Showing Posts For Gakeman.5296:
i already considered pets that did 2-5k dmg on their “burst” abilities , knockdowns other cc’s with animations as pretty good pets.
but now we have pets who do 7-10k+ dmg every 10-15seconds, unblockable knocks, evades, permanent quickness, permanent 25 might. All this with druid having incredible control, best self sustain and decent damage for a “support”.
This guy is a sapphier or ruby dude who knows nothing about how the real world goes lol..
So 2.5 seconds quickness every 16 seconds, an elite that requires Bristleback f2 on a 48 cd that gives you some might for 15 secs, providing all attacks lands = perma quickness and perma 25 mights lol…
Best sustain lol.. (Mesmer, Tempest, Revenant outsustain Druid with superior mechanic such as evade, infinite stability, )
Your so-called best sustain got ripped through by Revenant in 2 seconds. (Banish Enchantment spam 18 stacks confusion + 6 cover condition in 2 seconds), which in a +1 situation you could die instantly if the opponent has half a brain.
All Druid’s cleanse has a delay of 2~2.5 seconds (Glyphs, seed of life).Druid’s “only” stun-break has a cd of 20, meaning if you got dragged into cc chain, most of the time you’re dead in a team fight. (While Revenant has stun-break with no cd, Mesmer has lots of teleport, invulnerable and evade)
Sometimes Druid’s stunbreak is counter-productive against Revenant because it’d trigger another CC from their trait that leads to another 3 secs taunt, which by then you’re usually dead.Learn the real world, start doing some real fight, and you’d see that Druid is one of the most balanced class currently in the current Meta. (No cheese mechanic, no 40 secs protection, no infinite cleanse, no infinite stability, no infinite stun-break, no evade evade evade block block block for the whole matches, moderate damage, vulnerable in outnumber fight, vulnerable to cc and so on)
i guess this applies for sapphire / ruby level druids only?
Only a sapphire / ruby dude would cry Druid OP because not many people even play that in legendary. (Because those pros all know Druid is not really strong at all, and cant fight outnumber fight and carry the team like Rev and Chrono do)
If you really fight some legendary division level fight, you’d know how vulnerable druid is in a team fight, and every decent Revenants know that, and would target you in the team fight and quickly kill you.50% play Revenant and 30% play Chorno in legend division.
You do realize, that your divion says nothing about your skill level?
I do realize many people stuck in mere Ruby yet they always talk the loudest and always believe they’re good despite they’re still stuck in Ruby. (I pass through Ruby in 2 days while duo/ trio because it’s such a joke tier)
I made some really good/ skillful pvp friends when I hit Ruby because we perform well together, so they notice me and we then occasionally do matches together duo or trio (still I play 60% solo que though), making advancing much more achievable.
One more thing, try climbing Legend onward and see if it’s as easy as you think.
Even 4~5 man premade often don’t help that much at all. (I ended up doing Duo most of the time) In fact, most of the 4~5man premades are terrible in legend, much worse than solo/duo opponents I faced before.
99% solo or duoq. I stand by my point.
Divisons arent connected to MMR. I see the worst players in the game in legendary.
i already considered pets that did 2-5k dmg on their “burst” abilities , knockdowns other cc’s with animations as pretty good pets.
but now we have pets who do 7-10k+ dmg every 10-15seconds, unblockable knocks, evades, permanent quickness, permanent 25 might. All this with druid having incredible control, best self sustain and decent damage for a “support”.
This guy is a sapphier or ruby dude who knows nothing about how the real world goes lol..
So 2.5 seconds quickness every 16 seconds, an elite that requires Bristleback f2 on a 48 cd that gives you some might for 15 secs, providing all attacks lands = perma quickness and perma 25 mights lol…
Best sustain lol.. (Mesmer, Tempest, Revenant outsustain Druid with superior mechanic such as evade, infinite stability, )
Your so-called best sustain got ripped through by Revenant in 2 seconds. (Banish Enchantment spam 18 stacks confusion + 6 cover condition in 2 seconds), which in a +1 situation you could die instantly if the opponent has half a brain.
