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Maguuma/Yak'sBend/EhmryBay WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

Don’t get too dishearted. It’ll be better tonight when the new match-up starts. There hasn’t been a ton of people on the last few nights since we’ve been unable to get enough points to take the lead, and don’t need to fight to hold on to second place.

This weekend will be a fun fight!

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

how to punish dagger storming thieves?

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

Yeah, I respected my warr last night especially to deal with these. went 30 into defense for spiked armor. Now they obliterate themselves.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

dawn legendary precursor

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

That doesn’t make sense. Shouldn’t prices be going up if people are blowing up 300+ swords a day?

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

Height issues with east keep on boarderlands

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

We have a lot of issues with the east keep in the boarder lands map. We find it almost impossible to siege the keep from the south without a massive numbers advantage. The problem is that with the placement of the gate that we can’t contest it with trebs. The keep and stairs are so high up the wall motors can out-range our trebs.

This is especially a problem because the cannon right of the door is high-up enough that it’s out of range of almost every attack, making it almost impossible to use rams of the door. Also it’s sort of ridiculous that they can constantly siege our spawn tower with trebs and we can’t stop them, but that’s another thread.

I’m not saying it’s impossible or anything. I’m not saying that we can never manage it. I just think it’s unnecessarily complicated the way the height differential limits the siege options in this one particular area.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

Melee useless in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

I play a warrior as my main in WvW and love it. Just keep an arrow cart in your inventory. Play melee while running around and toss down an arrow cart when your in a keep. It’s 6s and pays for it self in 1 defense round if you get a couple loot bags.

I’m rocking a heavy toughness/vit warrior and having a blast. I can deal solid damage and can take an incredible amount of punishment. To me rangers always seem like one of the weakest classes. Especially if they are caught out 1v1 or even 2v1.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

Yak's Bend (US) needs more daytime guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

I’d say we’ve got one of the best after prime crews. We usually only do OK from around 6-10 cst. Then we gain steam from then untill about 5am cst, our day crew usually gets obliterated. I woke up early on Saturday and we literally had 3 players in one boarderlands and were getting spawn camped in the other two.

I must say you guys in Foo rock, also the guys from [RIMS] when they are on.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

Too bad you just believe the hype. I know for a fact that we didn’t fly-hack the Yak’s Bend and GoM orbs. But keep telling yourself that. It was a propaganda machine to pit Yak’s against GoM and you fell for it.

That’s not even close to the truth. I was STANDING in the keep it was stolen out of defending the gates. Inner gates were never breached. Kitten, the outer gates were never breeched. We had the orb, then we didn’t. I was there the whole time.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

Question: Is anti-farm code implemented in WvWvW??!!??

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

My anecdotal data seems to indicate that I get more badges when I first come into RvR and it gets less and less as the night goes on.

Could just be bad luck (on drops for badges) but I make money faster than badges (events) in RvR and can craft gear a heck of a lot sooner than buying gear with badges.

Exact opposite happend to me last night. I literally got 0 badges the first 3 hours I played, while trying to be useful to the team.

Then I just said F-it and started just trying to kill as many idiots as possible. I got about 10 badges in the next hour.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214


the funny thing is i have caps of yak’s defending a green territory. would you like to see it?

I’m guessing that it was a group of Yak’s coming behind and breaking a siege. That’s us being dumb, not a conspiracy. Hence why we got last this week and spent 3 days fighting for our spawn towers.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

yak's bend:

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

Not gonna lie. We never teamed up with anyone. Although hacking all three of our orbs on day one definitely smurfed us off enough to focus on GoM for awhile.

As for focusing on Blackgate we were mathematically eliminated from beating backgate but could still have beaten GoM with a bit of effort. I’ll take second over third anyday. It’s just common sense.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

A-Net HAS responded. THey said that limiting night-capping would be punishing players who aren’t on during prime hours. Effectively making anyone who works second shift or lives somewhere else a second class citizen.

You can’t limit night capping without undermining the system. If you want a PvP match that is limited and fair play sPvP.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

Q: Why is Siege soulbound and not account bound?

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214


All are failed systems which prevent users from enjoying the game. Not just this game but any game that implements it. If I ever had the luxury of designing a game it would most definitely NOT include these aggravating “features”.

