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Aurora Glade - Which Guilds Are Staying?

in WvW

Posted by: Hald Degli Strock.1304

Hald Degli Strock.1304

Isola di Montecristo [MC] is staying.
PM sent.

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Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Hald Degli Strock.1304

Hald Degli Strock.1304

Would it be so bad to have 8 maps and 3teams of 2 servers each? 1 from NA and 1 EU. The teams should be random and “equally” balanced (top-last or top-top).

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Why have EU and US Servers if WvWvW is 24 hours?

in WvW

Posted by: Hald Degli Strock.1304

Hald Degli Strock.1304

Both EU and US servers are in US as stated by igneous.8153. I don’t remember where (this forum or reddit) but someone traced the connections on both us and eu server. They are in us (no love for EU and AU).

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Please add a General's tome to be bought for 1000 Badges

in WvW

Posted by: Hald Degli Strock.1304

Hald Degli Strock.1304

Problem with that Hald is you have guilds that have 700 plus members that will all vote the same person to be commander.

Yeah, but people could vote others too, balancing this issue.

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WvW Commander Suggestion

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hald Degli Strock.1304

Hald Degli Strock.1304

please read this: thread. Commander title earned only with badges (also stated in other threads, but I don’t remember where) is a bad idea.

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Please add a General's tome to be bought for 1000 Badges

in WvW

Posted by: Hald Degli Strock.1304

Hald Degli Strock.1304

I think the commander title should be reworked a lot. Now they set up a 100g fee as “this should be the effort of at least a guild” in order to buy, while I saw a lot of screenshots of people sitting on 700g+ without having put a single step in WvW to fight.
The commander, general, field marshal, should be awarded based on how well he/she performs on the field of battle (not necessarly killing enemies) as Jedahs pointed out.

I think a “voting” system should be in place and should be like this:

  • each time I see a good player (max once a day/week) I can “promote” that player
  • I can “promote” as many player as I want (max 10/20 a day/week)
  • The top 5/10 players promoted for that day/week has the commander title for the next day/week.
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FoW.... Are you THAT stupid ? Seriously ?

in WvW

Posted by: Hald Degli Strock.1304

Hald Degli Strock.1304

My guild left FoW because of the server stupidity. I tried to organize a little of the warfare some weeks ago, only to see people rushing to heavily defended tower without siege weapons instead of defending garrison with the orb which was under siege.
I’m sorry, but there is a reason why FoW is last and there is not one organized wvw guild there.

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Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Hald Degli Strock.1304

Hald Degli Strock.1304

Despite all the suggestions put forward, there really is only ONE true fix for the problem:

Do away with the current “ranking” system (which is meaningless anyway, since it has nothing to do with skill, strategy, or tactics), and match servers against each other based on nothing more than their matching population patterns.

Servers that are full 24/7 should be matched against servers that are full 24/7 – which is also something every player that actually wants a challenge should be demanding.

get rid of NA and EU servers altogether. Just one global ladder and that’s it.

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Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Hald Degli Strock.1304

Hald Degli Strock.1304

The current system is broken because you can see who is going to win in the first 12h on NA servers and in the first 30 min on EU servers, because of the reset timing. Having an unbalanced match is good, not having the possibility to catch up is not. How many people do you think are there in EU servers without overseas players at 2:00 AM (Italy), 1:00 AM (UK), or 5:00 AM(Russia)? I’ll tell you: no one. I went to black tide borderland (I play in Aurora glade now) , we were 3 of my guild, and…. No one else.
And that’s ok, IF we can catch during the day, but right now, it’s not possible, because during the day the match is almost even. So we keep losing at night and tying during the day. Not fun.

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Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Hald Degli Strock.1304

Hald Degli Strock.1304

I would like to see a reply from Anet.
Clearly a large population isn’t happy about this and a small population enjoy the advantages from it but many agree a contribution based system makes more sense.

So can we get response?

Yeah, even a “work in progress” one would be better than nothing.

Clearly WvW has a lot of flaws which must be addressed altogether (simply removing rewards for dolyaks isn’t enough).
For me, the issues are:

  • Rank and point calculation (the system is now broken, not using time-specific condition and population)
  • Commander system lacks a lot of features and the acquiring system is dumb (I can see in 6+ months at least 20-30 commander per server)
  • Orbs spawns and Garrison (I must lose my orb in order to protect it better?)
  • Outmanned buff.

On smaller issues they should address:

  • Phantom zergs
  • Ping on small map the point of impact of the trebuchet and catapult
  • Higher level NPC (currently there is no strategy in killing a keep lord).
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(edited by Hald Degli Strock.1304)

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Hald Degli Strock.1304

Hald Degli Strock.1304

Having played for a while on a persistent losing server i feel very much frustrated that my “precious” time is wasted.
Every time I went in W3 and capped some camps with a small team, the camp was taken back in a matter of minutes and we hadn’t the numbers to take even a tower.
This. Is. Fine.
It’s war, so it’s ok. The most frustrating part was logging in just after reset and see the whole map belonging to the first server who raided an additional orb.
I tried to do a 5v5 and even a 10v10 there was no match against them.
I have in mind some solutions, but they should be tested.
IMHO there are 3 things that are flawed.
1) Orbs spawn point. Orbs should spawn in Garrison and if taken north to the Altar of Power of your server, you should get some additional score.
2) Score system is just terrible, It really should take in account how much players there were logged in since the last tick.
3)Outmanned buff should really give some useful bonus (smaller than Orb, but useful).

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Orb buff is ruining WvW, please change it.

in WvW

Posted by: Hald Degli Strock.1304

Hald Degli Strock.1304

I played in Fissure of Woe for a While. Then I swtiched sides in order to see how’s the game from a 3-orbs point of view. Then I waited until 2:00 AM the reset, trying to improve my server status. Opposing team zerged all 3 orbs in 10 minutes, then built all upgrades in each keep, there was nothing we could do. Orbs should start in garrison or should be movable by you own team. This would fix a lot.

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WvW thoughts coming from a player of Fissure of Woe

in WvW

Posted by: Hald Degli Strock.1304

Hald Degli Strock.1304

After playing a while in Fissure of Woe I became sick of shouting orders in /team just to see random players throwing themselves at an heavy guarded tower while loosing a keep.
I also saw a very big issue (at least for the worst ranked server in EU): the Orbs of Power. They gave an unfair amount of bonuses which is -almost- impossible to overcome with strategy.
At the last reset Dzagonur raided our orb quite easily zerging (they where 10:1 ratio), with that bonus they were able to overcome Ruins of Surmia quite easily while defending their own Orb. So when the majority quit (here was like 4:00 AM), they had 3 Orbs, almost everything on the map (which was easily gained due to the amount of bonuses) and now it’s almost impossible (due to upgrades and Orbs) to overcome them even if we could amount players to zerg our own map.
I’m not sure, but I think that the situation is pretty similar in other matches. If not, correct me please.
Now, here people usually wake up at 7-8 AM, they log in, see the situation and feel there’s nothing they can do to overcome an enemy so powerful (which is not, I could win battles with my team while having less player). I think this is a side effect from having Orbs carrying so much weight in the game (much more than towers and even some keeps).
I still can’t get all of the meta-game involved, so maybe I’m wrong, but I would prefer having a situation where:

  • Orbs would give 100% of the actual bonus only for your own Orb, while giving only 30% of the bonus for enemy’s Orbs.
  • We have a timer until end of match
  • We have a timer until maps opens again (5/10 minutes delay)
  • You give us information in UTC or GMT time in addition to PST. What’s wrong with you guys? We don’t live all in America. Use international standard time please.
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