not gonna waste my time on southsun since the rich node is remove, add a dungeon or something interesting. other than that its a dead map.
i will try it, hopes it works
purchase character for nothing… REFUND cheated by John Smith
i just updated my pc to windows 8 pro x64 today, others games can start only problem is GW2 once login at characters screen the game goes to Not Responding. is there any way around it? latest driver for ati 5770. directx everything up to date. any1 have same problem as i do?
I’m not currently aware of any behavior that I would classify as an exploit.
I see this as permission to create characters with my my last 3 alt slots, then have them escorted to the rich node by my friend. From there they will never leave, only going to WvW occasionally to drop by the bank and pick up more mining picks from the endless supply of karma on my main.
I will take you to your word, and hope you simply tell me otherwise if your classification changes.. rather than ban me later.
It would be better if you purchased 10-15 extra character slots to do this.
thx John now i have a reason to buy more character slots.
aoe should be set, less than 5 targets u gain the damage but if more were in the aoe are damage is reduce. more targets in aoe less damage. easy fix
thank you very much my good man.
where may i find the precorded livestream since i miss it.
buy something to eat with your $100 or donate to the poor. not wasting it on GW2
Los Angeles i think
never in my life i feel cheated :,(
you are only safe in your zone even he can enter he cant kill you, stealth should be auto canceled on safe point. permanent stealth is OP
just google Guild Wars 2 rule34, you might feel lucky.
he say he loved me but he never send me some gold
nobody would waste their time to play until story level 10.
need more nude female charr
more dress for female charr
because we love Dontain. get crit…
longbow legend look like bird crap for the foot steps
Charr Voiced By This Women
if you have the money just buy it. no difference than grinding anyways. accomplishment for endless grinding? no thx…
now my friend have a problem, last time he was banned for sending his 50G+ to a friend to complete his legend was unbanned… now the other friend scared to return his gold that he borrow scared he will get banned too. if arenanet can answer this question it would be great.
we need more female charr rangers
its not an exploit its a mistake by the developers, instead fixing it they let it there for 4 days. like the image Power.2957 posted… the image says it all.
developers mistake players pay the price, and question about the recipe still not answered and topic is closed. 4 days cant answer a simple question.
arenanet might banned you. everything is a exploit.
Don’t get yourself banned bro, this is probably an exploit!
yeap to arenanet everything is an exploit. they dont answer your questios and direct ban for nothing.
time to find a new or form a new guild. simple solution.
currently in TERA & Black Ops 2
they dont answer the question and started to ban people.
I love their four legged run
they should have added movement speed on it since 4 legs are better than 2.
the female charr should sound like this
fair punishment should not be bank wipe rather the a rollback to the date the exploited was discovered. meaning from that date what did u earn u do all for nothing that is a fair punishment. perm banned should be apply to hackers and botters not mistakes by the developers.
they already took your money it much easier to ban than to roll back. too much work need to check the DB oh we’ll just ban ya.
they can simply BAN anyone they like cuz they already take our money. even hacked account cant be restored to previous state. unlike in other type of mmo either they remove your gold or the items because they know its their fault eg. WOW even hacked account can be restored. if this goes on you will lost lots of customers, dont even think people will vote for ya again. the game is great but the developer are too lazy to check everything before release and blame it on the players.
its not a bug, intended. move along now.
dunno if it still works…
a true commander earn their own gold.
guardian only will get that damage on both glass vs glass.
Sidenote: i think Thief needs more nerfing than any other class right now.
set the game change the words to kitten as in the forums. i love kitten.
its not my account, my friend help a friend (real life friend) to finish his legendary by borrowing him a total of 70g on the 23rd after that he went for a holiday and come back after christmas 26th. and found out he is banned for selling gold. he already send a ticket. okay lets say arenanet unban him and after few weeks the other friend want to return his gold when he has enough will he be ban too? Is arenanet really doing their job before banning or let the IA to do it automatically banned people for sending 70g? REAL gold sellers never get banned innocent players always get the blame. this is really disappointing.
music to my ears, nothing to see here. move along…
Legendary should remain sellable, some people does not want legendary so they can sell it. i would sell it and make gold and spend on other things making me playing new toon with no worries for income. its been so long since release why bring up the topic now? just because someone order or sell their at legend at TP?
you should have kick the guy that dc, if he goes in fractal everyone will be kick out.
if the people have urgent and tell whats the problem. that you cant complain. if he just afk for no reason u should report. hope anet look on the chat logs before trying to punish the innocents. people dc in fotm its not their fault, they cant get back in anyways, why bother to report that person. common sense people.