Showing Posts For HappyCerberus.3178:

Problem with tooltips or is bleed just bugged?

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


Problem with tooltips or is bleed just bugged?

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


I already posted this build in the build thread under sPvP pressure build, including some strategy tips.

How many are level 80? and why do you keep playing?

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


I’m one of those that quit before 80. Right now I’m l74 and play only sPvP with my necromancer.

Guardians are awesome in PvE.

"Snoring" pet after patch on 25th September?

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


As a software developer I can really appreciate the comical quality of a bug report titled “My pet is snoring” :-D

Deathshroud = Yooohoo please CC me

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


I still don’t understand what so good about retaliation (yeah, if it would reflect some percentage of the incoming dmg, it would be awesome).

I’m actually using the sPvP pressure build I posted in the build thread.

What about non-weapon skills in DS?

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


I think it would help a lot if we could actually use non-weapon skills while in DS.

(edited by HappyCerberus.3178)

Deathshroud = Yooohoo please CC me

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


I’m not really arguing. I’m just saying that when you don’t spec into stability for DS, DS becomes very dangerous to use.

If you are in power spec you can still use DS for the damage, but I don’t know if it’s worth it (good AoE dmg with the leech I guess).

If you are in condition spec, even this usage becomes obsolete.

Deathshroud = Yooohoo please CC me

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


no, you cant. that’s why i wrote to you to try and get the spite first tier for that

Unless I’m completely missing something, Retaliation isn’t Stability (which is the one that would help).

if you get CC’d when in DS it’s not that bad.. but if your LF is geting lower after you get CC it’s bad… and you just burned you LF for nothing and ofc… you’ll die cuz the melee range…
what i was trying to say is that after the stun you will get kittenload of DMG on you and if you have Retaliation for 3 sec it will help you get out of this cases and renter the combat after you opponent got his CC and burst (warriors… ofc…) DMG on you.

Retaliation will do only (Power/13.4)+267 DMG. That’s better than nothing, but it can hardly match the 2k-4k hits you will be getting.

Most classes will be able to burst you out of DS in under one second. This means that when you exit DS you will still be stunned and receiving dmg. At that time you pop stun-break, dodge + pop movement abilities but usually that won’t be enough.

It’s much better to stay out of DS, that way you can pop stun break immediately and don’t loose the distance between you and the opponent.

Deathshroud = Yooohoo please CC me

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


Plus retaliation would only hit for cca. 300 dmg.

Deathshroud = Yooohoo please CC me

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


no, you cant. that’s why i wrote to you to try and get the spite first tier for that

Unless I’m completely missing something, Retaliation isn’t Stability (which is the one that would help).

Deathshroud = Yooohoo please CC me

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


you use DS after the stun is over

So which is it? Can I exit DS while stunned or not?

Deathshroud = Yooohoo please CC me

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


Oh wow, I genuinely didn’t know that I can use Fear while stunned (or jump into/out of DS for that matter).

My problem is getting stunned while inside DS.

If I can pop out of DS and use a stun-break, I don’t really have a problem. Don’t know why it didn’t work when I tried.

Deathshroud = Yooohoo please CC me

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178



lol’d hard. wow, really?

Why not?

i’ll never understand why some gamers carve out a specific combo of game mechanics and call it by a special name to give it some sort of special meaning like they discovered some secret amazing thing.

Yeah, you totally got me…

Back to topic:
Regarding fear as stun break, I think you misunderstood it. What the poster meant, was using fear to interrupt the enemy, pop out of DS and use a stun break ability (spectral walk or plague signet, for example).

Now I’m super confused. So how can I use fear and pop out of DS when I’m stunned?

Deathshroud = Yooohoo please CC me

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


f you get CC’d in DS try using fear, get out of DS, use stun breaker

Huh? I didn’t know that fear is a stun breaker. That changes a lot of things.

Deathshroud = Yooohoo please CC me

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


This is really my main problem with necromancer.

Unless you spend 30 points in the DS traits, DS becomes a suicide button.

Whenever I meet someone solid in sPvP this is what will happen:

  • I use DS
  • opponent immediately pops a CC
  • opponent closes distance
  • opponent uses burst skills to kick me out of DS

Once I’m out of DS I can pop stun breaker, movement abilities, and dodge. This can save my life, but since I’m in close range I usually die anyway.

Why give necros a melee weapon?

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


Having played a necro that has out-tanked and outlasted both guardians and warriors in pugs and guild groups, I’m honestly at a loss as to why some people are finding necros squishy. (Low damage, absolutely; squishy, what?) I use axe/dagger and dagger/dagger with a staff in my inventory for specific situations.

Well yes, you will play against people that have no idea what they are doing, but any solid player will stun you immediately when you enter DS. If you spec for stability, you will have a 3 seconds window you can exploit, but I just find that very short (but yeah, most people will burn their stuns on you in this time window).

If you are going for conditions, DS will actually get you killed. Stun→surround→burst out of DS and out of life.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


Why give necros a melee weapon?

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


A better question should be why are melee weapons ranged? Makes no sense.

Because proper melee weapons are AoE.

True for other Prof, Just not ours.

Well, we don’t have proper melee weapons ;-)

Why give necros a melee weapon?

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


A better question should be why are melee weapons ranged? Makes no sense.

Because proper melee weapons are AoE.

necrotic grasp 23k damage

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


It’s 17 hits, which means 1.350 per hit. What’s so powerful in that?

That’s a lot for a staff.

Plus the attack speed on a staff isn’t that bad and with the range….

necrotic grasp 23k damage

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


23k is a lot. I wounder how that necro speced.

it has 1,200 range. i hope they make a trait that buffs necrotic grasp.

How is range relevant to damage? :-D

necrotic grasp 23k damage

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


I’m really surprised by the damage, could be a power/crit build.

