Showing Posts Upvoted By FrouFrou.4958:

SOULBEAST IN WVW (its cool) +vid

in Ranger

Posted by: ZhouX.8742


I really wish people would understand the way Maul is operating right now isn’t healthy gameplay and obviously will get nerfed.

Does that mean I support other classes being able to do the same thing? Absolutely not.

This is not what I wanted for ranger and I know alot of people like it this way but I don’t personally.

I want a high skill ceiling class not a gimmick full of bugs that allow the ranger to over-perform temporarily only to get a bad rep then be nerfed into the ground again most of which OVER NERF the ranger allowing it under-perform in generally every area.

This is almost what happened with Druid, luckily , Druid ended up making it out alive because CA is a good concept overall and they didn’t want to bust druid for PvE raiding but most importantly druid has really good trait synergy.

Druid allows you to go into marks/skirmishing without taking AS MUCH as a hit in survivability as if you were to pair it with soulbeast and allows you to have the group support while also being able to go into more defensive wide specs.

Soulbeast doesn’t do any of this. It attempts to mask that lack of trait synergy by trying to introduce melded utility with your pet, most of which underperform and forces you into an even narrow path not only in trait setups but pet archetype choices. I guess the pet choices though are nothing new for us as HoT pets have been the truly only consistent thing since it came out with Bristleback, Smokescale and Electric Wyvern’s CC capability.

There is a lot of polishing to be done with Soulbeast before it can even compete with Core / Druid specs… I’m all for introducing a new playstyle in that they’re all different so you have an option, but right now aside from WvW roaming and doing un-ranked just to mess around – Soulbeast has no place just from what they gave us this past weekend.


I really love Soulbeast!

in Ranger

Posted by: ZhouX.8742


Well it depends on the players you play against. Good players murder soulbeast because of it’s obvious flaws. You can’t combo as easily without a pet swap in beast mode so the tells become very one dimensional and once people realize the meta pets Soulbeast will run with (smokescale is an obvious) they will know how to counter. It’s only half-effective right now because people still haven’t adjusted how to fight against it (see scourge as well and it’s playstyle and people not used to fighting against it).

If you are a mediocre player being hard stuck in bronze/silver/gold/low plat, then Soulbeast will probably work for you in a PvP perspective (even then you’ll have no essential role and just be a free roamer, which if that is your thing go for it). If you are a top tier player or a top dueler of any kind, Soulbeast will most likely not work and Druid will handle top tier PvP play over a Soulbeast based on sheer mechanics and group support. Soulbeast , aside from the GM trait, is a very selfish spec and since the effects are halved from stances (one of which we didn’t even get to test) it wouldn’t even provide enough impact to be taken into a real group scenario, or a WvW zerg scenario – again, Druid is clearly better in this respect.

So yes, Soulbeast will work in lower/mid-tier gameplay (bronze / silverish maybe gold and low plat) – but middle plat into legendary you will not see many people run it because it’s a very 1-dimensional spec as it stands. Yes, melding with your pet adds additional mechanics to your class, but they are all easily memorized mechanics that won’t have much impact in a given fight.

Another obvious issue is trait synergy to have a role in either game mode. What would you be as a Soulbeast? +1 , group fight? You’re mostly a selfish spec due to you having such a narrow trait window to work with since you can’t go full bunker or full damage. If you go full damage with marks/skirmish, you lose too much defensives and you will be immediately targetted in a group fight. If you go full bunker, people will just ignore you as you provide no group utility , and they will kill your group one by one then just zerg on top of you.

There are many flaws once you start playing against top players , but again, this is a very small group in the game as a whole.

PvE you will be better off running Core condi most likely (this has yet to be tested enough to make actual correct DPS assesments because this was a mere testing phase in which numbers will most likely change anyway) and Druid varieties in raids.

So where does Soulbeast actually stand in all of this , in a top PvP scenario where would you see Soulbeast’s role? In WvW zerging where would you see Soulbeast’s role? In top dueling against top players, many other classes offer so much more over Soulbeast’s current implementation due to , again, massive lacking of trait synergy.

