Elonian sword-dancer, poet and bard
Greatsword Chronomancer
(edited by GreenZap.1352)
Does my mesmer main; Elonian sword-dancer, bard and poet Zayn Al’Sabaan qualify?
Carrying his trusty blade Saif-al-Din (Dire ceremonial scimitar), a blade that bestows the wearer with the ability to create powerful illusion such as clones of him/herself.
- I want another chestpiece but… GW2 doesn’t exactly have a huge resource bank for armor skins.
(edited by GreenZap.1352)
Ty guys for all the help! Really appreciate you taking the time to help me????
Im hooked on my staff/staff Druid fight now but ill try get to level my mwsmer with the guidelines you’ve given me!
Druid druid druid !!! With staff! !
I’d love to make a staff mesmer work in PvE (solo/open world roaming/HoT Maps.
I thought I’d ask the community for advice on how to setup a mesmer around staff only that’ll still be able to take mobs down and then transition into Chronomancer, still with only staff equipped.
Would love some advice
Cheers guys
Ty very much for all of the help guys!
Been scouring around the interwebs for an updated build for a Staff Water (healer/support) Elementalist with no avail.
I know you can’t just sit in Water if you are going to be helpful. However.. If anyone could help me out with maybe just some tips on how to play as a Water Ele that would be awesome.
Cleric gear i suppose? What would be the other 2 Spezializations to Water? (I don’t have HoT yet! )
Based on the information in the thread (checked your posting history) it seems to be a GW1 related issue. And as such it will take quite some time, since the GW1 support team is very small.
Which also explains why there is no comment in that thread, seeing as these forums are specifically for Guild Wars 2.
Not true —
The Guild Wars 2 forums are the Guild Wars 1 forums. The GW1 support forums doesn’t exist anymore because they have been merged to here.
If GW1 still had their own forums it would prob have been much easier to get hold of the support team.
Also 3 weeks is not “quite some time”.
I’m not unrealistic so I don’t expect Blizzard 1 hour response but I do at least somewhat expect former Paragon Studios support where tickets had a bout a 3 days reply time.
3 weeks is not ok
(edited by GreenZap.1352)
I’m both dissapointed and confused that my ticket have been in the system for 3 weeks now without no reply from a real person outside of the automated service.
I’ve also posted in the 7 + days thread 2 weeks ago and nothing still.
How can it be acceptable for tickets to not be answered for 3 weeks when most online companies would have solve this in 3 days tops?
Blaming the influx of players because of the expac? Bad thing to blame this terrible support system on.
3 weeks for 1 ticket
just lol xD
Ticket: 1206052
Been waiting for a reply (other then automated) for 3 weeks now
Need help with restoring the password on my original Guild Wars account so I can link it to Guild Wars2
3 weeks wait time?
Something is obviously not working with the support part of your company ANET. Most online gaming companies would resolve this in 3 days tops.
1. Make PvE (levelling and overall PvE content) more challenging.
2. Remake the classes, Guild Wars 1 + expacs were so fun because the classes were not simple copy-paste theme-park classes.
3. Dervish, Ritualist and Paragon in Guild Wars 2 (continuation of nr 2)
4. Revamp of how Buffs/Debuffs work (buff of condition builds)
5. More Class synergy, less “jack of all trades – lone wolf”. Guild Wars 1 was more of a strategic RPG, GW2 is more like playing GunZ.
6. Good and interesting endgame villains such as Varesh Ossa and Shiro Tegachi
7. Less focus on Kryta. Let us see Cantha and Elona again. The flaw with Kryta is that in GW2 just as in GW1 Kryta, is very “copy-paste caucasian medieval-human-high-fantasy”.
Cantha and Elona were unique in a lot of ways because a lot of other RPGS had not touch that ground yet (esp African influences in RPG).
(edited by GreenZap.1352)
The issue for me with the OP in this thread is that I used to play World of Warcraft a lot and even played during early WoD.
I enjoy WoW but eventually I got tired or burnt-out of the endgame that only revolves around Tier grinding and PvP.
The reason I play Guild Wars 2 is for this reason. I’ve had enough of Tier grind to get into the next Tier grind from Normal to Mythic difficulty.
Guild Wars 2 is a game where I don’t want to check up on how Method or Midwinter handles the Siegecrafter Blackfuse Belt, whether you should put a BM or Survival hunter to kill the mines efficently, when to use cooldowns such as Aspect of the Fox or when to use Druid’s Stampeding Roar (when more then one in the group is affected by the Malkorok debuff in Heroic difficulty).
My point is; If I wanted that type of gameplay, and I do want that sometimes, then I login to World of Warcraft and play that. Trying to perfect rotations, reforging correct stats(removed now though) and see how Treckie handles Paladin main tanking in Blackrock Foundry. If I want that I load up World of Warcraft that have perfected raid content in the MMORPG scene.
I understand that it can be frustrating with ppl that don’t know fights, although I’m confused with why you willingly choose to pug and then complain about ppl not knowing what to do.
In every MMORPG to date pugging have always been a gamble and therefor difficult content is almost always only tackled with a guild or a premade group with voice communication.
(edited by GreenZap.1352)
I think you guys are making it a bit too simple..
I would call myself a roleplayer and I’ve been one since I was a child and played Baldur’s Gate and Arcanum for the first time. I even play the same “african” female mage character I did all those years ago in the first Baldur’s Gate in every RPG or MMORPG I’ve ever played.
However, my “roleplaying” happens in my head and by immersing myself in the world, dialogue (non-existant in Guild Wars 2) and story.
Thus I do not interact with other players in “character” because doing so would ruin and break “my” world because other players do not roleplay my world. They have their own world or a world very based on the lore of the game.
When I talk with other players I just talk to them as real persons; “- want to do a dungeon?” etcetera.
I don’t RP walk or any of that either.
My point is; just like everything else there is not only two types of persons, here; roleplayers or non-roleplayers. A roleplayer can be everything from someone always RP walking and talking in weird old english to a player just roleplaying in his head.
Ticket number is; #1206052
I emailed support for help with linking my old GW1 account to my GW2 account the 30th february.
My issue is that I forgot the password to my old GW1 account and while I do briefly remember the name of one of my characters I don’t remember the exact spelling of the character name.
I have provided a somewhat accurate spelling of the characters name and my access key for Guild Wars: Prophecies in my ticket to verify that I do own the account I’m trying to link.
I can also provide access keys for Factions and Nightfall if neccessary.
I’ve heard nothing from ANET support apart from the automated response. I have emailed support through the ticket (above the line in the mail) twice.