All Druid’s cleanse has a delay of 2~2.5 seconds (Glyphs, seed of life).Druid’s “only” stun-break has a cd of 20, meaning if you got dragged into cc chain, most of the time you’re dead in a team fight. (While Revenant has stun-break with no cd, Mesmer has lots of teleport, invulnerable and evade)
Sometimes Druid’s stunbreak is counter-productive against Revenant because it’d trigger another CC from their trait that leads to another 3 secs taunt, which by then you’re usually dead.Learn the real world, start doing some real fight, and you’d see that Druid is one of the most balanced class currently in the current Meta. (No cheese mechanic, no 40 secs protection, no infinite cleanse, no infinite stability, no infinite stun-break, no evade evade evade block block block for the whole matches, moderate damage, vulnerable in outnumber fight, vulnerable to cc and so on)
i guess this applies for sapphire / ruby level druids only?
Only a sapphire / ruby dude would cry Druid OP because not many people even play that in legendary. (Because those pros all know Druid is not really strong at all, and cant fight outnumber fight and carry the team like Rev and Chrono do)
If you really fight some legendary division level fight, you’d know how vulnerable druid is in a team fight, and every decent Revenants know that, and would target you in the team fight and quickly kill you.50% play Revenant and 30% play Chorno in legend division.
You do realize, that your divion says nothing about your skill level?
(edited by Gakeman.5296)
Wasnt my personally best match, but definitely cool to watch.
If you want to tell your team something you have to use Team chat. Its the same as map chat, just that the other team cant read it. It would be acutally nice to have something similar like that for say chat to make ppl notice when you are down, but w/e.
I dont really get why people are saying that the skill is fine. Just because it has two effects I shouldnt be able to rupt both? Which other block works like that anyway. When a block gets rupted like that it always stops blocking. This one is the only excepetion. Even when this would be intended. It is obviously badly designed and should be changed.
when i cancel cast shelter for canceling out dmg while rezing or stomping i consider it skillful so lets please not fix, losing 5k heal is big enough
They could change the skill that way, that you could still do that, but when your blocks gets rupted it acutally stops blocking.
Banishing bodies out of SR doesn’t reveal them. Nerf plz!
See look i can be bias too!
This is just a bad argument. Because stuff is broken other stuff shouldnt be fixed? Of cause both should be fixed. Do you think just because I main thief I dont want, that the bugs in relation to my class dont get fixed? I multiclass anyway. I just want this game to be bugfree. I dont want to have an adventage over other specs.
When you rupt shelter from guardian with magnet, fear me, sbow4+basi etc. it still keeps blocking. Pls fix.
On the other hand, Renewed Focus (the meditation elite which is supposed to be instant cast and to provide 2 seconds of invulnerability) is bugged and can be inturrepted by attacks that push you as ranger’s logbow #4 or engineer’s rifle #4. As result, you get pushed, you eat the damage and you elite enters in cooldown. Bugged from the release.
I really never saw that happening and i already used overcharged against renewed focus quite some times.
so if i expect an interupt should i just cancel right before hand so i keep the block andthe same thing happens? like im not sure what we could do here
If some1 gets the interrupt on your shelter or you see it coming he obv outplayed you and should be rewarded for that. You can still cover it with stability tho or maybe even f1 blinds, depending on your spec etc.
inb4 every1 switches to NA.
I dont really get why people are saying that the skill is fine. Just because it has two effects I shouldnt be able to rupt both? Which other block works like that anyway. When a block gets rupted like that it always stops blocking. This one is the only excepetion. Even when this would be intended. It is obviously badly designed and should be changed.
when i cancel cast shelter for canceling out dmg while rezing or stomping i consider it skillful so lets please not fix, losing 5k heal is big enough
They could change the skill that way, that you could still do that, but when your blocks gets rupted it acutally stops blocking.
Banishing bodies out of SR doesn’t reveal them. Nerf plz!
See look i can be bias too!
This is just a bad argument. Because stuff is broken other stuff shouldnt be fixed? Of cause both should be fixed. Do you think just because I main thief I dont want, that the bugs in relation to my class dont get fixed? I multiclass anyway. I just want this game to be bugfree. I dont want to have an adventage over other specs.
When you rupt shelter from guardian with magnet, fear me, sbow4+basi etc. it still keeps blocking. Pls fix.