It’s a confused spec as of this moment, and offers no QoL improvements over what we currently have.

The only thing I can see Soulbeast being right now are very specific dueling builds and roaming WvW skirmish builds of which , again, Druid would seem to be much better in this regard from the Druid trait line alone outweighs a lot of what Soulbeast offers in terms of active survivability.

1. Stances need to have more impact
2. Better trait synergy
3. Group support is very sub-par with SOulbeast , GM on stances offer half the duration and the stances are horrible EXCEPT Dolyak which we didn’t even get to test
4. Dagger needs to be a hybrid variant, so adding dmg is a must – it’s current implementation has no role right now, other weapons are way better and it’s clunky.

There’s many more things but , again, in the top sector from dueling with top players and playing with all of the other elites, Spellbreaker was by far one of the best elites I got to test with. Fluidity was top quality, implementation was nicely thought out , and the ideas behind the class flowed very well. It was such a good elite implementation overall.


[vT]Hobo: Viper Scourge Beta Weekend Video

in Necromancer

Posted by: Helly.2597


Hello everyone! Hopefully everyone has been having fun playing around with scourge during the beta weekend. I had time to roam a bit and threw together a quick video to just show it in action. Gear is the same as what I run for reaper since beta weekend makes it harder to change gear.


Build Scourge: Bot-Bot-Mid

My thoughts overall Scourge is extremely strong. With Duumfire pulsing on desert shroud and the F2 ability gaining path of corruption corrupt, you can create a lot of down cleave very quickly. The torch abilities seem to be well balanced and a reasonable option instead of dagger (I like it more than dagger tbh).

The lack of shroud for me personally didn’t change my playstyle a lot. My general policy is the best defense is counter-pressure and boy does scourge do this in bunches. Not only that, but you can put shades on downs and cleave them while you kite which is a huge benefit over reaper imo. The ability to use all the shade skills while stunned is very useful since you can create space via the fear or sustain through desert shroud barrier.

I could imagine duumfire getting a nerf prior to PoF release since the pulse per desert shroud pulse is a bit too strong. A single pulse at the beginning of each of the shade abilities is already very good for the trait. My sustain felt better than reaper for the build I use and I never felt in need of lifeforce in general which maybe isn’t a great thing since I haven’t practiced lf management with scourge yet.

The biggest counter to scourge is range of course, but if you play los well you should operate better than a reaper would in a similar situation.

The biggest things I would like to see fixed as the shade charge being consumed if you jump before placing the shade without placing the actual shade (clearly just a bug) and of course the portal being fixed.

Final Word: When PoF comes out I predict I will be switching to scourge for my build. Hopefully power reaper gets the deathly chill change to power damage and gets the speed of shadows old version put into the adept traits instead of the relentless pursuit.

People call me Hobo.
Violent Tendency [vT]
Ferguson’s Crossing Roamer

They broke Ranger even more.

in Ranger

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Retired player
Came back to check out GW2 again.
Log in with Ranger.
Soulbeast they said, it will be fun they said
No fun
Clunky clunky all the time
Other classes OP
One shot you


Soulbeast Demo Weekend Feedback

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329



It’s actually not that big of a deal to me, I’d rather have the cooldown removed from Beastmode myself, it’d achieve the same result I’m looking for; quickly getting to the other pet for it’s Beastmode utility.

Just to address what I think of the pet swap, I just think it should be available, but when you press it, it pulls you out of Beastmode AND swaps to the other pet, if the petless Ranger thing really is such a problem right now.

My main issue is that without it working like that, if I need to quickly react to something that has me wanting to pet swap, I have to press 2 buttons to only functionally do 1 thing.

Maybe if leaving Beastmode had ANY function attached to it at all (for examples look at Holosmith traited leaving Forge mode or Druid traited leaving Avatar. Heck, even core necro leaving shroud lol) it wouldn’t be something I request at all.

Right now though, you really are just pushing 2 buttons to do 1 thing, and it bogs down gameplay.