The email I have been using is the one for my old Guild Wars 1 which is through hotmail (outlook.com now).
If the issue is that your responses are blocked by the ISP on outlook.com then I can provide you with a different email to contact me through.
Help would be appreciated
(edited by GreenZap.1352)
While I enjoyed both Factions and Eye of the North, Nightfall was my favorite expacs hands down because of the African influences, Varesh Ossa as a villain and two great and fun classes.
I played Prophecies a lot so it’s not that I had anything against it. I just didn’t feel that the game were at it’s strong point because the humans were your average typical “european white humans” we’ve seen in fantasy games for over 20 years already.
Nightfall were unique because it went away from the stereotypical “white european” and “asian” fantasy tropes and added very interesting diversity to the Guild Wars series because of it’s african inspired cultures that were not explored in other fantasy games at the time and to this day still are not very common.
If there is anything I’d complain about with Guild Wars 2 is that ANET went backwards in the progression of the game.
While Guild Wars 2 easily is my favorite MMORPG I can’t help but complain a bit over that the game lost some of the uniqueness it got from Nighfall.
I’d love to see ANET work on both a minor Elona and Cantha “cameo” because we have already explored Krytan humans and Norns in two individual games before Guild Wars 2.
If that’s too much to ask then I’d at least would want to see Elonan influences implemented into Guild Wars 2. Could be as “easy” as to add hairstyles such as; adreadslocks, cornrows, corkscrew curls, afros and senegalean twist braids for both human females and males.
Putting in some features into Guild Wars 2 that display the diversity we had in this game series that once were not all about “white” stereotypical medieval fantasy tropes.
(edited by GreenZap.1352)
I don’t know what’s worse between the annoying popups and the backwards counter-intuitive change to weapon skills whereas we can no longer unlock skills by using the weapin but instead are forced to wait until we hit a “correct level” to unlock the skills we want to use.
You know what really annoys me? I’ll tell you. The fact that each time I level up I have to click that “see what’s new” button to make it stop blinking in the bottom of the screen.
ANET… I frankly do not care “what’s new”! Why do I have to click this button every time I level? EVERY.. TIME.. I.. LEVEL!!!
It’s one thing to be “over-pedagogical” because I understand and emphatize with new players that may not have previous experience with MMORPGs and might need some guidance and help to get started, but if you are going to implement a “pedagogical” system (lol) into your game then you need to understand how to make one in the first place.
What about actually hire someone who have a uni degree in pedagogy?
I know that this is being changed either somewhere along with the new expac but you know what really baffles me? That this lousy, half excuse of a system made it into the game in the first place.
How can a bunch of ppl, educated ppl at that, sit down at their meeting table in their company and togheter agree and greenlight this “new player experience”?
I’m lost for words… This is really… I mean I feel like AngryJoe.. This is making me so angry that I’m lost for words.
Jesus christ…
(edited by GreenZap.1352)
Dat Blowtorch <3
It’s highly subjective but I find them pretty bland and uninspired as well. Basically every set comes down to; Trenchcoats which are weirdly designed.. They just don’t look comfortable to wear and because of that doesn’t seem to “fit” well on your character.
It looks awkward
The Karma set is O.K. I think that it looks good because it’s not flashy, the pieces are well put togheter, looks pretty comfortable and the pieces represent the materials it is made out of very well.
I bought the Jungle Explorer outfit for my lvl 17 female Elonian Engineer and it looks awesome! The mix between the outfit and the Flame Thrower/Rifle is epic
She looks like an African guerilla trooper and the only two things she lacks now is one of the cooler backpacks you can craft and a Beret (unfortunately we can’t mix outfits with helms T_T).
(edited by GreenZap.1352)
Like you say; if an Elementalist choose to only weave between two elements you will (and I agree with you) not play the class to it’s full ability but why does that need to punish the group and you?
Why can’t the attunement also work in the way that it can be effective to trait in a certain way that makes 2 attunements “better” and thus the character synergy that way.
Why can’t a Guardian build be completely about clearing/transferring conditions and turning them into boons for your party?
Because that kind of passive gameplay is “watching red bars” and Anet wanted to avoid that with this game. They want all players to be active and fulfill a variety of roles on the fly, good/skilled players adapt to any situation. That’s why they gave everyone a heal skill and even more ways to heal, to avoid the need for a specialized healer for the party.
Pure Healers are needed in other games, because the other roles don’t have healing abilities, pure Tanks are needed in other games, because other roles can’t survive boss hits.
Active gameplay is more engaging than passive gameplay.
Why does it have to be “passive”? There’s a lot of MMORPGs where I can assure you that the supporting role doesn’t have a passive gameplay style. When you are busy buffing/debuffing, removing shields from target, adding shields to your team etcetera etcetera you don’t have time to space out
I guess you are talking about EQ/WoW and if so I completely agree with you but they are not the only “Theme Park MMORPGs” that exist and they are especially not how every MMORPG whether it be theme park or “sandbox” handles group encounters and classes.
EverQuest healers and WoW healers is nothing alike (not even close) so there’s not even a point to compare those two games on classes alone.
Look at Guild Wars 1. Sure it was a lobby style MMORPG but it had a Trinity. Do you feel that GW1 have a similar style to WoW? Does Anarchy Online have a similar combat system to WoW?
You’re still arguing about that either we have the Trinity or Jack of all Trades while I’m talking about ditching both of them and actually try to innovate a little bit.
I’m not talking about pure healers you are the one talking about “pure classes” I’ve in fact never said anything about pure classes in any of my post. I don’t want pure classes I want options and I’m talking about making other ways to play a class viable, ways that are currently not working because of how the trait system interacts with character equip and weapon skills.
I’m getting tired so I have to go to bed but the point is; you are arguing for Jack of all Trades or Trinity while I say that we shouldn’t have either Jack or Trinity; we should try to take the good things from both systems and combine them which GW2 already HAVE the foundation for in it’s Trait/Skill system but it requires ANet to follow up upon and look through the Trait system and figure out if they can possible tweak some numbers and effects here and there.
I’m not going to be rude but if you ssly believe that every other MMORPG where healers exist is games where healers stay afk just throwing out heals when needed then you have not played many GOOD MMORPGs in your life.
Also I ssly don’t believe that zerker builds were something that ANet intended. In fact I do believe that ANET originally aimed for a variety of different playstyles; there was not supposed to be " if you pick axe + sword Warrior you have to pick these traits".
