Showing Posts For HellSpawn.6408:
it seems to me that the CPU is the problem and more precisely core 2 duo is not sufficient , while CPUs like i3 and better work fine. But this is more than a speculation as the data is not enough… let us see what the other community members report!
Hey i have 7 FPS, totally unplayable so i have set the settings to the bare minimum possible without success… (everything is set to low – resolution is at 1680×1050)
(edited by HellSpawn.6408)
Hi all ,
Regarding the Low FPS issue that many players have(including me) (
I am curious if there is any player with a DUAL core mid end system and a decent GPU that can actually play WvWvW without any FPS problems. If you have such a PC please post the frame rate you have when in large scale battles PC CPU/ GPU.
I have a core 2 duo @2.80 Ghz – ATi HD4870 DDR5 (7-14 FPS)
which is much better that the minimum requirements but when I am playing WvWvW , or events in PVE that have many people i get the amazing amount of 7 (seven) FPS !!!
I know that players who have high end systems haven ’t that kind of problem, but what about the others who have just a decent desktop but exceeding the minimum requirements of the game?
Edit :
post your FPS when inside heavy battles – CPU – GPU – resolution – settings (if not minumum)
i.e mine : 7-14 FPS Core 2 Duo @2.80 Ghz – Ati HD 4870 – 1680×1050 – minimum settings
(edited by HellSpawn.6408)
Yep, the sound is way too loud compared with the other weapon sounds. When I switch to the staff i always lower my speakers volume.. Oo
happens to me too. Not only when i jump from a high point but also when I change instances, or when i use speficic skill (“locast swarm”). It’s even more irritating when you TP to a town where you can hear only speicific sounds and nothing else
Hello Armonia,
You can also check “EASY” guild, located at Seafarer’s Rest in Europe (a mid-populated server).
Please have a look at
..and if you like it just mail me in game!
Hi all,
Easy guild, is an easy going, casual and friendly guild. We are currently looking to fill up our rosters!
If you are over 25 years old ( or mature enough to sound like one!) and
you are a casual player who
likes to chat a bit or
you like to do quests with others or
you like to PvP or WvW and
you are looking for a guild then please visit us!
(you can also PM or /w me in game — aka name: HellSpawned)
…when the life cycle of a product was
requirements —> developing--> Factory testing —>User Testing-->production
now days is implemented with a brilliant cheap way:
requirements—>developing —>smoke testing (including betas) --> Production —> REAL TESTING (free from customers)!!
I hope the car industry does not adopt this new trend…
So here is my suggestion.. respect your customers and do proper testing before production.
PS. yes nobody is perfect.. bugs are inevitable but it’ s different to have 500 bugs than having 3000+ and counting…
(edited by HellSpawn.6408)
I have the same issue with the “locust swarm” skill of my necro. I have already opened a ticket
Anet should consider to write a proper manual for this game. The online tutorial does not cover even the basics… and trying to figure out whats going on by continuously asking the community of experiment by your own it is not right. it’s like you get a new car with a lot of new features but they only teach you how to turn it on !!
.. so what about necros (especially condition necros) vs thieves? Sounds like necros don’ t stand a chance against the massive dps unleash of thieves..
No but there may eventually be alliances
What do you mean?
“I use tab to target nearest player” , unless you have remapped the key, tab does not guarantee to get the nearest player. Tab, and shift-Tab are to select next , previous target respectivelly. If you want the closest target you have to go to the “Edit keys” tab and map a key to the “select closest target” option.
I have assigned CAPS for closest target.. so if the closest target to me is minion.. then i press TAB to go the the next target.
i prefer the distinction between pve and pvp items. You can be the master of PvE (and that is reflected by the awesome armor you wear) but you can be total noob in PvP.
I really would hate to see a lvl 1 pvp player wear an awesome armor in PvP because he managed to aquire it from PvE !!!
I actually feel sorry for the scammer. Think of it a bit.. what kind of low level.. low life (or no life) sad and miserable person he must scam other people for gW2 gold!!!
You have only lost 10g. He has lost (or never had) real life’s qualities
I did n’ t have any headache but i knew there was something bothering me with the game’s camera.. something unusual. Reading this post i realized it is the FoV, BOTH VERTICAL and horizontal. I can only see a small portion of the horizon and if i want to admire the landscape i have to lower the camera.
It is the first game i use to turn camera up-down, left-right so intensively.
interesting idea, vote up from me!
As already mentioned , if you don’ t like to craft (but why… it’s really fun!), you can try to explore a map 100%. This is what i do : i go to a low level area , and get all vistas, pois, quests etc. When you complete the area you will also get a chest that among others stuff it also gives you experience… so by the time you complete the area you will have gain 2-3 levels.
I miss 2v2, 3v3
I totally agree…. 2v2 and 3v3 pvp is greatly missing (personally I would like to see 2v2 more than the others).
Also the camera movement needs fixing ( but this deserves-should be a new thread). When an obstacle is behind your character the camera zooms in at your character (and also you can’t zoom out as long as the obstacle is still at your back) and as a consequence you loose perspective of the battle. Really annoying…