Showing Posts Upvoted By FrouFrou.4958:

PvP Vids Don't belong in Community Creations

in Community Creations

Posted by: Cynz.9437


To answer your question about multiple professions: leave it in section where it was posted (e.g. pvp or warrior forums for example). I don’t think anyone would post it in 9 different sections alone because reposts are not allowed.
I honestly never saw a video with all 9 professions and even if someone did make video with multiple professions it was usually related to one game mode, e.g. wvw.

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

PvP Vids Don't belong in Community Creations

in Community Creations

Posted by: Cynz.9437


I agree. I would prefer those videos being in the class sections or in case it is pvp, raiding/dungeons or wvw, in those sections at least.
Surely this section is named community creations but i would never come here to look for thief videos for example as i know most threads here contain fanart, fan music etc. Videos on other hand are often educational and should be in appropriate sections.

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

PvP Vids Don't belong in Community Creations

in Community Creations

Posted by: EnderzShadow.2506


Like the title says, I’m not a fan of ANET’s over zealous moderators moving Class Related Game Videos to this sub section.

Personally speaking, I main a ranger and if someone wants to put up a ranger vid, I like seeing the video in the RANGER forums. /Shocker, I know.

PvP gameplay videos and fan art don’t belong in the same forum.

Shadowbane DarkAges Of Camelot WoW AION WarHammer GuildWars2

Dsrt BL hate thread # 1 million

in WvW

Posted by: Samug.6512


Hello. I like desert border. Please, don’t delete it.

Request more communications [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Dawdler.8521


i was running around solo monday evening T2 and flipped 3 camps in 3 diff corners of the alpine borderlands and didnt come across a single enemy player. (NA Eastern time zone)

WvW is dying, panic, paaaaaaaaaaaaanic!!!!

Or it could be fact its mid week, one server has probably won already and Living Story releases drop the WvW population by 50%+ for like a week.

Request more communications [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: Lahmia.2193


The problem with doing anything is that it will upset a large portion of the wvw playerbase. The last time they did something big (Desert Borderlands) it killed off many wvw players. And if they did start listening to our ideas, who would they listen to? The roamers who want to punish all zerg play? The players who want condi removed? The K trainers who play for loot?
It seems the safest course of action for Anet is to do nothing.

Surrender and serve me in life, or die and slave for me in death.

Pet issues brought up in 2011

in Ranger

Posted by: Wuselknusel.4082


Yep, I did. I shamelessly used the AMA to present my suggestion, and I will continue to do so in future AMAs. You can read my suggestion if you follow the link below. I had to realize that a well written and (hopefully) well thought out suggestion is not enough. You usually need almost a riot to get things to change.

By the way, if you have ideas on how I could improve my suggestion, I’d love to hear it. But to get the devs to consider this, we need to constantly remind them, so they know that it’s something the players want.

Huge wvw improvements!

in WvW

Posted by: HazyDaisy.4107


I can’t for the life of me figure out why Anet would be so confused about what a wvw player wants, I mean it’s not like we’ve been wishy washy with our requests :-p

Then: More zergs / MORE people to fight
Now: LESS zergs please / My guilds bag flew away….

Then: More Open field EPIC battles, less hiding behind walls and trebbing
Now: Rearrage DBL so we can treb Earth from NWT

Then: Give us a new map, ABL is boring, no one plays there
Now: Give us a new map, DBL is boring, no one plays there

Sorrows Furnace
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination

Huge wvw improvements!

in WvW

Posted by: Sviel.7493


I like how DBL has polled way above 50% every time, but people still say the majority dislike it.

Huge wvw improvements!

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


The problem is that it’s not stuff we want or even asked for! And the most important thing is that none of the updates improve or fix any of the problems in WvW! So spending time of the DBL is a waste of time cos only a minority even like the map, the majority would rather see it gone and replaced with another proper WvW BL.

