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So... When are Guild Wars coming?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Graveside.9253


You realize that the name is from the lore right?

It has nothing to do with guild wars in the game

Yeah, why would you name the game after a central gameplay feature when you could name it after an obscure backstory element that is mentioned maybe twice in the entire game. A logical person might see the cause and effect as being the other way around.

I didn’t design this game- GvG is not a feature of GW2, no amount of logic changes that.
The whole game is pretty much designed around co-op so I don’t see it becoming a feature in open world ever.
Maybe when guild halls are in- as an instanced game mode but that is it.
I don’t think it is even a priority for the devs

This game isn’t about co-op, it is merely a shadow of co-op. This game revolves around zerg fest – with small groups (guilds mostly) being back bone in a zerg. They do most of the damage so get most of the items that drop from NPC’s and Players which leaves the rest of the zerg out in the cold – (no co-operation there for split spoils in helping in killing things or achieving a goal). The second half of this game is about camping areas and exploiting others. The 3rd aspect of the game is to run around solo or with 3 ppl (aka strike groups) to achieve your mission.

I have found the best fun in WvW was with 3 others because we were able to take supplies depot’s back and I would get some bags of loot from the kills, if I am in teh main force or zerg, I am not F’IN special enough to run with the elitist kittens that have their special commander group. In the end why do I want to help them if I am not getting anything out of it? I know I get some from taking castles and such, but I have seen the otherside as well. Main group looting bags left and right making tons of coin, while I get 1 or 3 every 30 minutes…don’t even cover my repair bills.

Co-op…this is a game based on which server has 24/7 players, you have a decent mix of West and Oceanic players to push, take and hold everything you have – and only giving what you actually don’t mind losing so you can take it right back when the main time frame force is on.

Typical Day of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Graveside.9253


How did you ppl get “Content” out of that? No where do I say there isn’t enough or to much content. It has nothing to do with content…it has to do with the overall game period.

Example: If SoS is kicking the kitten out of both of the enemies in wvw, where do you find tons of them. Camping EB jump puzzle, If not there then taking over the 3rd players assets because that is what the 2nd place team is trying to do.

Do you follow me, players both hard-core and casual will only play so much. Hard-core players are probably maxed out in everything on at least 3 toons, while the casual players are getting their 1st toon maxed out.

The conclusion can almost be identical…they both will get bored with the game aspect at some point is all. Rather it be Pve – been there done that or losing or winning pvp (AGAIN) no surprise there, so it becomes boring.

The game is always what we make it; however if no one is achieving and no one is being challenged then it is a mundune atmosphere.

Typical Day of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Graveside.9253


Winning side – Depends on how bad you are kicking the kitten out of the other two.
1 – WvW – bored from lack of enemies or to many attackers in WvW on winning side
2 – Camp Jump Puzzle (easy kills and mostly EB’s JP) – setup siege engines in here…funny
3 – Really Bored with WvW – do a few PvE w/ guild – bored again
4 – Start Alt – or you can’t because you have 5 lvl 80’s already most are geared out.
5 – SPvp – what true reason is there to do this?
6 – No sure what to do, go to new server so you are the underdog; however see below

2nd Place – but still 1st LOSER
1 – WvW – Bored after coming to terms – not enough players in WvW to hold anything
2 – WvW – Decide to just pick on the 3rd Losers – makes you feel better
3 – PvE – Bored from losing in WvW again and again – do a few of these – bored again
4 – Trying to really decide what to do because its fruitless to do wvw with no upside
5 – stuck in limbo

Last Place
1 – WvW – makes a valiant effort to hold just what the hell the have – bored not enough players at anytime of the day to push or even hold what they take.
2 – WvW – comes back and still nothing has changed – same stuff new day – and possible worse than it was.
3 – Pve – bored because you can do it only some many times
4 – WvW – try this again but just isn’t fun doing the same stuff over and and over for very little results at the end of the week.

In hindsight, this is my own opinion – doesn’t reflect anyone elses day. I am making this topic because I believe the game is just barbaric in its present state.

I know some changes are coming to the game; however will it be enough in the long run to keep players to where ArenaNet will make money? I am sure they will have their fanboy’s and such but with many games on the horizon and more f2p’s will this feed the players enough to keep even the casual to mid-casual players.

My experience with wvw after 3 1/2

in WvW

Posted by: Graveside.9253


I have a lv 47 Elem, and was killed by a perma-stealth thief in 2 hits, 13.7k of dmg. Biggest zerg best chances of winning. Tons of 80’s with uber gear, which gear difference is everything vs. anyone not lv 80 and in wvw.

Horrible community atmosphere, tons of elitest not wanting to be social with others. Guilds leave other players dead (happened 2 times) after taking a tower.

In the end, I wish GW2 good luck, new players will need the same luck if they want to seriously have fun and stay with the game. WvW should be limited to true lv 80’s, but I am sure this would diminish the battleground populations tremedously.

