New WvW Skills and Icons Suggestions
in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test
Posted by: HellionOfEvil.7963
in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test
Posted by: HellionOfEvil.7963
I was not able to play the new Desert Borderland Stress Test but was wondering if the WvW skills are going to change and if so how. I would also like to add a bit of feedback based on WvW skills as they currently are and make some suggestions.
When a player gets on a piece of siege the Icon that looks like a gear shows above them to let other players know that the equipment is being used.
I think it would be really cool if that icon could also show the level of skill the player has with it, so at a glance the group can determine if someone has mastery of that siege.
Most siege skills have like 5 lvl’s or 5 bars in the UI for skills, if those bars could somehow be incorporated with the gear icon you could see at a glance if the person arming the ram or catapult has mastery of it.
This could also be useful if you are attacking a keep or tower to see if the defenders arming siege have mastery of it or not as well.
This is my input as a WvW player and since I didn’t get to play the new map I invite others to add to this thread any Skills and Icons changes they would like seen introduced to WvW play in the future as well.
Sorry, I take it that the new skills and what not that are being implemented are for all versions of the game, is that correct?
So if I don’t upgrade my account how will I interact in game with friends that have?
Seems odd that one set of combat skills used in expansion could interact with another set non-expansion.
(edited by HellionOfEvil.7963)
Does anyone know if the Core game (the one we all are playing right now) will still be playable after the launch of the new Heart of Thorns Expansion?
Hey there, I always liked the concept of a warrior, but I´ve read that the warrior in this game is pretty simple. Is that true? Or is there alot of complexity waiting? I really like meelee but i want to be challenged too, i would appreciate every answer.
And if you don´t recommend this class what class do you enjoy most?
There are several warrior builds that serve different purposes in various game styles just like any of the other classes. As far as being simple to play I would disagree with that statement and would also disagree if it was made about any other classes too.
The complexity of learning a new class is always going to be there but I don’t think the warrior has any more challenges then my other classes I play.
When it comes to melee the warrior is made for it, however you will find that most battles are against ranged caster type classes who kite and cast huge AoE damage and conditions not to mention the minions, clones and pets you have to avoid to finally get a poke at some of them. The amount of healing, dodging and conditional removal skills you have to have on a warrior to be competitive will keep you very challenged.
I highly recommend playing a warrior as it teaches you the basics of the game and is highly rewarding when played right. Not to mention that everyone loves the support you offer with shouts and other skills that benefit the party and players around you.
I would like to suggest improvements to the way items are sorted and searched in the Trading Post tab of the Black Lion Trading Co.
First suggestion would be adding a new filter category for the following armor types:
-Light Armor
-Medium Armor
-Heavy Armor
This makes finding armor for your class so much easier and user friendly.
Second suggestion would be correcting issues with existing category sorting features such as the following:
-Consumable/Food/All – currently returns only drinking beverages.
-Upgrade Components/Weapons/All – currently returns jewels and rune of life.
If anything I hope this topic brings to light some area’s for improvement and a in-depth development team review of issues with the Trading Post search filters.
I like the idea of the achievement system being used to obtain a “NEW WvW Commander Icon and Title” and it should require the individual complete a set of the WvW accomplishments to obtain it.
I also support the same with regards to PvE, in other words I don’t think that anyone should be able to buy the Commander icon at all, it should be earned.
My main reason in saying this is that people can use the icon to abuse or exploit new players in both, remember that WvW is a part of PvE for those players that are trying to obtain 100% map completion, having commanders from other servers guesting on your server can led to huge issues for new players exploring the battlegrounds.
It’s hard to know who to follow or trust when your new to the game and with the amount of difficulty in navigating the borderlands or eternal battlegrounds, guesting commanders take full advantage of this.
This is why I think not only should the commander title be earned by achievements but it should also be Server Bound if there could be such a thing. This way a commander from a rival server can’t just hop servers and cheat others by acting like a commander for that server they jumped to.
I already have seen this happening and it sucks that they are allowed to spread misinformation to new players and feed our strategies back to our rivals.
Well the guild involved was not mentioned in my post for a reason. I’m not here to spread hate or rumors. Just provide others on my team with facts about whats going on so we are all aware of it.
However I still find it annoying that people on our own team are not warning other about this in game, then again who are you supposed to trust.
ANET suggestion:
Please make the Commander Title an achievement for active WvW participation and somehow only usable on server it was earned. Would put an end to some degree this kinda cheap trick used by some people.
Last night was an off-night for me, I lost my cool and ranted a bit in chat and got threatened with a “REPORT” by my own in /T chat, but I’m here to say Ive read the guide pinned about chat and I was wrong for using team chat to vent.
Here’s what happened:
-I finally que’d into EB and saw the normal group of commanders I see, so I tried to join squad no luck, decided get some daily’s while checking camps, sentry’s and what not like a good WvW newbie right?
-I then see a group of 3 commanders and lots of yellow dots in the Jumping puzzle area along with a command to report to JP right away, the commander happens to share a name similar to a person I know in a guild I trust, both tags start with “Lady” so I figure better go help not paying much attention to who called it.
-Enter JP see guild member as mentioned run to location and “Wha bam” stuns from hell and insta-death 3 enemies come out of steath leaving me dead, happens right?
-I warn team using /t about the BS going on and get the heckling of the year from all on /t.