Following your logic that they should only please the majority, it means they should just forget WvW exist and please the PvE community which is the real majority.

No, wait…

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

Huge wvw improvements!

in WvW

Posted by: OriOri.8724


With how much WvW players complain you guys should be thankful ANet continues to even work on WvW honestly. You complain when you don’t get stuff implemented and you complain when new stuff is implemented.

The problem is that it’s not stuff we want or even asked for! And the most important thing is that none of the updates improve or fix any of the problems in WvW! So spending time of the DBL is a waste of time cos only a minority even like the map, the majority would rather see it gone and replaced with another proper WvW BL.
And people like you who go around spouting that we should be thankful for scraps off a dinner table are not helping and obviously are not real WvW players, cos then you would understand.

I do play WvW. But the problem remains with the players like the ones in this thread. You say that Anet is focusing on stuff that the players didn’t ask for, yet ANet is doing exactly what the player asked for. ANet removed DB, and then players asked for it back. There were a decent amount of people asking for bloodlust to be placed in DB to match the alpine borderlands, and ANet put bloodlust in DB. People continuously whine about DB so ANet has worked on improving the map. People asked Anet to focus on scoring changes first instead of core game mode changes, so ANet focused on scoring changes first. ANet is doing what players asked them to do. Just because you personally didn’t want it doesn’t mean ANet isn’t listening to its players.

Could the updates be coming faster? Yes, I hate how slowly WvW is updated. Absolutely hate it. But that doens’t change the fact that players like you kitten on Anet regardless of what they do to the game mode. You tell them you hate DB and kitten on them for bringing it in, then you go and kitten on them for trying to make it better. Like it or not, the playerbase voted to keep the borderland in, its not going away. So at least be thankful ANet is trying to make it more fun to play on for everyone. But no, that’s apparently too hard. So all players like you do is kitten on Anet for everything that they do.

Is it a big surprise as to why they don’t like developing stuff for WvW? Is it?

Huge wvw improvements!

in WvW

Posted by: OriOri.8724


I can’t believe some people in this community

“I hate DB!”

  • Anet goes and makes improvements to DB to make it more enjoyable to everyone *

“I can’t believe ANet worked on DB! What a waste of their time!”

With how much WvW players complain you guys should be thankful ANet continues to even work on WvW honestly. You complain when you don’t get stuff implemented and you complain when new stuff is implemented.

Seriously? How is this allowed to happen?

in WvW

Posted by: bjchase.3074


Mags showed some love in BG Bay a couple resets ago when we did this. Someone was bored. lol


Stormbluff Isle
Straight Outta Kryta [KRTA]
I fart in your general direction

Ancient Seeds is overpowered.

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


So a trait with the precondition that a target be hard CC’d to begin with, and as such is countered by what counters hard CC (stability, stunbreaks), that is then countered by a simple cleanse or the ability to press 1 and cleave (or even if your ping is low, you can predodge the roots when you know AS has procced on you) is somehow OP?

Meanwhile other classes can pump out hard CC and immobilizes by just existing? I mean, I’d take Chaotic Interruption on a Druid over Ancient Seeds ANY day.

Nobody cares that you have a ranger. Your opinion is wrong, your post is presumptuous and indicative that you play far below the skill level of having a strong grasp of balance, and your “I have an x friend like this, therefore I can say whatever I want” stylized rhetoric is both toxic and lost on a community of players that can immediately discern how blatantly misinformed and clueless about the game you are.

To anyone else reading, this is /thread. Further responses, admittedly along my own, are just troll feeding.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

(edited by jcbroe.4329)

Problems with the new CA cooldown

in Ranger

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


Druids did this to themselves.

Lol! Yeah right! Please elaborate that exact statement, I’m eagerly awaiting your response!

No AF decay ooc,
50% savings on CA exit
regen contributes to AFG

druids begged for this crying that the only way to AFG reliably was to build around it. And what happened when those 3 things got patched in? People built specifically around anything that would AFG effectively making the only gate on CA a 10sec CD.

