Showing Posts For Gedekran.1487:

Catmander Commander

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


If you create a catmander tag and select (No.) in the settings to allow uninvited players. If they type /squadjoin then it’ll allow them to join. Likewise if you select (Yes, with approval.) that option works, but if you then select (No.) again it will keep asking for their approval.

If you swap to the old tags and then select (No.) then switch back to the new Catmander tag, then no one can join if you have that option set.

Post Heart of Thorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


I used photoshop, though any image program with an erase tool should work. I took a screenshot of each character at the character select screen, then used the eraser tool to trace each character and remove the background. Then combined all the images into a single one.

Post Heart of Thorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


There’s usually an idea of how I want them to look after they receive a name. Then when they reach 80, I find out if that is possible or not. A few have had their looks switched because what I wanted was not possible with the class/armor aesthetics. The names aren’t really names to me, rather an idea come to life.

Post Heart of Thorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


That would be Tracking, my norn herald. So many people have told me he should be a ranger with such a name.

Post Heart of Thorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


That’s how it’s been for me. I get a name I like and look, and suddenly a new character.

Post Heart of Thorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


I’m sure yours are as special to you as mine are to me.

Post Heart of Thorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


A little over seven months ago I created a post about three years of my characters at the time.

After HoT was released I figured I would create new characters using the specializations instead of changing the builds of the old characters. After a bit I realized I was a bit crazy and so went ahead and created each specialization for every class and race. As you’ll notice there are 46 characters instead of 45. I had created two thieves and couldn’t decide which one to keep. So kept both. American President ended up the human daredevil, while Pirating remained a regular human thief.

Post Heart of Thorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


Here are the characters I created after Heart of Thorns was released.
The album which shows each character alone as well their name/race/class.


Character Name Changed?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


All possibly true, though the fact Personal Stalker was released back to the available names list (As I tried to grab it on my account) means it’s not a actionable name. As has happened in the past with names incorrectly marked for name change or force name changed, then released back for others players to grab. Which is actually what happened in that Proheals comment I posted earlier.

Thus Op just needs to delete his character and create it again. Hassle I know, but probably faster than waiting on a support ticket. I messaged Op as to when the name will drop off my account in 24 hours so he can grab it.

Character Name Changed?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


I find Bloody Stalker and Crazy Stalker, Kill Stalker a lot worse than Personal Stalker. All those others are taken by the way. Yeah best option is support ticket.

Character Name Changed?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


I’ve heard it several ways. Sometimes they force you to change your name upon logging in with that character, other times they change it manually to something they deem appropriate and or being funny.

Character Name Changed?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


Create a support ticket, use this link as a guide: Proheals Comment
Where Proheals talks about the new relaxed naming policy and also the first definition of the term: “A person who stealthily hunts or pursues an animal or another person.” As well as all the other people that have different variations on the name.

Good luck.

Character Name Changed?!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


This is interesting because Stalker is still taken, Kindred Stalker, Devious Stalker, Lost Stalker, Deathly Stalker, Evil Stalker, Sick Stalker.

Alright I stopped even checking since all these other names were taken. Challenge it with a support ticket and get your name back or ask why all these other “Stalkers” are allowed to keep it and you are not.

Report trolling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


Learn to use area loot and auto loot, or using your mouse to select the thing you wish to loot.

Same for food, select it with your mouse and hit F.

Apple Commanders
It’s a fad, it’ll go away just like when there was dozens of commanders on a map.

Blocking People
Those people would just use an alt account join the taxi and then invite their main account.

The biggest issue is you are trying to treat the symptoms and not the problem. You need to keep people active and otherwise engaged so that they aren’t prone to do all these little petty things you feel is justification for devs to spend time wasting their time dealing with. Best bet is to just figure ways around it, ignore it and they will stop bothering you.

Gold Transfer Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


guild banks were removed from the analysis.

If interactions with guild banks were removed from your analysis of those affected then why would you then have this change affect guild banks?

So what you are saying is that you calculated how much gold is transferred via mail, and will now impose that limit on the account without incorporating gold transfers from guild banks since that would increase your numbers of people affected by this change.

Is Edge of the Mists WvW or PvE?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


There is a big difference between two sides working together to fight another side. Compared to all three sides working together to stop any type of play (defending) they do not like.

The often cited JQ-TC alliance is one thing, if there was some kind of alliance between JQ-TC-BG for whatever reason, then that would be a valid comparison. One has to wonder whether Anet would then intervene if three competing servers worked together. Perhaps to stay in the same top tier, or taking turns staging a server wide bagfarm or for whatever reason.

Why is the idea of a centralized group controlling all sides running a train in Eotm any less repugnant than the idea of a similar group doing the same on a WvW borderland?

