Showing Posts For Ghostt.1293:

Dear ArenaNet, let's talk about Death Magic

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


can we get refund from the expac?
I might want to get my money back, if the next balance patch fks us over again.

Happy Necromancer Thread

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


At least we have a greatsword

Returning player, why is necro fun?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


We have a greatsword

Fashionwars Why is every necro dark and edgy?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


Because kitten ele’s we da dark siders

Condi Reaper or Scourge?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


Where did people hear about this 2nd balance patch?

teatime with mighty teapot, world of enders and….. nike

PVE/Fractals Necro builds please!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


Reaper has two good builds: Valkyrie and Viper’s.

The Valkyrie build is a tanky power-based build. Vitality also increases your shroud capacity and we don’t need the precision that would come from Berserker’s, so we take Valkyrie instead. You’d be using weapons like axe, offhand dagger, focus, warhorn and greatsword. We’re taking Death Perception and Reaper’s Onslaught to give you a huge power boost whenever you enter shroud.

The Viper build is a condition-heavy build. It deals more damage than the Valkyrie build, but it’s much squishier. This build deals most of its’ damage with Deathly Chill, which adds extra bleeds onto dagger 4, greatsword 4 and 5, shroud 3 and 5. Most of your damage will come from using whirl finishers (shroud 4, gs 2) inside an ice field. You can make an ice field by using your shroud 5. This build is very potent, but if you’re not landing your finishers in the right field you’ll have some trouble.

(It’s worth noting that the recent patch may change these builds. I would keep an eye on the Quantify website @ to see when they update the builds!)

i’m using the valk build, i was hoping that VP would boost this build…. but noooo

Non condi raid builds pls

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


Creative raid builds hah. Joke of the week.

Glad to make your day

I didn’t mean to sound insulting. Sorry if I was but raiding is very much the least creative area of gw2.

Np i wasn’t insulted

That may be so if you want to complete a raid as fast as possible.
But what about just completing a raid while having fun in a possible way, instead of the best way.

Non condi raid builds pls

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


I don’t want to talk about condis anymore I want to have fun and explore content I never got to touch with my fav class

Non condi raid builds pls

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


Creative raid builds hah. Joke of the week.

Glad to make your day

Non condi raid builds pls

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


Don’t want to wave the bloody stick don’t want to change my ascneded gear to Condi stats….
That being said let see some creative builds.

How would you fix necromancer ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


In case you don’t want to click the link.
how to fix the whole profession( in my perspective )
axe is cooler than dagger so make axe stronger than dagger, no one wants to carry a war horn because of fashion reasons.(life force gain on the axe auto attack will make allot of people happy)
Just because we can slow enemies doesn’t we have to be slow asWell.(badumm tsss) Just make gs faster already and give it 600 range, with the auto attack shooting off shadow slashes on the first two hits and a wide ice slash with 650 range on the third hit. (and put the poison back on the Grasping Darkness)
The reaper shroud:
just make it equally strong as elementalist
make infuse terror last longer and share the stability with 10 allies when you press terrify for some decent support.
blood magic :
we need stronger life steal(allot more stronger) I mean common guys this a necromancer.
death magic :
superior rune of revenge? toughness and ferocity
converts 7 % toughness to ferocity
(just like rune of the wurm)
dont delete Cavalier’s stats if you are planning to use this idea.
elite specs:
No longer need to equip the the elite spec trait to be able to equip the new weapon.
example: you can now wield greatsword as a necromancer as soon as you unlock the last skill/trait of your reaper. This will turn build making to a new level for all professions.
And i know that leaked info of the next expansion probably wont be used in the upcoming expansion…. so in before hand don’t use SANDshroud if you really gonna give us torch (sadly) make scorch shroud something fiery that matches the weapon.
A longbow shooting homing shadow spirits, with shadow spirit (turrets) as utility skills would allot better (but that is just me dreaming )
I hope I could help out a little bit to make necromancer cooler and hopefully better.
I’m not telling you what you guys should or must do with the game you made and designed. I just don’t want to be disappointed anymore this my all time favorite class since gw1 we are being ignored by the whole raid community and neglected by the developers.
So for me this game will die with the profession.
best regards some random Elonian necromancer who is crying in a corner in the raid lobby :’(

How would you fix necromancer ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


not that anet likes us or anything maybe we can find some talent among us for Anet to hire.

i posted this after the leaks of the expac but thats just me dreaming

Please revert Speed of Shadows

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


almost bought the expac lol

Necro Balance Patch Review

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


My heart is bleeding..

stop using blood is power and a tip transfer it to anet ^.^
jokes a side its a sad day to be a necro main

we got used to sad days still wont play ele’s if that is what they are trying to do

Will Expac 3 bring a power spec?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


play ele that is what anet wants from us necros cya at bdo tho

Vital Persistence nerf

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


What saddens me the most is that they ignore the whole necromancer community. And i can bet my never equipped twilight, that they will nerf it way more in the next balance patch.
with out even reading feed back from us .
So as a main necromancer since prophecies i have grown a lot of hate towards the balance team.
And ever since the necro hate i’ve been searching for other mmo’s where necroish classes shine

Please revert Speed of Shadows

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


its a lost cause anet wants necros too be the weakest and ele’s the strongest

Soul Eater

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


I want to raid with power necro i dont want to play ele kitten

SPOILERS & Speculation Zinn Stance 3rd Elite

in Revenant

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


probably pyre fierceshot utility

Rev Longbow

in Revenant

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


probably pyre fierceshot utility

well update feedback

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


how to fix the whole profession( in my perspective )
axe is cooler than dagger so make axe stronger than dagger, no one wants to carry a war horn because of fashion reasons.(life force gain on the axe auto attack will make allot of people happy)

