(edited by Gany.1793)
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I have always believed that the Ministry was a sort of “House of Lords”. Kas’s family has been in the Ministry because they were noble, but lost that when her family lost its noble stature.
The Ministry, however, is not run by ALL nobility. Father, I seem to recall somthing being said about it being the “Ministry Council” that actually has rule. These are a select few who head the Ministry and attend to the day to day running of the country under the king or queens general approval. The Ministry Council, I believe, is probably appointed by the Monach. At this time, of course, Jennah has only been queen for about 12 years, and so most of the Ministry Council would have been the remains of the regency set in place while she was young.
As has been said, most Krytans do not know of all the corruption and back room dealings that go on, and most probably have a generally good opinion of the Ministry Council. As a result, the Queen has to be very careful in that Den of Vipers and can’t just wipe them out as she might want. Additionally, there are some on the Ministry Council who are not corrupt and work very closely with her.
My guess would be, since Caudecus has now gone wholy over to the WM it will be viewed as him “abandoning his post”, leaving a new opening on the Ministry Council. Also, all his lands and wealth would revert to the crown.
In LW S2, Countess Anise told Kas to come see the queen after this was “all over” to see what could be done about re establishing her family name.
So who knows…perhaps Kas will become the new Minister of Beetlestone, and the new head of the Ministry Council, all by appointment from the Queen.
Just a thought….
I rather doubt the names have real depth. They seem to be more descriptive than anything else.
I agree, but it would be interesting to see them make legendaries that have a more Lore/Story based name. Like Calidbolg (sp??), a weapon we can’t get or make, but has an amazing story to it.
The rest of the legendary set got delayed so long because making the story took too much time. I wouldn’t hold your breath
Actually, it wasn’t about story, it was about the collections which was their story element. I’m asking not for the collections, but just story…this should be much easier to do, since it really only involves developing the Lore for the legend of the weapon’s origins. It would basically just give the Narrative group a chance have some fun and interesting input into the Legendaries
I really like what is going on with the Legendary weapons. I thought the collections were a nice way to give some more info on the Legendaries, but even those, I thought, didn’t really give me much of a sense for them.
As a player, what I really want, and I think what many of us want, are the legends. These are legendary weapons. What is their legend then?
Where did they come from? Who was the first to make such a weapon? What part did it have in their adventure?
I think the new shortbow (the tigers) had a bit of that, though I haven’t actually done those collections, but I have heard great things about it. The others, however, I don’t think managed to get any of that. I crafted Astralaria, and I liked the collections, I liked the idea of “this why this weapon does this” for the special effects and such, but why is it called Astralaria?
I would suggest that with each stage of the crafting process, when we have to purchase a book, have those be real books. Let us double click on them and read a story about how we made it, about the original Legendary weapon and who had it in the time of legends, about what makes it so legendary. In short, give us some in game lore on these items.
As a side note, of course, this means we will have even more books….for which we really should have a “Library” tab in our bank to place these books in so we can always go back and read the lore we uncovered at anytime without having to clutter up our banks.
Thanks for the time to consider this idea,
I know we are going bac to alpine maps and that in general the desert boarderlands are seen as mostly a failure, but I think it would be interesting after having developed a third bl map to then try having a setup were each of the 3 boarderlands are one of the three, thus having them all out at the same time and seeing which get the most use, or even if it expands the experience of adjusting to the three types.
to this end, I would suggest the third map set would be…..
My reasons for how I think this would be a unique and challenging idea are:
1. there would be, as I see it, essentially three separate areas:
A) Ocean Floor: this could be a roamers delight. moving along the bottom, twisting through paths of coral channels and caverns to stealthily approach areas, set up ambush sites, and prepping for and engaging in fortification attaks, the objectives being built into the coral reefs, underwater cliffsides and even just underwater grottos.
Central Keep: In the center of the map would be a keep that needs to be broken into, possibly with several fighting areas, that require rising up through a tower that leads almost to the surface. The lords chamber would be at the very top and would have open glass all around so you can see everything in the map, though from a distance.
