Showing Posts For HornetOne.1640:

Should I drop weapon/armor for cooking?

in Crafting

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


Thanks for the answers.

Initially I leveled armorsmith and weaponsmith just for the sake of it. I certainly got all my gear through trading as those crafting can never keep up with my levels anyway.

But for cooking there are foods that I could use all the time, so I’m thinking that IF its cheaper, then perhaps I can level cooking and eventually craft those foods myself.

Should I drop weapon/armor for cooking?

in Crafting

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


I tried leveling up both armor and weapon, and its almost impossible to have enough monster drop to support both, so I’m thinking of dropping either and level up cooking instead.

So I need advice if I should stop weaponsmith, or armorsmith in favor of cooking?


Remove upgrades without destroying equip?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


Try using a different Rune on it. Should destroy the one on it, and the armor stays too

Oh, we can actually do that? LOL, now I feel silly.


Remove upgrades without destroying equip?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


I don’t think so : either you salvage and destroy the equipment, or you transmute and also destroy the equipment, up to you ^^
What’s good with transmutation is that you can chose, between the 2 equipments, which skin you want, which stats you want and which rune you want.
So, basically, you can have skin A, with B stats and B runes.

In that case, is it possible to mix stats from A, and runes from B?

Remove upgrades without destroying equip?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


Lets says I want to use several exotic karma armor that comes with the Power, Vitality and Toughness stats which I couldn’t find elsewhere, but I do not want the rune that came with it.

Is it possible to just destroy the upgrade but keep the armor so I could use some other runes?

Or is there any other way to work around this issue, where I want that stat, but with some other runes?


Are Power, Tough, Vit good armor stats ?

in Warrior

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


I’ve hit level 80, and I would like some opinion before getting my level 80 armor for my warrior (using Greatsword and Rifle). After doing some reading, I found that I could get Vigil armor set which adds Power, Toughness and Vitality stats for about 9 golds which I do have at the moment.

After that, I’ll save up karma until I could afford Exotic Karma armor, which at 240k karma I could get Exotic karma armor with Toughness and Vitality stats (will be lesser by 5 due to lack of such helm but no big deal I guess) and the additional stats in armor and power.

The reason why I’m thinking of this plan is because I want to have some survivability.

So its this an okay plan? Or is just a waste of time.


Once we have an exotic equipment, is that it?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


Doubt I can ever afford a legendary, heh. Usually my approach is to aim for stats. I notice even mystic weapons are affordable so aesthetic wise I could go for those too.

Not that I’m complaining of course, since usually in other MMO I’m always the one who can never afford great equipments, lol, but that’s usually my drive to keep earning gold. This is the first time I can afford something as good as everyone else I guess

Once we have an exotic equipment, is that it?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


Putting aesthetic aside, stat wise is an exotic equipment ultimately the best we can have?

I checked the trading post and an exotic weapon at lvl 80 is about 2-5 gold. So apart from legendary equipment, is there anything else to aim for (save up for) or is that pretty much it?


Lost Shores: Dignified anticipation!

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


My social life is over. Should have said goodbye to my family and friends earlier.

So much to do, so little time

Going for 100% Map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


As previous answer said, divide your time between doing different things rather than going on a map completion marathon. Unless you plan to stop playing this game in a month or two, you have plenty of time to explore before you need that achievement, for the sake of it or for legendary equipment.

Going on a marathon of anything will get boring quickly.

Clocktower Appreciation Thread

in Halloween Event

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


For some reason I loved the Clock Tower more than any other jump puzzle. The time limit which makes us have to keep moving and jumping is what keeps it exciting.

I’m no expert at jump puzzle either. It took me 2 days of practice to finally get to the top, and that’s why I find it rewarding. If it easy, then its not rewarding, its not memorable. People would do it and forget it.

Did Guild Wars 1 have any event for Christmas or new year holidays?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


I’m a new player who only started in GW2, never played the first game before. I’m just curious if we can expect to see an event for those holidays next.