I think ANET intended for the game to make various of loadouts and classes synergize and work more freely but unfortunately the current state of the game doesn’t support this kinda variety and there’s only one way to fix; by working on the game.
Look at Dota 2. I started playing WC3 Dota when it was new and look how different Dota 2 is and what long way it have come since Dota 2 was released as open beta. You can’t just go out and say “ok the game is good now” you make a game good by constantly working and trying to improve on it.
Recently Valve changed pathways on the map in Dota 2 which COMPLETELY changed the whole game and opened up for options that noone else had thought about before.
.When I read ANET’s manifesto I read it as they wanted the player to be in power, to have choices, to be able to play in a variety of ways. Maybe that was just me projecting what I thought they were saying I dunno.
What I do know is what I’m discussing is already in the game it just haven’t been developed yet and I would love to see it worked more on.
I don’t want Jack of all Trades and I don’t want Trinity ONLY. I want the game to allow for a variety of playstyles where everyone doesn’t have to funnel to DPS or healer or whatever or GTFO.
(edited by GreenZap.1352)
@ElderAngelus said what I was trying to say but so much better.
Also I don’t disagree entirely with @maddoctor because you bring up several great points but I still feel as you and I are discussing two different topics.
Like you say; if an Elementalist choose to only weave between two elements you will (and I agree with you) not play the class to it’s full ability but why does that need to punish the group and you?
Why can’t the attunement synergize better with the trait so say that you for example want to focus on Water/Earth for healing and control you would dump your points in the trait system to enhance those two attunements or you could create synergize between Air/Lightning.. Insert whatever synergy you want here.
Why can’t a Guardian build be completely about clearing/transferring conditions and turning them into boons for your party by you focusing on certain skills and dumping points in certain trait lines? Why can’t this be benificial?
My issue is not that GW2’s classes is “jack of all trades”, I welcome our “jack of all trades” overlords because I agree with you; having to wait for a Tank or a Healer is an outdated RPG design that doesn’t belong in 2015 however that doesn’t mean that everything else have to be sacrificed in the progress.
You can still aim to have a system that allows for variety where you are not shoe-horned into being “Jack of all trades” if you don’t want to play that way. Everything else doesn’t have to be unrewarding and useless in the process.
People come into this game from different reasons, personally I come from a EverQuest formula background and I’m here because I want to get away from “shoe-horning” but that’s what this game does just like EverQuest; it shoe-horns everyone into being Jack of all trades and everything else becomes unviable, useless and a detriment to other players.
Having a forced Jack of all trades is the same as having a trinity; eg; a specific setup whether it’s with more then one members or simply a skill build choice is the “correct” way to play that giving class/character.
I welcome the Jack of all trades but I simply don’t agree with that it have to be the be all and end all. Options is what makes a RPG fun.
No game have perfected the “non trinity” system yet. Guild Wars 2 is a step on the way but personally for me it’s a long way from being considering a good replacement because it just like the Trinity is restricting and limits choice for the player.
(edited by GreenZap.1352)
GW2 does not need the trinity to be reinstated but there absolutely must be something done about the current Meta or else it’ll never change.
I really really like what everquest next is doing. From everything I’ve read they are doing away with stats entirely.
Instead every piece of gear you get upgrades an ability for a class and links some abilities to others.
If they did that here it would be amazing. It’s like if your chest piece augmented one of your talents making it work better with a certain slot skill or adding an additional effect. Or if your ring made your heal have additional effects.
That would add way more diversity to every profession. It would be closer to GW1 style of character building without changing the current gameplay. Without stats everyone would be able to build the way they want to and not what others dictate to them is the best. Sure there would be “this ability is better than this one” but with so many potential options it would take a very long time to determine what is best.
Just my two cents.
Haven’t followed EQNext that much but it kinda sounds like they are adopting Path of Exiles system where gems in your item slots are linked to do different things like adding AOE to one skill for example or lowering it’s resource cost.
The only issue I can see from this is that in Path of Exile a majority of the builds required a certain setup and every armor/weapon piece had a different amount of slots that could be linked and thus link abilites and effects togheter.
That meant that a item that had 6 slots that were also linked to each other were BIS because you could fit a skill + every effect you wanted to have. The issue with this was that you needed to play some other build until you found an item with 6 slots and when you finally found one, because of how hard it was to get one/expensive to buy from players it could be very hard to upgrade the item without losing slots.
Now I don’t know how it’ll work in EQNext I can only attest to PoE which was a Play to Win game (those who had a good network of ppl to trade with and also had all of the time in the world to play were the only ones to be able to play the builds how they wanted).
All others had to play “less expensive” builds because they were never ever going to get a 6 slotted chest that were linked and were never going to be able to play the more fun specs because they required so many effect linked to one skill that you needed a 6 slot chest which like I said is not something you just find.
explain only to me how “class” can be unbalanced if class was not defining anything – actually – did ESO had even class system? asking cause last time I checked on elder scrolls dropped class system at the point of skyrim
ESO do have classes. 4 classes. However the classes are not definite to the role you will be playing in the Trinity even though some classes coupled with some races excels at some things better then others.
Regarding balance one of the many issues that ESO suffer from is that one particular class namely the Dragon Knight is more or less better than all other classes combined at tanking and DPSING because of their superior skill numbers, superior class design, superior Ultimates and passives and superior skill loadouts
The issue is not so much that they are better but more that they are VERY MUCH better than other classes. Regarding armor in ESO light armor beats medium and heavy in ESO in all roles unless you are going to Tank where you still want some light armor pieces because of how “OP” the stats are you get from light armor
You can also forget to play melee outside of being a Tank as melee is not really viable due to encounter design and because ranged weapons have much better damage, skills and doesn’t suffer from a terrible resource system (stamina).
(edited by GreenZap.1352)
Here’s my critizism or my personal (uninformed) player view if you will of this game. My issue with the combat system is not the lack of the Trinity but rather that the game mechanics doesn’t “reward” you to play in ways outside of an offensive approach to tackle an encounter.
See that’s the main problem with GW2. The combat system have a really bad PR and Marketing.
Ppl only see the gear and don’t try to actually understand the game (sorry but even if its partially the game fault, its not totally…)
Support have a HUGE part in that game, equal to dps. If dps was the only thing in that game, then only Elementalist would run dungeon. But that’s not what we see. Even when you go in the meta, all profession bring something else than just dps. But that support is different than other MMO. It do not focus on tanking and healing. It focus on damage mitigation, active gameplay, buffs, etc.
