Showing Posts For HERO.2057:

How does ANet plan to bring in players?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HERO.2057


I even forgot about this game, I had the forum on my bookmarks and came here to see whats was going on.

This game, I’m afraid it has run it’s course, I expect the store to be flooded with RNG boxes and the dummies shall continue to purchase to get an item to show to their 5 friends.

I have stopped playing this game on it’s 2nd or 3rd month after it came out.

All my friends GW1 avid players, we all had over 10k hours of GW1, have quitted too, I don’t even hear about this game anywhere I go, neither I see it on any shelves in any store.

GW2 was a failed experiment, mostly because of the hype the created around the game, and the fail to delivery what was expected.

The game was stale when I left it, and by the looks I get from reading the forum, it’s still the same.

Just because your server has an overflow, doesn’t mean that the game is full of players, I truly believe the number of players had really declined massively.

But I could be wrong, or right, I don’t even care.

There’s no meter, but I am truly a GW lore fan, loved it, consumed it, lost myself in it, just waiting for the last book to come out, and then I’ll probably pull the plug on it, forever.

Truly sad, my most fun years in gaming that I’ve ever had was playing Guild Wars, but they let me and many many more down.

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

What GW1 feature would you bring to GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HERO.2057


Absolutely nothing, this game is crap compared to GW1.

Heads must be rolling so hard at ANET.

They never learned in GW1 and they decided to still not learn for GW2.

The way they interacted with the community in GW1 and GW2 and how they refused to listen to everyone, how they lied so much about GW2 only shows to me that GW1 was more of a shot of luck than anything else.

They hit success without even knowing why, then came the downfall, for the new ones here, GW1 reached it’s peak in 2 years, then they took some amazing decisions that killed the game faster than light.


This game is on it’s downfall, the game didn’t last 6 months and it’s population is already declining, they will never reveal the numbers but they don’t need to, we can tell.

They tried to suck as much money as possible from the GW1 and GW2 was born, but I can assure you there will not be a GW3.

I can also assure you there will be no EXPANSIONS for GW2, this game will die without even fulfilling the lore.

The numbers are what matters, and GW2 does not have the numbers to have an expansion.

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

(edited by HERO.2057)

Going to be an interesting 2013..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HERO.2057


About nothing.

That post was so full of cliché, it says absolutely nothing.

No real bullet points with this or that, just text, text, text, it’s an amazing year, text, text, we are so happy, text, text, we believe in… , text.

I expect nothing major.

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

Raiding: Not like the other guys

in Suggestions

Posted by: HERO.2057


MMO without raids, without GvG, without HA, perfect.

It’s like killing mobs all day.

“65 million, 340 thousand and 285”

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

(edited by HERO.2057)

Crafting's impact on the economy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HERO.2057


Crafting system, everyone’s favorite easy leveling method!

Since we don’t really use it for anything else.

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

Jan/Feb patches: Make or break time?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HERO.2057


i hope it fails and some court rules that they are forced to reimburse players.

I can’t tell you in words how much ripped off i feel for spending 150 euros on this game.

Worst of all it’s the fact that i have been buying random kitten out of the TP to try to fill the hole but instead i keep increasing it.

I haven’t played in a while and i probably won’t play it anytime soon, i’ll login when the new updates comes and i’ll check it out, but i’ve actually started playing other games and i’ve had more fun with Tomb Raider 1 than the whole GW2 experience.

Sad but true as hell.

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

Why gw2 needs a group finder now.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HERO.2057


I’m not sure how I feel about this. One could argue that the implementation of these portal tools in WoW helped kill off that community. Before LFG it was much more common to know other players on your realm, friend list good players you have met, fully embrace your guild, and become a part of community websites.

If I had to choose between the fully automated system of WoW and the more community-fostering system of GW2, I would choose the latter every time.

Actually, you have a very simplistic and wrong view of the matter.

1. I’m not 15 anymore, i don’t have time to play all day and make friends, i get online i play with random people, because my friends quitted this terribad game, i’m from the working class, i have to cook, clean and find time to play.

2. A LFG tool is needed, because that’s where the mentality of players have shifted, it doesn’t matter if it’s wrong or right, that’s what players want, and if a game is not made how the players want, then it’s doomed to die, less and less people play this game.

3. A LFG tool could be avoided, IF, ANET didn’t decide to make guilds the most useless feature i ever ever seen in any MMO, players hop guilds too fast to build a strong community. In GW1 you had vanquishing guilds, mission guilds, pvp guilds, dungeon guilds, and title hunting guilds, in GW2 well you have nothing.

