Showing Posts For Hazal Birunae.6082:
Hey, I’m looking for some servers that have a strong Spanish-speaking (preferably Latin American) population. Any suggestions?
Absolutely possible but I would be close to 80 if I were you anyway. You die easily there.
Well we’re level 30 at the moment o_o
Would it help if we stayed towards the back and ranged?
Simple question here. My brother and I are leveling together, and I just thought that a great way to level might be to go to Orr because A. The farming spots are events (so decent exp), B. There’s plenty of players so we wouldn’t be in danger of dying, and C. We’d hit 80 with a ton of gold, and could even use said gold to level along the way (via professions).
Is it possible?
I think that ANet needs to consider this; initially, yes, there may not be a ton of users.
But in the long run there is a rabid fanbase for Linux who eat up any and all games with Linux support. You’d also have an edge on the competition, since there’s basically no MMO (WoW runs pretty well on Wine but that doesn’t count) with Linux support.
Thanks DEKeyz
Lets narrow this down.
Necro: Fast until level 20.
Engineer: Pfft…whats an engineer?
Warrior: Fast until…fast until 80
Guardian: Fast all the way to max again
Elementalist: Slow until 30, then quicker
Mesmer: Craft your way to 40, then it’s smooth sailing
Thief: Pretty average all the way to 80, on the quick side.
Ranger: Fast leveling as far as PvE goes.
Sorry I edited the post, I meant crafting professions. I still think in WoW terms :S
So I got a real brief question here; as of the latest patches, what crafting profession(s) are the best for use in power leveling, and where can I find a good guide to using them?
A quick Google search netted me some results, but they were somewhat out of date so I figured it best to hop on here and ask before I invest too much gold :S
I appreciate any suggestions!
(edited by Hazal Birunae.6082)
So I’ve been thinking of rolling a warrior, and I recall in beta having a blast using the hammer, so I whipped up a build for WvW, and I’d like some critique and suggestions for it.
The idea that I was going for was as a distraction bunker- primarily running in groups, my goal would be to leap into the enemy zerg, smack down some glass cannons giving my own team more time to wipe them.
I do! They’re available from karma vendors in Snowblind Hills, as well as the Jotun Sword! Not sure which ones, I think the Lionguards.
Where O.o? I’ve been running around for a good hour looking…
I did check that link out (I’ve been looking for something like it forever THANK YOU) and browsed the TP, but to no avail; it does look like Orrian is my best bet
(edited by Hazal Birunae.6082)
So I recently rolled a warrior, and I wanna go for a Warhammer-esque Sigmar Warrior Priest kinda look, and to do that I need some kinda of skirt/kilt.
Does anyone know of fully-leg-covering leggings that match such a description?
P.S. Any other suggestions for Warrior Priest-style gear is appreciated!
P.P.S. Image of a Warrior Priest here for those who don’t know what they look like.
Well as a general rule of thumb ALWAYS watch if the Engie pops retaliation. Elixir B (It’s B, right?) is the lifeblood of any good engineer, since it gives retaliation.
Definitely sounds like he was running dual pistols, and to compensate for the lack of a shield he would definitely be stacking knights or soldier gear.
Google’s advice is definitely good.
Well, they’re here, and it ain’t pretty.
Removed collision from engineer turrets that were causing player pathing issues.
Elixir X: Fixed a bug where this skill’s tooltip did not reflect the cooldown reduction from Fast-Acting Elixirs.
Hair Trigger: Fixed a bug which prevented this trait from working correctly for some skills.
Healing Turret: Fixed issues with this skill’s description when the Deployable Turrets trait was equipped.
Incendiary Ammo: The number of uses on this skill’s effect will now decrease if an attack lands or if the attack is negated by Blind, Block, Evade, Obstructed, or
Reinforced Shield: Fixed a bug which prevented this trait from reducing Static Shield’s cooldown if the Throw Shield skill was activated.
Reserve Mines: This trait’s area-of-effect rings now display the appropriate area that they can be triggered at.
Speedy Gadgets: Fixed a bug that prevented this trait from reducing the cooldown of Throw Mine.
Toss Elixir S: This skill will no longer remove transforms from players."
Nothing ANet? Really?
I think you meant exotic. Erotic items are notably different.
I will always be able to “steal” value from someone who wants something, right away.
Just to be clear, I don’t consider you using market trends to your advantage stealing. I view inflation as theft because it steals value from people the farther down the line you go, i.e. the first person to get the inflated dollar gets the full dollar’s value, but the second or third person won’t be getting the full dollar’s value since the economy adjusted for inflation. In short, when you inflate currency you’re gaining value by stealing from the rest of the economy.
I’m black with orange stripes. So I don’t see a problem.
Whilst farming gold in Cursed Shore for some very fancy cultural armor, I was having an interesting conversation with somebody in my party in between waves.
Here’s a brief summary of the conversation. Mind, these aren’t exact quotes since GW2.exe decided that when I ask for it to take a screenshot, I really mean NOT to take a screenshot (-_-).
Me: Man, I bet that inflation goes up a few percentage values during each of these events.
