Showing Posts For Girjon.3560:

Chris Whiteside on the Lost Shores and Beyond

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Girjon.3560


@Chris Whiteside: Hello Mr. Whiteside, I have important question from my guild.

Will you work shortly on Guild vs Guild system? Can we expect that ?
Poeple basicly discuss on this matter much, but none mentioned that Guild Wars 1 was build on PvP play, and when most of my friends saw no GvG, they left to GW1. So if you could be so kind and make an official statement about GvG and plans on future group pvp features.. It would be nice.

Will Winter come to LA?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Girjon.3560


I do not agree with you.
IF you dont like events, simply dont play gw2. Its a normal thing for GW to have winter event and snow fights in major cities, candy farm etc. I do want snowman and want some a’la haloween event again.

Guild vs Guild ? When?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Girjon.3560


Dear Devs,

When do you plan implementing GvG? Its 3rd month and no sign of it?
It wont be titled “Guild” Wars?


With the new enemy AI in Cursed Shore...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Girjon.3560


Well Cursed Shore is ment for groups not singles.

Game Status Update?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Girjon.3560


Well the nature of my question was a bit deeper then webpage. I (as a player) would love to know on what stadium is GvG or guild halls. U not?

Game Status Update?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Girjon.3560


Arena NET, will you update Game Status Update on “” ?

Players would be much more motivied to play if you would inform them about upcomming new stuff, status of work on particular subjects.

What are you expecting from "Lost Shore" patch?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Girjon.3560


1. Buff to Necromancers
2. More chalanging dungeon for only elite
3. More jumping puzzle like clocktower
4. Info how works magic find %
5. Raids for 8+ ppl
6. UI editor
7. Damage counter
8. Less content like muchhp&muchdmg mobs but moretactics&morebrainstorm
10. Buff to underwater fight
11. Upgrades for new characters made by main characters like heirlooms in wow.

Max Magic Find Necessary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Girjon.3560


Well, to be honest I found MF set a bit usless, especialy coz’ its stats.
I farmed many spots for over an hour and my droprate maybe rised from blues to greens but price on vendor for these are like cooperish

I would buy exotic set for mf, but trinkets, rings, amulet green, Luck sigil and traveler superiors.. but its not worth it.

Elite Skills Fixed!

in Necromancer

Posted by: Girjon.3560


:< this is sad what i see..
why us?

Jagged horrors

in Necromancer

Posted by: Girjon.3560


its same crap, sorry but had to say that

Staff dmg on cond dmg build.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Girjon.3560


Hello guys,

I’d like to ask you for a guide in this subject – Staff was ment to be 2h weapon but I find its dmg much lower then my scepter.. I have full build on cond dmg (power, vit, cond dmg), full gear for the same. I see people are linking builds with staff, but only thing usefull is in staff is aoe for www or spvp..

We dont have any channeling aoe which can be used on pve events or big fights in dung right? so.. maybe arena net should get info about our problem. I searched this forum for staff issue but found none.. only I got this problem?

HoM armors

in Asura

Posted by: Girjon.3560



when you put HoM skin on gloves (these fire one from HoM) and armor (also from HoM).. you dont see gloves at all.. chest armor covers em’.

Dung system fighting - back to old system.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Girjon.3560


Well actually I ment only pve but for pvp its a different story.

Dung system fighting - back to old system.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Girjon.3560


Listen folks,

Your idea for “much different” system of dungeons makes people speed run.

If you would give much boost on healing spec on classes and much boost on tanking for warrior and guardian… AND give much more taugh + dmg + hp to enemies in dungeons = you would get a nice product.

For now without heal nor warrior you can faceroll all dungeons.

Tank + Healer + DPS for life.. – there are no other options… or you get facerolled speed runs.

SOTHIS - Polish Guild on Gandara recruiting.

in Guilds

Posted by: Girjon.3560


Bump. Zapraszamy!

SOTHIS - Polish Guild on Gandara recruiting.

in Guilds

Posted by: Girjon.3560


Bump. Zapraszamy.

SOTHIS - Polish Guild on Gandara recruiting.

in Guilds

Posted by: Girjon.3560


Bump, Zapraszamy !

SOTHIS - Polish Guild on Gandara recruiting.

in Guilds

Posted by: Girjon.3560


SOTHIS to gildia, ktora powstala 5 lat temu w Guild Wars 1. Profil mozna okresli? jako PvX, chociaz glowna nasza dzialalnoscia byla gra PvP, z szczegolnym uwielbieniem do trybu Hero’s Ascent.

