Showing Posts For Erskine.5206:
Found someone who found a fix, worked for me.
So, thanks anyway
found a fix!
choose 13….then re-choose 14….char select…log out….log in
I restarted at that storystep and found the first hint. Then it didn’t update anymore. So I tried again. And now it tells me to go and learn the masteries…
I guess I will just have to wait for a fix.
Content Designer
We’ll take a look at the next step “Sign Cutting” being bugged out, as well as some or all of you having to jump through hoops to get the quest to update correctly. Sorry again for the inconvenience – we’ll have the quest’s designer and QA do a deeper dive on these issues.
(edited by Erskine.5206)
I am at chapter 14 at the story step “Follow the path Rox left in order to meet up with your team”.
I am in a group with someone and his story log got updated and he could follow the hints. I however am stuck at the first hint. There is no storymarker showing up on the map.
The great news just don’t stop
Thanks thumbsup
Sigh… I used an item for an alt I never play simply because the stat combo was useless for every other character I play. Wish I knew this 3 months ago as I’d have held onto the item so I could have used it on my main.
Ascended items are account-bound. So feel free to switch it to your main
Just want to clarify since I saw this come up a couple of times in this thread and we haven’t actually released our full official patch notes for 6/23 yet….
Ascended Gear will be staying 5% better than Exotic Gear. Gear beyond the tiers we already have are not going to be added and our existing tiers won’t change, they won’t be our main end-game form of progression for your characters/account for all the reasons we’ve covered before – it isn’t what we think Gw2 is about.
Masteries is being added to PvE to help provide this system as our form of progression for PvE moving forward, and the WvW ability system exists for WvW and will be what we use to expand WvW in the future.
To more directly answer some of your point….We are adding a system that lets you change the stats for your ascended gear next Tuesday – which will cost a combination of 10 spirit shards, piece you don’t want anymore, 5 ectos, and an exotic insignia of the stats you want to convert to. Legendary Gear will remain the gear that can freely change stats any time.
that is amazing news! Thank you so much!
Is that a one-time-change to the stats that we can do? Or could it be done everytime we want to change the stats?
That would be sooo awesome! <3
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Erskine.5206
You and your partner in crime that I responded to previously are missing the point.
You really applaud paying twice for the core game? Sure $50 or £50 for the xpac with a character slot is fine. No character slot and the core game for $50? I already own the core game, all of us already own the core game, what use is that to us?
Remove the core freebie for vets and add 2 character slots or 1 character slot for the Revenant profession.
Blindly defending such a foolish move by Anet is bad and you should feel bad because you encourage this sort of marketing ploy which if you read through this thread and the many threads created, many people are angry with. You are by proxy hurting this game, a game I love.
No. I don’t feel bad. I like the decision. And I will stand by it.
Yes, it would be nice to have a character slot. I will give you that.
But I will pay the 50€ for the expansion (but more likely 75, because I like the additional stuff, maaaaybe 99 because the gems are a good deal…).
And if someone new gets the base game too – good for them. Why do you people have to be so jealous of something someone else gets. Be happy for someone once in a while…
I am not defending blindly. I can see what I’m doing here.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Erskine.5206
Seems like a slap in the face to veteran players like myself who have played since beta…
Hi! Veteran player here with over 6,000 hours played. I didn’t feel any slap.
Price for expansion is more than fair.
Ultimate edition already purchased.
Hyped and eagerly awaiting another 6k.
A completely non sarcastic Thank You to all the fine folks working at ArenaNet. Keep on rocking.
7k hours here and still also no slap
We all know that the price of things and games goes down with time.
I don’t feel cheated.
I got 7k hours of fun (and being afk a bit^^) and the ones that come after me won’t ever get the feeling of headstart or the old lions arch getting destroyed etc.
They can have the base game for free if they buy the expansion. That’s good!
Steam has the summer sale on right now. Still I don’t feel cheated if a game I own is cheaper now. That’s just the way the world works.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Erskine.5206
I am a bit sad that I cannot get a collectors edition with a physical statue (or something similar), but the price was expected.
I even really like that the base game is included. It will be far more likely for new players to get the expansion that way. Not everything is catered to the old players. A mmo lives of getting new players as well!
And since we are a truly welcoming and nice community (most of the times), we should be happy to get fresh blood with the expansion.
I can’t wait for the expansion to drop and I will buy it! I just can’t decide which version. Half price for gems is a good deal. I would have liked something more lasting though… I am craving a special dance (like we had with Nightfall and Factions) – or the glowing hands from GW1 collectors edition. sigh
But the gem-deal is ok. I might buy it.
That was fast – I’m doing the happy dance until Tuesday!
I’m really excited
I never went to a gaming convention. There never was enough money or the convention was too far away…
But – in March I am in England for 1 week (I’m a teacher on a classtrip^^) and on Friday the 13th we will be in London! I plan to take the free time I have to visit Rezzed and play a bit of Heart of Thorns and hopefully talk to some of you and snatch a few autographs!