I did address this already in a recent post reviewing how we got from HoT release till today,

I like how your name is on one of those threads doing what you seem to do best on my posts, talking down on me.

I don’t talk down on you, I’ve supported ideas you laid out as well, like for example taunt on guard (now we got it on protect me, but whatever). I also supported your ideas about reworking DC into a more group support oriented trait just the other day, remember?
Speaking of DC, my suggestion to that trait were to change it to a condi clear that removes one condition each second spent in CA instead of all conditions at once. Combine that with your idea of a more group oriented trait would not only remove the spammable nature of how CA used to work previously with DC and CS, but would also encourage the support nature of druids.

As for my original qoute here from your post, when you say druids did this to themselves, it sounds like druid players were cheating or something, when all we did were using the mechanics given to us. So, players shouldn’t have used these abilities to their max, and maybe then Anet wouldn’t have nerfed us, is that what you’re saying?


I’m NOT on a mission to jump on every post you make and downtalk it just for the sake of it. I will however post when I don’t agree with what you’re saying, and I’ll also post when I do agree with good ideas.

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

Problems with the new CA cooldown

in Ranger

Posted by: blitzkrieg.2451


High tier play (ESL, top teams, etc) -> Druid is balanced in what it offers as a capable role in a PvP oriented team, it’s not broken, it’s not ridiculous, it was solid and also wasn’t braindeads like spirits. It still is like this despite the nerf to CA.

In any level of play below that -> You will have people crying that it’s broken beyond belief , that it is godlike.

This is primarily because people in that tier don’t know counters, positioning. They don’t like learning other classes and figuring out weaknesses. They don’t want to do that work, it’s easier to come to a forum and complain about it. Obviously, most of those people aren’t the people in the 1st group I mentioned above. They’re the people who lost in a Solo que or ranked match with a bad team comp or most commonly, lost in a 1v1 so they come here to complain – because the game is centered around 1v1s obviously.

Unfortunately, the balance team listens more to those people than actually studying metas and slightly adjusting things, which is sad.

This isn’t just the case for the druid class but many classes over the years have had builds with intricate playstyles (whether they were op or not is not the question here) nerfed into the ground. I personally don’t think Druid was completely gutted, but I’m making a point on balance by Anet in this game over the metas.

A lot of builds , that may have been op in the past across all classes have been completely gutted and destroyed because they make massive changes without any thought of power creep instead of making slight adjustments and seeing how metas shift. This has hurt them more than help them and hurt many builds in the same process.

Guild Wars 2 has some of the smoothest fighting combat gameplay I’ve played, and I have played a ton of MMOs in my time dating all the way back to EQ1. The balance? Some of the worst I’ve seen in an MMO.

It would have been great to invest in an actual test server both PvE and PvP with proper splits so users could copy a character over and test changes accordingly before massive balance patches were put in place but they opted out of this route, in doing that they make tons of a changes without consequence or thought of what might happen, mostly riddled with bugs that takes months to fix (hilt bash is just now getting fixed in the next balance patch , it took how long? many things still broken , this is the case for many classes, if not all) and end up with people just getting fed up and leaving entirely.

Tanbin – Ranger / Thief / Ele

Problems with the new CA cooldown

in Ranger

Posted by: Swagger.1459


Druids did this to themselves. Until they change or nerf AFG that cooldown will probably stay regardless how much it will hurt a support druid built to support.

Actually, it’s players, like you, who don’t use counters in your build and come to the forum complaining… meanwhile making videos highlighting how “cool” other professions are in combat.