Other guy: Nah man, the bigger issue is diminishing returns. Along with that, the gem market makes bigger problems.
Me: How so?
Other guy: Well what’s been happening since around launch is that people buy a TON of gems with cash, turn it into gold, and then buy out the entire trading post of a particular material (say, cotton) and then jacking the price up.
Me: So, a monopoly?
Other guy: Yeah.
Me: Well, I don’t think it can be that much of an issue. Just like in the real world there’s forces to prevent a monopoly (free market monopolies aren’t common). I’d guess that the biggest one is other guilds/clans arising to counter the monopolists by eyeing commodities that this sort of thing happens to, and then keeping stockpiles so as to undercut monopolists.
Me: Along with that, a monopoly like that would be VERY short term. Very quickly, small-time producers/suppliers would begin farming the goods or selling off their own stockpiles, leading to a steady game of undercutting until the price reaches its original location, give or take a bit.
Other guy: I think you’re underestimating how much money people are willing to throw at the problem.
Me: I have no doubt about it, but there’s forces to counter any monopolistic intent.
Other guy: Still though, until ANet fixes the gem/gold conversion the market will never reach its equilibrium.
Me: light bulb appears over head Wait a second. So basically the gem/gold problem is a type of inflation!
Other guy: Yup.
Me: Ok that IS a problem. That would lead quickly lead to business cycles, the misallocation of resources in the economy, and the stealing of value (albeit abstract value) from the rest of the players. kitten that makes sense!
Anyways, I thought I’d just post it here to see what other people’s thoughts were. Especially since it’s the most intelligent conversation I’ve had in awhile
Pretty simple question. I’ve been gathering armor pieces to make my Charr Elementalist look kinda like a battle-mage, and I think the magus coat is a perfect fit. However, 30 gold is a LOT of an aesthetic piece, so I’m wondering if anybody knows of a substitute I could use.
EDIT: For those who don’t know, the Magus Coat is the tier-3 light cultural armor for the Charr.
(edited by Hazal Birunae.6082)
You could probably make up a language solely for RP purposes. Hell, if you define it well enough post it up here for the rest of us to use!
Just keep in mind what kind of sounds you want it to make. Because of the kittenery, Charr language would probably contain a lot of sharp and rough sounds- K’s, Z’s, D’s and so on.
Example: Kranot de utaan ze bressi o de kas. (Gibberish, just an example of how it could look).
Personally I don’t see a problem with this. However, if this bug get’s too well known we’ll have a situation similar to Oblivion (wherein modders could add nudity from discarded textures, so the ESRB re-rated Oblivion from Teen to Mature).
My goal was to find the ‘heaviest’ looking armor for my Charr Necro.
Now, I often get mistaken for a warrior…
What chest piece is that :o?
My goal was to find the ‘heaviest’ looking armor for my Charr Necro.
Now, I often get mistaken for a warrior…
What chest piece is that :o?
In terms of lore, I think it makes perfect sense to stay as it is. Tyria is moving forward into an industrial revolution. Already tanks, sniper rifles, machine guns and possibly even poison gas (ala WW1) have made their appearances.
The point being that combat is going to move increasingly towards industrial-styles of warfare, meaning that a mage standing up with a staff casting a spell just isn’t going to be useful anymore. The mages of steampunk warfare are going to have to be quick and mobile, able to throw down lots of power quickly before the front-line infantry can get a clear shot.
If you’re going down this route, why do WvW players have to do so much PvE? It can go both ways, buddy.
Invite em to a party and you can see their name. Might lead to a banhammer, though…
Hard invite a guy where you cant see his name.
wink Riiiiiiight…
Invite em to a party and you can see their name. Might lead to a banhammer, though…
On topic, stupid whining like this is what leads to classes being over-nerfed, like the Engineer.
Just a rather quick question. So I was looking at those armor skins on sale, and it said that they could be applied once to a regular piece of armor for aesthetic. However, before I fork over any dough, I wanna be clear on two things:
1. So can I ONLY apply the skin to ONE piece, or once to each TYPE of piece (i.e. I don’t have to buy the skin for EVERY item piece to have the full skin).
2. Is the skin transferable? Like, I can transmute it as much as I want after purchasing it?
I appreciate any responses!
I would definitely say that people acting as scouts and defenders should be better rewarded. At the moment they get little to nothing for lots of running and waiting around, respectively.
Aside from an exploit, maybe you’re well known to the enemy so they asked around about your name?
Thou shalt stray from thy commander FOR ONE KITTEN ENEMY.
No. Just recruit people for night-teams.
The one bug they need to fix is that you don’t move backwards at all if you were moving when you use them (at least from what I’ve seen).
After playing with this build for several hours, I gotta say that I love it. I have not, however, been able to kill anybody. I’m guessing it’s because I’m not fully geared yet (mostly rares with soldier stats) and because I suck at PvP, but we’ll wait and see.
This build gets less kills as the knowledge of how incredibly powerful confusion is in WvW filters through the collective consciousness of GW2. That and the fact that several retaliation builds are getting more play.