C) Open Seas: also known as Zerg-a-paloza. Schools of zergs circling around, keep an eye on the area below them, looking for roams to send off squads to take them out, sending out squads to look for vulnerable formations to take off…all they while needing to maintain enough numbers to keep the sharks from attacking them, the sharks of course being enemy zergs.
2. Water skills are probably the least used skills in the game, this map would allow a place where a characters water skills are now important as well as their land skills, since once breaking into the tower, keep, supply camp would then turn to dry land fights, and fleeing them would change back to water skills….this could be some amazing combat combos.
3. the three areas mentioned above, provide lots of opportunities for all the different activities that make wvw such a unique style. the half secluded ocean floor allows for a lot of sneaking around, hope to avoid the open water zergs, countering the use of a long trip with the stealthy approach, yet once under attack, response teams can be sent out quickly to respond, since they can just fly like a crow through the open ocean to defend their attacked asset.
So those are my thoughts….how about you? What do you think? Any other ideas of what you would like for a 3rd bl map? Who knows, the devs may actually be inspired by someone’s thoughts here.
I find it hard to believe that Garm would not have accompanied Eir on the mission. Ranger’s and their pets are seperatable only, really, by death. Course, a big nasty evil Elder Dragon imprisioning the separately might also be able to do the trick
I think we may have to wait for LW S3, S4 or beyond to find out Garm’s story
Yes… she was. " The royal lineage of Kryta, as with all royalty, descends from King Doric." She was the daughter of King Jadon, the monarch at the time of the charr invasion, via one of his ‘indiscretions’ and thus still directly part of the dynasty. The reason the Shining Blade are committed specifically to the Salmaics isn’t because they’re a seperate line of descent- Salma is just where the Shining Blade became invested in the royal family. Or, if you want to put it in more nationalistic terms, you could say that since Salma was at one point the last known royal in Kryta, loyalty to her descendants keeps the throne in Krytan hands. Opening it up to all of Doric’s descendants could theoretically result in the Shining Blade trying to place an Ascalonian on the throne, or some other foreigner descended from Jadon, if he lived long enough to sire any more children.
I stand corrected. Thank you for that correction
The latter part, however, was the point I meant to make here. The Doric line could expand beyond the Krytan royalty, whereas the Salmanic line is ONLY Krytan royalty.
Thanks again for the clarification
I’ve seen several odd lore errors in the above conversation.
First off, Adelburn and Barradin were royals of Ascelon, not Kryta. Their succession rules were very different.
As has been mentioned, the story says Jennah is the only living member of the direct ruling family. That doesn’t mean there aren’t other lines of succession. This, however, has several issues. In the real world, look at all the wars the have washed over England because the succession was unclear? When you pass beyond just Parent and Child, it can become very confusing and complex, no matter how much documentation exists. The locket actually provides a way to secure a definite line of succession to the Krytan throne.
As to why the image in the locket is unknown….what if the image were of Caudicus? One of the few things keeping the ministers from killing Jennah is the line of succession and who would be set up in power at her death. The ministers, if they don’t know who the locket shows, might hesitate without such info, or perhaps they would just rather make the locket “go away” entirely.
Also of import is the Shinning Blade. They are not sworn to Queen Jennah, but rather to the Salmanic Throne. (It is not actually the Doric Throne, but the Salmanic Throne.) Queen Salma, who took back the throne after the overthrow of the White Mantle, started the current dynasty. She, actually, was not a direct descendant to King Doric. She was only the closest relation to the Doric line still living.
If the Minister’s were to overthrow Queen Jennah, they would need to try to make sure whoever they chose as the new king or queen was a descendant of Salma, or they would have to fight the Shinning Blade.
There is a lot of fodder in this storyline, and hopefully the Raid storyline, and the fact that season 3 won’t be out until after the final wing drops, means that perhaps they will do a major shift to a new Krytan Civil War, with Logan and Queen Jennah going into hiding with the shinning blade protecting their retreat and working on their return as the ministry calls in the White Mantel to back them up against the Shinning Blade.
That would be a great Season 3, imho.
Actually, they appear to resemble the Chantry Powering Devices, as show in the wiki under Chantry of Secrets.