Essence Of Charr Lines

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


Everyone got really tired after that long dancing session and all the cake.


Essence Of Charr Lines

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


Seems quite a few got the dancing spirit.


Essence Of Charr Lines

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


A few more wanted to join in on the fun.


Essence Of Charr Lines

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


Great shots! Thanks for uploading.

Essence Of Charr Lines

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


The essence of charr line dancing…


please delete

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


Only 26 people in that hour timeframe. They must have really smart botters to avoid DR or they have way less of a botting problem than it appears.

Weapon Mastery

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


Some apparently want to farm it for bags, some like myself want to farm it for weapon mastery and anyone else needing those achievements. In our case, it’s easier to kill them and get the mastery than it is for the others who try to force you to wait in an imaginary line to kill open world ambient creatures.

Weapon Mastery

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


Indeed, it’s very nice to be able to stand there and get weapon mastery. Can even browse or watch a movie in a second window or something while getting it. So convenient.

Weapon Mastery

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


Idea Incubation Lab in Rata Sum is a good place to get weapon mastery by killing the ambients without actually having to move, the ambients run to you. I was there earlier and while it’s a great spot, there are some who have other ideas. So if you do receive any threats or anything, here’s a quote by an Anet employee.

“If you are toxic, and are being so knowingly and intentionally…expect a time out.” – Chris Cleary

So remember, when you are trying to get weapon mastery or whatever else and those people are toxic, report them and I’m sure Anet will deal with them appropriately as they have shown in the past. See you there!

Suspension for griefing Maize Balm Farm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


Hey there Nia, nice to see you again. How’s it been? Hope to see you there helping me get my weapon mastery soon.

Suspension for griefing Maize Balm Farm

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


I’ve gotten weapon mastery there on quite a few weapons, though I still need to finish off a few.

my account perm block for using battleping

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


He may be Game Security Lead but his math his horrible. 1 second to switch between clients? It’s a fraction of that, but let’s assume it does take a full second to switch since the second part of his argument is even worse. He is then saying it takes a second to use a skill. Think about this, does it take you a whole second to push a button on your keyboard or left click a mouse? If it does, then I feel sorry for you. Taking 60 seconds to type 60 letters, where as others are able to type 120+ words a minute must be frustrating.

Either way, I hope his “math” isn’t the justification for the ban and merely an attempt at a joke since that’s what it is.

Go run 9 accounts on 1 machine, and see how well it runs. Go run 2 accounts at the same time on 1 machine and see how well you can run it, while tabbing between them, pressing the buttons and tabbing back, and see how fast you go.

So your argument is that since it’s that slow to do on your computer then it’s as slow to do on everyone’s computer? I don’t have that many accounts but I’ve not noticed any such 1 second delay to switch between clients with how many I do have. Then again I don’t play full screen and alt tab, so maybe there is some inherent delay to doing it that way. I use multiple monitors in windowed mode so that I can actually see what’s going on. Also my laptop has had no issues with running quite a few, which I would say is credit to the game more than using a laptop.

Either way the second part of the argument is worse with assuming it takes a second to hit a key or left click a mouse.

(edited by Gedekran.1487)

my account perm block for using battleping

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


He may be Game Security Lead but his math his horrible. 1 second to switch between clients? It’s a fraction of that, but let’s assume it does take a full second to switch since the second part of his argument is even worse. He is then saying it takes a second to use a skill. Think about this, does it take you a whole second to push a button on your keyboard or left click a mouse? If it does, then I feel sorry for you. Taking 60 seconds to type 60 letters, where as others are able to type 120+ words a minute must be frustrating.

Either way, I hope his “math” isn’t the justification for the ban and merely an attempt at a joke since that’s what it is.

TWO characters with a forced name change

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


Whenever I hear about a forced name change, I like to search out the individual components to see if there is some part of it that is universally offensive. Interestingly Deranged, Killer, Digital, Midget are all taken by four different people and have not been found offensive. Perhaps just haven’t been reported as such yet?

So then I wonder is it the combination? Is Happy Killer better than Deranged Killer? Is Iron Midget better than Digital Midget?

I also suggest OP contact Anet and find out what has been deemed offensive so that those whom have that portion or combination of a name are better served to not use it in the future.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


Many were cuddled until they were petrified.



in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


Today was a good day to cuddle.


(edited by Gedekran.1487)


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


Ok that one made me giggle

I bet you are an Asura too. Feisty little creatures, but then again that is their cuddling allure.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


Today’s cuddle session started out like any other, or so I thought. Until I walked into the trap only the minds of devious Asura could invent. I was blinded by the need to cuddle. Once I fell prey to their trap, these Asura did not hesitate to attack. The following images are graphic, so be advised.


Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


Now were is the next Fail Farm Event going to be?