Guardian for example bring damage mitigation, blind, aegis, reflect, condi removal, etc. He keep his team alive before they can hit, and don’t fix the dmg after by healing. That need more timing and knowledge of the game as you are proactive not just reactive. For me that’s a way better gameplay than an healer looking at his side bar and clicking all his skill in the perfect rotation.
The other aspect that ppl don’t understant because of the gear is diversity. They look at the gear and say kitten, this game have no diversity and everybody have zerker gear. But diversity don’t come from gear stats in GW2. It come from traits, skills, utilities, weapons, runes, sigils, etc.
I agree totally but my point is about me having an issue (it’s only my opinion after all) with that the game expects everyone to do everything when some ppl might want to do a specific thing and contribute/be beneficial by doing that thing only.
Why can’t we have that option as well?
That’s what I mean.
Firstmost damage dealing then you also help out with condition cleansing, control… you name it but why can’t a player focus on one “way to play” if they so want and still be helpful?
That “playstyle” you say you want is watching red bars? Either the health bars of allies or the aggro meters as a tank? I think those kind of playstyles have no reason to exist in an action based game, where active defense plays an important role.
What’s next? Let’s add evade/block chances and attack rolls?
That’s not what I meant; I’m trying to say that what I would want from the game is for ANet to design encounters differently that will promote and open up possibilites for players to for example only play a Elementalist as a Healer/Boon buffer or a Guardian as a Cleanser/Flag Carrier.
As it is currently every spec is supposed to do DPS firstmost and everything else secondly. If you don’t contribute to DPS then you are a detriment.
Again I’m not trying to bring Trinity into the game because I don’t want to have Trinity anymore.
The only thing I want is more then one game style to work in Guild Wars 2 and currently I personally feel that is not the case because you can’t be a “support” if you want, you are always a damage dealer with a jack of all trades setup which is fine but why can’t players choose to only “support”, “flag carry” if they so want?
Why have we removed Trinity if we are shoe-horned itno everyone being a DPS role with limited group buffs/support?
Actually the best DPS builds in the game offer lots of support and the reason some profs are neglected from speed clears (like necromancers) is because they have limited support, not because their DPS is bad.
If we can’t utilize other ideas then ANet have failed and we are back at square one, we have removed Trinity and made it into a “One-ity” (lol) that only accepts DPS and DPS only!
If you take the time and read the rest of the thread you will realize that the players in GW2 do support/control/damage, they heal, they buff, they debuff and damage all in one package, they do what Healers, DPS and Tanks do in other MMORPGs at the same time.
You didn’t understand what I wrote wich can very well have to do with that my bad English writing skills and that my post were so long that my point got lost.
What I was trying to say is that what GW2 fails at in my book is giving options. You mention that everyone can heal/buff/dps etcetera which is very true but is not what I’m having issue with.
My issue is that becuase of how content is designed, players who want to play a certain class in a certain way to their personal liking quickly get disregarded and thus the “play how you want and be benificial” becomes “play how you should to be benificial” which is not very different from being forced to adhere to a Trinity (that’s what I meant with a One-ity).
Guild Wars 2’s encounter design heavily favors DPS as your main responsibility while surviving by yourself is the second. Unless you adhere to playing your character like this you will often be a detriment to your team.
There is no space there to allow a player who want to play a Elementalist as a support while staying ony in Water/Earth to support or a Guardian to only pick skills like Save Yourselves, Projectile Wall, AOE condition cleansers (don’t remember name) and using staff.
The way you tackle content in this game is by having everyone in the team doing damage firstmost. There is simply no space for those who want to fill a more active “support role” and be the “flag carrier”.
You are shoe-horned into playing the game as a tri-spec thus the developer have removed the choices from the player and just like the Trinity forced them into playing their characters in a certain way and thus severerly hindered other playstyles that does not follow the tri-spec.
(edited by GreenZap.1352)
I’m new to the forum and I’ll admit that I haven’t played the game a lot since I bought it at it’s release not because I dislike the game.
In fact I’ve been following the game from the forums since I’ve bought it because I really like a lot of what ANet is trying to do here.
Here’s my critizism or my personal (uninformed) player view if you will of this game. My issue with the combat system is not the lack of the Trinity but rather that the game mechanics doesn’t “reward” you to play in ways outside of an offensive approach to tackle an encounter.
The idea of Guild Wars 2 is that we have no “roles set in stone” and that you should more or less be able to play however you want then how come that a build like Staff only; Caster/Heal/Support Guardian that focuses entirely on support/off heal and protection is not viable in a group setting?
I think I’m asking the wrong questions; my real question is really not why that particular build is not “viable” but instead why is throwing damage at a problem the only true solution for every possible encounter in this game?
If the idea from ANet was to make away set roles that you decide by creating a character of a certain class then why does the game so aggresively “punishes” you for trying to play a class or a weapon skill set “not by the book” or by trying to “specialize” into one “role”?
Let’s compare to another game namely ESO which suffers from issues due to poor development, unbalanced classes and combat yadda yadda but if there’s one thing that game does right then it’s the freedom for players to choose whatever class they want because classes doesn’t define your role. Skill trees and weapons does.
Sure I will not disagree that picking some skills here and there and some weapons are more viable then other and if you are not going with a cookie cutter build and utilize weapon swap then you will be less efficent but still; it works in ESO!
Even if you were to play a “less efficent” build in ESO you can still be beneficial and helpful to your team and it’s instantly fun and rewarding.
You can probably not get into the hardest endgame content and expect to be of any use if you are playing with a “less efficent build” but during your whole leveling experience including dungeons and easier endgame activies you will still be of use and helpful to your team!
Isn’t that where GW2 is supposed to be superior? Isn’t GW2’s idea about bringing whatever you want to a group/team and have fun togheter?
So why then is this game favoring damage stats over defensive/support stats to beat every single thing that the developers throw at you? Why?
What if someone want to play a Elementalist Heal/Support and only stay in Water/Earth? Why shouldn’t that be beneficial and useful to the team and thus rewarding for the player who wants to play a Heal/Support Elementalist? Why?
Why have we removed Trinity if we are shoe-horned itno everyone being a DPS role with limited group buffs/support?
If we can’t utilize other ideas then ANet have failed and we are back at square one, we have removed Trinity and made it into a “One-ity” (lol) that only accepts DPS and DPS only!
That’s my issue with Guild Wars 2.
Feel free to critize me, discuss.
2) As a MMo veteran that has played EQ FFXI etc you might actually have dived into the wrong game here man. This game does not have a trinity type of setup. Basically all classes are played the same way; dpsing, self management, some form of control.