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

Is it only GW1 players that find GW2 boring?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HERO.2057


GW1 top PvP player here, and PvE GWAMM, 7 years of GW1.

GW2 is incredibly crap, out of my 20ish friends from GW1, 0 kept playing GW2 (including me), i still lurk the forums, waiting for a massive update, that will never come.

PvE is boring, i got two 80s and i just can’t find any motivation/patience to level a third.

PvP is incredibly bad, and this is a general feeling among GW1 PvP players and GW2 PvP players, there was a video posted somewhere about some Skype conference call with one of the PvP balance mod, and they acknowledge PvP fails.

A lot of players confuse fun PvP with competitive PvP, which gw2 has neither, no ranks, no observer, no solid battle mechanisms.

Anyways, this is a pointless thread, a mod will come and close it soon, a ship of fanboys start posting how perfect the game is, blah blah and anet will choose to believe the 10 people that say the game is perfect and ignore the 10 million that cry out for improvement. (the ones that are still left, i’ve noticed there are are a lot less fanboys now, some quitted or joined the force i suppose, but probably quitted).

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

No rewards from Tixx in LA

in Wintersday

Posted by: HERO.2057


I opened the chest but there was just junk, my reward for completing was 3 giant gifts. Are we supposed to get a minipet?

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

Tixx Reward Bug?

in Wintersday

Posted by: HERO.2057


I got 3 giant gifts.. are we supposed to get a minipet because I don’t understand the point of selecting a gift when we get no gift…

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

Giftbox RNG

in Wintersday

Posted by: HERO.2057


I have neither… but then again I really don’t care

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

Opened 101 boxes

in Wintersday

Posted by: HERO.2057


I’ve opened nearly 1000 giant gifts, and nothing yet

I’ve been farming the JP since 08:30 AM, and it’s now 17:22.

It’s all about luck, I might not get the bell, but at least I tried.

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

Giftbox RNG

in Wintersday

Posted by: HERO.2057


Why do people complain about not getting what they want of gambling boxes?

Every time I go to the casino I don’t win, as a matter of fact, I lose 90% of the times.

edit: grammar

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

(edited by HERO.2057)

Unbreakable Choir Bell

in Wintersday

Posted by: HERO.2057


While you are at it,

Can we also have on the TP the following:

- All armors so I don’t have to play the dungeons
– Levels so I don’t have to play the game
– All types of loot from trash (gray) to Legendary (Pinky) so I don’t have to play the game
– All the crafting materials so I don’t have to play the game

Thank you!

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

Best Place to Farm Gifts?

in Wintersday

Posted by: HERO.2057


If you are good the best place is the JP, 3 giant gifts every 2/3 minutes, depends how fast you jump

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

Being respawned during the JP

in Wintersday

Posted by: HERO.2057


First I got booted to LA without being able to open the chest.

Now i’m being randomly sent to spawn during my jumps runs.

I have restarted my client and the issue remains… more players complain about the same.

I’m streaming live (crappy quality) but it’s happening now with every jump, sometime right at start sometimes near the end, sometimes mid way:


……………… this is not cool…

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

Jumping Puzzle: Cannot collect prize!

in Wintersday

Posted by: HERO.2057


Did the Wintersday JP got automatically booted to LA with no reward

…. kitten it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

(edited by Moderator)

Giant Gift:The holder of the Legendary Bell

in Wintersday

Posted by: HERO.2057


normal players stand no chance whatsoever. That’s where ArenaNet’s RNG statistics get it wrong; they favour the gold-rich, not the average player.

Like i said before RNG is RNG, if the bells has 1% of dropping it doesn’t mean that if you buy 100 gifts, 1 will have the bell.

It means everytime you open a gift you have 1% of getting the item, when you open the next gift your chance is still at 1%.

So by all means, i’ve been farming the JP and i have opened maybe 300 or 400 gifts and got nothing good.

But you can never farm at all, and open a gift and have it, or open 2 gifts and have 2.


Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

Giant Gift:The holder of the Legendary Bell

in Wintersday

Posted by: HERO.2057


Took me 7 years in GW1 playing HA daily to get a Crystalline Sword, but when i did…. it sold for millions.

RNG is part of the game, i’ve been trying to get The Colossus for a long time, my gf crated 4 rares with Weaponsmith and got The Legend, on her 2nd or 3rd try.


If anything, the easy way for people to not complain is to make these items have a 0.0000000001% of dropping, some so rare we wouldn’t even know they exist until 4 years later into the game.