For those not familiar with the first Guild Wars, in Pre Searing Ascelon there was a group of npc’s in the middle of a forested area with only bears to kill. These were the original Bearhunters who just stood around, getting drunk and talking about how great they were at killing bears. They also offered a quest to kill a bear in a certain amount of time.
In Eye of the North, they were repeated with a group of drunken Norn (a redundancy I know) talking about killing bears.
I miss those drunken old sotts, and would love to see them again. Recently there was a Guild Chat with an animator on the panel. He mentioned that he had animated a scene of Hylek of various ilks sitting around a campfire. I think these would be great to place in the game as the Bear hunters.
Of course, there are no bears in the Maguma Jungle. Why would there then be Bearhunters?
Cause they are that good. There are no bears in Maguma cause the bear hunters killed them all. Right? (Well, I think its a good joke.)
[/quote]Getting Shiro and double swords is not going to be a magical cure all for the Revenant. There should probably be more weapon sets than legends. This whole “one weapon set married to one legend” thing is not working out.
I agree with this. I was so looking forward to a Melee staff, but the current melee staff is vastly underwhelming. More so, marying the weapon sets to a legend just means we have to choose from 3 legends….one that is our weapon and can’t be swapped, and then two others that we can change in and out of.
One think to that point, however, is that I find myself using my utilites almost all the time on rev, whereas I don’t tend to use them much on my other characters….yeah, i’m lazy….my finger has a hard time reaching beyond 5
The basis for doing this available, actually.
When you change legends you get a Legendary Stance. The Invocation Spec does have some things that are triggered by entering a Legendary Stance (ie, all of the minor traits), but there could also be a specific buff, action, whatever that automatically triggers, whether speced or not, such as Jalis gives 5 secs of might, or Ventari gives 3 secs or regen….or whatever
OK…I’m responding first to my own post…seems wrong, but as I thoght of it, I think i came to a better, quicker explaination.
The issue I’m talking about is Choices.
There are so few choices you can make to customize the revenant. All other classes have at least 6 choices they can make (one weapon set and 5 skills). The revenant has only 3 (one weapon set and two utilities sets). The numbers may not seem like much, but for 5 of those 6, other classes can choice from a great many options, creating a highly customized selection of the utility skills. Revanants can’t. Revenants can only choose premade sets.
If the weapons were more weapon oriented, I think that would help, but the real problem is the premade sets. I think we need to have more choices to customize the legends.
I understand about wanting to only have a single weapon set with the Revenant. It definatly has a thematically balancing effect. The only problem I see it that it is way too limiting in build choices. The Revenant has far fewer choices than other classes, since all of the “Utility” (re: 6-0) skillls are pre selected with the choice of the Legend, meaning we can only choose one weapon, but can swap to setups of utilities, were as other classes the reverse is true.
The problem with, IMHO, comes with the fact that the Revenant’s weapon skills have no variance of anykind, and thus the choices available feel far more restrictive.
I think giving the Rev a weapon swap would definately help, but in honesty I don’t see that as the better choice on how to fix this issue.
Currently, the weapons are essentially legend based. You don’t have to run Ventari with the Staff, but in all honesty, weather you run Jalis, Shiro, or anyone else, if you do it with the Staff, you are also accessing Ventari at the same time. Staff/Jalis is, in essence, Ventari/Jalis, just as Mace-Axe/Jalis, is the same as Mallyx/Jalis.
While this may seem an interesting cross point, I think it is actually limiting.
The thematic connections can certainly remain in the way that they annimate, and some of the effects, but I feel that the weapons have gone to far in this currently. The clearest example is the staff. So much of the staff skills are given to healing to prove that it is Ventari’s staff, that it lacks, IMHO, any real focus as an actual weapon. Even with elementalist’s water magic, the different weapons are weapons primarily, and serve their linked function second. Water is weaker in its attacks cause it also heals, but it is still a viable damage.
