Showing Posts For Hyxorcisten.5786:

Gw2 and the state of Esport

in PvP

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


@garethh.3518 – I don’t agree with you as far as something being a flop, but I will say that the progress we’ve made so far is only part of the puzzle that we need to complete before we can consider PvP to be successful.

Teamqueing leads to facing people that arent even on the leaderboards becomes everyone quit, we still havent gotten anything from having been the best at the game since gokitten release now aside from 400ish in dollars. Not a single top player, regardless of skill or charisma can get anywhere close to a twitch partnership due to how abyssmally viewed this game is.

EU couldn’t get the bloody tech oturnament going because it couldnt even get enough teams to play for it, and they looked everywhere and would accept bad teams. They’d also accept pugs.

Every single feature, from matchmaking to custom arenas to your absolutely hilarious leaderboards (azhene enjoying that r1 man) are completely broken beyond belief or extremely sub par even when compared to indie games.’’

Fact is, even with all the technical issues to the games mmr etc we’d never hit an esport status on the games worth alone because the balance don’t understand the game well enugh to do their job which leads to the frusterating gameplay and insanely low skillcap we have today =).

Could you repeat that pvp isnt a flop after reading this and you see us reaching an esport?

Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

There was no balance in this patch

in PvP

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


Oh looky, here’s a mini-rant on the new patch from the guy who quit competitive play and still won MLG without practicing:

Watch from 18 minutes to 25 minutes to get the gist of it. Again, rude, but the substance is spot on.

New rant? whooooi

Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

Rant of the week - Development of PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


Last one : ( : (Z

Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

Fear nerfed? Y not other CC? pics

in PvP

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


That animation comes after the fear is casted. How is that such a big nerf?

Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

Reaction time

in PvP

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

(edited by Hyxorcisten.5786)

Current state of the meta.

in PvP

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


  • Poison (currently does not affect heals/rez);

Fix this for the love of god.

Don’t forget weakness (reduces heals/resses)

You could always hope they fix it before pax, but I doubt it.

Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

(edited by Hyxorcisten.5786)

Can we have enemy cast bars please?

in PvP

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


THIS IS THE BEST POST I’ve ever seen! Finally someone who agrees with me on enemy castbars!

1. agreed
2. agreed
3. agreed
4. agreed. AND I can also add on this point that many spells has the same casting-animations. So it is impossible to know what spells they are casting at some points. You have to GUESS, which is kinda bad in a esports game imo.

Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

Quality of Life Improvements - Please devs!

in PvP

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


18- Make “interact” stomp only and tie rezing to a keybind so they are separated. Not being able to choose whether you want to rez or stomp when a downed enemy and team player are next to each other is just really… bad.

You can choose by targetting what you want interact with

Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

I dislike skill queuing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786



Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

State of the Game w/ J Sharp & Tyler Bearce

in PvP

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


Q; if I understood it right ladder, custom and spectator was promised kinda latest in marsh, how is it going with that?

Q: rumours from the anvil rock mapchat from a dev said that mmr won’t reset before its gonna be visible. This means if you want to be in the top you cannot play soloQ right now? Is this really optimal?

Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

GW2 Devs actually play in live tPVP match.

in PvP

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


what setup do they play

Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

Any plan to improve the combat log?

in PvP

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


Yes! Healing in combatlog would be nice!

Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

GW2 sPvP Streams!

in PvP

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


hello! Hyxorcisten (eu)

What class do you play? Or are you a multi class stream?


Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

Interrupts - they are too weak

in PvP

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


We just need personal -focus,-macro, and -castbars like WoW! Then you would be able to use blind for example on something usefull instead of a guardian that you’re attacking!

Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

GW2 sPvP Streams!

in PvP

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


hello! Hyxorcisten (eu)

Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

Would it be that bad if we copied WoW?

in PvP

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


I wish they could copy more things from WoW like Castbars, Focustarget, Strafing 100%speed,

I agree, people are quick to say “go back to that game.” It has a solid, well thought out PvP system. When the community talks, Blizzard actually listens, and fixes and updates content quickly. I guess because it is P2P.

You all are quick to forget how good their PvP system is. Most of the better players in this game will agree with me as well. I think some of you just want to point your nose in the air and be like “I play GW2, not Wow, I am not an 11 year old kid.”

Don’t hate friends!

Sounds to me like you really just want to play WoW. Get to it man. Peace.

Or I want the game to be more skillful instead of just zerging 1 target?

Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

Would it be that bad if we copied WoW?

in PvP

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


I wish they could copy more things from WoW like Castbars, Focustarget, Strafing 100%speed,

As the game is now you kinda feel handicapped when you throw blinds on a guardian coz theres no chance you can swap target and interupt a 0.5 sec cast in a big fight.(ESPECIALLY when the casting-animatinos are the same on many spells, SO you have to GUESS.)