You complained about “CA abuse with heals and stealth”, yet as rev, you have access to poison heal debuff, aoe skills, reveal… and the burst to back it up… let’s not forget about heavy armor, high hp, double heals, high damage, passive boons, teleport skills to apply melee pressure…

Won’t even talk about the low skill daredevils on the forums whining about Druid immobilize lol, while running continuous stealth use builds built for super crit or condi… or those in spvp complaining that their tank couldn’t kill a Druid, and vice versa, but Druid is obviously op…

I read the forums and see a plethora of noncompetive players who probably graduated from FPS shooter games and can’t handle pvp in an mmo. These same players want the devs to hold their hands instead of improving or changing themselves.

New Main- 80 Thief – P/P- Vault Spam Pro

221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.

(edited by Swagger.1459)

Ranger/Druid Patch Notes 10-18

in Ranger

Posted by: blitzkrieg.2451


As a power variant (marauder’s mostly) roamer, the CA isn’t much of a hit for me… Anybody running power and roaming or small groups is using it for 2 things: super speed + invis and stun break and condi clear. The recharge is roughly the same in this aspect.

I can see the issue with HP variants in support rolls, looks like it was nerfed across the board even heavily investing into HP gear. Which sucks. If you heavily invest, you should get rewarded for it, not punished.

For the unblockable pet attacks, this won’t last long , and it will either be reverted or maybe reduced to 2 seconds or something. The crying from this alone will be immense. I’m calling it right now, it will be heavily adjusted. We all know what happened with taunt unblockable when it was introduced. This is that but with every attack , for 4 seconds. I’m thinking it will be straight up reverted.

Maul buff is odd, but helpful. I use GS as one of my weapons so it helps quite a bit.

Shortbow without the 1200 range, no matter what you do , will suck.

Tanbin – Ranger / Thief / Ele

Nerfs Fine Except For CA Recharge (PvP/WvW)

in Ranger

Posted by: Earix.5684


From my perspective as a druid playing a dedicated healer in one of the main European GvG guilds and from my perspective as an active WvW player healing as a druid in large scale battles, the change to our Avatar’s cooldown is a step back in the wrong direction.

The amount of damage we have to deal with is already superior to what PvE players have to deal with in most raid wings… and it’s not scripted in the same predictable way. I don’t get why we should be gated behind an increased cooldown while our avatar’s uptime may be more critical than in any other game mode. Every single second counts and this change is hurting us.

From what I understood, the main issues with a 10 seconds cooldown were:
1) Small scale battles in WvW and PvP with good damage and healing on the same class
2) Break stun, full condition clean, stealth and superspeed on a potential 10 seconds cooldown (Druidic Clarity & Celestial Shadow)

I do agree that both these issues needed to be addressed but increasing our Avatar’s cooldown wasn’t the smartest way to fix it.

Regarding small scale battles, it could have been fixed thanks to the change to healing power’s contribution and base healing rebalancing on spells. I don’t think more was needed except maybe a sharper number tweaking. After all, if you want to heal you should have to invest in it.

Regarding Druidic Clarity and Celestial Shadow uptimes, increasing Avatar’s cooldown is NOT the answer. Some of your Majors already have a different cooldown than their triggers. Adding an increased cooldown on both Majors would have been a better way to address the issue.

To ArenaNet:
You should pay more attention to what’s happening in WvW and how your changes are impacting some classes in this game mode. You should also pay more attention to GvG even if it’s not an official game mode. Just for your information, a GvG tournament is currently being held in Europe. It’s attracting quite some viewers on Twitch without being promoted in-game during loading screens

Of course, we can still play in the Guild Hall’s arena where PvE rules apply (10 seconds CD on Avatar)…

PS: WTB hp bars above my squad members head in Guild Hall’s arena.

Earix – GvG Player – Druid / Soulbeast
Pirate Chips [LAYS] – Server Hopping (EU)

How does pigeonholing healing = diversity?

in Ranger

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


They said long ago in the beginning, that every nerf would bring a buff. It depends if they buff us in a good way.

Exactly. Anet however tend to nerf hard, and then buff something that noone ever uses anyway, even after a minor “buff”.