Why would anyone be stupid enough to post it in this thread?

No worries, we are all friends here. Sharing is caring.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


You “just” find it creepy? Not a little fun, maybe excitable?

(edited by Gedekran.1487)


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


Many adorable cuddles were had on this fine day.



in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


Getting in some petrified cuddles.


Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


Thanks for the fix. Take that farmer boys^^

Comments like this are unnecessary and rude. Why would you be happy about this “fix” if not out of spite or schadenfreude?
It´s a loose-loose situation. The farmers can´t farm the event anymore (or at least not as efficiently as before) and the people who want to progress their LS will have to wait longer for the event to start if it had failed previously.

Again the core issues – that is, failing events to be sometimes more profitable than completing them and the lack of a place dedicated to farming (like boss blitz used to be) – have not been addressed.

Wait longer? Longer than hours and hours the farmers would constantly fail it, forcing living story people to hope they could find another flow? No, it’s going to be a lot faster, even if it fails to complete than before.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


Either way, the failure timer of the event has been adjusted.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


My point still stands. You should not get abused for wanting to complete an event.

I absolutely agree. You should not. But you also should not feel the need to complete an event just to make people mad.

As I’ve said before the event is being completed to help out people to complete their living story. Something you chose to ignore. No matter how much you try to twist it, that fact will not change.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


My point still stands. You should not get abused for wanting to complete an event.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


It’s a sad state when wanting to complete an event for whatever reason marks you as a griefer. Though I guess it’s to be expected from the very people who are truly grieving others by up-scaling the event so it fails, shouting verbal abuse when their failing fails and then try to quantify the reasons one would want to complete an event as to be trolling. There should not be any such event in game where other players question the motives of another for wanting to complete it.

You keep repeating yourself.
And you didn’t answere my question, yet.

I saw no question, only a statement to incite.

I am not continuing to “wreak havoc and instigate flame”, that is on the toxic portion of the farmers. I will keep completing an event that can be completed, as designed by Anet. Until such time Anet reworks it so it cannot be completed or everyone has completed their living story.

I never said I was better than anyone. This thread was to showcase the toxicity that exists when this event is completed. I am actively completing an event. If they choose to get angry, then again I say that’s on them. Do I get angry and start verbally abusing people when they call for failing of each stage, even actively trying to fail it in certain parts? No, because I’m an adult and with that comes the responsibility of your words and actions.

Whether you see my reasons as mere excuses is immaterial to the discussion. The discussion is the toxicity that revolves around completing and failing this event. While others have come forward to say they were verbally abused trying to complete this event and you are still trying to make it out that I’m the cause of the farmer’s bad behavior? We are all responsible for ourselves. Trying to place blame on others for your own actions is a poor excuse used by those unable to understand their own shortcomings.

As to your challenge question. I’ll not let someone force me do something I do not wish to do, whether he is taller, older, bigger and even has 2 guns. I’ll complete the challenge as intended and be done with it. If the others wish to be coerced, that’s on them.

There are no compromises when it comes to a subset of the community that have been demonstrated to be toxic. They are bad people, the ones verbally abusing others. The farmers need no help, they have failed the event against the pleading of many living story players. Some of those “ordinary players” are toxic and denying that is a fallacy.

How about you stop trying to place blame on those wishing to complete an event and put it on those who are actually being toxic and verbally abusing others?

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


It’s a sad state when wanting to complete an event for whatever reason marks you as a griefer. Though I guess it’s to be expected from the very people who are truly grieving others by up-scaling the event so it fails, shouting verbal abuse when their failing fails and then try to quantify the reasons one would want to complete an event as to be trolling. There should not be any such event in game where other players question the motives of another for wanting to complete it.

You keep repeating yourself.
And you didn’t answere my question, yet.

I saw no question, only a statement to incite.

Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


It’s a sad state when wanting to complete an event for whatever reason marks you as a griefer. Though I guess it’s to be expected from the very people who are truly grieving others by up-scaling the event so it fails, shouting verbal abuse when their failing fails and then try to quantify the reasons one would want to complete an event as to be trolling. There should not be any such event in game where other players question the motives of another for wanting to complete it.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


Found another cuddly victim, I mean cuddle buddy.



in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


Sadly they declined and so I’ll be the only one in my cage tonight. Unless I can convince you Haishao…



in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


Offering to walk home some ladies of the night.



in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


Having a cuddle of a time. – Serial Cuddler


Coil Event Fail Toxicity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gedekran.1487


You may not have to do the events to progress the Living Story, but someone has to do them so the gates open. Simple as that. If someone else hadn’t done at least the Coil Watch and Dolyak events, you would not have been able to get past the gates. There is also the matter of achievements attached to these commonly failed events.

(edited by Gedekran.1487)