Halloween Phase 4 Heads Up

in Halloween Event

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


Been enjoying the Halloween event, sad part is it will be over soon… but Christmas is not tooo far off Maybe have that run for the entire month of December… ok ok i am asking for tooo much lolol

Keep up the great work!

I don’t mind a month long event seriously.

In this Halloween there were at times I felt rushed, wanting to complete everything before the next act because you never know what comes up next.

A month long event would allow us to enjoy it more at our own pace

Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


Finally got it after 2 days of trying and learning. I only have one active character, a human warrior.

I had fun learning it.

Halloween Phase 4 Heads Up

in Halloween Event

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


Oh, and by the way, I’ve met some nice people and funny people during the course of this event. Its really nice to have these events where people gather and work together.

I’m addicted to events now, lol. Gonna feel a little bored once we return to our usual routine.

Halloween Phase 4 Heads Up

in Halloween Event

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


Thank you for the Halloween event. There were bugs, but GW2 has been out for some months only and this is the first event, so stuff to learn from and room to improve next time around.

I hope there’s a xmas event or holiday season events

Thank you A-Net. (not all of us are displeased)

in Halloween Event

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


My only complain thus far was that my game client crashed when Mad King appeared so I miss his live appearance at 3am local time

Other than that, yeah, this event have been pretty epic. I bought the Mad King costume as memorabilia for this event, heh.

Looking forward to xmas/new year event, IF there is any that is.

Not getting the mail for Mad King Memoire Act 2

in Halloween Event

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


The clue is not in the email, the clue is in the first book you made.

Ah, silly me.

Thank you.

Not getting the mail for Mad King Memoire Act 2

in Halloween Event

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


The hunt for the Mad King book is one of the thing I really enjoyed so I don’t want to ruin it by directly reading online guides.

However with act 2 now underway, I was not able to find for any new clues for the act 2 part, not even after talking to the NPC again. I asked around and people are saying I should get an email with the clue on where to start, but I have not seen any such mail.

Is this a bug? Where should we start?

If anyone knows where I can read that mail online, I guess that will do too. I hope I don’t need to spoil it by having to read a guide that directly tell us where to go.

Thank you all

Emissary of the Mad King achievement not counting?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


Thanks for the replies. So basically the quest to collect 6 mad king memoir don’t count yet?

Emissary of the Mad King achievement not counting?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


I’ve completed collecting all the parts for the Mad King story and talked to the NPC which combined it into an item.

However the “Emissary of the Mad King” achievement is still 0 for me. I saw a youtube video online and this guy got his counter up halfway or something.

Is there something wrong here? Thanks

Anybody else already broke?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


I’m fine but I don’t care about cosmetic skins, lol.

Seriously I don’t. I’m not interested in tormenting myself trying to craft them or spend money on keys to acquire them.

I’m just enjoying the events.

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


They are right though. They are arguing from a design stance. Math has nothing to do with it. They, and I, feel that cash shop RNG has no place in providing goodies for GW2 events like this.

That is a fair argument, but if that’s what a person feel, and I do to, then he shouldn’t spend any money on the keys in the first place. Participating in something we disagree with is just not the right way.

I don’t like the idea so I am not participating in it. If everyone does the same, then we are sending Anet a message.

The problem is those who are willing to take the risk, but complains when the outcome doesn’t favor them. They need to understand that anything that works by chance cannot have any guarantee even by sheer number of tries.

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


It’s also a ‘hoot’ that those defending the game are ignoring the fact so many paying customers were severly disapointed.

This is beyond right or wrong: it’s bad business to kitten of those customers who pay the most…

You might disagree with the complaints, you’re very entitled to do so.

But if you think that that makes the problem less, than you’re mistaken.
If something stirs up so much complaints with your most paying customers, than you did something wrong as a company.
Reputation is everything for an MMO.

People are disappointed because they are not mathematically literate.

Its not their fault to a certain extend, but it doesn’t make them right.

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


Once again, I’m presented with a double edged sword to comment on.