Terrible Idea. Do you have any idea how rapidly the economy would inflate without these things. People would be selling full CoF sets for about 2g right now. I can not even imagine the effects this would have on the over-all economy but i know it would be terrible.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

(edited by Flying Dutchman.3214)

September 26th at 10:11 Yak's Bend Orb Fly Hacking

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

Hmmmm. I was curious how we managed to get an orb last night. We’ve been getting stomped all week. I guess if you can’t beat em join em?

In all seriousness though, Fix the Hax Anet!

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!” but rewardless

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

Ouch. I got called Kid…… It’s like Kids aren’t supposed to play video games. Tell me which is more sad though. A CHILD playing pretend, or an adult doing it.

I don’t understand how “Kid” became an insult for someone playing a game.

/off topic “childish” argument

I think the WvWvW bonuses are good enough. They really add up 10% gathering, 10% gold find, 20% crit crafting. I like it.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

When WvWvW works

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

I had a great time last night. As a Yak we were getting salughted but last night we managed to hold redwater-lowlands last night for around for 3-4 hours we blasted about 12 ganks down and 2 fairly decent sized zergs. Then forted it up enough to hold it while we trebbed down the doors to Shad.

Took about 3 hours. I got about 25 badges and made about 50 silver. Great time.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!” but rewardless

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

You get 2 silver at level 80 for a supply camp. About 4 for a tower and around 8 for a keep. 1 for a sentry and .5 for a Yak kill, and if you are VERY lucky one for a player.

That means in an hour you’d have to Cap:

37.5 keeps
75 towers
300 sentries
600 yaks

or some combination there of

So unless you can kill a Yak every 6 seconds, or you get a Rare drop from EVERY PLAYER you kill. Than you sir are a liar.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

In which place would you place each profession?

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

Form my experience it’s as following in WvW. Keep in mind this is purely an opinion.

1. Guardian(once I 1v4ed one with some guildies and 3 of us got downed and the fourth killed him with less then 10% life left.)

2. Mesmer( I don’t even try to 1v1 them, If i see one I run)

3. Engi’s( this is a tough one, Highly Dependant on player skill. Some die terribly some are huge pains)

4. Warr(they punch hard, they are tough, but not unkillable)

5. Thieves (Mixed bag here. I once got hit for a 15k combo in less than 2 secs on my 2000+ toughness warr by one. Other times they hit me for like 30 dmg and are pointless.)

6. Necro’s (Pain in thekitten but no real threat)

7. Ele’s (As above)

8. Ranger (mostly a minor annoyance I’ve never lost a 1v1 to one and most fights aren’t close)

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

Badges of honour drop nerf?

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

Last night was a pretty good run for me. Got around 30 badges. With only 5 from the jumping puzzle. Most of that was from holding a supply camp for about 3 hours. That puts me at about 438 badges from 2400 kills.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

Pay to win

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

I’d be more upset but two of my servers boarderlands were intsa-queue all weekend and we were outnumbered 4 or 5 to one. 10% wouldn’t have mattered to anyone.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”


in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

Saying that removing score will fix the problem is a false assumption. People who do not play because they care about the score being so far out of whack, aren’t going to play if you remove the score entirely. The competition is what they play for.

People who want to play will play, people who don’t wont. Changing scoring mechanics isn’t going to change that. There’s nothing wrong with WvW it’s just not the end all be all you want it to be. I however, will still be playing.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

Downed State...

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

? they don’t get to get back up unless they have vengeance or something. In which case they will likely die afterwards anyway.

You only get to rally on a KILL not a DOWN.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

to yak's bend world and the rest of the server

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

I thought we were sand bagging too. Until I saw an entire zerg (30+ people) attacking a door at dreadfall and getting owned, while the wall 5 feet away was already down. >.<

I’m pretty sure we are just bad. We just have a lot of people.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

Badges of honour drop nerf?

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

I’m at just under 2300 WvW Kills and as of last night I have 363 Badges. Saving for my PVP 80 Chest which is 398 badges.

It’s been a pretty fun gathering them honestly. I’m looking forward to getting the 1100 more i need for the full set.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

12k hit possible ???

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

I see people running around WvWvW all the time with 0 toughness. I hit the eagle raptors running around for about 350 on a white hit with my axe. I hit some PLAYERS for 750+. You have NO chance unless you get some toughness.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

Next weeks matchup for Yaksbend, Calling all Yaks!

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

Just reaching out to see who is out there lurking. We are gonna need to cobble together some organization if we are going to move up the ranks. Is there anything like this already in place? I know there are a couple commanders out there who are on almost every-night trying to organize things (looking at you Joebane and Dimiti). I’m hoping we can get something going for next week, I have a feeling it’s going to be a much tougher fight.

