Showing Posts For Erridein.8394:

The Lunatic Court and the Nightmare Court

in Lore

Posted by: Erridein.8394


I did not mean that Caydern and Lunatic Court interacted and Mad King affect to Nightmare. Only that Caydern somehow found information (not necessarily come down to him not distorted) about it and use. In the same way, perhaps, his conception of the human noble court was skewed because he was not well acquainted with it. Caydern could not just go and invent the same titles (even if he doing this wrong), so it already some influence of other races.
I do not insist on this version. Just it looks like a human court anyway has been the basis of Nightmare Court structure. And the Lunatic Court looks similar – if taking into account the distortion of information.

The Lunatic Court and the Nightmare Court

in Lore

Posted by: Erridein.8394


I notice that the Lunatic Court and the Nightmare Court have some similar features:
1. Both of them use fear and other dark emotions;
2. Both of them seem connected with nighttime. In Lunatic Inquisition we can see that Lunatic Court active at nighttime (villagers had to survive the night). And Nightmare Court is just nightmare.
3. Both of them are courts.
Is there any reason for all this coincidence? Was Cadeyrn inspired by Lunatic Court when he created Nightmare Court?
Yes, I know that my list is short and maybe too obvious.

[Merged] Think "Mounts" outside the box!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Erridein.8394


It will be strange, if mounts would walk slower then humans/charrs/sylvari/norns/asura. And some classes have speed boost.
But if speed boost is just too much, I’ll be ok without it.

[Merged] Think "Mounts" outside the box!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Erridein.8394


I’ll be fine without mounts, but if they will be added I can buy some mounts, if they would to my liking.
For balance Annet do not have to do character helpless while he/she rides. Equal should be enough. Maybe riders can get same skills but with suitable animation, so they can fight one mount and be as effective as character without mount. And posible it should be only animation character dismounts during the gathering, while player just press F once for gathering. So it would be no reason to complain about too strong mounts and they remain comfortable to use. They will not give anything besides look (and maybe ~25% speed) and will not take anything. I do not want get more problems from my purchase, so if I can’t fight on mount and will have to dismount all the time, I simple will not buy it.
I do not think that tank is a good idea of personal transport: it requires a crew and should be powerful, so tank with single charr that does same damage as this char (if does any).

Reusing personal story NPC

in Suggestions

Posted by: Erridein.8394


Why so many NPC from our Personal Stories are disappear or stay speechless furniture at our house? I would love to see them again or to talk with them. Maybe, they could send me a letter from time to time? It would be nice to know, that Gairwen is not such depressed anymore, or that Reeva and Gahn are together and named they cub after me/Howl/someone else. But if we will get letters from then like now, while leveling, all 80lvl character will get all letters at once, and that is not cool at all. So maybe they (not all of them, maybe one or two at same time, it would be strange if all of them sends letters together) can write letters on Living World events? Or you can use a counters. Character that finished Personal Story/some part of Personal Story (it would be weird to get letter from future) and was played for at last X hours (to prevent receiving a dozen of letters to abandoned characters/players that leaves GW2 and then returns) at least Y days (if there is not this Y, players who plays all day will get two letters at day (if X is low) or players who plays two hours at weekend will get one letter at year (if X is high)) from last letter/finishing PS.
Some other NPC may become main character of same Living World plot, like Malyck with his another Tree. We may find settlement with several sylvari not from Pale Tree. And maybe they will need our help with… something. There are many options. I’ll bet that many of " Where Life Goes" sylvari will be glad to play something like this. And even for those who do not play this story, it could be still very interesting. I can’t remember anyone else who may become a Living World content so easy, but I sure they are somewhere in stories I haven’t play yet.

Children and Corruption

in Lore

Posted by: Erridein.8394


my speculation might just be that dragon corruption is just way too much for children’s bodies to handle and they just sort of rot completely to dust and good if attempts are made to turn them into risen, whereas icebrood and branded children would just, well, turn into a crystallized heap.

Sort of basing it off of how L4D’s green flue works.

But hutchlings still can be corrupt. Is animal childs so different from human/norn/asura/charr?

Malyck And The Riddle Of The Trees

in Lore

Posted by: Erridein.8394


I think, it seems Malyck is firstborn of his Tree. It will explains not only lack of memories for his Dream, but also the reason why no one knows about another Tree. If there was hundreds of sylvari, they would be found by someone sooner or later. If there are only twelve sylvari from another tree, we might not know about them ten more years.
Besides, his pod was separated from Tree. Maybe, Malyck managed to learn how to speak and walk, what is his name and so on, but memories of the process was damaged when his pod fell from Tree. Or “movie” part of Dream comes after most basic knowledge, so he was separated before he get this Dream.

New Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Erridein.8394


My friend (she plays as ranger) has told me, that she wants a Griffon pet too.

Remove Useless Black Border

in Suggestions

Posted by: Erridein.8394


I like this border! So, option to turn it off for those who don’t want to see it will be fine – some of people like black border.

A client for Linux

in Suggestions

Posted by: Erridein.8394


I had to install Windows only because my GW2 doesn’t want to run on Ubuntu (with different versions of Wine and settings). But I will be glad not reload my computer every time I want play.

add some blood effects in this game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Erridein.8394


We certainly need some blood. It will be even more fun to fight, if rival will be bleed.

Evil?... D:

in Sylvari

Posted by: Erridein.8394


The Court has achieved success!