Guild Wars 2 is NOT the game where you form a group based on dps, heal, tank and roll with it. I don’t mean to be negative but as I said this game doesn’t have any set classes or roles. You won’t really ever need anything special to do anything this game. You don’t need to have certain classes in a group in GW2. You can beat dungeons while having anyone being the same class in the party or whatever. There is no healers, there is no tanks there is however everyone in this game is a form of Dpser. Some classes have a little more support abilities then others but you don’t have classes that babysit you like you have in WoW. Your job is to keep yourself alive at all times while dishing out dps.
3) There isn’t any “endgame” here. Endame in GW2 consists of getting new skins, not stats like you have in games like WoW etc.
Guild is not required to do anything in GW2 they are mostly just a social hub but not anything you need to play the game.
Welcome to the game but I worry a little that you might be coming into this game with the wrong mindset and won’t enjoy it. As I said this game is NOT EQ/WoW, there is no “endgame” there is no real stat progression. This game is about exploring and enjoying the ride to max level. When you are 80 you can either WvWvW or you can farm for skins (not stats), PVP or do dungeons.
(edited by GreenZap.1352)
I think this would be cool as well. My setup is 2x 22 inch screens and wouldn’t mind a wallpaper that coul stretch and fill both monitors.
IN HD ofc
I have a 72 Fem Hum Warrior that I’ve decided to stick with to level 80 then ill prob either roll a Sylvari something or an Asura Elementalist.
I understand where u come with with that the elementalist requires too much effort, unf though I also believe that the classes that doesnt require efforts kinda falls flat. At least thats what I feel with my warrior and with my lvl 50 guardian (which is trashed). Greatsword mesmer seem fun but alas I can’t really recommend a class for you.
I feel of all the classes there are only a handful well designed that are rewarding in this combat type of setting of GW2 and for me they are; Elementalist, Thief and Mesmer.
I’ve tried all the classes at the beginning leves;
- Engineer just plain boring, kiting kiting kiting didn’t like them with any weapon set
- Ranger could be fun but eventually forces you to kite which u dont want to with a stationary ranged unit.
- Necro; not my type, I liked them in GW1 since their pets was used as meat shields but its different here.
- Guardian; they are okay but I think the warrior feels more genuine though guardian has more survivability. I might roll a sylvari guardian down the road since their cultural armor and their cultural great sword would fit a guardian well.
- Ele; had a 40 sylvari ele, I liked him actually, funny to make use of so much skills, no auto attacking or boring kiting like some classes, when you kite you kite with your skills. Reason I stopped was because i felt that sylvari didnt fit for an Ele only asura does for me because asura and ride the lightning works great togheter since the asura are small.
- I’ve yet to play a thief but from what I’ve seen it doesnt feel like they are really taht fun in PVE whatever weapon set.
I think i lean towards mesmer tbh because they feel like one of the few classes that works with this combat system.
(edited by GreenZap.1352)
So many delusional players here. You’re not making any progression. you’re just doing the dungeon for vanity items. Spend a few gold to get exotic items crafted and you’re good to go basically forever. Vanity is only 20% of the satisfaction you get from better gear, the rest is actually improving your characters capability. It’s RPG 101
You’re not making any significant progression with vertical progression either. You’re just doing the next type of content which is exactly the same thing as before, except now you get a insignificant stat boost each time you do something giving everyting before it a feign of importance because you must level up /stat up /gear up. Instead GW2 gives players the choice.
Also Living story = progression. I wanna see this game in a few years and then we will see. This game is always changing. It’s already tons different from when it came out.
Yup and working to get cultural tier 3 armor so ull look awesome is a lot more enjoyable IMO then boring end game raids over and over to get +2 strength on ur character… Bleh I dont want to do that again EVER again..
I like that GW 2 is somewhat going back to the roots of RPGS
So many delusional players here. You’re not making any progression. you’re just doing the dungeon for vanity items. Spend a few gold to get exotic items crafted and you’re good to go basically forever. Vanity is only 20% of the satisfaction you get from better gear, the rest is actually improving your characters capability. It’s RPG 101
This is subjective, WoW went away from a lot of the classic RPG elements that earlier RPGS/MMORPGs had. Yes ofc pen and paper RPGS had somewhat stat progression but they were a lot more about doing awesome adventuring and immerse urself into ur character and while doing that finding great treasures. They were not just about stat grind.
The open world is a pleasure to run through with others, time and again so far. Haven’t seen that in any other mmo yet. I hope it becomes the new standard.
I agree with this 1000x
I agree. It’s probably just because it’s my first time playing it. But as far as I’m concerned, the events are different from place to place. Let’s say you start a Sylvary. You level it from 1-80. The events you’re experiencing haven’t been there five times, cause you’ve been progressing through.
Then, when you get to play the endgame, and you’ve built a great character, it’s time to make a new one. Maybe you’re that type who makes the same race. If you’d end in that case, you’ll probably get a feeling of grinding cause you played it on your other character. Although, let’s say you make a new race — a whole new adventurer awaits!
Short summary, yes — it won’t be able to be a 100% dynamic and at some point in your gameplay you feel like grinding. There’s no MMORPG where you can avoid grinding due to the enormous amount of interest you’ve got in making new characters. Though, Guild Wars 2 is extremely good at keeping the grinding level on a very low percentage — at least it feels like at the moment.
In addition, it feels less ‘grinding’ when more people are at the same event. Usually people around the world discovers that there’s an event going on where you’re heading, and they’re obviously interested in the experience. By that, you’ll get to do it together which is great. You don’t even need a group, and you won’t get less experience even if you’re more. Of course, it depends on the Bronze, Silver and Gold badge, but the amount of people just adds great content.
The good thing is that you have different personal quests to choose from and that is enough for me to keep on being interested playing the same race over and over. My warrior is a noble but my thief was a street rat and my guardian wants to be in a circus act etc. etc.
What makes me a little concerned ATM is how the game will fare during the level up phase a couple of more months down the road; if there will indeed be empty zones and non for events or if ArenaNet can solve the issue somehow because sooner or later they will have to adress this.
About grinding; I love grinding but like everyone else I have my personal taste of what grinding I enjoy and what I do not. I’m one of those that doesn’t think getting all the vistas is that fun and I don’t think jumping puzzles are that fun those things just feels too grindy for me personally but I still do it since I want to complete the maps and also the extra EXP you get from map completion is worth it.
I’m more of the type of grinder that love to gather a huge chunk of mobs around me and just facetank them or aoe nuke them and then reap the sweet loot. I’m a huge junkie of big events and love doing them over and over.