In the end, I was bored in 3 days of wvw, having to solo constantly, or dungeon crawl over and over, or find a scenario that respawned over and over. I am not sure if wvw will be looked at for it seems more players are doing pve now days than wvw due to the state it is in.

I will visit again in several months perhaps, to review the experiences again. Until then goodluck all in WvW.

Jump Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Graveside.9253


I found a jump puzzle in Ashford, an area for 1-15 levels. It was fun at first then all of a sudden I was instantly killed. I tried again and instantly killed at another location. Then I did some research about this jump puzzle and found out it is listed as HARD.

I am thinking at first WOW!!! what a great idea, then it dawns on me that no one really gives a SH** about the puzzle at this level because it is all about end game. I haven’t seen one person even come near it in 3 hours.

Why would you make something like this? I mean the risk (time) vs reward is not worth it, so in other words…you developers wasted “X” amount of time programming. I bet out of 100 players only 10 have completed in the last month if that. I had enough of this silliness…guess I will do what everyone else does just lv to 80 and forget about all the silly stuff in the lower levels that mean absolutly nothing in terms of the game besides a title.

Where is the fun in WvW or SPvP?

in WvW

Posted by: Graveside.9253


This is a great game and has potential in many areas than most games I have played; however it has many many flaws.

We all know about the exploits/cheats/hacks or what nots; however I am talking about the fun.

In WvW now, more players are reaching 80 thus leading to more geared players and overall competition right…wrong. I have yet to reach lv 80 and am being steamed rolled in WvW at lv 46, but hey I don’t feel bad…I am hearing the same coming from lv 75 players being steamed rolled by gear 80’s now.
I was having fun in doing some minor rolls of supply protection and defending but now, it seems geared players are just getting three or four together and knowning what the lower lv players are having to do is basically doing that now to crush them. It takes twice as many if not more to basically zerg them down. Where will this be in a few more months I ask? If new players come in and say hey WvW at lv 11 fun times…they will soon learn not fun times…frustration time and back to pve which over time will get boring from it being the 2nd part of this game.
Also I know you can do the spvp but it is at lv 80, I want to have some fun with some the low lv stuff like lv 20, 40, or 60 pvp lvs…I mean that is some great pvping when players are on equal footing in gear an such and using tactics to win, not this zerg fest of one side being more outgeared than others.
I have already been seeing some sides bored out their kitten because the same players are just camping the puzzle zone area, why? Nothing better to do and they know mostly small solo players with go in there with the occassional small group…what better why to pvp.
In the end this game will do well with a player base, because it is F2P.

Number of cheaters / Exploiters increasing day by day.

in WvW

Posted by: Graveside.9253


This is detrimental to the game period…I mean how many new players are perhaps hearing about this and saying…I am not buying that game. I just read an article over at about his review #4 where he was actually congratulating ArenaNet on allowing exploitation of the game, including constant server xfers back and forth. He basically said it is like a spy system o.O I am not sure what he is smoking but, I am already tired of the exploiters and even the hardcore players. My hat is off to all who played to lv 80 without cheating, but I see so many in less than a month with full exotic gear just camping puzzle locations and running the supply lines that they know the low lv players are only able to really do. It is becoming something like the game fury with all the pvp cheats/hacks/exploits and what I find sad…some player call it competition.

Is WvW even worth it at lower levels?

in WvW

Posted by: Graveside.9253


I don’t get it…People say to run the supply lines and hit the small supply areas and such as a low level. The game has been out 1 month and there are already top tier toons just farming those areas themselves because it is easy pickins for them along with just a small group farming the puzzle places for honor badges and keep others form getting them.

I can’t imagine what the game will be like in 2 more months with more lv 80’s with top tier gear. New players will find that if your not lv 80, you can’t even run supply lines…I mean there will come a breaking point and it is already fast approaching, just by looking at how things are progressing:

Hacks, exploits, constant server xfers, End levels and gear progression.

I mean if the game can’t maintain a steady source of its players it becomes boring even for the few that do stay, and with new players not being able to do WvW type of action unless they are 80 in the future then what point is there?

This is all my opinion and none of this might happen, but if it does then it will be a game for a select few and nothing for new players.

Give me a reason to spend Money here!!!

in WvW

Posted by: Graveside.9253


This is a F2P game and I have $15 per month to spend easily since I dropped my monthly subscription game for this.

I wanted play GW2 for the WvWvW and have some fun with open world battles. Those are more like zerg fest of the most populated servers. Currently, all I see is hacks and cheaters in WvWvW. I am not level 80 so now it is becoming more of ugh do I really want to give it another try…no. I go back to PvE and 30 minutes later I am bored and logging off.

This game has multiple type of players, if you want only hardcore pvpers, cheaters and such continue down this path and that is all you will have.

This isn’t a whine or qq…it is what is actually been seen in the game and being posted on the internet by other players and even some of the cheaters themselves laughing about it.

Good Luck, guess time will tell if Arena Net is really trying to curb this or just take the cash and run….almost reminds me of EA.