Just my 2c, the removal of the cooldown needs to happen regardless. The swap being available in that format would just be icing on the cake that makes game play that much smoother for me.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

I really love Soulbeast!

in Ranger

Posted by: Sulfarius.1756


What I seem to gather from people after actually reading posts for a while is that people like the idea of the soulbeast and think some aspects are fun of it, but that the excecution thus far has been poor once you actually test it against other people. Sadly we were not allowed to test it in pve so it’s hard to tell how things will perform.

I personally think both the side of “It’s unredeemable trash” and “It’s the best thing ever!!!” are silly. There are problems with the spec at the moment and I feel often the people that seem to ignore the problems are those that have less experience with ranger or people that haven’t tested it out in multiple scenario’s yet, or perhaps they’re just aware of the issues but focus on the good and hope that the devs will change things because it’s still in beta. At the other hand, bashing every single aspect of the class is also not healthy. Many had hoped it would be much more of a petless ranger than it turned out to be and others are super fixated on the problems.

I personally think the soulbeast is fun to play, but under performs. Atleast in spvp it feels weak at the moment and sadly dolyak stance did not function right so it’s hard to figure out wether this one stance would make a huge difference or not. The Dolyak and Bear stance are really the only stances I’d use in spvp, again can’t talk for pve but maybe the one wolf pack would be useful there. The other stances need something extra and the Moa stance needs a full rework to me because else it’s going to have the herald problem where you share a +66% boon duration buff with other people (via the trait) and we know that’ll just end up being nerfed, so I’d rather have this skill changed than end up in the gutter. I just want stances to feel a bit more unique than improved version of traits.

Dagger is a weapon that can be fun to play with but at the moment it feels very slow and the attack 2 needs a different animation because it looks the same like AA first two chains and to me that feels unacceptable. Your enemy needs to be able to see what you are doing and well… druid also had no new animation (atleast no character animation, lots of particle effects tho). Numbers are weak too but those will change i am sure.

Some traits are just odd to me and there seems to be little condition damage support in these for a class that gets a condi weapon that has almost no power scaling. There’s work to be done here too.

And beastmode is fun to play with, I just hope the aura effect will be toned down because it just hinders the look of our character, and they should make sure that pure damage skills feel better to use. A lot of them just do the same damage as a AA but they have cooldowns.

So all in all. Yes, it’s fun to play for now atleast. However, fun doesn’t mean it’s good. A condi ranger is better off taking core trait lines, bunkers / team support is better with druid. Power is actually the best spec for soulbeast, but you end up not using dagger because it’s a condi weapon. I don’t think power will be viable in group pve, but in solo pve it’ll probably be fun to use and in spvp there’s some crazy burst combo you can pull off with Maul + Hilt bash + Maul + Worldly Impact but it requires the enemy to basicly stand still and have no stabi or you to have quickness, and since you’re power you have to get it from somewhere else than dagger since the dagger scales so poorly with power it’s not even funny.

Still, even if it gets released in it’s current state I’ll probably do the pve story and zones with a power soulbeast build and might use it in open world. I’m sure it’ll be fun there. I just hope it’ll end up being useable elsewhere too.

Soulbeast Demo Weekend Feedback

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


SB mechanic makes the biggest mechanical sacrifice among the specializations, for probably the lowest rewards. At the moment we lose our pet dmg and utility, our F2 pet skill, big chunk of our traits(also limiting our build diversity) and even some our skill(some of the shouts, SoR etc..). For such an investment I would expect a huge boost in power and utility, but of the most part SB doesn’t deliver. Why most of the SB F1 skills do less DMG than even a single dagger auto attack? those skills are not a filler, they supposed to be my reward... Many of the SB new skills are clunky and not working as intended(bird leap range, smokeassault evade and many more), range in very small and almost no cleave, F3 skills got ridiculous cast time and flashy animation for a mediocre effect. It was my hope that SB will be chance to re-visit old pets and fix/ re-balance some of their skills, but moas are more useless than ever(now they also useless in BM), cats got the worst SB skills, but we have 7 of them... My biggest fear that the SB ambition will be it’s fall down, so many skills to twik, balance and do regular maintenance on.