I’m so happy
Looking forward to your trivia and to meeting you at the booth!
Shoutout to my guild Tamok <3
We play on Drakkar and are WvW focused.
I have a problem where the game freezes and crashes when I am in the options menu.
When I am in the General Options, switch to Graphics Options (or anything else) and switch back to General Options the game crashes immediatly.
I tried to recreate it and it seems to only occur when I set the client language to German. It doesn’t have to do anything with windowed mode.
… store far less data inside templates when those happen.
THIS excites me Are we going to be able to store templates? That would really be a big big step!
The video does imply that all dyes currently unlocked will be unlocked for the entire account. But the blog is worded differently. So I’m not sure which is more reliable.
That’s how I see it too…
It would be great if a dev could answer here!
I’m really excited. And scared
Thank you anet for answering and for this solution!
I am very happy for it
Glad you responded!
Could we please get a statement from one of the devs? Please?
You can see that a lot of people are quite unhappy! Can you explain your decision to reskin the t3 armor (alongside with two not-so-desired-armors).
Can I open a support ticket to refund my T3 cultural armor??
Nope, lol.
So, why not? When the new gathering tools were introduced we could open up a ticket if we previously bought a tool under different circumstances.
I don’t really see the difference to this situation. If this armor had been available, I think some of us wouldn’t have bought the t3 armor, which is a lot more expensive than the shop armor.
I think it’s a reasonable question.
I am so disappointed. I own every armor from the shop. I am prepared to buy stuff for real money and for gold. I never felt cheated. I never felt cheated or as if it was a cash grab. I bought around 19 char-slots, bank tabs, bag slots, etc. But this really blows.
I hate how the t3 light human armor is not special anymore. That’s a slap in the face of anyone who bought that. I am really angry.
Can anyone explain the thought process behind this “design”? (Other than “We want money, lets take something we already have and make it kind of sparkly”) I want to buy new armor! But this is just not the way to go anet! Just don’t bring any new armors in the shop if you don’t have an idea. You don’t need a new armor every month…
Don’t step so low.
I am so mad. And sad. Really.
I love the new hairstyles, but there is an issue with one of the hairstyles on the female norn. I can see through her neck. Maybe it’s an issue with the armor (acolythe coat) because the neck is ok when she’s in town clothes.
I just did that. Thanks
maaaah :/
I’ll go cry then…
Oh well… thanks for clearing that up though
I just bought Lunaria for 35 laurels and equipped it.
I already had one of the same and now I can only equip one of them at a time :/ The slot for the ring is red when I want to drop the second ring in.
Is this on purpose? Are we not supposed to have 2 items that are the same? Is it a bug? I am really really sad to have wasted 35 laurels for a ring that is now soulbound and which I cannot equip. 35 laurels for nothing. I could cry -.- That’s over a month of dailys! *grrrrr
Can you do anything to help me? I suppose there are no refunds :/ But it can’t hurt to ask, can it?
I will also send an in-game ticket, but I also wanted to warn others here on the forums. Don’t waste your laurels- apparently you can’t equip two of the same…
I’m really quite disappointed too.
I am an altoholic and I love to play all my characters in WvW. So far I have 13 characters in all – 7 of them are lvl 80 and “WvW ready”. I often switch depending on situation, mood etc. And now this character based progression (which I assume will not be as easy as to level to lvl 80) will force me to pick one WvW character?!?!
Everything else (titles, achievements) are account bound.
Why did you decide for this very important feature, that it should only be for one character? I really don’t understand your decision.
Please have a look into it and reconsider. As you can see in the reactions many people feel the way I do.
Yep, I also have this problem.
Would be great if that would be fixed since I have quite a few of them…
It’s the t2 pants for me. Take them off and it is fine.
Nope – I’m pretty sure it’s the hat (for me)
The vista in Diessa Plateau is not available. It even has a small text to it…
I wonder if we could have it back please?! We need it for world completion.
(My server is Elona Reach)
Edit: well, maybe I only have to complain Now it worked… jay
(edited by Erskine.5206)
I managed to get closer to the problem and realized I bought more than the coat…
The problem is the T1 helm! Not the coat. (At least on my character).
It’s still bothering me…
I just purchased the tier2 coat for my asuran engineer and was happy until I discovered this very annoying and not at all pretty bug.
When the engineer is wearing a kit (I tried bomb, elexier gun and grenades) the backpack is hanging from the hip…
I hope this can be fixed soonish. I really enjoy all my kits. But if I have to look at this I suddenly don’t want to blow up things anymore
I just bought the sword and I am really disappointed and want to add myself to the list of people who want the bug fixed.
Please fix it.
I would love that armor too ^^
One can never have enough armor-skins.