Nerf example:
Nerf base healing in CA by 25%

Buff example:
Polar bear skill “Icy Roar” has gotten its chill duration increased by 33%. Sounds like massive buff right? In reality – up to 4 seconds from previous 3 seconds on a totally lackluster skill on a useless pet.

So, one thing goes into the nerf basket, and one thing in the buff basket, and all should be happy!

This is typical Anet balancing at its finest.

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

PvP Druid needs balancing

in PvP

Posted by: Cobrakon.3108


Out of Scrapper, DH, and Druid…. Druid can be focused the easiest. So before you go asking for a Druid nerf, you should consider the other high sustain classes.

Right Now Druid is the part of what keeps DH in check. And despite that there are still many DH in a given game. Just imagine without Druid.

So if your going to talk about Druid your going to need to talk about sustain overall. Engineer, DH, Druid, and some other bunker variants need to be addressed without exclusion. Passives and being able to Heal Rotate back up to full health when being focused on with 2 or more, simply should not exist.

Imo a good damage dealer should in theory be able to kill all bunkers by themselves, although it should take a while.

The Ultimate Rule of PvP balance should be: EVERY CLASS CAN KILL EVERY OTHER CLASS.

Then The advantage of the tanky build wouldn’t be brain-dead easy but rather holding points until they are plus 1 against and then holding that point long enough to receive help from team mates.

That should be more of the tanky role. This would be closer to true balance, but I doubt we will ever see it.

(edited by Cobrakon.3108)

Druids are overpowered in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Fay.2357


Seriously go check out druid roaming on twitch stream.

he uses full celestial staff/sword warhorn and trolls people like 5~6 vs 1 with crazy sustain tanking healing and use mobility to run when low come back rinse and repeat if u have a look he is not even skilled yet that full cele druid can hit up to 7~8k auto attacks on staff with celestial with perma 25 stacks of might

See, here’s the thing that you’re not aware of. It’s only possible to do a 5-6 vs 1 if you’re good and the other 5 people are absolute garbage players. Now, the good person realizes this. Good people watching good people do this realize this.

However, a comfortable majority of people in WvW are very bad players, which means that this sort of 1v5 will happen pretty often. These people also end up on the forums complaining about things that aren’t broken simply because they’re not good enough to play against them.

(edited by Fay.2357)

Hanging up the Druid

in Ranger

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


This isn’t strictly a Ranger/Druid problem. Everyone is just innately tanky now and the skill floor is abysmally low.

I still play core Ranger and Necromancer in WvW both small scale/solo and zerging and do just fine against most players, although it is definitely an uphill battle.

Personally, I find it more rewarding to beat players when I’m at a disadvantage. But there are many, many times where I also hate losing based on the build I’m fighting and not based on my skill. For example; I was fighting this Dragonhunter a few days ago who was trying to LOS me (as if he didn’t have enough of an advantage to begin with) and I wound up sending him some hatemail because I was frustrated that he was trying to cheese me when he really didn’t need to. It was my own stupidity for being stubborn but sometimes people just amaze me at how easy they want their wins to be.

Everyone’s different though so just because I can’t relate to it doesn’t mean it’s wrong.

Sorry that you’re feeling how you are. I gave up on my Necro for quite some time because I felt I was at way too much of a disadvantage without Reaper until I put a build together that has been working really well. So I can understand how it sometimes feels like the class you’re playing isn’t worth it anymore.

Honestly though, small scale stuff in WvW just isn’t what it used to be and that’s all there is to it. Everything is either insta-gib or so stupidly hard to kill it’s boring.

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma

Hanging up the Druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


This isn’t strictly a Ranger/Druid problem. Everyone is just innately tanky now and the skill floor is abysmally low.

Adrenal health double endure pain berserkers have pretty much made me stop roaming. What is the point? It’s not fun for anyone involved.