As mentioned, the SB functionality with existing traits and skills is inconsistent and buggy, every trait and skill we have(pet swap traits included) should have a purpose while in SB.

Please A.met, don’t give us half baked specialization that will never get fixed.

Many talked about stances and dagger and the SB traits being weak, they all need some love and twiking but it mostly numbers changes which are simple to modify.

What is Soulbeast's role?

in Ranger

Posted by: bearshaman.3421


I really wanted to like this espec. Like you have no idea. I love the idea of shapeshifting. Despite he lack of actually shifting, it’s not bad. But honestly I think this espec serves one primary purpose, maybe it’s only purpose.

Appease people who want a petless ranger.

That’s it.

Everything it can do, some other profession/spec can do better. It’s very versatile, but that means it lacks any direction or obvious purpose. This is the only thing I can see for why you would want to play this over other builds.

It’s appeasement. I hope it works. I was getting tired of all the complaint threads.

Why testing on live servers ?

in WvW

Posted by: Cirrion.8951


Because it forces interaction between current builds with the new elite specs. It’s how ANET can gather the data to try to bring things in line before launch, I’m sure there are a crapload of things that are way overtuned/undertuned that will be changed before launch thanks to this test.

Its only one weekend. This isn’t going to be the only weekend you’ll ever be able to play GW2 WvW Ever and Forever 1000 years 100 years

Yeah fair point. In a dedicated testing environment no-one would be playing vanilla/HoT specs. A weekend of chaos now is better than weeks of chaos at launch if balance is tested.

Gliding, what a shambles

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019


Gliding is implemented exceptionally well, and is mostly of benefit to defenders. This change is a huge improvement: there are now more and better ways to get big fights faster.

Well done, Arenanet. Kindly ignore these few naysayers.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Gliding, what a shambles

in WvW

Posted by: XenesisII.1540


Jesus, these forums are full of qq rere’s lately.

The thing that gliding does do is add some new tactics and surprise to the going around in a ball game we’ve been playing for 5 years, just like mesmer portals. It’s something new to learn and find new ways to use against your enemy, it also promotes needing more awareness rather than the usual look around the corner to see red names.

Obviously there will be growing pains and not every nook and cranny is covered, the devs at least had the sense to create territories that only defenders can glide in, not every border is going to be perfect so we’re going to have to point out bad spots to them.

Maybe they should create barriers along the borders of every structure so no players, not even defenders, cannot fly through them at all.
“But invisible walls break meh immersion!”
“Well If you know it’s there don’t fly into it!”

Another derailing post. ^^
North Keep: One of the village residents will now flee if their home is destroyed.
“I knew it, I’m surrounded by…” – Dark Helmet

what do you think of the balance patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


If you’re referring to me; I did math for opportunity cost on both pre and post patch across our numerous condition cleanses. I get irritated when people who neither have the apparent skill level (easily discernable based on the opinions they cling to) nor the math to be able to prove their point get on here dismissing respectable people while “loudly” restating their wrong opinions over and over again like a broken record, which is why I even chimed in in the first place; I don’t like seeing you guys who are warmly acquainted with me being attacked and dismissed even though you’re right.

If I wanted to hear about what people “feel” about things I’d become a therapist, not get on the GW2 forums. Besides that, the title of this thread uses the word “think,” so that’s what I figured we were here to do.

Besides all that though.

Running those numbers, ignoring the obvious SoR result (when build crafting, starting with it as your cleanse leaves you the most options after making that selection to gear your build towards), it actually reaffirmed for me what a lot of people have never stopped saying; that Druid is a straight up add-on/upgrade to Ranger.

Looking at Soulbeast, mechanically that’s obviously true which is good because elite specs need to compete with each other, but now I’m incredibly worried about the rest of the traits.

As far as the patch goes, my initial impression was that I’d like to replace Beastmastery on the NM/BM/Druid PvP build but the HaO is so strong, especially against the current metagame, while TU really isn’t (if I wanted to go WS, but TU isn’t a strong enough up front heal with all the burst, and classes like thieves can just auto you through it and negate/beat it) and there is no traited Heal at all in Marksmanship, so where you’d want to use the new Lesser Call of the Wild to might share to the pet where you now can’t with BM, you lose a lot of Healing per Second by not having a traited heal.