Of course, in Elementalist, you can change into water and then change out again. With the Rev, can change into Ventari and out again, but choosing the staff, means that is all you get as your weapon. Having weapons with single dedicated points of efffect, (DPS, CC, Heal) is, I suggest, the main problem with the weapons for this class. The dedicated points of effect should be based in the utilites, which can be switched, while the weapons should have more of a basic weapon focus, the difference between the weapon sets being more about the weapon…..such as a staff blow to the head will cause confusion, while an axe chop will bleed.
Or something like that.
Let me start by prefacing this with the fact that I have never been correct in my idea of what Anet is doing.
With that said, I believe Anet is punking us. We are being told it is Mordremoth swimming through the ley lines. In truth, I do not believe that to be so, and I also believe Anet is giving us a huge hint that it is wrong. By that, I mean the new backpiece we have been crafting.
In order to craft it we need a seed from the vines and some leyline infused rocks. Wow. We’re gonna have go mine some rocks! Oh, wait…no we don’t. Here they are in Scarlets secret lab! Isn’t that convenient.
THEORY: At the end of Tower of Nightmares Scarlet retrieves something from the Toxic Hybrid cocoon and then dashes off to places unknown. Perhaps what she retrieved was a seed. A seed she took back to her leyline hub lab, where she had been mining Ley Line Infused rocks to make a Lay Line Infused Clay pot. She then plants the seed and packs it with some yummy food and stashes it in the pool of leyline energy. She then uses her thumpers to find a pool of ley line energy that will polarize the clay pot so her seed will bloom when it comes into contact with it. She then uses her giant drill to access that pool and sends a shockwave through it to send its special polarizing nature through the ley lines to her waiting proto plant. Of course, the waves doesn’t just stop there and, bonus, she wakes up a sleeping dragon. The purpose, however, is just to give birth to her seed.
her seed with now grows into a giant, carnivorous plant with lots of vines, intent on making its way to the pale tree, thus completing Scarlets vision from Omad’s machine.
As to the whole world leader must die thing….though would suggest the intended target is the Pale Mother, though I would remind everyone, just cause she is targeted, doesn’t mean the attack will succeed.
OK…that’s my maniacal rambling. Soon we shall find out the truth of it.
JOTUN: If you look in the wiki, it states that the Jotun’s were “granted magic that led the races to prominence… their power came to rival that of the gods themselves, who began to fear that the jotun would use magic against them. The jotun giant-kings, confused and enraged, turned on one another, and the gods abandoned them, taking their magic away and handed it over to other races, causing the crumbling of jotun civilization.”
This is the fall of the last of the great Giant Races, of which the Norn are also counted, apparently. The fall of the Jotan was because they turned on each other, according to lore, not the loss of magic. The loss of magic was simply the catalyst that began their turning on each other.
TENGU: The Tengu have a long history of humans trying to hunt them to extinction. After Zhaitan rose (the tengu calling this event the Great Tsunami), they migrated to Tyria and, “Out of fear of a repeated past, they constructed a great wall to encircle their city, and non-tengu are not permitted to enter.” So it was no promise of future glory, but rather fear of past genocides that prompted this action.
As a side note, the wiki also mentions that recently Destroyers have surfaced inside the dominion walls….if the Tengu become a player race, this may be the cause of their change of xenophobic policy as they reach out a hand/wing for help.
Considering we already have a home district, I think it would be best to simply give the player’s a house in their home district.
It would also be nice to be able to take some of those things we have gathered through the game, such as Pol and Zephyrite Sanctum Model and Scarlet’s Diary, and turn them into house items that we can display in there.
Additionally, adding in housing items to crafting professions would be nice as well, such as Tailors can make window treatments and rugs…chefs can make paints to change colors on objects, jewlers can make things like candelsticks, chandeliers and clocks….huntsman can make wooden furniture….armorsmiths can make metal furniture…ect.
it would also be nice to create various mystic forge reciepies for other housing goods that you don’t even need a crafter to make.
then there is also the matter of housing limits…..can a player only have 100 items in their house,or can they have a million?
There should also be introduced a number of things that can be displayed in your house to show your accomplishments….something for each of the master crafters…perhaps, taking a page from everquest, lore books…say for every map completion and/or for every title. After all, just cause you say you have been there and done that….where’s the proof?