I seriously never considered using a staff in a pow/crit build.

Post Your Build Thread

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


so out of sheer curiosity, I thought I might see what I would do for a pure deathshroud spec. I may change the weapons up. but this is VERY tanky, and im actually pretty curious to try it out in spvp as well

It’s much less tanky than it seems. You die supper fast to warriors, cause you won’t have time to react to their attacks from the close range.

Plus the dmg is pathetic (except for the elite)

Post Your Build Thread

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


sPvP pressure kitting build (still needs a bit work, but useful)


  • Spite 25 (I + X)
  • Curses 30 (II + X + XI)
  • Blood Magic 15 (III)


  • Scepter of Agony / Dagger of Agony
  • Axe of the Hydromancer / Horn of Energy
  • 2x Rune of Centaur
  • 2x Rune of Krait
  • 2x Rune of Afflicted
  • Carrion Amulet

Slot Skills:

  • Consume Conditions
  • Blood is Power (or Plague Signet for extra stun-break)
  • Spectral Walk
  • Corrupt Boon
  • Plague


  • don’t ever use death shroud, you don’t have stability or stun break in death shroud, you will get stunned and over-run
  • you want to put as many bleed stack on an enemy as possible and then back of, the bleed will do the rest
  • switch targets when one enemy has enough stacks
  • if you are over-numbered switch weapons, pop 5 a run
  • if you are over-numbered and need to hold, pop elite, you can sometimes down a full enemy team with plague alone
  • think about your dodge directions a positioning, each dodge places a Mark of Blood, try to lure enemies into these for extra bleeding stacks

(edited by HappyCerberus.3178)

Should/are different armor runes with +15% bleed duration stacking?

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


There should be 3 (I think) PvP runes that have +15% bleed duration as the second tier gain. Does this stack? Meaning, if I have two of each, do I get +45% bleed duration?

Does this stack with weapon sigil (+10% bleed duration)?

Does this stack with Hemophilia (+20% bleed duration)?

I think that the tool-tip isn’t updating, but I can’t really properly test whether the actual bleed length is increasing or not.

Camera-Related Issues: Compilation and Lengthy Anaylsis

in Suggestions

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


Also the ability to change Z position of the camera (either configurable, or to a normalized height).

Switching between a Norn and an Asura is mind-bending. The perspective changes so much that my brain has trouble adjusting.

Necromancers are OP...

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


…in Keg Brawl.

True story.

So, necromancer is the only profession that hasn't received a single change (fix or balancing) from the release

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


So, necromancer is the only profession that hasn’t received any changes (fixes or balancing) since release.

Today’s patch notes are again without necromancer changes:

I’m just so glad that I started playing my alt guardian (could have started sooner).

Jon Peters the Jay Wilson of the Necro community?

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


Roll another class and don’t look back. I re-rolled a guardian and I’m having tons of fun.

Necromancer is such an incredibly boring class in GW2.

Necromancer Unlimited Fury

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


Yeah, rangers had a similar bug. They fix stuff like this fast.

What am I doing wrong?

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


Lol, don’t do daggers… it’s pitiful. It’s the worst build the necromancer has… jesus christ do these people even play necro?

Daggers have the highest raw dmg from all the necromancer weapons. What else would you use when doing a power build? An axe? Have you actually tested this? Axe has very low attack speed.

Bleed only gets 5% of Condition damage?

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


Is it just me or is the whole 5% of condition damage for bleed and 10% for poison seem really low? Maybe I just don’t understand the formula, it is early, but at 5% it seems far better to just stack any other stat. I mean if 1200 condition damage is only going to net me an extra 60 damage a tick, I am better off just getting something else. Especially with the way the contribution, xp, and loot tagging system works.

With some classes bursting people down in a matter of seconds I think we can safely increase what conditions can do. What’s worse is condition damage has more skills to be completely negated than anything else.

This isn’t the issue. The issue is that other classes can reliably maintain 20 or more stacks of bleed on an target. Necros can do about 10.

Bleed only gets 5% of Condition damage?

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


More stacks of bleed = faster ticks of damage, not increased overall damage based on %. I’ve played the necro long enough to know that this is a fact and that your information was slightly off.

every stack of bleed = 1 tick of damage per second

for a guy that is constatly whining about necro, you sure dont have the smallest clue of the class, or even of the basics of the game, now do you?

Isn’t that what he just said? More stack = more ticks = faster ticks, but not bigger ticks

Also I’m pretty sure that this is what the UI displays.

Disturbing bug sound: CLOMP CLOMP!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


Random noise - very loud!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


This happens when the source of the sound doesn’t have a line of sight with you. It seems that the engine than decides to place the sound origin at your coordinates.

This can be very reliably replicated with conversations, but also happens with step sounds, random effects, etc…

Fortunately for me, it was never loud enough to deafen me, but it’s annoying nonetheless.

Any known working build for Necro WvW?

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


If you don’t want to be disappointed don’t try to kill other players. Play support and let others claim the kills.

Dagger damage?

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


@silverhope Well yes, dagger is a very short-range weapon, the problem is that axes range isn’t that huge either. It’s nearly impossible to kite high-level mobs with it since most of those have some kind of soft or hard-cc ability and the dmg difference between the axe and dagger is pretty big.

Dagger damage?

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


I don’t understand how anyone can say that axe is better than a dagger. Yes dagger does deal less dmg per hit, but the speed is incredible, axe attacks are super slow. Works great with any power build.

Dagger damage?

in Necromancer

Posted by: HappyCerberus.3178


Honestly at level 73, main-hand dagger feels like the only usable option.

Plus you are a necromancer, you will always kill stuff slower than other classes. Necros have good AoE bleeds, but apart from that, the class is mostly about survivability, healing and support.