What I learned:
-Never let your guard down.
-People you know aren’t always who they seem.
-Team chat is for anyone who wants to use it, including server hoppers.
-Don’t continue to use /t to argue with the enemy’s among us.
I never really thought it was that big of a deal, but it did kitten me off to find out how low our enemy’s will stoop to and that I fell for it.
Great plan really, infiltrate, name similar to jp messmer, tag on commander and let it rip.
Good one guys.
Buying new account on enemy server – priceless
I run a AMD Radeaon HD7770 card and do not have any of the issues reported here. I do not use the Catalyst 3D game settings, found them to be buggy, using defaults in Catalyst and application settings works the best for me. Also after resetting Catalyst to default using GW2 in game AutoDetect graphic setting should resolve issues, I had some problems prior as well, updated driver and catalyst defaulted all and resolved issues i was having.
EDIT: I noticed something in all screen shots, it looks like most of the people reporting lines are using the “small user-interface” setting, I have had issues with text rendering in small ui setting switch to normal and issues might clear up…idk just trying to help out.
(edited by HellionOfEvil.7963)
I stand corrected, the sword is cosmetic, no burning condition is applied, only an animation of fire as they die.
Burning is a condition that does exist though, many skills apply it.
My Fire Dragon Sword skin when transmuted onto a sword causes fire damage to creatures in PvE.
They actually burn when I hit them with the sword, now whether it is actually doing fire damage I would have to get a screenshot showing them having a condition of burning to prove it I suppose.
error code 7:11:3:189:101 Thats the error, Dosent seem to be any fix from what I could see
Error Code 7 x x x x
(example – 7:11:3:189:101)
“The game client lost its connection to the server. Please wait a few minutes before restarting the client and trying again.”
If you continue to experience this error after waiting and restarting the client, please try temporarily disabling any security software such as Norton, AVAST, AVG, or McAfee. If this does not work, you might also try adjusting the ‘security’ setting within the firewall settings. Lowering this setting to ‘medium’ or ‘low’ will often clear up connection issues.
In the event that adjusting the security settings does not resolve the issue, please try temporarily uninstalling the security software completely. If this does resolve the issue, please contact the software manufacturer for instructions on how to configure it correctly if you wish to reinstall it.
In addition, Guild Wars 2 requires TCP ports 80, 443, 6112 and port 6600 be fully unrestricted and accessible, both inbound and outbound. For further information about opening ports or port forwarding, you can visit the following website: Please note, this site is not affiliated with or supported by NCsoft or ArenaNet.
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Melee takes a lot of different things happening at the same time to work properly, I have a Warrior and a Guardian and both have different advantages when it comes to melee toe-to-toe.
The warrior can be setup board and sword or two-hander for higher defense or damage, but the real way to stay alive is in the utility skills, signets seem to work better than banners when smashing solo, but get a group of ranged casters and AoE’rs behind you and then you have some seriously epic combos happening when you throw down some banners. Having debuff skills and signets works good with both 2hand and 1hand setups and banners are good for boss fights but remember to equip some shouts to get by invulnerable and use those AoE fields to heal and increase damage.
I love being in the fray, that’s why I love playing warrior. There are so many choices with the new skill system and weapon skills that the possibilities are pretty endless.
As far as kiting goes, you do have to watch you position in relation to mobs, your back is the most vulnerable and by all means needs to be mob free, if you see a warrior out in the game facing a mob of creatures and it’s swinging and smashing, kill the sneaky mob that is hitting him from behind first, that will help keep him alive longer. I don’t know how many times my camera gets out of line and some mob is killing me from behind while I’m face to face with a group of 3-4 there are 3-4 archers shooting me in the back. So make sure to move, dodge etc…
Haha, that’s my rant on warriors anyway.
Found this in the wiki:
-Sigils that hold a charge per kill cannot be stacked (i.e. +5 power per kill and +5 condition damage per kill) one or the other shows up. This applies even if you swap weapons. For example if you had two different “On kill stacking stat bonuses” sigils on two different weapons, only the sigil of the weapon you make a kill with first will take effect. If you swap weapons and make a kill, the sigil from the second weapon will not take effect.
-Charging and non charging sigils can be stacked.
-Sigils that trigger on critical hits can trigger on any critical hits; the critical does not need to be scored with the associated weapon’s skills (e.g. a character with an offhand weapon imbued with a Sigil of Rage can still gain quickness when critting with their first three skills)
-Sigils that have a chance to trigger on critical hits stack their chance percentages multiplicatively, not additively (e.g. two major sigils of fire – 20% chance on crit each – give a 24% chance on crit, not 40%). *Shouldn’t it be 36%? 1-(.8*.8)=.36*
In the support section they have an error code list, when you get disconnected the message should also have a code on the bottom right corner. Check that the next time it happens.
They’re only cosmetic rewards anyways, so you’re not missing out on too much.
The weapon skins do add condition damage, fire, ice etc…
There is a full section on this website and the original Guild Wars website that explains all the requirements and rewards needed for the Hall Of Monuments in Guild Wars 2.
GW2 Link:
GW Link:
Many of us original GW players spent the last year before GW2 launch gathering mini pets and other items so we could dedicate them for more points towards rewards, so instead of wishing you had them go get them.
(edited by HellionOfEvil.7963)
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