There is a ton that could be worked into house as it developes, but a basic framework of how it will work is what anet would need to decide first.
And yes, imho, this is a long term issue, not a short term issue, though I have been wanting this since launch. I rarely ever go into my home instance….this would help to give me a reason to do so.
Actually, the OP isn’t about using the stones for item substitution.
Its about the use of the stones to make Mystic Salvage Kits. I do, also, agree with them.
I know that Anet isn’t directly in charge of the exchange rates of gems/gold, but at the current rates, which are actually pretty stable in general, this does make this an extremely expensive item for the forging of the MSK. The MSK already requires the purchase of the equivalent of 75 salvages, via the three highest level salvage kits, and then the use of the forgestone is what makes it sensical to get the 250.
I believe that it would probably be better to use something like Crystals/Philosopher’s Stones or something along that line, something you can puchase for skill points or some other kind of reward, to make these kits.
The Mystic Salvage kit is one of the greatest items in the game, imho, and is far better than any other kit, price wise even better than the Black Lion Salvage kit, though not stat wise.
In truth, however, even the BLSK requires 300 gems for 25 charges, thus making it cost about 24-30 g per kit. From this stand point the MSK seems practically a steal, however the MSK is a more common usage, having the lower return stats and all. Its whole purpose is to be used as a kind of 10 master kits in one, but the cost for that bag convenience is far outstripped by the price point.
So yeah….it would be nice to either change the reciepe, or lower the cost of the forge stones…..I’m thinking changing the reciepe would be better.
I believe you would have to view the different human nations seperately in their rules of succession.
ORR: I don’t recall much about Orr, but I do remember, of course, the Grand Viser. He was the most powerful Orrian magic user of his time, I believe. The King of Orr named him his highest councilor. I do not believe either of the other two utilize the same kind of position.
In Sea of Sorrow, we find the head of the Shining Blade to hold such a position in Kryta, as Countess Anise holds that possition in the current game time. It should be noted also, a rather important distinction, that the Shining Blade does not take a pledge to protect a King or Queen, but rather to protect the Salmaic Dynasty. They are only interesting in making sure that the King or Queen that sits the throne is of Salmaic Line. they don’t care much which it is, and there are hints that even if the King or Queen declares a successor, if another of the Salmaic line would make a safer, strong and potentially more stable successor, they would support that one instead.
When looking at Kryta’s history, we have 3 lines at least that we know of. The Doric Line, the Salmaic Line and the Thorn Line, the last of which is obviously the Mad King.
Ascelon was definately different than Krytan. They were considered more a “Frontier” kind of Human Kingdom, having expanded into the lands formerly held by the Charr. As such, it was more a popular will and strength of arms and abilities at war that determined the next King. Duke Barradine should have become King, but the issue of the Guild Wars was always a major part of the royal succession. Alberdeen was able to take the crown because he was strong, smart and, in simple truth, ambitious. Barradine was not truly interested in the possition, or so it seems to me, which is why he did not object or try to take back the throne.
In the above conversation about the Duke of Ebonhawke, it is also important to remember that Ebonhawke, technically, is not a Krytan outpost, but rather the last outpost of Ascelon. Ascelon has become a part of Kryta over the past 250 years, but no doubt the freedom to tax their subjects and forward part to Kryta is a nod to a degree of independance, even though it is primarily now considered part of Kryta since Ascelon no longer exists. Of course, in Sea of Sorrows, there is a ploy put into place by a supposed descendant of the royal Ascelonian line toward the re establishment of Ascelonian self rule.
As to the manners thing, again 250 years ago, I believe the courtesies were a bit laxer, again due to the fact that Ascelon was more a frontier kingdom. Kryta also, I believe, lost much of the formality since when the royal Krytan line was restored via Salma, she had been a rebel and long out of the courtly ways. I believe as a result, human society in general allows a less formal atmosphere….except for when they want to make a point of things.
Personally, I think this all points to the bloodstones.
We know that there are 5 bloodstones. The Keystone, and then the 4 parts representative of the different kinds of magic currently. We even know generally where three of them are.