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

Legendary twilight on trading post 9500g

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HERO.2057


Once they added ascended weapons, probably around feb or spring, legendaries will get a stat bump too

I wouldn’t be so sure if i was you.

In Guild Wars 1 you have, FoW armor, which is a very pricey armor, even nowadays it’s still expensive.

I bought my armor in 2006, for about 3 Million, which at that time was an absurd amount of money.

After the release of Nightfall, inscriptions were introduced, to weapons and armor.

Previous FoW/Obsidian armor never got updated, i did end up spending another Million to gather all the remaining materials and craft my self another set of armor.

This scares me, every time i think of crafting a legendary in GW2.

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

6 servers Very High, 18 servers Full

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HERO.2057


6 servers Very High, 18 servers Full… and oceans of empty space, with no one in it.

How is this possible?

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: HERO.2057


In a straight up fight where a group of 10 goes up against a group of 30 and NO-ONE runs away but fights till the end the group of 10 does not stand a chance.

Exactly what he said.

Common sense is so rare nowadays that it has become a super weapon.

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Arborstone

in WvW

Posted by: HERO.2057


I have played in a 10 man group killing three times our numbers and more.

Was this while you were awake?

Once in GvG i soloed a split a team team of 4, all by myself.

Happened…. ~<15 times in 7 years.

WvW is simply about zerging, but if you disagree, i challenge you to post anything that tactically will blow us away, something that is acomplished by 5 players together.

Something realistic.

Unrealistically i could capture the whole map alone, if i was a Golem and noone was there to kill me.

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

(edited by HERO.2057)

Right click on any friend using Contacts

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: HERO.2057


All my options are gone, i only have REPORT.

Will this be fixed?

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

Boring WvW

in WvW

Posted by: HERO.2057


I agree Jang, i only do WvW to level up, there’s no fun in any type of PvP in GW.

/applause War Machine

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

Right Click

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: HERO.2057



I’ve been having an issue with Guild Wars 2, sometimes i wanna move my camera or strafe, but the game won’t register my right click.

It’s been getting more and more annoying lately.

I thought it would be a physicall issue with my mouse, but i have tried in other games and it’s fine, just really messes up with Guild Wars 2.

Anyone else experiencing this?

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

Blacktide and the french

in WvW

Posted by: HERO.2057


I’m sorry but you are not correct.

Ganking against the highest ranked in the scoreboard is wrong, but expected, the issue here is that we get to face 2 french worlds, are for the sake of keeping things leveled, this should not be possible.

It screams corruption, and dishonesty.

Also as i am playing at the moment another clear alliance moment just happened.

We tried to take Redvale Refuge, which is from Vizunah, a swarm of Arborstone came, killed us and left, Redvale Refuge still remains to Vizunah.

Now tell me, is this how it’s intended to be done?

Or am i missing some sort of PvP hindsight?

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

Blacktide and the french

in WvW

Posted by: HERO.2057


I’m sorry, i guess you missed the part they are both french, and Arborstone being out of the race for 1st, has decided to ally with the others.

They aren’t killing eachother, they are just killing us.

If you can’t win, what can you gain by attacking the first?

Nothing, because 2nd will rise to 1st, 1st will drop to 2nd and 3rd will be even further away from the 2nd place.

Once again, i’m not arguing about what strategies they make, i’m arguing because we are clearly facing a french alliance, which are not playing fair, when Arborstone sole objective is to kill Blacktide and not cap anything, making sure it remains for the Vizunah, something has to be done.

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

Blacktide and the french

in WvW

Posted by: HERO.2057



ANET needs to do something and take a stance on servers having the possibility of facing 2 other servers of the same language.

A perfect example is Blacktide vs Vizunah (FR) vs Arborstone (FR).

We, Blacktide, have been dealing with some sort of alliance forever.

Whenever one of the french server recognizes that winning is not possible it will ally with the other french world.

As i am writing this, Blacktide is currently no1 in the scoreboard, Vizunah 2nd and Arborstone 3rd.

Vizunah is putting alot of pressure on us because we are not able to hold anything, whatever we cap, Vizunah recaps with the help or Arborstone.

We went to their world to do some damage control, we tried to cap out first supply camp, the closest to our base, Arborstone ganked us, killed us, and left the supply camp blue.

We understand strategies are strategies, but this is just wrong and ANET either needs to start punishing servers that do this, or make it impossible for server A to face server B and C of the same laguage localization.

With kind regards,

Commander HERO.

