Showing Posts For Hansiman.4962:
New of the patch that will be released the 22nd of October is all over the place =)
They need to add more loot bags for killing players. If I can go out and get 50 player kills (monthly), I should get 50 loot bags.
Imagine being in a raid attempting to capture a point, which is defended by a raid from another server. If everyone received a loot bag for kills they took part of, you’d receive a large amount of players more interested in looting during fights, than actually fighting.
You don’t get loot for every kill in PvE, why should it be different for PvP? You state that you feel it’s random if you get a badge of not, I state that in my opinion it’s not. I usually get badges when taking down keep lords with my group, but then I do a large amount of damage on that single target. If I only hit a player once, I know I won’t be getting badges, nor loot bags. But whenever I see I do a large chunk of damage to an enemy player, I receive loot bags, and very commonly do they have badges in them. If you still feel it is completely random, then I don’t know how to convince you, but this is the experience I feel I’m getting in the game.
You laugh at my quote where I state that you need to work for your gear. Why? You don’t counter it in any way. But you do say that it still requires 1850 badges for full gear, and that will take time, so you’re just prooving my point of view.
Anything in WvW can drop badges you say? I have not noticed mobs drop it yet for me. Only NPC Guards and players.
If you can get 50 player kills monthly, then you are not really playing WvW. WvW is what I play in this game. I don’t want it to just be a place where fresh 80’s come in to play for a few days to get top gear, then leave. I want a community playing WvW and commiting time to learn and work together.
Most servers have raids you can attend every night. Even though I’m on a server that’s not doing well overall in WvW, our raids are open to anyone wanting to participate, where our voice-chat is streamed online so even randoms not in the guild can listen in on orders. We might not be winning much, but we’re having great fun whenever we raid, and we welcome as many players as possible to join us.
You do get rewards in WvW. Attend organized raids, and you’ll see your karma go up rather quickly as you complete events all over the place.
Do as much damage as possible to as many enemies as possible, i.e. AoE, and you’ll see a lot more badges drop, that you use to purchase new gear.
I’m sorry, but you can’t demand that you need an immediate reward for killing another player. You need to work for your gear here.
I’m one of the thiefs that won’t stealth and back-stab you. I’ve specced for AoE when it comes to WvW. And the higher I’ve gotten in lvl, the more damage my AoE has been doing, and the longer I’ve survived. I’ve noticed a steady increase in my badge rewards as my lvl increased, but when I went over that last nudge to 80, the drop-rate was much greater.
I do also believe you get them based on how much damage you do to a character. Meaning, you can’t just tag a person and expect to get loot, you’ll need to do some damage as well in order for the loot bags to drop, and to have them contain a badge for you.
I noticed this that once I hit 80, I started doing a lot more damage in WvW, and started seeing a lot more drops as a result.
I also got a lot more badges when I used Arrow Carts to attack large groups instead of my normal AoE abilities, since I could not match the damage caused by arrow carts.
I sometimes hear another players character say something when I'm by myself.
Posted by: Hansiman.4962
Sometimes it’s hilarious to hear “Kill them all!” or “It’s so cold…” or something else my Norn would say.
I keep hearing the “It’s so cold” on my Sylvari female.. And not in her own voice.
I’ve noticed this as well. When defending I’ve managed to just get inside one of the keeps through the portal, just to have a hunter pet follow, and kill me inside.
I agree, this is an interesting feature. I left The Old Republic for this game, and I get to take the fun part, (the force), with me from Star Wars, to the great aspects of WvW in this game. I have to rely of my knowledge of the force to sense my enemies and strike accordingly. =)
(I’m glad to see that there is a part of the community that manages to smile from the hiccups that are expected from a new MMO).
Don’t worry, I won’t tell you to back to WoW. I played from launch to early cata, but that’s when I felt enough was enough for that game. I also had the problem where I was alliance on a server completely outnumbered by Horde, and we only held Wintergrasp a few times a week, and usually so late that we didn’t get enough people for a proper raid of the raid that was there (can’t remember the name)
I still don’t like the queue-part which will limit the amount of players one server can have in one of the fields. Simply because if you for instance have two large guilds on each server trying to get ahold of most possible bases in all 4 fields, they will jump back and forth a bit trying to avoid majority of the other servers in an attempt to get caps. Zerging is part of the WvW experience. Sure, big clashes of raids are also fun, and an important part of what WvW is about. But tactics also dictate that you are stronger in numbers.
And while it feels unfair to be on a server that is dominated, which my chars currently are, I still don’t want a limit on the number of opposing people just because my server doesn’t have enough people at that time. It’s the servers own responsibility that their WvW community organizes in guilds and work more together, rather ran running around doing their own things (*cough*WoW pug BG*).
Sure, Blizzard has been through a lot of these problems already with their system, and corrected some issues, but look at their forums. Every time the adresse a problem that players have been crying about, a new bunch of people come in and cry about the new solution. The same thing will be found here. How much do you want to bet that when they close free server transfer (which I believe is aiding in the problem since a lot of people will naturally want to be on a winning server), you’ll get a new group of players crying that they can’t switch around as they please. Especially since it doesn’t seem we can have alts on other servers.
Even if Blizzard solved their problems in one way, doesn’t mean that every game has to copy this solution, because then we’ll just end up with another WoW-clone. It’s better that Arena net solves this in their own way, which will continue to make the game unique.
Which gear scales better in WvW - low rare gear, or high lvl green/blue?
in WvW
Posted by: Hansiman.4962
you don’t need to, just create a low lvl alt and unequip all equipment, then re-equip and un-equip 1 single item and noted down the difference. But im not at home so i couldn’t perform the experiment.
ahh, the joys of having a job.. I can also test this when I get home. Can’t wait for the day to be over so I can get home for some more WvW.
I have tried making a Sylvari character but every time i was just too ANNOYED as hell by their constant change of facial expression.
Seriously you cannot see how their face looks straight.
This is specially annoying on females when they make that stupid grin every 5 seconds.
But this is what makes her so cute D=
at least some bugs just cause laughs =)
Which gear scales better in WvW - low rare gear, or high lvl green/blue?
in WvW
Posted by: Hansiman.4962
and the simplest way of checking this would just be to purchase a cheap low-lvl item set and equip it for comparison =)
Which gear scales better in WvW - low rare gear, or high lvl green/blue?
in WvW
Posted by: Hansiman.4962
Wondering about this myself.
It would seem kinda weird if you scaled simply from your lvl, and not your gear as well, since you can enter Wv3 at lvl 1 (or after the intro-quest), and play until lvl 80. Would be weird if your starter gear could carry you easily through the game until lvl 80.
or how about they just mix the servers around? After a few weeks with the same brackets, they put us up against other servers that have been scoring around equal as the server you play on.