Showing Highly Rated Posts By Galtrix.7369:
Short Answer: To avoid causing an uproar.
Long Answer: One of two answers are correct. You decide which.
1- Think about how much whining and crying is going on right now about the balance changes and how they aren’t well done at all. Each skill change is taken apart and analyzed by the players, and that’s where the crying is coming from. If Anet told the players about every single skill that was changed, there would probably be riots and chaos. I don’t like it either, but if I were Anet, I wouldn’t tell the players about minor changes either.
2- Nobody has any idea what they’re doing with balancing classes, so they have to fix the many mistakes they make by going back and stealth-fixing it instead of making an “official” change.
He has 16k health because he can’t play very well and has to use defensive gear to compensate for his inability to dodge.
Just because you have defensive gear does not make you a bad player. Get it through your thick skulls, people.
I got a group together one day for AC when I was level 40ish. Everyone else was level 80. They all said they wanted to kick me, but did nothing about it. Everything went perfectly fine in AC, everything was going smooth and I never died, but everyone else in my party got downed at least twice. 2 minutes later, I get a kick and a nice whisper saying, “Don’t come back until you’re level 80”. I sent them a nice message saying, “L2P”. Needless to say, I added them to my friends list so I could plan revenge one day.
I leveled to 80, got a commander title, world completion, and I made a build that let me farm CoF extremely quickly, so quickly in fact, that I actually had people lining up in a queue to join my party for CoF farm runs. So I’m farming one day, and lo and behold, 2 guys that kicked me from AC showed up begging for a run. I let them in. I whisper the other members of the party explaining what happened to me and I tell them my plan. We get to the final boss, and I vote to kick them both when the boss was at 10% health. I got some pretty mean whispers, but all I said was, “Remember me? Now don’t kick lowbies or they may own your life one day”.
Yes, just what this game needs! More time-gated stuff! Let’s take a look at all the time-gated stuff Anet has added over the past few months. Dailies, monthlies, crystal shards, laurels, Mega boss chests, crafting materials, and heaven knows what else. I could probably find a list somewhere where there are about 50 time-gated items.
If Anet adds a single time-gated piece of content, I am making my character leap off the tallest cliff in Tyria, leave him dying on the ground, logging out, and uninstalling the game.
I’m laughing so hard at this. I can barely get 20 people for Teq on a good day. How can Anet expect me to gather 80 people on a server that barely has that many? Please Anet, for the love of all that is good in this game, think when you come up with new ideas for raids/dungeons/pve! Think about the servers with a low population that probably don’t even have 80 people on them.
Anet: Buy more RNG boxes, that’s all we care about.
Player: No thanks, I’d rather just play the game and buy my skins outright.
Anet: Oh, then we’ll put every “cool” skin in an rng box and make you buy thousands of the boxes to get your skins.
Player: Oh come on. You suck.
Tl:dr – Anet wants you to buy rng, they don’t care about anything else. Screw content, up with rng!
Stop guessing. Unless you guest to every single server in both the EU an the US you have no idea. No one does. Only Anet can answer this.
I assumed he would want a better answer than “Only Anet can answer this”. So a guess is still better than your answer. I’m giving him my personal experience and nothing more. He is intelligent enough to decide what to believe and what not to believe. Yes, only Anet can answer this, but ask for more people’s experience with the game and you’ll get a slew of different answers.
Guild Wars 1 players were familiar with the cash shop for items that don’t affect power or pvp, and when Guild Wars 2 added the diamond/gold trade, most Guild Wars 1 players were smart enough to see the direction that Guild Wars 2 was going to take, which is removing pretty much all sources of easy income so most people will just buy diamonds and switch them to gold. At the moment that Anet started slowly decreasing the drop rate on good items, most players from Guild Wars 1 left, including myself. So, in short, Anet wants you to spend money to get fake money, to increase your satisfaction in a fake game. Hope that answers your question.