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

(edited by HERO.2057)

Can we remove downstate from pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: HERO.2057


it should be removed asap, it makes absolutely no sense

want to stop burst builds? implement healer classes

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

Will you rescue GW PvP community?

in PvP

Posted by: HERO.2057


Unless you are new to the game, you would know that a very high chunk, nearly every Guild Wars PvP player is not playing Guild Wars 2 PvP.
The reasons we all know and it’s pointless repeating, but i’ll give a short resume, lack of skill variaty, skills linked to weapons that limit the gameplay, Alliance Battles as the only competitive PvP mode available.
If you came from Guild Wars to Guild Wars 2, you will feel so dissapointed on how the competitive PvP is so basic that you just end up not playing it.
It’s no secret Guild Wars success was, GvG and HA, something that noone understands why it’s not in GW2, it was your golden eggs.
You have this very intelectual, smart, hardcore pvp community stuck in Guild Wars, waiting for you to do something in GW2.
What do you plan to do, to bring back the Guild Wars pvp players to play pvp in Guild Wars 2?
Are we disposable heroes?

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

Legendary, why is it legendary ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HERO.2057


Nothing legendary about it.

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

That feeling...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HERO.2057


when you hit level 80 and seems like you finished the MMO.

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

WvW Commander // GW1 PvP recognition

in Suggestions

Posted by: HERO.2057


That is irrelevant, since it represents a minority.
The fact is that GW PvP players will know what to do, or at least will do a better job.
Weather they grant free commander to GW PvP players that have achieved a certain tier in the Hero and/or Champion title, they still need to change the path to be a commander.
They need to make the commander title something achievable, and not purchasable.
What was all that talk about eSports about? When one of two PvP types can be led by an ignorant fool that never stepped in a battle ground and has 0 ability to lead, and let’s face it, in WvW everyone will follow the commander.
I feel like buying 100g and troll the whole server.

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

WvW Commander // GW1 PvP recognition

in Suggestions

Posted by: HERO.2057


First of all commanders should be something achieved through gameplay instead of buying a book.
I have spent 7 years playing Guild Wars 1 PvP, i am more fit and more knowledgable than 99% of the commanders in this game.
I will never be able to afford in the next 12 months a commander book one, i mostly play PvP, and unlike Guild Wars 1, being a PvP player in this game is not economically rewarding, in Guild Wars 1 i was and still am very rich, PvP paid off.
Even though Guild Wars 2 is a different game, every Guild Wars champion knows more, has seen more, understands more, no PvP will have such a high skill ceiling like GvG did.
It’s literally possible to buy Guild Wars 2, buy 100 gold and be a PvP commander, even though you have never ever played a PvP match or finished a single zone in PvE.
There are plenty of titles in recognition for playing Guild Wars 1 PvE (God Walking Among Mere Mortals, Legendary Defender of Ascalon, etc).
There is not a single reward for having played PvP, and i did for 7 years, i’m a very very high HERO and CHAMPION of Guild Wars 1, i could care less about the PvE titles, even though i am a GWAMM.
A good reward for Guild Wars PvP veterans, specifically Guild Wars Champions would be the ability to automatically be a commander, without having to buy or play anything else.
Any Guild Wars champion will be more fit to lead and make a solid choice over the ignorance of a player that got a precursors through RNG and got rich.
Now he “leads” us in battle in mindless zergs, he can only see whats in front of him.

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

Elementalist Movement Impairment

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: HERO.2057


I’ve been doing WvW for the last 2 days and this has occurred several times.
If some invader casts on me a spell to stop me from moving when the effect ends my character will not move at all, it will be able to cast, but it will not be able to move.
My only solution for this, is to switch to fire attunement and use Burning Retreat then i can move again.
Needless to say that i am sure i have no other spell on me.
Also fix Assassins invisibility, 90% of my health is by the time i finally can see where he is.

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

No fun in PVE we need a raid

in Suggestions

Posted by: HERO.2057


I aggree we need raids.

There is no skill in PvE, no learning curve, this is the most boring PvE ever.

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

Legendary Defender Of Ascalon

in Suggestions

Posted by: HERO.2057


I’ve seen people with this title in GW2, no idea if it’s related to do the title in GW1, but probably is.

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

Precursors for GWAMM's

in Suggestions

Posted by: HERO.2057


GWAMM was the most useless thing i have ever done, i got nothing for it.

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

The teams that work on PvP/WvW/Balance:

in PvP

Posted by: HERO.2057


That’s what I’m trying to do. We can’t spend our ENTIRE days on the forums, but we try to make an effort to take a break from development as much as we can to address your questions/ideas/comments/concerns.