MM/BM/Druid will probably be the way to go until expac in PvP, but even then it’s not something we can truly test the efficacy of until ANet bug fixes everything.

Which really is ultimately the annoying part of the patch, ANets spaghetti code being garbage and them clearly not testing or not caring about pushing all the broken things. As a programmer; if I pushed glaring user-end bugs out to my companies customers, my boss would kindly ask me to go back to school before I come back to work, or to just not come back at all.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

(edited by jcbroe.4329)

what do you think of the balance patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Every time jcbroe posts, he says everything I feel except he’s coherent and makes sense. He’s like the ranger forum’s logic angel sitting on our shoulder.

what do you think of the balance patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


I stated explicitly net total. You’re all wasting your own energy by defining the difference to yourself.

And it’s still factually the best opportunity cost cleanse prenerf for the Ranger. Just like I said, AS WELL AS one of the strongest burst cleanses.

But since people want to misrepresent arguments by comparing prepatch conditions to postpatch conditions and mistake their opinions for facts, it’s time for some math. So here, let’s create an analysis for pre and postpatch opportunity cost:

Some notes/explanations: base is the explanation of used utilities, conditions cleanses is the number of conditions cleanses in a 10 second period (we need to compare against best and worst case scenarios while retaining the concept that this is burst cleansing. Worst case scenario overlaps with post patch numbers, so prepatch will handle best case), number of utilities used is the number of utility slots used to achieve the total cleanses, traitlines is the number of actual trait families needs for the utilities to cleanse, traits are the number of actual traits selected for the case, runes is binary, will be a 1 if a runeset bonus is used to achieve condition cleansing.

We use condition cleanses as a positive number, and subtract the numbers to the right of it, before dividing by the number of elements to get the “score” of the case (cleanses – (utilities + traitlines + traits + runes) / 5), higher score = better opportunity cost. Better opportunity costs means more options to choose from which implies better resource management and more value per resource invested.

Sigils could been seen as constants, so we’re not going to include them because algebra (A < B and A + c < B + c where c is a constant is equivalent). Evasive Purity could be seen as a constant as well, but I’ll include it for the visual in a few cases and at a value of 2 cleanses.

The postpatch won’t contain any values that were included in the prepatch section and unchanged.

Why is this important? Choosing options with good cost values allow for more resources to be invested elsewhere in the build. Of course there is a positive correlation between the amount of investments being made towards doing a thing and how well that thing gets done, but every investment made is less resources you get to make elsewhere, so choosing the best opportunity costs leaves you with the most investment opportunity.

This is how you create versatile, multipurpose builds that are strong in multiple areas.

tl;dr Unsurprisingly, Signet of Renewal provides the best condition cleansing pre AND post patch for the opportunity cost. Druidic Clarity comes in second in most cases, also unsurprisingly, even tying Signet of Renewal in some extreme cases.

Maybe next time people should check their passionate arguments at the door and remember that their subjective opinions aren’t facts. Not liking something != it being bad.


Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

(edited by jcbroe.4329)

what do you think of the balance patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Not everyone has the same typical playing scenario, seven. I’m absolutely sure you can imagine a situation where you’re in combat for well over 1 minute. And since you can’t choose what conditions are removed via passive nor active condi clears, removing 1 stack of vuln covering 10 stacks of bleeding is useful. In that hypothetical situation, the old SoR removes the vuln so you can clear the damaging condition with a light field blast, saving your condi wipes for more emergency situations.

There is no reason to post so aggressively because you prefer the new SoR. Everyone has a different experience.

what do you think of the balance patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


As far as net totals go, SoR was one of the best condi clears in the game. The list of single utility skills that could remove 6 condis per minute in the game is incredibly low, it’s more than the Soldier Runes + the 3 “common” shouts (WHAO, PM, SotP) combined. It’s competitive with a traited TU prepatch, which required a specific traitline, GM trait, AND utility to achieve the same net condi removal that 1 utility provided passively, LET ALONE actively.