Yesterday there was a whole guild on like 20-25 people running across Boodtide Coast, I followed them from the start of the map to the end just cutting our way through every event along the way. That was awesome.
Those things are what makes me love this game. =)
TotalBiscuit’s final thoughts on the Guild Wars 2 beta
Let’s groove this video for a sec! I think it’s interesting how he points out that people think regular questing back in WoW was straight up grinding. I have to agree at this point. Either go talk to that guy, and then go gather these mushrooms and kill these Murlocs.
- Do you think it’s cool that you “don’t know” how many things you’re going to gather regarding Dynamic Events, and that it’s “just” a progress bar?
— You end up in a much better experience. You’re not aware of when you’re actually done by killing Bandits for instance.Arena Net mixed up “escort this fellah”, “stop the bandits from ruining the water pipes” etc.! It’s great, really.
- Exploration is much more enjoyable with all these Events mixed into a World. You don’t know what to expect. Do you think it’s kind of annoying that you don’t know when you’d get rewarded due to the random Events?
— IMO it tells a whole new story of the area. It’s changing. It’s like the world gets to experience summer and winter isn’t? It affects on stuff.You find new stuff. You gather. You’ll mine stuff.
And that’s every kaboozy where!
I’d say yes and no and I don’t mean to be negative but this is how I see it; Guild Wars 2 is indeed repetitive but the good thing here in comparison to some other titles is that you can mix up the way that you level up so it feels more varied in the end.
Since the focus is around events you will often do the same events over and over, if this is a bad thing or not is subjective I just feel that saying that GW is not repetitive isn’t 100% true and comparing to Rift which is more the Everquest type of game I can sometimes feel that GW 2 feels a little more “grindy” then Rift did but that is my personal opinion and nothing that is true and have to do the way you kill mobs (I loved playing reaver warrior in RIft and gather up 10 mobs and just AOE them down) in different types of games and my general .
GW2 centers a lot around the events and when you get togheter with 10-20 ppl running around taking back keeps etc then it feels epic and especially when the events have 2 or more stages so you really can obliterate the enemy. The problem with this even centeric game design though is that sometimes it can be a lot of waiting around to find other players to do the events, this wasn’t a problem during the starter months but now when everyone is not leveling up there are some zones that there are rarely people doing events in.
Bottom line there is repetiveness but GW2 hides it better then some other games and then end result is quite enjoyable.
(edited by GreenZap.1352)
makes sense.
but aside from pvp and wvw.
strictly talking pve. how many times can you go faceroll orr before getting bored ?
you like to go faceroll a level 15 map with your 80?so far the game pve only answer is the dungeons. fotm precisely.
“i get the questing with your friends and such”
maybe guild mission will provide good enough challenge! thats really a good idea.
I see what you are coming from and as I mentioned earlier I have not gotten to 80 yet with any character so I can’t really give any advice on late levels.
Only thing I remember with GW 1 + expansion was that since the max level was 20 you hit that in a day and you could go through one of the games in a couple of hours with little help on the boss fights but in those games endgame was about trying out different builds and getting the obsidian armor. However I created my own “endgame” by running through the games over and over because that was something I enjoyed for some weird reason back then.
I’m not a PVPer but what I want to do at 80 ATM is to get the human cultural tier 3 armor for my fem warrior and then get a asura elementalist to 80 and get the cultural tier 3 on that toon as well so atm from waht I’ve read about gathering money for the sets it feels like I have work ahead of me for awhile.
But I understand what you are saying and I think what you say are all valid points but I also don’t know if it’s really a bad thing that ppl stop playing until content updates. That is somewhat expected.
What I also kinda like in this game is that you can still go back and do other stuf because you never really become “overpowered” like you do in other MMORPGs where you are shafted to do only endgame stuf over and over till you have BiS and just have to wait until the new tier expansion drops.
Guild Wars 2 kinda has that nice old type of MMORPG style where you are the Baws when you have the hard to get cool looking arom (cultural tier 3) and can run around in that and show everyone how Baws you are.
It was the same with obsidian armor in GW1 it was just the skin but because it was so hard to get and if you had expensive dyes on it you automatically became the Baws of the server :P
I am the same however I love those small things like when ppl say “X boss is up at [insert waypoint]” then you run over there, engage the fight togheter and after the fight you part ways and since everyone can ressurect and share aggro there is a lot more of focus on team play here then what I sometimes encountered in TOR.
There was a lot of “just gonna do my own stuf in this raid”-mentality in TOR but here noone loses out on helping out. I’ve not run into anyone that has not been polite yet and that is a big positive and reminds me of my experiences in the first Guild War games and City of Heroes/Villains.
I heard that you don’t get that much money on professions in this game? Is that true? It’s more like a self-consumable thing. In TOR you could earn money by moving two-three fingers. Waaay too easy IMO.
Oh yes.. the famous Slicing Crew Skill :P. You don’t seem to get that much money from crafting here however you can get a lot of money from selling crafting materials and ofc you also gain huge chunks of EXP for crafting which is a reward in its own. Granted my highest toon is 56 (alto-holic here) so I haven’t gotten to “endgame” but I’ve heard (correct me if I’m wrong) that there is money to make at end levels not that much that you get filthy rich but that you should be able to buy the stuf you want with dedication.
There is ppl running around with full sets of cultural tier 3 armor in Lions Arch so it is possible :P
I play this game entirely solo with no guild, I just don’t enjoy interacting with random people on the internet anymore. I realise that that statement might come off as a little douchie but thats why I also enjoyed in TOR and starting in RIFT, I could play both games entirely solo and occasionally team up for heroics/flashpoints/stuf.
I think this is the correct way to go with MMORPGS no more forcing ppl to group up but rather have it as a option and also focus more on the individual because I usually just want to do my thang and experience and immerse myself into the world myself.
thats allright. but if the game want to have a strong community and players that keep coming back, they have to make the game multiplayer.
single player will finish the story then grind a bit and move on, thats not the long term customer anet needs to please right now.
I’d say yes and no. The first 4 GW games also were centered around single player however you could group up with ppl and run through the campaigns and doing dungeons though the greatest rewards came from when you could solo stuf like the underworld etc.
What will keep players in the long run, at least what I believe is skins and titles and achievements. Tier grind only affects a certain type of players and I am actually one of those who used to love that kind of gameplay but I start to see more and more how bad it is from a game design perspective.