"Guard!" Under the sea

in Ranger

Posted by: Shadelang.3012


“Grbrbld” “Wr Hreerl ar Wrn” “Brtert Mr” “Strblr Rb Rrr Prgl”

(sorry couldn’t resist)

Ghost Yak

Needed Buffs/Tweaks 2016

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenith.7301


How is that a nerf? I took in what you suggested and added an extra effect? It would be a buff tho lol.

SO its “10% damage and gain 2 stacks of might when you swap weapons”

Oh, I’m getting you now. I thought… you just wanted to make it 2 might on weapon swap only. I’m silly. My bad.
That would be lovely. Not sure how much of a difference for non-competitive content it would be but… Yes, it would feel nice to feel buffed when swapping weapons even more.

I think It would be a good buff even for pve, atleast we dont have to trait into NM to get 25 might stacks, you can now do it with Skirm/BM only. Atleast noone is going to be pigeonholed into NM most of the time.


Furious Grip

  • CD reduced to 7 seconds


  • CD reduced to 7 seconds

Hunter’s Tactics

  • Increased Damage while attacking from behind or the side. Gain 2 Might Stacks when swapping weapons. ICD 7 seconds
  • Damage Increase: 10%
    Might 2 stacks (10s): +60 Power, +60 Condition Damage

Reasoning: The 7 second CD traits are reduced to have better synergy with the Warrior Runes. I changed the critical hit chance when flanking because it does not make any sense in skirmishing where you easily get perma fury. 10% damage is more in line. Also I added Gain might on weapon swap to Give Skirmishing a more streamlined approach. 10% damage by itself is not worthy of a GM minor slot especially if it is really situational. Before anyone says this is OP check this for reference:

Funny thing is the skirmishing minor used to be a 10% damage modifier and then they went and nerfed it to 10% crit in their unbelievably stupid belief that this was actually a net buff change in one of their bigger ranger trait revisions.

We also got worthless garbage like Strider’s Defense, an RNG defense against projectiles that requires you be swinging your weapon and a cooldown reduction on a weapon whose cooldown skills are used situationally and not on cooldown (as they are a DPS loss compared to autoattack, and you don’t want to go blowing your evades just because).

Yeap it was 10% before, it was better no doubt, but flanking is such a situational mechanic that you only benefit from the trait IF you successfully flank. So I added another effect to it, only fair right?

It’s amusing, because they’ve got this flanking obsession with ranger, yet outside Serpent Strike or Dagger 4 we don’t really have a way to stay there, unlike thieves with flanking strike spam and their far superior mobility.

They also gutted our endurance regen and vigor saying we had too many dodges, and then proceeded to gift all of those dodges back to thieves and then daredevil, but on steroids.

When Robert Hrouda still worked here, in his post he said that ranger’s burst was lacking because they were supposed to be among the best sustained DPS classes.

That never materialized either.

Pets won’t still attack objects or castle walls, ranged pets won’t even attack down walls.

I was doing the Chak Hive comb destruction event and having your pet just stare at the object you’re supposed to destroy reminds me how little effort they put into actually making the class work.

Hell, I was at Vinewrath, and the Teragriff’s 1-shot aoe still instantly kills the pet despite the AoE change. I bet Liadri will also be unchanged.

More importantly, why is that ridiculous 50 sec pet death penalty still there? Remove it, there’s no reason whatsoever for it to exist, if a pet dies just tie it to swap cd.

If I kill mesmer phantasms, their phantasms aren’t gone for 50 seconds (and the pet makes more of our damage than phantasms do theirs).

If I do enough damage to a warrior, he suddenly doesn’t do 12-15% less damage for 50 seconds. It’s an atrocious design.

Shadelangs Pet Flaw Thread.

in Ranger

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


This might have been brought up already, but anyway…

Pets needs incoming condition duration reduction baseline, with a trait that clears conditions on them, either x conditions/x seconds, or tied to F2 use or something.

Melee pets are often rooted and/or crippled in pvp, meaning their already low hit rate becomes a joke. If this is not a good idea, consider reducing petswap cd.

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user