Just because we can slow enemies doesn’t we have to be slow asWell.(badumm tsss) Just make gs faster already and give it 600 range, with the auto attack shooting off shadow slashes on the first two hits and a wide ice slash with 650 range on the third hit. (and put the poison back on the Grasping Darkness)

The reaper shroud:
just make it equally strong as elementalist
make infuse terror last longer and share the stability with 10 allies when you press terrify for some decent support.

blood magic :
we need stronger life steal(allot more stronger) I mean common guys this a necromancer.

death magic :
superior rune of revenge? toughness and ferocity
converts 7 % toughness to ferocity
(just like rune of the wurm)
dont delete Cavalier’s stats if you are planning to use this idea.

elite specs:
No longer need to equip the the elite spec trait to be able to equip the new weapon.
example: you can now wield greatsword as a necromancer as soon as you unlock the last skill/trait of your reaper. This will turn build making to a new level for all professions.

And i know that leaked info of the next expansion probably wont be used in the upcoming expansion…. so in before hand don’t use SANDshroud if you really gonna give us torch (sadly) make scorch shroud something fiery that matches the weapon.
A longbow shooting homing shadow spirits, with shadow spirit (turrets) as utility skills would allot better (but that is just me dreaming )

I hope I could help out a little bit to make necromancer cooler and hopefully better.
I’m not telling you what you guys should or must do with the game you made and designed. I just don’t want to be disappointed anymore this my all time favorite class since gw1 we are being ignored by the whole raid community and neglected by the developers.
So for me this game will die with the profession.

best regards some random Elonian necromancer who is crying in a corner in the raid lobby :’(

Necro problems vs other classes

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


how to fix the whole profession( in my perspective )
axe is cooler than dagger so make axe stronger than dagger, no one wants to carry a war horn because of fashion reasons.(life force gain on the axe auto attack will make allot of people happy)

Just because we can slow enemies doesn’t we have to be slow asWell.(badumm tsss) Just make gs faster already and give it 600 range, with the auto attack shooting off shadow slashes on the first two hits and a wide ice slash with 650 range on the third hit. (and put the poison back on the Grasping Darkness)

The reaper shroud:
just make it equally strong as elementalist
make infuse terror last longer and share the stability with 10 allies when you press terrify for some decent support.

blood magic :
we need stronger life steal(allot more stronger) I mean common guys this a necromancer.

death magic :
superior rune of revenge? toughness and ferocity
converts 7 % toughness to ferocity
(just like rune of the wurm)
dont delete Cavalier’s stats if you are planning to use this idea.

elite specs:
No longer need to equip the the elite spec trait to be able to equip the new weapon.
example: you can now wield greatsword as a necromancer as soon as you unlock the last skill/trait of your reaper. This will turn build making to a new level for all professions.

And i know that leaked info of the next expansion probably wont be used in the upcoming expansion…. so in before hand don’t use SANDshroud if you really gonna give us torch (sadly) make scorch shroud something fiery that matches the weapon.
A longbow shooting homing shadow spirits, with shadow spirit (turrets) as utility skills would allot better (but that is just me dreaming )

I hope I could help out a little bit to make necromancer cooler and hopefully better.
I’m not telling you what you guys should or must do with the game you made and designed. I just don’t want to be disappointed anymore this my all time favorite class since gw1 we are being ignored by the whole raid community and neglected by the developers.
So for me this game will die with the profession.

best regards some random Elonian necromancer who is crying in a corner in the raid lobby :’(

February 22, 2017 Changes / Feedback

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


gonna play the dark knight on bdo until anet really fixes a decent role in raids for my main
maybe one day axe will do more damage then dagger/warhorn that i overused over 4 years.
or gs will be more enjoyable like on rangers and mesmers unique styles. until then daily logins and deep sighs.

A Suggestion For Raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


most ppl dont raid because of the toxic ego raid community its the same with monks at gw1 mallyx all over again….

Lets see your Necromancers/Reapers!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


Frost Queen t


Lets see your Necromancers/Reapers!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


my 2nd Necro
my all time favorite class
-Reading Glasses
-Zodiac(chest, leggings, shoulders and gloves)
-Carapace Boots


Post a Screenshot of your Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


this is my Queen
an attempt to re-make my GF


Tempest & Warhorn confirmed – Feedback [merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


Thief has a new artwork with a melee staff, the leaked weapon is a melee staff, and the leaked shield seems to be Glint-theme, and Glint will probably be Revenant’s elite spec.

That being said, the warhorn’s skin fits very well with ele’s leaked artwork.

i think that is druid since its just a medium character with a staff

The Druid/Ranger art and skill abilities doesn’t use red and black like that though, they have a golden/green tinge to them.

Check out the colors.

that coud be true
in any case the pic is too small to confirm wether it is a staff or scepter.
could be a scepter that can stretch into a staff like monkey king or 3th hokage
but i do hope that thief will get a 2h weapon wether it is melee or range

Tempest & Warhorn confirmed – Feedback [merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


Thief has a new artwork with a melee staff, the leaked weapon is a melee staff, and the leaked shield seems to be Glint-theme, and Glint will probably be Revenant’s elite spec.

That being said, the warhorn’s skin fits very well with ele’s leaked artwork.

i think that is druid since its just a medium character with a staff

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


finaly something worth combining


Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


cant w8


Hall of Monuments Update?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


i wish this will be fixed soon.
just started playing gw1 again for the rewards
just found out a few days ago that all that hard work was for nothing

it kinda demotivates me

Zodiac weapon skins!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ghostt.1293


fire the weapon designer

Show us your Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ghostt.1293