1. If you can’t have someone spend their ENTIRE day on the forum,… i’m not gonna finish this setence because it’s absolutely ridiculous what you just said.

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

Right Click Options

in Suggestions

Posted by: HERO.2057


I would like to say that the right click options are completly weird and very unhandy.

Please add anywhere and under any circustance, the following option:


It’s like you don’t have common sense.

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

Do the right thing and ban people who exploit

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: HERO.2057


While i only got the chest once, how is this exploiting?

Each toon, got a chest, seems fair.

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

if your going to complain..

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: HERO.2057


I don’t get why people think this is “free”.

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

OFFICIAL: Ancient Karka made me rich.

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: HERO.2057


All my exotics (2 pieces), were level 78.

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

My review, after cooling down my head

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: HERO.2057


Hello everyone,
I have finished the event yesterday, but i decided to sleep over it before i posted my opinion.
I would like to say that overall i disliked the event.
Phase 1 – It started fun, looking for items, discovering the right combinations, learning about the Karka.
In general was very, very short. Even tough i only had Carnach bugged, a lot of people had every DE bugged.
After what happened during Halloween i was expecting ANET to step it up.
Phase 2 – Probably the best of the 3 parts.
I stood there with other dozens of players, waiting for something to happen after the catapult was built, nothing happened, no battle, no mobs, we just boarded the boad to the other island.
At the island my server had a lot of fun, discovering the new place and doing the DE, this was actually fun.
Phase 3 – What was this?
I started at 21:00 and ended at 23:55. Nothing wrong with this.
The only things wrong, was the fact mobs would spawn in the middle of the zerg, massive wipes happened, which in terms of lore means we all died, because it was impossible to stay alive, i’m sure no server can say they did not wipe.
The reinforcement battle, took way way way too long, 80% of the event was destroying the reinforcements, alot of people quitted during this phase.
I still don’t know why these mobs dropped no loot at all, i spent a Magic Find boost, a Karma boost (which didn’t do much because the DE were so long) and food.
The rewards chest was a disgrace, i spent 3 hours fighting mobs that dropped no loot, then the chest dropped 3 rares and 2 exotics.
The rares were all level 80, the only 2 exotics were level 78… (lol?).
I didn’t delete the exotics because it’s a joke, like a souvenir, “remember that time we did xxx and we got 78 exotics?”
I did 3 runs in FoTM, took me about 30/35 min each run, i got 5 rares, and 2 exotics, all level 80.
Literally i get more out of doing FoTM then 3 hours in this event.
In conclusion, this event was way below my standards, and i’m sure below yours, i wish i could say “i hope you learn from this”, but we all know that ain’t happening.
If anything, you should apologize to the community, for your failure to deliver, hyping these events and not delivering only hurts your image.
After this weekend more people will be leaving Guild Wars than joining.
I am used of being dissapointed by you (ANET), you’re like that son, that never finished HS, never got a diploma, it’s always on drugs and being arrested.
You’re not a gaming company that i support or look up too, i’ve been a massive fan of Guild Wars 1 (until a certain extent).
But with GW2, i have the duty of warning every possible player that asks me if they should buy to stay away from this game.
I’m sorry guys, i’ve never seen a game with so many people complaining and dissapointed, we can’t all be wrong, we can’t…

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

Was Phase 2 toned down to cause less probs?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: HERO.2057


I really hope this is a one time event that never returns, if you get my drift.

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

so, what's going on with P2?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: HERO.2057


Went to the new islands, followed the zerg, did a few events, we created a settlement, noone knows what to do, or have we completed P2?

Throw me an event log to my face.

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

Was Phase 2 toned down to cause less probs?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: HERO.2057


Well in my server the treb built and we boarded the boat, there was no fight.

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

GW2 Original Soundtrack from directsong

in Suggestions

Posted by: HERO.2057


I have received my album (3 months later after the purchase).

And the soundtracks are amazing i’m currently listening to the 3rd CD.

What bothers me, is that i probably paid extra to have it signed by Jeremy Soule, but no proof of authentacy comes with the album, which makes the signature part of the deal, useless.

Do you ANET plan on doing something about this?


Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

The Lost Shores: phase 1, update

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: HERO.2057


Canach is not working in Vizunah Square [EU] and all the overflows servers that i’ve been too

I also got the shell from Fahd’s chest, but no event took place, just went there grabbed it and left, not sure if it’s supposed to be this way.

Edit: Canachas event just started working, Vizunah Square [EU].

Electronic Empire [eE]
Commander of Blacktide

(edited by HERO.2057)