I’d like to lend my pirates’ swords to the effort.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

Badge Drop Rate

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

That explains why more loot drops, but doesn’t explain the number of badges in the loot bags.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

Badge Drop Rate

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

In my experience it’s highly dependent on kill contribution. In 1v1’s I’d say it’s as high as 50%. The more players around the less it is.

Running with a zerg I usually see between 5% to 10% and thats if you only count the kills that actually drop loot. Getting the stomp seems to help, but honestly with ALL the time I’ve put into WvW it seems to be prettykittenarbitrary.

I’ve got about 325 badges right now, and still can’t figure it out.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

Mass Golems

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

how exactly do you get enough supply for that? Seems like we have enough trouble getting arrow carts up.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

Darkhaven Guild Leaders (DHA)

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

Long live the Yak! and Long Live [YAAR]!

Good luck in next weeks match up guys! hope to run up against you in the future.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

Silly design flaw.

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

There are at least 5 different threads on this on the front page alone. A little digging would net you about 20 more. I honestly have no idea why you think you needed to make another.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

For servers that are in total domination

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

To be fair it’s their zone. I have no issue with giving teams advantages in taking back the points around their citadel. It helps WvW become more active. Your server enjoys the exact same benifit on your boarder lands and the only reason they are doing it is because you have them pinned all the way back in their Citadel. Meaning the advantage is only useful if they are losing badly, which again is a good thing not a bad one.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

The outmanned and orb buffs need to switch effects.

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

I disagree even getting 150 to 3 stats and 15% HP isn’t going to help with a 20v5 fight. But the extra Karma, XP and Magic find are great ways to lure more players to the battleground. I’m on a high-pop server so I only see the out-manned buffed rarely but when I do I tell all my buddies so we can get in and soak it up.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

REAL WvW rewards please!

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

I actually really like the PVP bonuses right now. I know we are one of the servers crushing(Yak’s bend) And we have 20% Crafting crit, 14% extra gathering, 8 % gold find and XP, and a tons of other stuff.

It was really excellent when I was mining in ORR last night.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

Current scores on North American servers.

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

Sounds about right obviously. Even in games that are entirly PVP based. (Thinking dota and LoL here) Most matches end up in one side crushing the other. I’d say 1 outta 8 close games is about how it ends up.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

Our wVwVw is like 300k vs. 50k vs. 50k

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

I really don’t understand the issue. There is absolutely no way you can limit how and when people can WvW without undermining the entire system. By only letting people cap points during certain times your effectively giving WvW to whomever has more players during peak hours.

Your “solution” would be causing the exact same problem for all the people who don’t play during peak hours. You’d just be shifting the issue to someone else. It’s a persistent online game where you battle in real time. Time zones happen.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

Take. Out. The. Grub.

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

WvWvW is Anets answer to Open world PvP. I love the PVE stuff, in fact I think there should be more. Put in Bosses that give buffs like LoL add real dynamic event chains. Expand the maps. I do think however avoiding PvP to do PvE is idiotic, obivously defending a keep against assault should be top priority. That however is a problem with your players not a problem with the game.

There is a lot of potential for really cool stuff in WvWvW. I’d like to see it expanded not taken away. Sometimes the game bogs down and it would be nice to have something to do instead of capping another supply camp you have no way of holding for more than 3 minutes, or getting crushed trying to take a tower.

There are a lot of positives

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

When will WvWvW stop resetting?

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

I don’t think they will stop for a while. It’s a pretty excellent gold sink and i’m sure A-net wants to milk it for all it’s worth.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

is it always a zerg?

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

I’ve had a lot of fun running around with 3-5 people. We just kept running around killing dolyaks, takings supply camps and sentries all over the map. You just have to understand your limitations. IF you fight 10 guys you are gonna lose, if you stop to defend you are gonna lose. If you can move fast enough you can call the zerg down on you and stay ahead of them. That frees up your own zerg to capture more objectives in the vacuum.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”

How cool would a "Baron Nashor" type mob be in WvWvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Flying Dutchman.3214

Flying Dutchman.3214

I thought they were planning on adding a PVP dungeon players servers could fight each other while trying to complete it.

PvP Officer of You Are A Pirate [YAAR] (Yak’s Bend)
“Let our swords stay sharp until the Jolly Roger flies over all our enemies keeps!”