1…in the Shiverpeak Mountains, perhaps were we have recently seen a giant robot with killer high heels?
2….in the maguuma Jungle, perhaps were we have recently seen a giant multi headed worm?
3….in Abbaons Mouth….more on that soon.
So lets look at the poem:
Thump, Thump. Time to jump.
——-thump, thump is pretty clearly a reference to the do not touch objects. But what are they doing? Perhaps probing for those ley lines, maybee even sending shockwaves through them. If the ley lines connect the bloodstone pieces, it would explain how in Prophocies sacrificing the chosen on the one shard was able funnel power to the keystone in Abbadon’s Mouth. And if these thumpers are sending shockwave through, perhaps they will make the pieces “jump:” so that it will be easier to find them.
Wipe all resistance from your mind
——-clear you mind, perhaps so that, especially if you are a mesmer, you can sense the magical “jumping” being caused. Of course, if you are an engineer, you might need a device made with aetherized tech to monitor it.
There’s a secret deep below to find
—————5 secrets, actually…the bloodstones
If you’d only seen the things I’ve seen
———in her astral travel through the eternal alchemy she saw how outside forces, like the gods and the pale tree, were trying to control us. This was what she hated, and what drove her on past the points where she was told she should not go.
You’d wake up screaming from The Dream
———-Not just the Sylvari dream, but the dream of complacency that all races have been under, accepting the limitations of magic that the gods put upon us. She wants us to wake up screaming, not in fear, but in rage, to retake our full potentials.
This next part will sting, but it brings me joy
——-Now here is an interesting line. The next part will sting. the bloodstones need blood to activate them. A drop of King Doric’s blood was needed to split the stones….perhaps a drop of blood is needed to restore them. I do not know Kasmeer’s bloodline, but Queen Jenna is of the line of Queen Salma….not the Doric line, but the Salmaic line. Is perhaps Kasmeer of the Doric line? The joy, of course, comes in the form of the bloodstones being reunited.
Sometimes to change you must destroy
——-this is a bit confusing, but perhaps all magic must be made obsolete to be made stronger again…it must be destroyed in order for it to change back to the stronger form of unified magic it once was.
A fire is rising you cannot contain
——-A fire indeed. Not the fire of Primordius. The fire of Abbadon’s Mouth. This strong and powerful a working of magic will probably cause the Volcano to errupt again.
Tyria will burn, while I remain.
——-at the heart of the Volocono, perhaps somehow protected by the newly reforged bloodstone, Scarlet will be safe, as fire rains down all over the continent like a second Searing.
This is my idea for the meaning of the poem. As to why the Pale Tree said Scarlet didn’t understand…well, that I think is pretty obvious. She isn’t thinking of how much easier and stronger the Elder Dragons will become. Right now, they are eating relics that still hold the ancient magics. Current magic isn’t as strong and so not as satisfying. If the magic we wield against them is full strength again, it would seem possible that they could devour that magic much easier and become much fuller in the process.
I believe Scarlet thinks she is working to save the world, but in the end, she will realize she made a fatal mistake and is actually making things worse.
Just a though….
Seriously? You guys think Anet comes to the forums to see how people are making gold?
Lets face it guys….Anet knows where every character earns every copper they can get their hands on. Its all part of the progam itself. Haven’t you ever looked at the Economist report? How else do you think he can tell how much was gotten by killing mobs vs selling items to vendor vs selling items on the TP?
Trust me….they KNOW!!!!!!
I think we are again guilty of all or nothing thinking.
The idea of temporary content is not really the problem. I think it can easily exist, so long as some parts become more permanent, thus creating a change in the world.
In Lost Shores, the DE’s creating everything in Southsun as we went rolling through were great. Many people, however, were unable to be there at the exact time. Why not have the event chain repeat for a day or two every few hours. Every few hours, the Karka would attach Lion’s Arch and begin the chain to go to southsun. This would allow people for an entire day or two go through and experience this content.