The MMORPG I played hte longest ever was City of Heroes/Villains and all I did there was doing toons with different concept and Roleplayed with other players I also played Champions Online for a very long time and in neither of those games I did any real “end game things”. The fun thing in those games was to create ur hero/villain and immerse urself in the character and creating campaigns/storylines with other players.
I think they could add “challenge content” in GW2 for those who want to “tier grind” but I think it’s really not the best solution of design if you want to keep players for a long time. Only reason ppl played those kind of games for such a long time was because the gear was hard to get. If you were given a full Tier 6 set in one run back in Burning Crusade then you wouldn’t have continuec to play the game until they released and expansions.
What I believe is better is find your core market and then appeal to them like CoH/V did (rest in peace) and like how EvE does and then build up a nice community around that because those who tier grind all day in and out will likely play another MMORPG when they have obtained their gear.
I noticed that as well in some other thread I read. You’re kinda in a little trap regarding that. Other than that, I think the Perk + the Healing/Utility/Elite management is quite easy to use once you’ll get a catch of it. I definitely see where you’re going.
Hi yes I know, I’m a little repetitive when it comes to that topic :P I guess GW1, Factions, Nightfall and EoTN spoiled me a little much with their skill system and I think it was a good idea that that skill system wasn’t ported into GW2 because it was too hard to balance.
I think that the skill system really shines with the elementalist though, they are just a blast to play and they just have enough of skills to make rotations interesting and varied. I love how u as an Elementalist fly all around the place and tons of different spells go off. It reminds me a little of playing Sonic the Hedgehog :P.
There is those that have complained about Eles needing to use way more skills then other classes but IMO that is a good thing because as a Sword and Board warrior it’s a loooot of just watching my toon auto attack. Maybe I should roll a new ELE but unf I have a sweet spot for heavy armor.
Eles are harder to play but I think that’s really a good thing because with a combat system like this game have you really don’t want the classic auto attack and using skills on cd system but you want every encounter to be something that forces you to use what you have at your disposal.
Leveling in the early days was something that you wanted to go fast through. You know, the real game was within the end of it. Not anymore, because this is dynamic. The levels from 1-60 in The Burning Crusade wasn’t very enjoyable. I enjoyed the end-game a lot though. In GW2, I think the leveling is very unique!
Totally agree
I play this game entirely solo with no guild, I just don’t enjoy interacting with random people on the internet anymore. I realise that that statement might come off as a little douchie but thats why I also enjoyed in TOR and starting in RIFT, I could play both games entirely solo and occasionally team up for heroics/flashpoints/stuf.
I think this is the correct way to go with MMORPGS no more forcing ppl to group up but rather have it as a option and also focus more on the individual because I usually just want to do my thang and experience and immerse myself into the world myself.
Welcome aboard! I’ve played several MMO’s over the years, but SWTOR was the last one I played before coming to GW2, it’s amazing how much better this game is. I’m a huge Star Wars fan, but that came just never felt right. I could never get over the game engine long enough to try and enjoy any other aspects of the game.
I agree with all of the things you like about GW2, it’s the first MMO in awhile to really grab my attention and keep it. Take care and I hope you continue to enjoy!
Thank you, Ambushbug! I appreciate your kindness.
It’s almost like we’ve experienced the exact same thing. Bioware said that they wouldn’t create a realistic type of game, but more like a cartoon -ish engine. The engine is old and chunky. It lags so bad even though I ran the game on a GTX 560 ti.
I’m a huge Star Wars fan, and the story was incredible, but the gameplay wasn’t unfortunately. I thought I should play that game for the rest of my days, but I was proven wrong!
Thank you for your kind thoughts, take care and have a blast Ambush!
To Biowares defense the Hero Engine is actually quite robust its just that they needed like 6 more months to complete the game for release.
Then when the game hit its decline it was kinda too late, at the same time I am dissapointed with them to just let the game hit the fan I mean if you compare it to square enix and FFXIV square actually reworked the game from scratch and thats something that Bioware should have done with TOR as well.
But yes this game blows TOR out of the water everyday anyday
I Hi Yes but the problem is that there are certain skills in this game that are extremely situational. When you have a limited amount of skills for each weapon having even 1 skills that is never used is kinda of a waste. For me that skill is hamstring which is great for PVP situations but in PVE the few mobs u could use it on is often immune to disables so ATM that 1 skill is just a waste in my skill bar and I don’t want to run around with a great sword like every other warrior.
I believe that the idea that they had with the skill system is great but I would like to see them evolving on it on some classes and that’s also the reason im complaining because I love the way they did it I just kinda feel that they dropped the ball on certain points.
You have classes like the Elementalist that is a blast to play because they need to use every skill in a confrontation to survive and defeat the enemy and then you have certain classes where you feel that they are locked into a pretty narrow road.
The awesome things with this game though is ofc that its B2P with no sub but also that u can level doing whatever u like. You want to only do crafting to level? YOu can do that, or you just want to explore (and the world is amazing) or gather materials without fighting ? You can do that. No backtracking and while we have “kill 5 boars and take 10 hides” kind of quests it very ingeniously hidden so it doesn’t feel like you are grinding.
There is no penalty to kill the same mob that others do which leads to interesting open world grouping without actually hosting a group.
What I also like with this game and what I loved with TOR is that the focus is more on the leveling then the end game, im tired of WoW type of games when the game starts at max level and you just have to grind ur way through boring levels to get there.
And like TOR this game has a lot of replayability, every class is interesting in its own way and the different races and Orders taht you can join arms with are also very interesting.
Also that the endgame is tied to “skins” is something I highly enjoy. I’m tired also of the tier grind for better stats, I love it more here where its optional and its actually fun to go after the nicest looking armor in the game that is just that; nice looking nothing else.
First welcome!
I also came from TOR which is a game I quite enjoy but recently my economic situation changed so I went back to GW2.
Now, I dont want to down this thread but like TOR there is things I like and dislike with GW 2 the #1 thing I dislike with GW2 is the combat. How the skills are glued to weapons I’ll explain.
My main is a warrior and most and their mothers play greatsword warriors in PVE because it burst out a lot of DPS, however I don’t like to do the FOTM so I play sword and Board and while this work the problem is that since the skills are glued to the weapon I have 1 skill that is useless for me in PVE that is hamstring.
IF they somehow could fix this and allow us to change between more skills on each weapons (not like in GW1 but just offer more skills for each weapon type) then I’d really love this game because that is what holds me back from loving GW2 ATM.
Dynamic Events are enjoyable and the best thing is taht when ur a couple of people u gain huge exp for doing them.
But welcome to the game man!