W Guild Wars 2 w chwili obecnej gildia liczy ponad 20 osob, w wiekszosci bardzo doswiadczonych i ambitnych graczy. Glownym celem istnienia SOTHIS jest wspolna integracja i odpowiednia atmosfera, gdzie wszyscy daza do spedzania razem czasu i czuja sie dobrze w swoim towarzystwie. Jestesmy otwarci na ludzi zainteresowanych poznaniem nowych znajomych i aktywnym uczestniczeniem w gildii. Wazne jest tez wysokie poczucie humoru, odpowiedni dystans do wszystkiego i duzo luzu Przywiazujemy szczegolna uwage do zdroworozsadkowego podejscia do gry, zwalczamy sytuacje, gdy z powodu rozgrywki tworzy sie napiecie czy klotnie na komunikatorze. Jestesmy w gildii po to by razem przyjemnie spedza? czas i rozmawia? na tematy nie tylko zwiazane z gra.

Posiadamy wlasny serwer Mumble (50 slotow). Gramy na serwerze Gandara.
Forum –

Dzialalnos? gildii:
- dobijamy w tym momencie do 100% mapy, ale ze wzgledu na alty i integracyjny charakter bedziemy jeszcze troche biega? po lokacjach
- dungeony, glownie Arah i Citadel of Flames
- ambitny projekt gildiowy, rozrysowywany w tym momencie – ‘co tydzie? nowa legendarka’
- ‘Zen Pointy po polnocy’, w ramach medytacyjnego przygotowania do snu (jumping puzzle)

- wlasciwie co drugi dzie?, w kooperacji z gildia Lethal Dosis, szykujemy sie na bardziej ambitne zadania – partyzantke, utrzymanie waznych punktow, na mapach ktore znajduja sie w najgorszej sytuacji w momencie wejscia. Dwie 5-os druzyny w polaczeniu z solidna ekipa lD daja w tym momencie szanse na realizacje powaznych zaloze? taktycznych.

- w chwilach wolnych, w tym momencie tylko jedna ‘piatka’, ale jestesmy otwarci na kolejnych sympatykow tego trybu, bo po realizacji projektu ‘legendarki’ to bedzie czeste miejsce naszej aktywnosci

Ogolne wymagania rekrutacyjne:

- przyjmujemy ludzi z pasujacej do nas grupy wiekowiej ‘20+’
- powazne podejscie do gildii i gry (mozna sie wyglupia? i zartowa?, ale nie marnowa? innym czas), szacunek dla innych, uczciwos?
- oczekujemy, ze kandydaci beda prezentowa? odpowiedni poziom osobisty – elementarna kultura, poczucie humoru i smaku
- znajomos? angielskiego – swobodne tlumaczenie tekstow w grze (albo przynajmniej poprawne ich zrozumienie)
- gramy z lud?mi w gildii! po to tu jestesmy!
- w trakcie grania uzywamy mumble – sluchawki i mikrofon obowiazkowe
- panuje zasada bliskiej integracji ludzi wewnatrz (otwarty kanal gildiowy, obecnos? na mumble, rozmowy, korzystanie z forum, wlasne inicjatywy)

Orientacyjny termin rozpatrzenia podania – 24h. W przypadku akceptacji lub odmowy – odpisujemy na forum. Prosze nie pisa? w grze w sprawie rekrutacji!

Podania, wg wzoru, prosimy sklada? na naszym forum:

(edited by Girjon.3560)

Two suggestions about events.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Girjon.3560


Hello everyone,

I have no frikin’ idea if I’m posting it in right section but I have to tell this.

For now on end game maps in Orr there are many events which can be summed as “faceroll events” coz’ only thing you do there is to spam AoE and thats all.

I have a suggestion to make those events difficult in some areas. For now on I dont see any elite areas who contains only champions so we could have option to PvE with groups/guilds. I can faceroll on all areas in the game including dungeons which are easier then I though.

Can you guys from Arena NET make them ELITE for only ELITE to pass through? Events that can NOT be passed through by zerg of green geared guys with no weapons nor buffs or any other upgrades?

My suggestion for an event :

A camp is attacked by 4 groups, 2 land, 2 air.. each got champion to kill, if you dont kill all at once, 2 others spawn and faceroll whole camp with players.

A dragon appear and if you dont have 2-3 guilds to kill it you wont get anything. Hp for at least 30 min of fight for 30-40 players, fed up with exotics and buffs.

Defending a camp with turrets – normal weapons = usless.

Arah defence with all mobs as champions, once per hour need to be cleared with geared 2-3 paries to enter arah. More dmg on trebuchet’s = 1 shot = ded.

I just want some challenges in this game, and tell me you dont want it..

Linking Issues/Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Girjon.3560


Can we get any update on this one? I realy miss my HoM prizes.. :<

Linking Issues/Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Girjon.3560


Hello Everyone,

I made the same mistake with linking accounts by using my old email. Problem is that my old email had registred test version of Guild Wars 1 without any GW1 games registred on it.

I also made a request to unlink my account with actual guild wars 1 account so I could link my correct gw1 account.

I still wait : Wrong account linked. [Incident: 120826-013971]