To be clear, I love the new SoR, it’s utility bar compression that frees up rune selection (in PvP specifically) which creates more build variety without there being clear cut, optimal choices.

But the SoR argument is like saying it’s inefficient to get paid $100 a month for a year when you could make $200 which is a bigger chunk, but at 2-3 (or more) time slower. In a worst case efficiency, you’re breaking even, and beyond that, the monthly payment is more money. The only argument that can be made for the other options is that people prefer the delivery method.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

what do you think of the balance patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Ok buddy. You can disagree with me, but you’re not convincing me of anything but being a total jerk.

what do you think of the balance patch?

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Best skill in the game for 5 years, SoR, just got obliterated. I’ve lost any desire to play for a while.

What? Signet of Renewal just got a major buff. The passive condi clear never procced when you needed it, and the active just killed your pet.

You’re not realizing how MASSIVE this nerf was to our condi removal. Even if you’re running full shouts with trooper runes and using them on recharge (which is not very realistic), that’s still only an average of 1 condi removed per 10 seconds (or something, I’m not very good at math.) Not good.

SoR could very easily be timed; you may be off a second or 2, but you had a pretty good idea when the condi was getting removed and you wouldn’t need to enter CA or whatever to remove it.

SoR got absolutely wrecked.

Edit: And the active is basically unchanged. You still need to swap pets after using it. Neither way will kill your pet. It just gives you a short grace period to hit the swap button now.

(edited by Fluffball.8307)

Updates still needed

in Ranger

Posted by: Swagger.1459


Random order…

-Pets need to stick to their target better in wvw and spvp, because it’s too easy to avoid slow pet attacks and rooted pets.

-Apparently quickness doesn’t work on all pets.

-Axe off-hand is horrible in wvw and spvp because you can’t land #4 due to players moving, and the root on #5 sucks.

-Dagger off-hand plain sucks in every game mode. Skill 4 is awful damage and looks underwhelming too. A low damage 1,200 range cripple, that is easily negated, is worthless.

-Druid staff needs some damage buffs and some burn condis thrown in too. Skill #4 is way too thin to be effective on moving enemies and allies in wvw and spvp. Skill #5 is pathetic. Both #4 and #5 would function much better as large diameter skills (see necro wells).

-Celestal Avatar is the most clunky heal support design I have ever experienced in any mmo I have ever played. You created a combat system specifically designed for players to move around a lot, yet the gated CA skills are awful for trying to support allies on the move in wvw and spvp. It also sucks hard having to apologize to teammates when you can’t heal them on your HEALER ELITE SPECIALIZATION because you don’t have access to your quality heal skills when needed… and that’s a huge flaw with the design.

-Melee damage sucks on greatsword and sword without having a carp ton of buffs stacked up.

-Sword functions all wonky and skills #2 and #3 are too easy to avoid in wvw and spvp. Change the skills so they track the target and apply pressure, not move us all over the place so intelligent players can easily avoid incoming strikes.

New Main- 80 Thief – P/P- Vault Spam Pro

221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.

(edited by Swagger.1459)

WvW and PvP Ascended Armor Upgrades

in WvW

Posted by: DeadlySynz.3471


I’m not sure why anyone who does majority of PvE complains about this. Do any of you realize how long this will take just to get the armor itself? This is not even counting how long it will take to get the upgrades.

It’s even worse for new WvW’ers coming to the scene, because if you’re facing a stronger server or simply a much larger group during your actual time; you’ll constantly be beat down to the minimum number of pips. You likely won’t even get a chance to earn participation if they corner you on your third of the map. Forget about leveling up as your options are literally “run in and die”. The crappy thing is, it won’t matter how much coordination you claim to have (comparing to coordinating to kill raid bosses), if that enemy group is bigger, you’re doomed, simple as that.