Memories about Personal Story moments

in Suggestions

Posted by: Erridein.8394


I haven’t play GW, so all coincidences are accidental. Glad, that you like the idea.

Memories about Personal Story moments

in Suggestions

Posted by: Erridein.8394


It’s a pity that we can’t watch cut scenes again without replaying [almost] same story with another character. Why can’t our character just remember, what he/she done before?
There are all cut scenes in game already, and choice that we make stored in personal story. What if Anet unite them and adds instrument to select available memories for watching? Maybe in form of dialog. Yes, it will be a huge amount of variants if they will list all memories in once, but if you choose part of storyline, than quest, than cut scene, it would not be a problem. It does not look too difficult. And then our characters will be able sit in suitable place in their home location with glass of wine/beer/juice/tea/something and remember.

Is sylvari "blood" drinkable?

in Sylvari

Posted by: Erridein.8394


they might be poisonous, you know

No, animals bite sylvari all the time, but don’t become poisoned.

That’s not a bite, it’s a mouth hug. With teeth.

How cute – they try hug sylvari to death!

they might be poisonous, you know

No, animals bite sylvari all the time, but don’t become poisoned. I don’t understand, why mosquitoes and predators try to eat sylvari, but when they do it, they do not harm their health.

Idk most things that bite my sylvari tend to end up dead very quickly

Think about things that bite Wardens or lionguards sylvari or any another poor weaklings. They live well after bitting until someone strong enough shows and kill them.

Is sylvari "blood" drinkable?

in Sylvari

Posted by: Erridein.8394


they might be poisonous, you know

No, animals bite sylvari all the time, but don’t become poisoned. I don’t understand, why mosquitoes and predators try to eat sylvari, but when they do it, they do not harm their health.

Is sylvari "blood" drinkable?

in Sylvari

Posted by: Erridein.8394


Why just stop at blood? Can you get drugged up from Syvari hair? Not to mention, Sylvari are sapient beings, and judging from the crap that we humans do to one another … it’s not at all impossible for a “cannibal” Sylvari to exist.

Well, you can draw someone blood, then stops it, waits a small time and do it again from begining. Blood regenerate quickly. And, as I remember, sylvari foliage recovering slowly. Or I think so because of one healer from The Groove, that tells about Nerys’s fungal infection.
But if killing/hurting involved anyway, why not? Still, if sylvari hair taste like basil, you can’t eat pound of it without any meat.
And there are huge amounts of rituals (not also dark and evil) white drinking blood. Eating flesh is rarer used.

<( O.o’)> runs screaming for The Grove

Don’t be so afraid, it’s only theoretical question. Yet.

The answer is Yes.

Maybe there’ll be a living story moment where we have to stop a crazy Human who keeps kidnapping Sylvari to use them for his pancakes.

He can even sells it. Or invites us to a dinner, and we will know what we have to eat only in the end.

Is sylvari "blood" drinkable?

in Sylvari

Posted by: Erridein.8394


As we know, sylvari don’t have red salty blood like mammals. There are golden sap in their veins. And we have maple syrop and birch sap (and maybe another) to eat in real world. Sylvari sap must be even sweeter, because they need more energy than trees, and sugar is a source of the energy.
I do not think that sylvari blood may be poisoned because they don’t have poisonous skills. So it’s can’t be an obstacle.

Most peoples would not eat or drink blood of another intelligent beings, but some psychopathic/sadistic/Nightmare courtier/person who do not know that sylvari are intelligent beings (posible when sylvari just appears) could have use of it.
And what about oakhearts “blood”? They are not intelligent beings or dogs (like fern hound) and we can kill them in game, so there are no reason not drink their sap and use their wood and etc.

Sharpened Thorns

in Personal Story

Posted by: Erridein.8394


I play sylvari myself, but do not found it too rough. Difficult, but possible for “Loved and Lost” quest without help (and if you bring some friends, your enemy becomes stronger). Through, I chose Priory way to defeat undead in second situation, maybe “Bramble Walls” quest is simplier than “Sharpened Thorns”.

Mini-pet equipment slot

in Suggestions

Posted by: Erridein.8394


+1 There are too many difficulties with minis right now. But if we can equip them, it would be fine.

Sylvari purpose theory.

in Sylvari

Posted by: Erridein.8394


There is a great theory floating around that the Sylvari are actually the minions/servants of an elder dragon that was influenced/corrupted by the Ventari tablet while it slept.

I like this theory.

But Malyck (sylvari from another Tree from one of personal stories) has a very similar personality, while he wasn’t affected by tablet before he wakes. How can it be, if sylvari are elder dragon’s minions?

(edited by Erridein.8394)

Thanks for the livestream Kristen!

in Sylvari

Posted by: Erridein.8394


Great video and amazing work. Sylvari becomes more awesome and variable, thanks Kristen.

What would you want in a Sylvari Holiday?

in Sylvari

Posted by: Erridein.8394


Maybe, we could invite not only another races, but sylvari from Magus Falls as well? I think, 1/3 of us will be glad to see Malyck once more.

Consider adding cyrillic alphabet

in Suggestions

Posted by: Erridein.8394


Yes, I can use english to talk with another russian person, but it’s simple weird (and I’m not sure that I’m doing this correct). And slow. And not that literature, if I need some RP. Russian words with latin letters looks just horrible and hard to read.
Please, give us cyrillic letters in game.