If people think standing in a zone spamming and trolling the map chat is community, that’s just sad.
But it’s “being social” xD
Posted by: GreenZap.1352
Well this isn’t a solution to your problem but :P I actually like the 2nd picture (non-character-creator) because at least to me she looks a lot more realistic. Well ye the lightning itself isn’t realistic but the face, the make up, it looks a lot more realistic then the first picture.
But ye, the character creator uses different lightning settings and also higher res textures.
GW2 already went up a bunch of stairs in the way you require skill in PvE by adding places where you need to actively dodge/block and move, but it’s still as far as AI coding can get for now.
Not innovative though. Several games have done this befor GW 2 and yes some of them were MMORPGS.
Overall personally I don’t think the dodge feature works well in the PVE part of the game. It should have been left in PVP along with the downed state.
Speaking of the topic; my problem with GW 2 is not that it lacks gear treadmill, I really do enjoy that ArenaNet chose not to persue that model but what suck about GW 2 is that the combat skills is locked to your weapons and this along with the shallow traits system kills character progression and the leveling experience for me.
I know that there were skills that were just filler and not viable in GW1 but it was a much better idea still then what we have in GW2 where characters never evole after you hit level 30 since u will more or less roll around with the same skills until level 80. Just being able to play around with different skills in the hotbar and swap them out and swap others in is what I like in MMORPGs and not the gear treadmill, unfortunately ArenaNet did for some reason throw the GW1 design in the trash bin and IMO that really hurt PVE in GW2.
(edited by GreenZap.1352)
Really, my ideal game would be something like Dark Souls but with a proper server, some more multiplayer features and more ongoing patches / support. There’s not much grind in that game, and the loot is generally not random, but instead placed in specific locations.
This has to be the single “funniest” thing I’ve heard today. Dark Souls DOES NOT HAVE ANY GRIND. Ye let’s go with that…
Oh ye wait!
Dark souls = one looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong grind
Play War of the Roses, granted it’s a PvP game it’s concept is to evade and block attacks because you can’t take many hits and there is also pros cons to leave ur helmet visor down which increase realism.
Leaving it up means better vision but easier for archers to fire an arrow at your eyes, leaving it down; better protection but less vision.
While I do enjoy GW2 because of lot of things; no quest backtracking, no mob stealing etc I hope that not all MMORPG’s move away from the D&D formula, I might be oldschool but I am of the opinion that D&D is the best platform to build a MMORPG upon but using features from GW2.
(edited by GreenZap.1352)
Noone kills them cause it’s just not worth the time and effort TBH. It’s fun the first time you take on a champion, the 3rd time it starts too get old very quickly couple that with that you get not rewards worth the time… meh…
But ye the reason that the giant healed up was prob cause u didn’t have enough deeps. The problem with the encounters is that they are really not challenging and really not fun either because all the champion does is pam 2-3 abilities over and over and over. For the giants all they do most of the times is stomp and hurl rocks and all you do is deeps on them at ranged cause noone in their right mind would try to melee a champion because all the 1000x anti-melee skills champions have.
Fun gameplay!
(edited by GreenZap.1352)
All big MMORPGs is like this yes. Smaller more niché games only have dedicated fans on them. Although they rarely compain about the game there can instead be a huge elitist attitude there.
I don’t understand how the OP can be suprised over this? Look at Football fans. Look at any fans/haters of something.
Also to add to what I wrote; I played SWTOR for a long time and when doing dungeons and esp after the LFG tool was implemented I always tanked with my Vanguard.
There was never, and I repeat never any instances where I had a person in my team that were displaying negative behavior against the rest of the team and I ran several dungeons a day on that toon all day.
Instead of negative behavior people excused themselves when they were doing mistakes and they were always very polite and listened to me (the tank). They were also always open to suggestions to improve our dungeon run.
Sadly there is very little room for being social in a dungeon run because ppl are often very focused at what they are doing with their toons. People that are not used to play MMORPGs is even more focused because they might be nervous because they don’t want to make a wrong move.
Personally I just can’t play a GW 2 dungeon and type at the same time because then I will miss my support abilities, miss dodging incoming attacks, miss interrupting the bosses/mobs and miss buffing/healing my team members.
Talking is just impossible to do for me while we are fighting and in a lot of dungeons in MMORPGs you are almost always fighting constantly more or less the biggest exception being WoW where there is a lot of prepping going on in dungeons.
Talking also removes immersion for some players therefor I understand if some ppl don’t want to be social because they are currently in the moment enjoying what is happening in the game.
PPl should be able to enjoy the game as they see fit and if they want a LFG finder then I’m all for it.
The more options the better whether it’s game mechanics related or cosmetic, additions mostly adds more enjoyment for more ppl and enjoyment leads to a healthier happier community and in turn more social interaction. Forcing ppl to communicate won’t lead to a happy community however giving the people the tools neccessary and making the game fun to interact through will.
(edited by GreenZap.1352)
How would mistakes become less unacceptable without a dungeon finder lol? Look at League of Legends, do you think ppl would hate less on you if there was no matchmaking?
There will always be haters and there was just as much haters in WoW before the LFG as it was after. Heck, a lot of achieving guild were know for their elitist jerk attitude towards players who were new or didn’t play their class flawlessy in dungeons.
That’s why you join a guild that’s not like that. It has nothing to do with having or not having a LFG finder but how the internet works.
In the real life if you call someone a kitten then he prob will punch you in the face but when you are behind your computer you are safe from lashbacks and this combined with player rules being too soft promotes bad behavior.
I don’t think it’s fair blaming bad behavior on the LFG finder. If you don’t want to use it, then don’t I don’t get hte problem with you ppl? Why is it always have/not have why can’t we have both? If ppl want LFG then let them have that as a suggestion and we’ll see what ArenaNet thinks of the idea.
The new MMORPG model = antisocial because every new MMORPG is basically a single player with a multiplayer feature added on. GW 2 is this just as much as SWTOR is and I believe that this is a good evolution.
If you want the old formula then there is WoW, EQ, EQ2, UO, DDO and so on for you to play but if you want to play a game that doesn’t forces you to interact with other players to have fun then a LFG tool can be a helpful tool in your enjoyment.
- If ppl want to be social then the game should provide platforms for ppl to be social.
- If ppl want a LFG tool then the same game maybe should have one.
- If ppl want the game to be easy and others want it to be hard then introduce a hard mode.
A game can aim to appease as many as possible and in general MMORPG use to be the kind of game genre that tries this.
(edited by GreenZap.1352)
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