On the other hand, Renewed Focus (the meditation elite which is supposed to be instant cast and to provide 2 seconds of invulnerability) is bugged and can be inturrepted by attacks that push you as ranger’s logbow #4 or engineer’s rifle #4. As result, you get pushed, you eat the damage and you elite enters in cooldown. Bugged from the release.
I really never saw that happening and i already used overcharged against renewed focus quite some times.
When you rupt shelter from guardian with magnet, fear me, sbow4+basi etc. it still keeps blocking. Pls fix.
Approved. Steal is buggy as kitten lately.
Use “Stow/Draw Weapons” instead of escape.
Thx Uzzwick, I really appreciate that. We already have a really hard bracket for the qualifiers, but we will try our best.
We are from EU btw.
Hey ppl,
was really surprised when I was in Rata Sum the last time. Are heavy classes even allowed to wear that? I think the armor for heavy classes shouldnt give them so much mobility.
Greetings Levin
PS: Thx for the screen to bullet.
hmmmmmmm nope,thief is not hard counter to mesmer(as a player who have 2k hours on each one).Mesmer actually is a hard counter to thief.
K, wanna 1vs1 me? I gonna use sword only on thief.
But since thief highly counters mesmer
Never noticed this, 4/4/0/0/6 shatter.
And no to your request, 3s stability from a stolen ability from a steal that might not even land and clones usually deal with Aegis. You can also make a build focusing on destroying boons if it bothers you that much.
Maybe you never faced good thieves then, cause overall, thief is the hard-counter to mesmers at the moment.
Might not even land? Either that mesmer can dodge really good, or the thief is just failing to spam f1.
Make a build to counter a skill? Let’s just not do that shall we?
The stability and aegis are both not in the description, while the buffs are already long enough. The moment you think you can counter the thief by using I-wave when he uses his shadow refuge, it wont push him out cause he uses the cheap steal skill. The skill is already strong enough without it, why put both aegis and stability on it too? It’s not like mesmer gets stability from the signet of inspiration. It’s actually funny cause mesmer has almost 0 access to stability.Wrong. At equal skill levels, a mesmer should win.
Come back, when you are actually on the leaderboards. Thx.
Why ? Those leaderboards looks like “who’s the biggest noob” list to me.
u just insulted all the top 1000 rank players
anyway, i played both mesmer and thief, i do think that thief would loose if mesmer is specced exactly to counter thief, but due to us trying to be as versitale as possible, we cant counter thiefs with a current build , but its fine, i dont think consume plasma needs to be nerfed, thiefs mostly build for 1v1 anyway due to em beeing roamers in pvp
Yes I did, what they gonna do about it ?
Laugh at u. Cause u have no idea about this game. Most ppl in the top 1000 suck really hard and if u arent even in the lb i have bad news for u. Or where do u get your tpvp experience? Hotjoin? Lolz.
But since thief highly counters mesmer
Never noticed this, 4/4/0/0/6 shatter.
And no to your request, 3s stability from a stolen ability from a steal that might not even land and clones usually deal with Aegis. You can also make a build focusing on destroying boons if it bothers you that much.
Maybe you never faced good thieves then, cause overall, thief is the hard-counter to mesmers at the moment.
Might not even land? Either that mesmer can dodge really good, or the thief is just failing to spam f1.
Make a build to counter a skill? Let’s just not do that shall we?
The stability and aegis are both not in the description, while the buffs are already long enough. The moment you think you can counter the thief by using I-wave when he uses his shadow refuge, it wont push him out cause he uses the cheap steal skill. The skill is already strong enough without it, why put both aegis and stability on it too? It’s not like mesmer gets stability from the signet of inspiration. It’s actually funny cause mesmer has almost 0 access to stability.Wrong. At equal skill levels, a mesmer should win.
Come back, when you are actually on the leaderboards. Thx.
Hey guys,
I can kill most mesmer with sword only easy .No clue how most mesmer cant think, that thief does not hard counter them. I guess a little nerf to “Consume Plasma” is totally okay.
I killed mesmers with off hand dagger ONLY, but that only makes the player I faced terribad.
I also killed thieves without any weapon on my mesmer, relying only on clone procs, but that also makes the thief I faced terribad.Look at this:
Do you think they should nerf thieves because I beat a perplexity engi with only one dagger?