I haven’t been “ripped off” as badly as most other people. In 80 chests, I got 2 skins. Most people have gone over 100 with no skins. That part I can understand why they’re kitten It is a pretty devious move by ANet.

However, they have to make their money somehow, and I think people are being willfully ignorant in forgetting how much MMOs cost to keep operating. One need only look at what happened to ToR to see this.

100 chest with no desirable outcome is simply luck. Mathematical, it is possible for someone to roll the dice 10000 times and still doesn’t get the desired outcome.

There is no way to say, oh, the user have opened 100 chest, lets increase the probability for him. That would be unfair. The probability has to stay the same, and so long as it does stay the same, there is always a chance that you won’t get the desired outcome even after many tries.

It's your choice!!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


No one said the probability rate is high. It is low, you guys all know its low. If you choose to spend money on keys, then you need to know what you are doing, and it seems like not many of you guys don’t have a clue what you are doing.

Every time you roll it, each roll is independent so it doesn’t matter how many boxes you open, the probability rate stays the same. So when you say I have spend 30 or 60 keys, it doesn’t mean anything because irrespective of how many key you used, the rate stays the same which is low.

That’s how probability works. So when you decided to spend on the keys, you are agreeing to the chances that you are NOT going to get anything. There is no guarantee, that’s how probability works.

Halloween Event Guide Request! =D

in Halloween Event

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


Here is a guide that tells you all the location for the quest of collecting the memoirs of the Mad King

Unable to bind extra mouse buttons (Logitech G700)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


Previously I was using the MX518 with only two extra button on the side which could be bind as mouse button 4 and 5 in the game.

Wanting more buttons on the mouse, I decided to buy the G700 mouse which comes with much more buttons. However, I could not bind any of the extra buttons in the game for some reason.

All 4 side buttons function as generic button, however the game could only detect 2 of them (the typical forward and backward ones) as button 4 and 5 just like the old mouse. But the additional buttons could not be detected by the game although they too were set to “generic button” in the SetPoint software.

Same for the additional 3 buttons at the top. They were set to generic button but none could be detected by the game. Setting them to Generic 1 – 5 makes no difference either.

Anyone knows how to solve this?

Is there a way to report a suspected hacker?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


I was near Ant Hill in Metrica Province mining bronze ore when I notice someone appeared right there out of no where, after a few moments of no action, he begin running into the wall and disappear.

Then while inside Ant Hill caves mining ores, this same guy once again appeared at an ore node I was at, and once again, he just stood there with no apparent action, run towards the wall and disappear.

It appears to me this guy may be hacking to farm ores. Unfortunately I don’t know of any function that will allow me to report him.

Is there a way to report potential hackers like this should I come across one again?

How to revoke an permanently authorized IP address?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


I’m using proxy to improve my latency to the game, and so the security feature of the game require us to authorize an IP address each time before we log in. There’s this feature to “remember” a particular IP address so we won’t have to authorize again the next time we log in with that IP. So this is what I do since I’m using proxy.

However, now I’m changing proxy server and I would like to revoke the previous IP address that I told the system to “remember” previously. What can I do to remove it? I’ve checked in the account security section but there’s no such feature.

I’ve even emailed support but I got a canned reply about account security features instead which doesn’t address my question at all.

So anyone here can help me out please. Thanks

In-game marriage ? is it possible ?

in Suggestions

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


With most female charters are being played by males, I don’t think its useful, lol.

Legendary requires Gift of Exploration. Isn't that limited to only 2?

in Crafting

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


Account bound not Soulbound is your answer.

Thanks for the reply =)

It just occurred to me that I probably won’t be able to amass all the required stuff to forge many legendary anyway, not in one life time.

Silly me lol

Legendary requires Gift of Exploration. Isn't that limited to only 2?

in Crafting

Posted by: HornetOne.1640


I’ve been reading up on the recent legendary crafting thing, and it appears to me that we can only forge 2 such items in our character’s entire lifetime since we only get 2 Gift of Exploration?

Or am I missing something here. Thanks