Once that roll out is done, however, I don’t think we can realistically expect the roll out to happen again or for any truly expanded time, like for a week or a month or anytime longer. Instead, it would now become a part of Lore and would live on there, as well as the fact that we now have access to a new area.
A few other things that have sparked my interest…..
PS Modification: To allow Orr and the rest of the world to expand and continue, the change and grow, I think once we get to Fort Trinity, instead of moving on through Orr, why not have all of the personal stories be activated from Fort Trinity and take place in their current instance? Even the Gates of Arah might need to be activated this way then. As time goes on, the new players would be able to participate in the PS and then after, they could go into Orr and see the new, changed Orr and recognize places that they visited in the corrupted version, which would be cool as well.
I really like the Idea of having skins being added to the achievements tab to be added and changed as you wish, even adding a karma cost to do it. I currently have a Gemstore skin that I like on my ele and so I don’t want to buy another cause I’ll loose my skin. If it were in the achievement tab, then I could change outfits whenever I wanted to! I’d love that.
Lore is great in this game, but it seems that Anet only does one part of the equation. Every answer should spawn more questions, and that is fine, but we need to get answers to somethings as well. right now, it feels like we are getting nothing but questions. We want to know why, not just how. We want to progress instead of just standing here scratching our heads. Case in point: With the Krait, thus far we have found out some great Lore bits with ToN and they suggest lots of things. If the Prophets return, how will the act? How with the Krait act to their return? Could the Prophets tell the Krait they have to work with the other races to regain their home depths? If they do, does this perhaps cause a civil war among the Krait? Could we end up expanding storyline to help the Krait recapture their home, thus opening up lots of all water zones?…..and that is just one potential future. Every step adds new questions, which is good, but of late we have been adding questions without answering any of the old ones. If never answered, questions get boring.
~~<@> Gany
I can agree with Diva about the loss of casual play, but I don’t think we need to completely get rid of LS to do this.
I’m not sure I would really want this myself, but what I think would work for the place of the LS in the context that Diva is talking about is to simply scale it back.
Don’t worry about constant updates. Use the LS to roll out new areas, or to herald changes in DE’s in a zone. This would actually contribute to the idea of a changing and evolving world, but would also allow some story to be presented and provide new content in rolling out new zones and new DE’s.
Like I said, not sure I would want it to be that extreme. I do like the LS idea, I just want some evolving story and a longer time to do it.
After all, you don’t actually have to do the LS if you don’t want to, and so can be as casual as you want that way, but it does require making the choice of ignoring LS content.
~~<@> Gany
…..And now we Return to your regularly Scheduled show….
…..A) Timing: I think it would be useful to actually consider this as a multiple part thing. Basically, have a Story Arc that will span about 6 months. Within those 6 months, have 1 month Stories that all link together. Allow players to have access to the current and the previous Story Arc at the same time, so that the story won’t be closed every month, or especially not every 2 weeks. And then also have updates every 2 weeks, or maybe just bi monthly. 1st of the month the story arch begins, 15th of the month it gets a new installment and this continues for 6 months. This would allow a progression and a deeper, more developed story…something with enough meat on the bones to keep everyone interested.
…..B) Progression: Let Stories progress. Perhaps in the last month of a story arch the seeds of the next story arch can be granted. While dealing with the Aetherblade menace, word is leaked out that the queen is planning her Jubilee; as the Jubilee is coming to its culmination, there are reports of strange portals opening around the world; it is noted that the invasions seem to be staying out of Caledon Forest for some reason; adventurers have been discovering strange plants carried around the world by the Krait, but they don’t seem to be dangerous….at first. In this manner we can link things together, give players hints about what is coming, and even plant a few mis directions. I myself love trying puzzle out what is coming next, and that leads us to….
…..C.) Complexity: One of the best things is trying to figure out what Anet is going to do next. I love looking for clues, even though I am almost always wrong. Dropping clues, liberally dosed with red herrings, will help keep us interested, so long as you then deliver us real story. Something we can sink our teeth into. The developing storylines have been, to be polite, a bit anemic. They all have tons of potential…but then they just never get to the finishline. GW1 had the best, most amazing storylines. Not even the main storyline, but all of the sub storylines as well. While Ascelon was dealing with the fall out from the Searing, we also still were invested in the obviously postponed wedding of Ruric and Althea…but then to discover her missing, and that that was why Duke Barridin made his insane charge through the broken wall to Piken Square…well, we all know how that story ended, and I myself shed more than a few tears.
