Showing Posts For Hellsing.3570:

[Suggestion] Cursor Highlighting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hellsing.3570



I’ll start by saying I use the quick cast option for ground targetted abilities. On many occasions during my time playing GW2, I’ve noticed, depending on the colour of the floor, the number of people blasting and slashing things into oblivion, it’s extremely hard to find the mouse cursor to put down those tasty ground target spells.

Sure you can say, “ermergerd put normal ground casting option on”, but as most people are probably aware, that doesn’t bode well in high speed fight scenarios!

My suggestion (I did a quick search on the forums and found nothing) is to have an option to highlight the mouse cursor – maybe only in combat – so you can see where it is.

Is it something easily put in? I’d really like to be able easily cast my abilities on the ground without playing… cat and mouse!

Be pro!»

Next Game Build: Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hellsing.3570


Thanks for keeping the community up to date with this

It is sad to hear, though.

Be pro!»

[VKO] Social, PvE Guild (EU)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Hellsing.3570


Sent you a PM Prax

Be pro!»

What are the "threat" mechanics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hellsing.3570


Just because a boss is looking at you does not mean you have to immediately have to run away.

When my endurance is exhausted and any defensive cooldowns are on cooldown, I can’t just stand there and wait for the boss to finish me off. Dire is the right word here

I’ve actually ‘tanked’ the devourer summoner boss in CoF (the one with that annoying whip and kick ability) by just using cloak and dagger and dodging left and right, cloak and dagger, dodge left and right etc. Everytime he would look at me and almost kill me, I’d stealth and he’d pause for a second, turn around and go to attack someone, then I backstab and he’d resume attacking me.. not sure if this is supposed to be intended way to deal with encounters, but it worked :o

Be pro!»

What are the "threat" mechanics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hellsing.3570


I have (had) a warrior built with toughness, condi and precision, set up as bleed warrior (power was not neglected just not pronounced, i think knight and lionguard). The low damage solo was evident, even after they started to melt, but the thing was I could run through an NPC/mob zerg, whack as many as possible and generally not only grab aggro but pretty much keep it as long as I was the only bleeder, even with some other melee class trying to tank. Have not tried any of this since ascended though, and rifle was nerfed so bleed warrior is not even a decent goal. But…


So, perhaps, the person with the highest power/condition damage stat becomes target for bosses? I don’t know at this point, but I’m really annoyed at running away kiting bosses because they only focus on me :/

Be pro!»

What are the "threat" mechanics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hellsing.3570


I have a question for OP. Are you the first one in your party to hit the boss?

Nope. I was even half a room behind the rest of the group (they were rushing) and the boss would get hit, by them, and proceed to run across the room towards me. It doesn’t always happen that way, although as soon as I’m in ability/melee range I’m subject to every ability and power known to the boss, for some eternal sin I’ve seemingly committed.. dramatised but yeah, it illustrates the situation a little bit.

The wiki page is really misleading. Those are factors not a priority list. Not all mobs weight them the same. On the other hand with all the stacking it doesn’t actually matter since the attacks will just cleave everyone anyway.

I see, thanks for clearing that up. Also, about the stacking, I’ve tried standing next to/behind other people, only to see them take little to no damage and me take every ounce of boom from the hit.

Be pro!»

What are the "threat" mechanics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hellsing.3570


My Guardian wears Toughness gear, which is fine really, as that lets me take hits when endurance/blind is out of the loop. My other characters all wear Berserker gear as they’re all high damage dealers.

I thought aggro was random with the occasional boss liking toughness players over others :o

When I used to play this never was an issue. Now I have to micromanage my cooldowns perfectly in order to avoid going splat, and even then RNG creeps in and wallops me :/

I’ve grouped with other players saying they are “full berserker” builds and they never have aggro when I’m with them, ever.

The only character I can play without dying every boss encounter is my thief because of cloak and dagger being a part of my main damage abilities. It is my main character, but I’d like to be able to play my other characters without bosses constantly nuking me down. It even sparks some remarks from group members telling me to learn to play. But I can’t do anything without endurance or some mitigating cooldowns which aren’t on cooldown. Ugh.

Thanks for the link, though. I started to get paranoid and think a GM flagged my account to “highest-target-priority” or something. I guess I’ll just have to only play my Thief until there’s a change to the aggro system (which seems a bit broken if you have toughness to take the hits but nothing hits you until you’re the last alive).

Be pro!»

What are the "threat" mechanics?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hellsing.3570


I know this subject has been beaten around the bush so many times over the years, however, I recently started playing after 6-7 months and I am constantly being focused down on all of my characters in PvE.

As soon as I’m in range, the boss(es)/mobs turn and face me and only hit me and aim all of their hard hitting abilities at me. If I outrange them they move onto someone else. If I stealth, they move onto someone else (sometimes even continue to beat me down while stealthed). If I die, they move onto someone else.