This is not easier by any stretch, not unless they open up EoTM to PiP’s. If you take a new person to this game and have them enter both game modes to acquire both sets of legendary armor, it will take them exponentially longer to achieve that armor in WvW, as there are too many factors at play.

Gliding and Territories in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Vavume.8065


Exciting times ahead, WvW needed a new level of spice, and this is kinda spicy, I like it.

Gliding and Territories in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: mrme.5817


Devs. Please. Is this ALL we are getting other than legendary armor? no different maps or wvw being seperate from pve?

Mike o’ said in the AMA that wvw and pvp updates are not tied to the expac. Which means there is no content for them coming “with” the expansion. It does not mean that there won’t be new content coming.
It’s comical how many people post crap without reading the whole dev post…

Gliding and Territories in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Shadelang.3012


Dear anet can you please stop kittening up wvw. People like it just the way it is right now. When you guys look back at the release of the desert bl map. Was that a great succes? No. But u guys kittened up wvw then and this will be the same. Stop putting pve crap into wvw. We the hardcore wvw players dont play pve. So please stop messing up our content. I know for a fact that lost of players will be leaving the game because of these things. They only game back when its back to normaal.

Gliding for wvw is actually going to be super fun, I don’t know how gliding offends you so much, and if someone is running away from you in your territory, they wont exactly be able to glide off, so youll probably have a better chance at catching them than before. Stop crying about something that hasnt even happened yet. xoxo

Gliding offends because certain people didn’t bother to read the whole post before they started typing.

Ghost Yak

Gliding and Territories in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Shadelang.3012


Guys calm down haha. Actually think about how the gliding works.

1: From the looks of it you can’t glide in enemy owned territory. So no the enemy pushing garri cant just glide away. The defenders however could try and use it to there advantage to regroup.

This will affect roaming as well. I doubt youl see to much gliding away. Im sure there will be SOME. But not nearly that much.

2: Gliding isn’t flight. And while they are gliding they CAN NOT FIGHT BACK. SO whack them odds are if there just on a small hill they will still be in melee range for a bit. Also if you have a ranged weapon they are a free kill.

3. THIS IS A kittenING TEST PEOPLE. Cool yourselves down. If it really IS horrible they can turn it off later. If its NOT horrible its an actual dynamic change to how the game mode works.

Thanks to how there setting it up this also means that f2p players and PoF players can enjoy it. As it will be tied ot wvw ranks and NOT mastery. So its available to everyone.

Read before you flip your kitten.

Ghost Yak

Gliding and Territories in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Eleazar.9478


Yes!!!! Hype! Finally. Stop being all winy this will be a fun thing. Man I love wvw but the community can be anti fun

[Snky] FC don’t worry I’m just a scrub until I’m OP

Gliding and Territories in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: seabhac.5346


Horrible Idea. Rip all your veterans which are your player base. Working on useless stuff that nobody asked for, thanks anet.

Veteran checking in here…. you don’t speak for me! I love this idea!

Gliding and Territories in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: MaLeVoLenT.8129


There were a lot of people who asked for this, just like there were alot of people who asked for a larger map and we got DBL. Players dont always know what they’d enjoy. Simple as that. We should probably test it before all the hate mail.

~The Mad Court~ [OnS]Onslaught GM
Malevolent Omen -Guardian
Mad King Mal -Rev

Hope "soulbeast" doesn't req resources

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


I’m absolutely with you, the healing stuff from druid is not my cup of tea; it’s annoying that it’s required. If this “soul beast” is anything like druid though, we’re going to rock.

#delusional #hopeful #blessed

Hope "soulbeast" doesn't req resources

in Ranger

Posted by: EnderzShadow.2506


I don’t know Fluff, I am waiting for Anduriell to give us the real deal home feel Truth that only he knows.

Until then, I will wait.

Shadowbane DarkAges Of Camelot WoW AION WarHammer GuildWars2

Don't make the mistake PVP Made Frenz!

in WvW

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


WvW vets are going to throw a hiiiiiissy fit if there are queues. It’s going to be launch days all over again.

Remember OS exists, GvGs.

Remember there are free bags, everyone else.

Remember this is fun, everyone.