I want to do that again in GW2, but alas, it just hasn’t been there for me.
Additionally, another level of complexity that would be helpful would be to take the above mentioned timing framework and use that in an achievement structure. A 6 month Meta Achievement that would take a lot of work to get done, involving the completion of 5 or the 6 monthly meta achievements as well as some additional achievements tied to perhaps guest spots from other LS characters, or previews hinting of what is to come next, then the Monthly meta achievement much as it is now, but spreading a whole month to achieve, and then a bi-monthly that would be easier to accomplish and not take much time.
I think this gives a good framework of the kinds of changes we have been discussing thus far, and hopefully can encourage a stronger discussion focused on some other areas I propose herein.
~~<@> Gany of RTGC, Crystal Desert
So, I’ve been reading this post today, and I think it might be good to try and quickly some of the basics that I think we can all agree on and see where it takes us from there.
1. DE’s need to be expanded: DE’s were intended as the backbone at launch for a living world, and the general consensus seems to be that they are greatly valued by players and that most players believe that the Dev’s have backslided on the idea of cycling them with new replacements and expanding them.
2. Scarlet Must DIE! At the very least eventually. Many people say they hate her as a villain, some hating her not in the good way that we should hate a villain, but one thing everyone seems to agree on is that she should burn and we all want to be there to roast marshmallows and have some smores. Personaly, I like Scarlet as a villain, even though I can’t wait to kill her, but before that happens I would hope that we can at least get SOME answers, some filler to flesh her out more. As she is now, we have only really been presented a single facet of a personality that some, myself included, believes has many more sides. We would like to know the diamond and revel in its light…then burn it to the ground.
3. Let Us Catch our Breath: Fire and Frost was a month long LS and has very little to do in that time period. It was extremely boring for the first part due so little to do and I found myself yearning for more. More story, more action, more….well, just more. Unfortunately, since we started the every 2 weeks LS that wish has become a nightmare. No sooner do we finish all the Meta event farms to get our nice big reward than we are being thrust back into the fire once more. I believe, from things I have read in this post and my own thoughts, that we can all agree on a few changes to the timing and content of the LS:
I’d love an invite as well… IGM= Bristlethane
Took part in event (over 3 hours of play), got DCed and when I got back on the event was over. tried to change the server and world, but still can’t get reward. Will something be done about this? If so, who would I talk to about it?
I’m sorry this happened to you, but I don’t want anything done about it. If players got compensated it would severely effect what I feel is my character progression, i.e. everyone else would be just as powerful as me. This is vertical progression after all, not everybody-hand-in-hand-as-a-community progression.
In this case, I am sure you won’t take offense when I say I hope you get dc’ed next time and i get the reward for my hard work of 2 hours while you get nothing but a huge repair bill.
Personally, I don’t think that is right if it happened to you or anyone else. It is very discouraging to anyone to work hard at something and then, due a blip in the game, not be able to even at least make it up later. It is, quite simply, wrong. With saying that I cannot say exactly what ArenaNet should do, but I do think there should be at least some secondary reward system, cause it does feel really bad knowing I did as good a job as anyone but due to a freak accident that I had no control of, I, esentially, got screwed.
So in short, I suppose that means my response to your post is “Screw You”…at least next time.
It was a fun event, imho, but I have to say it was very annoying playing over 2 hours, spending at least 10s in repair costs (for me that is a lot) and then not getting anything for it because the game crashed on me and when I got back in, I was up into an overflow server that has already completed it.
That was very annoying, imho.
Hopefully ArenaNet will do something like they did with Mad King. I wasn’t able to attend the last part of Mad King due to Hurricane Sandy and was very glad to be able to still get the hat.
At the least we should be able to get that 20 slot bag. It would be very nice to at least get that, even if I don’t also get an exotic weapon or armor out of it.