As I mentioned this is across all of my characters – my Thief, my Elementalist, my Warrior, my Mesmer and my Guardian.

It’s rather annoying not being able to do any significant damage because everything drops whatever they’re doing and focus me down until I’m dead, gone or stealthed.

Is there something I’m missing that prevents this kind of behaviour from mobs/bosses? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Be pro!»

Lag / Long Loading and Error: 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hellsing.3570


When you guest on a different server, you don’t switch to a different connection, it’s the same. You can actually check this by using Resmon, like you said lol. There’s a range of networks you connect every time you login in, which is something like 64.25.3*.*, I tried different nodes, having similar consequences.

Guesting actually works for me. I can’t tell you why it does, or how it does, but it usually fixes it.

Be pro!»

Lag / Long Loading and Error: 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hellsing.3570


And it’s began too start tonight aswell, Oh the joy.

It seems to start at 18:00 GMT+1 and gets progressively worse until it’s unplayable.

Be pro!»

Lag / Long Loading and Error: 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hellsing.3570


In Queensdale on Desolation I have no lag and there’s a lot of people there. In Dredgehaunt Cliffs I have 4 minute lag spikes and there’s hardly anyone there.

Be pro!»

Lag / Long Loading and Error: 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hellsing.3570


All morning and afternoon there was no lag.. soon after 19:00 GMT+1 the lag started.

This is becoming a joke now :/ and by joke I mean really annoying.

Be pro!»

(edited by Hellsing.3570)

Lag / Long Loading and Error: 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hellsing.3570


This lag started today. It seems to only affect my home server. In overflow shards there’s no lag whatsoever.

Location: East England, UK
ISP: Sky Broadband
Server: Desolation

EDIT: Temporary solution: Guest server…


Be pro!»

(edited by Hellsing.3570)

lag and skill delay

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hellsing.3570


It’s obscene now – I could barely cope with it the past week or 2, but now I am stuck in place for minutes at a time with rapid time speedups. Entire fights go past in dungeons and I don’t even see them until they’re over, at 20x the speed. Every other game plays perfectly fine, connections are stable, everything except GW2 functions properly.

This HAS to stop – it has nothing to do with me – it is purely on Arenanet’s side, and it needs a fix NOW. The game is literally unplayable.

You’re absolutely right, but there’s no need to get your knickers in a twist

Yes, it’s very very annoying. Although I’m sure it’s something that isn’t as easy to fix as flicking a switch or typing “stop lag”. All we can do is wait :\

Be pro!»

Show us your Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hellsing.3570


My mesmer: Gloria van Helsing :)


Be pro!»

[Mesmer] List of bugged abilities and traits.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hellsing.3570


“Echo” isn’t redirecting anything useful to the target.

Be pro!»

Small Mesmer 'nerfs' in the patch this morning?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hellsing.3570


That’s great news! I actually swapped that trait out for another last night. It’s so going back on :)

Be pro!»

Small Mesmer 'nerfs' in the patch this morning?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hellsing.3570


Only reason I can see this as being a nerf, is if it’s to stop burst damage. Which is stupid, because in PvP no one will focus down the phantasm.

I’m hoping it’s just a bug, actually.

Be pro!»

Small Mesmer 'nerfs' in the patch this morning?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hellsing.3570


I logged on just now and first thing I noticed was Phantasmal Berserker not doing damage straight away. It waits one or two seconds before deciding what to do.

This is a problem because soon as it spawns, nearby enemy mobs (I’m talking PvE here) kill it straight away.

I didn’t see anything about this in the game update notes – is it just me?

Be pro!»

Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: Hellsing.3570


Be pro!»

New Nvidia Drivers out

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hellsing.3570


Some people are saying turning post-processing effects off also stops the transparency issues.. I can’t confirm it as I’ve already gone back to old drivers.

Be pro!»

New Nvidia Drivers out

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hellsing.3570


I’ve been using 295.73 since the beta, and each new driver update/beta have all given less FPS and other problems. I lost 10 fps (in Orr in a big open space, 80 fps down to 65-70 on max settings, apart from shadows and reflection) and Ambient Occlusion bugs out some terrain.

Back to 295.73 it is then

Be pro!»

Having trouble with my Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Hellsing.3570


your second option in an Acro build offers an auto Caltrop drop when you dodge, a very nice ability.

It’s a shame it only lasts 4 seconds :/

Be pro!»

Having trouble with my Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Hellsing.3570


From my personal experience, the shortbow is utter rubbish for us Thiefs. The only useful thing about it is the number 5 ability.

Using double daggers gives you Death Blossom which is good for evading while doing damage. Also, make good use of dodge, it will save you.

The acrobatic trait line has lots of goodies in there for staying alive. Take a look and see which ones take your fancy.

Be pro!»