PvP

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


Hi everybody, people! Today there is an engineer/scrapper build of my harvest, where some of the things you see in it are: durability, clean conditions, healing and even whitening bases (with the fact of staying in the enemy base from your TP and keep 2 to 3 people with you which means that the enemy will spend time with you and thus win the game easy).

YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

[Scrapper/WvW] "My New Era: I'm Back"

in WvW

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


Hello, my name is El Guapo Midnight. I’m Scrapper. I hope enjoy the video!

YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

fun and "viable" build

in Engineer

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


For me, a scrapper with hammer, is better “viable” build compared to yours. On PvP you play with people, not solo. The engineer is the best support class for a team.

YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

sPvP build advice (juggernaught)

in Engineer

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


PvP with that build? Are you crazy? You play with people, not solo. The scrapper is the best support class for a team. Look my build, dude. Ahm, yes, use hammer I remember you the nÂș5 is stun on area 1200 range.


Playing Build:

YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

[Scrapper] WvW - "I have sand in my shoes"

in Engineer

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


Hello, my name is El Guapo Midnight. I’m Scrapper. It is difficult to fight with your feet full of sand.

Enjoy it!

YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

[Scrapper] PvP - Ranked Arena

in Engineer

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


Hello, my name is El Guapo Midnight and I love Scrapper!

Enjoy the video ^.^

YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

[Scrapper] PvP - "Mr.Boons 2.0"

in Engineer

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


Hello, my name is El Guapo Midnight. I’m Scrapper. I recommend you my update build “Mr. Boons 2.0”, try it and tell me if you like it!

Enjoy it!

YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

(edited by Elliodas.9023)

Engi/Scrapper. Condi or Power difference?

in Engineer

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


You’ve never thought take hybrid? I’m scrapper and use that. If you’re interested, you can see a little demonstration of both in this video:

YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

[Scrapper] PvP - "Mr.Boons"

in Engineer

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


I liked your intro.

Ty ^^

YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

Can a ranger solo engie 1 vs 1?

in Engineer

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


But what you want to know? about engineer or scrapper?

YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

Can a ranger solo engie 1 vs 1?

in Engineer

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


The Scrapper is a op class for pvp. I play engineer, I recommend you use that class 10/10

Look on PvP:

or if you wanna

on WvW:

YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

How is Scrapper in Wvw? (Roaming)

in Engineer

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

(edited by Elliodas.9023)

[Scrapper] PvP - "Mr.Boons"

in Engineer

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


Hello, my name is El Guapo Midnight. I’m Scrapper, and I love playing PvP.


YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

(edited by Elliodas.9023)

[Scrapper] WvW - "Eternal Battlegrounds"

in Engineer

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


Hello, my name is El Guapo Midnight. I’m Scrapper. I want to show as it is so funny on Eternal Battlegrounds on WvW.


YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

(edited by Elliodas.9023)

[Scrapper] WvW - "The Power of Hammer"

in Engineer

Posted by: Elliodas.9023


Hello, my name is El Guapo Midnight. I’m Scrapper. I want to show you how strong is the hammer on World VS World.


YouTube Channel:
[Midnight Family]

(edited by Elliodas.9023)