Its not like i played against bad mesmer. I killed Helseth with sword only on a 1vs1 server e.g. And in high lvl pvp every1 knows that mesmer gets hardcountered by thief. So its actually quite a good idea to nerf the stolen ability from the mesmer, since it would be still pretty strong.
Hey guys,
I can kill most mesmer with sword only easy . No clue how most mesmer cant think, that thief does not hard counter them. I guess a little nerf to “Consume Plasma” is totally okay.
Engineers are indeed pretty tough encounter for a thief. However with 20066 sd you actually have quite good chances to kill them. First off all you should try to start the fight behind an object or a wall or something you can always return to. Then you engage the engie with s#2 normally. First off all you should always try to stay out of their aoe. So if they use bombs just port back, wait for them to run out and engage again. Also you should port back from time to time, cause you will eat one or two condies for sure, so you can remove it with s#2. You can also try to interrupt their offensive with f1, so you have more time where they cant do anything or even interrupt their healskill with it, if you have a really good timing. Also you could try to do venom + sd#3 second skill combo to hit them while they are blocking, if they use toolkit or shield #5, but i guess that is quite tricky.
Also. If you go into stealth with CnD(what i personally wouldnt do against engies but depends) or with sa a pretty good combo is normally to immob them with sbow#1 and then use the stolen f1 ability. Also you could continue with s#2 to stacks even more immob. But be sure to use choking gas(sbow #4) first to poison them, if they might have their condi immunity trait ready.
(edited by Gakeman.5296)
Wow. Just wow. Do these ppl even play this game. w/e
First of all. In sPvP no good thief goes into shadow arts. I hardly doubt that ppl would complain about it. Acutally HiS gives u much less HP/s in comparison to withdraw. You should view this out of the point from a dp thief with 10 30 0 0 30. My only condi remove is my heal, if i use HiS and shadow step. So if i get hit from torment and it does too much damage i have to use my shadow step to remove it, even if my heal would be ready.
That would be nice.
While I don’t think Thief heal skills need to be even more loaded with functions, I do agree with the OP that the spirit of the heal isn’t being reflected. It’s incredibly obvious that it’s supposed to remove all DoTs.
Thanks. Thats what i mean. When i said fix i maybe should have said updated. Withdraw removes all mobility conditon and this one should remove all DoTs. Its creally not how it should be. Since lyssa got nerfed it tried to play with this heal. But if i get torment stacks, which happens quite easy i cant do kitten against it. If it would at least remove torment i would maybe take it over withdraw, but like this, no thx.
Doesnt make sense. Pls fix.
We are currently looking for two more members for an long term active pvp group. Atm our main goal is to take part in the legends tourney, but we would like to participate in all kinda of upcoming events in the future. Currently we are three people. Support Guardian Kush, Mesmer Xg and myself Red Levin as thief. We are looking for a really good hambow war and also another stable class. We kind of preffer a really good ele nekro or ranger. If you want to join you should have a lot of experience(at least 1k tournament games), know how to rotate, clear voice in ts and to take and give criticism. Our current ranking on leaderboards is top200, but with a competetive team 100+ should be easy to reach.
If you are interested just whisper me or send me a mail.
(edited by Gakeman.5296)
We are currently looking for two more members for an long term active pvp group. Atm our main goal is to take part in the legends tourney, but we would like to participate in all kinda of upcoming events in the future. Currently we are three people. Support Guardian Xg, Spirit Ranger Mohnx and myself Red Levin as thief. We are looking for a really good hambow war and also another class. We kind of preffer a really good nekro, mesmer or another warrior. If you want to join you should have a lot of experience, know how to rotate, clear voice in ts and to take and give criticism.
If you are interested just whisper me or send me a mail.
Edit: Highly looking for a Hambow now!
(edited by Gakeman.5296)
Hey guys,
we are from EU and are looking for a team on NA so we can play there from time to time. We want to play guard (support/tank, r60) and thief (s/p, r57). On Eu we are top 200 in teamq, on NA we are top 100. Normally we could be online from 3pm EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) for some hours.
If you are interessted whisper me.
PS: Better send me a mail.
(edited by Gakeman.5296)