Showing Posts For GlamSight.9327:

Same servers for 5 weeks - Random MU really?

in WvW

Posted by: GlamSight.9327


You make seasons to make things serious or something but in between seasons you break our kitten with boring match ups of #1 vs #2 vs #3.

Randomize this kitten plz.

GvG Ladder

in Suggestions

Posted by: GlamSight.9327


Does anyone else think this would be a really cool feature to come along the upcoming stuff Anet is doing for GvGs? ^^
They said they would make it well so i really hope they thought about a ladder =).

I'm thankful, Anet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GlamSight.9327


I know many people noticed it right after the last update (12th november) but the lag in WvW is basically fixed, Fights are enjoyable even with 100+ players around when before it was unplayable at around 50.

So, as i was among those who were complaining on that topic i feel like i should thank anet now that the issue is fixed.

So, about celestial recipes availability

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GlamSight.9327


Good point.

So, about celestial recipes availability

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GlamSight.9327


Does anyone know if they are going to be available again in the game anytime soon?
I know there are still a few at the Trading post but it’s expensive as hell for light classes.

Dec. 10th Balance Preview - Updated Nov 6th.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GlamSight.9327


Elementalist player here (1500+hours), my only concern is about both Water spells : Aquamancer’s Alacrity. Moved to Master tier.
Cleansing Wave. Moved to Master tier.

as in my current build i pick both, but this won’t be possible anymore if they are in master tier.
In my opinion it is a straight nerf to water as the only good trait remaining in adept is III Soothing disruption, which is not bad but not good if you are looking to support others, i thought anet wanted to let Elementalist play more as support with one of their their last update but maybe i was wrong.

[EU] Your season 1 winner predictions ?

in WvW

Posted by: GlamSight.9327


Gold League

1: Vizunah
2: Riverside
3: Elona

Remember that it’s all about preparation and organisation, help your players building properly and find a good commandant with a good decision making.

Oh, and if you don’t like blobing, join a guild, so it’ll become more interesting as individual skill will maybe matter a bit more.

[Merged] Skill lag issue

in WvW

Posted by: GlamSight.9327


The situation had to AT LEAST not get worse, and it is currently getting worse, that’s unacceptable.

WvWvW queqe

in WvW

Posted by: GlamSight.9327


I’ve been waiting for such feature for a while now so i had time to think about it, people are right when they say that you can’t give an accurate time but we don’t especially need it.

What i want is the amount of people waiting and where i am in the queue, let’s say 149 people waiting, and you’re the 68th, and then these numbers get updated.

When, in real life, you are waiting in a queue you rarely get to know for how long you’ll be waiting but you always know how many people are waiting and where you are among them.

Edit: is it possible to have the client pop up when we proc (windowed client ftw)?
I would like it

(edited by GlamSight.9327)

Eternal battlegrounds unplayable (lags)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GlamSight.9327


Hi everyone,

well, you’ll tell me it’s always been like that but it’s even worse now .

Achievement Chests... Oh The Humanity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GlamSight.9327


I’m really disappointed that we can’t have a full armor set…
I really wanted a full radiant set, but just gloves shoulders and helm is so bad…

Scepter/focus elem bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GlamSight.9327


I don’t receive might when i combo in wall of fire, wtf is this Anet ??

A range limitation on fire blast finishers?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GlamSight.9327


Unfortunately no as i didn’t expect this issue to happen, but i’m definitely sure it was the case, hence my feeling about the current range limitation being kittened up.
(and the 400+ fractals i played with scepter/focus)

This change is a big nerf for scepter/focus elem players.

A range limitation on fire blast finishers?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GlamSight.9327



as the title says i have a question, i mainly play an elem with scepter/focus and since the game update of June 25th i noticed that sometimes i would get 0 might stacks (nor fury with the XI trait of fire) from my blast finishers.

At first i thought it was just plainly bugged but i realized that within a range of around 500 i would get the might stacks (and fury).

So, does anyone know if that change is intended?
Previously i was able to get my might stacks from 900 range and i don’t really see the problem with that.

Here is a little video to show it:

As you can see i get nothing with my first attempt even though the message of “area might” shows up.

Ascalon Fractal Needs Urgent Attention

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GlamSight.9327


i have stopped doing pve such as fractals since last patch.

So many things got messed up.

Elementalist: Scepter and focus skills broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GlamSight.9327


do you think this is a game?¿?

Elementalist: Scepter and focus skills broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GlamSight.9327


help anet

Elementalist Live Stream

in Elementalist

Posted by: GlamSight.9327


Before the patch (since flamewall is now bugged) i would be able to do 4 firecombos very often wiht scepter and focus by doing as follows:
-eventually use signet of earth to root the target
-cast dragontooth
-cast firewall on the target of dragontooth 1stcombo(dragontooth lands)
- (here i had time for fireshield)
-cast phoenix on firewall ( the increase in travel speed won’t affect the combo) 2ndcombo
-now recast dragontooth 3rd combo
-swap to water and cast 5 4th combo

And this is why i play with rune of strenght in pve. (+20% might duration)

You could eventually do two more with the arcane spell and the 4 of earth within those ~8sc (basically i would now play with the XI instead of XII of fire so it should be 10,4sc).
And with the new trait that gives fury… you give fury to your entire group for a uptime of 100%.(considering no ones trolls you and put a poisonfield ahahahah)
That is huge.

So please fix firewall. I really like the current elementalist (apart from bugs) and i think those cast reduction time make elementalist even more enjoyable to play, thanks a lot.

(Ps: i don’t think either focus or scepter spells are weak, i use it everytime in fractals, even at lvl 40, it just has so much potential used properly.
Also fire trait line is far from not being viable LOL)

(edited by GlamSight.9327)

Elem's firewall bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GlamSight.9327


halp anet

Fire Field blasting

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GlamSight.9327


Elem scepter is a mess :/.

Elementalist: Scepter and focus skills broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GlamSight.9327


I think the 2nd fire staff spell suffers from the same issue.
I have the same issues as op here.

Elementalist Flamewall skill not working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GlamSight.9327


I got the same issue.

Elem's firewall bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GlamSight.9327


i used to play a lot with scepter and focus and hence i was doing the dragontooth+firewall combo, but now when i try the firewall just doesn’t work, i get a 4 sc cd (instead of 16, i got the trait that gives 20% less cd) and nothing.

It worked really well before today’s update.

Please fix it, can’t do pve anymore.

Endless ruminant tonic

in Suggestions

Posted by: GlamSight.9327


I’d like this too, Anet pls.

Issues with getting in dungeon instances

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GlamSight.9327


Server: Desolation
Dungeon: CoF
The entrance is blocked (contested) since yesterday and Razen, the npc who’s supposed to start the last event to open it, won’t do anything for the last meta event.

Came here to report this problem too, please do something…