Hm…any suggestions to counter these counter builds? Also, after running solo in the EB for a few hours I did have a few good fights where I kicked kitten (or at least survived for a LOT longer than a standard engie).
After playing with this build for several hours, I gotta say that I love it. I have not, however, been able to kill anybody. I’m guessing it’s because I’m not fully geared yet (mostly rares with soldier stats) and because I suck at PvP, but we’ll wait and see.
Here are my attempts at steampunk/cyberpunk on my engineer. Only problem is there aren’t any good engineer builds for me to justify getting more armor :/
Where’s that chestpiece from the bottom picture from :o?
Have you tried out the armor from Sorrow’s Embrace? It looks pretty good.
+1 though, steampunk ftw.
Youre welcome to move your guilds over here :P Infact a US guild or two to take over night wvw and we would probably jump up a tier or two
No guild, just me
Also, I’m definitely fine with playing on a low tier server (I was on Ferguson’s Crossing for a month or two).
What are you looking for play style wise?
Mass Zerg Vs Zerg
or smaller group roaming wvw?
Well, I get very angry when the zerg decides to stick its thumb up its kitten and not use strategy (and I make it very apparent to the zerg), so probably a small roaming group. I do enjoy zergs, but when they become stupidly unorganized I get very annoyed.
EDIT: Rereading that made me realize that I was rather indecisive. To summarize it briefly, I’m up for a zerg if it’s well organized, but otherwise small groups are the best.
(edited by Hazal Birunae.6082)
So I’ve been hearing good things about the EU WvW players, so I thought I’d give the EU servers a try.
I’m an American on the East Coast, and I have a capped engineer at 80 (although I’d have to re-gear him for use since I scuttled him a ways back), and I’m willing to reroll a character as necessary.
Suggestions for servers/guilds?
P.S. I speak a LITTLE Spanish (latin american, obviously), no French and no German. I’m willing to learn a bit of a new language if necessary, as I’m always up for new experiences!
P.P.S. I haven’t played since around launch, so I’d have to relearn any classes and maybe a bit of WvW strategy.
(edited by Hazal Birunae.6082)
It’s a Cabalist Armor. You can buy it cheaply on the Trading Post.
Rather brief question. I’m on the hunt for the armor that shows up in the character creation screen when you select the necromancer. I was under the impression that all of those armors shown were cultural, but upon visiting the cultural vendor I came up empty.
So, where is it at?
P.S. picture attached for a reminder of what it looks like :S
Any suggestions for a replacement trait :S?
Hey forum
So I made up a rather shoddy build for a new necromancer I’m rolling:
I tested it a bit in SPvP, and it seems to work pretty well, but I wanted to ask for some pointers about gear stats/different specs I should try and snag.
The overarching goal I was going for in this build was survivability- trying to spec in plenty of toughness and life-stealing talents (I hear bad things about minionmancer, but the life transfer talent via the minions seems pretty good) so that I could refill my health on the fly, and I was thinking (didn’t spec it in) lots of precision for plenty of crits for even more life stealing.
(edited by Hazal Birunae.6082)
Can I get a link to those two builds? I can’t find them searching through the forums, and I have finals today so I don’t have much time to search :S
Hey forum. So I’ve never really played a Mesmer, but since I’m coming back to the game I thought I’d reroll one and see how I like it. I am, as such, looking for a good build for WvW, preferably with either dual pistols and a greatsword as the weapon (both look pretty cool).
I’d also appreciate any general tips I should know for playing the class.
or maybe with little demonhost -)
Holy crap, what sword is that O_O?
They do.
As far as number 2, is they will make the gear accessible through WvW play. They said it being pve only was a mistake that they aim to correct.
As far as how they are changing WvW. They have the sticky thread at the top of the changes for the 14th, which has some nice fixes in it. They also have a major update coming in feb with huge changes to wvw content.
So I would hard pressed to say that anet didnt care at all about wvw.
I was about to stop the install after reading the first guy’s response too 2, but your answer stopped me
I’m kinda bummed that they haven’t fixed the siege exploit (espionage my kitten that’s exploiting the game’s technology) or added a major goal, but I’ll definitely be giving the game and WvW a reroll and see how things go.
Hey forum.
So I played pretty obsessively for the first few weeks, and WvW seemed to have some of the best PvP I’d seen since WAR. However, due to a multitude of reasons (college, bullkitten Orb ninjaing and a feeling that there wasn’t a real ‘point’ to WvW) I quit the game for a bit.
However, I’m considering coming back (after the bullkitten that the Darkfall team pulled today), but I wanna know if ANet has started (as all MMO’s seem to) focus almost entirely on the PvE section.
Specifically, have they:
1. Fixed the orb problem (that they gave ridiculous bonuses to servers that snagged them).
2. NOT added new PvE armor that will force WvW players to farm dungeons to be on par.
3. Given WvW a “goal” or “point” aside from just moving up the rankings.
4. Fixed the horrid zerg problem, i.e. you can’t accomplish ANYTHING with a zerg of players.
5. Fixed the siege limit exploit.
6. Fixed any other problems that I can’t think of off the top of my head.
I appreciate any answers*!
(edited by Hazal Birunae.6082)