And not being able to avoid aoe’s coz you’re chilled when strafing

Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

(edited by Hyxorcisten.5786)

Playing against asura models is much harder in my view

in PvP

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


Hopefully ArenaNet will add castbars so you will be able to interupt more.

Right now I’m pretty sure no one of you can interupt a phoenix or a ring of fire reliably. (laols I miss the days when you could interupt fel domination and win the game=D)

Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


Agree with everything lowell said. There must be SoloQ with its own ladder&matchmaking for players without a team to stay in this game.

Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

For top PvP players, what are your keybinds?

in PvP

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


I’m curious what the top players have for their keybinds. I want to become more efficient in playing the game by tweaking my keybindings.

Are you kidding me?

The competitive Esport MMO’s have upwards of 30 keybinds. If you can’t handle 1 through 0, f1 f 2 f 3 f 4(14 keybinds), then I really don’t know what to say to you.

Try playing a game that makes you deal with with 1 through =, Shift + 1 through =, Alt + 1 through =, and Crtl + 1 through =…. and maybe people will take you seriously

Guild wars 2 have almost all spells “while moving” which requires a better bind than stand-still spells. Nothing wrong with asking for binds, good thread!

Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

This is why your warrior isn't good. Part 1.

in PvP

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


Played GW 1 for 6 years. Should i bring up all builds? I’ve been around MANY builds in gw 2. Suggest something viable. Arrange a warrior meet up please. I’m one of the most active warriors in game PvP wise. I’ve talked with all warriors worth talking to. Fredz doesnt play warrior anymore. Do you suggest some american guy who plays with an old meta?

Fredzw is playing warrior like 99% of his games atm^

Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

Custom arenas can disable downed state?

in PvP

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


Sounds like a cool idea, I always wanted to try playing without downstate

Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

New interview with devs?

in PvP

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


Anyone found the 2nd part of the stream?

Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

Guru - State of the Game Summary

in PvP

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


They talked about many important things that I hope the devs will listen and act to. For example that we would like the UTILITY-SWAPPING back.

Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

''No weapon swapping hurts competitive play''

in PvP

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


Not even close, cogbyrn.

The only change is that we don’t do utility swap situaitonal moves and that we sit on our core weapons all game without ever doing any swap tricks (be it swiftness or for some cc or whatever)

Just like I said before, the only real change I did is that I now sit on focus instead of pistol. Our necro/guard has no swiftness at all and we cant stack swiftness outside of combat.

Not as many interesting options, NOTHING else, that’s all.

Havent had a single loss either in paids since the change, so I suppose the idea that all the top players that just ‘’cheated by countering the enemy team’’(wat) was wrong aswell, just like we said.

So in the end we are left off with the game having less versitility/options and that’s all.

Here are a list of things that our team sometimes did as interesting trick plays which will never happen again unless arenanet unlocks utility/weapon sets:

1. We know where the enemy is coming, thief swaps to shadow refuge, refuge+mightstack up and intercept them
2. We lost mid on legacy, the enemy has 2 point. One of our plays was that we put smokebomb, stacked 15s invis in base and put portal on enemy close, we then attacked mid and when they got to mid we portaled to their close. Is this uncounterable? No, their mesmer portals their close and then port back the allies and it’s a standard teamfight – this is just a tactic to have a comeback chance on a map where it’s nigh impossible to do so.

Here is a scenario which happened shortly before the change:
3. Our ele is dying on the treb, I’m on close. I portal close and rush to him, swapping mirror images to blink and nullfield to illusion of life. I manage to get to him and do the illusion of life JUST before he gets stomped and then I open my portal, the ele enters the portal in the illusion of life and died on close where I could easily rez him.

You guys keep saying ‘’all you do is swiftness and now you have to make balanced builds’’ and ‘’now you cant instantly counter enemy team by outbuilding them in the middle of the game’’

Neither of these were ever the case, ever. It’s a misinformed opinion (which is reasonable to have without experience) that people voiced and harassed arenanet about which lead to this change which surely is NOT good for the highest of competitive play.

Regardless, this is the change we are stuck with now. I find it unfortunate, many top players do. Not because we’ll stop winning but because there were so many trick plays, tactics and cool ideas you could do with these.

Wooh, very well written.

Is the bad side of utility-swapping(whatever the main reason is) bad enough
that we have to make the game less interesting by removing ALOT of tactics and tricks?

I hope they change it back : (

Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

Ty Anet. Im sorry Bads

in PvP

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


Actually It was two mesmers telling me about this, and one of them said it still works after the patch.

SAtaarcoeny, I think the sword blink is enough.

Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

Ty Anet. Im sorry Bads

in PvP

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


I’m not a mesmer.

But as far as I know you can still use the far-range exploit aka shattering farrange then blink+shatter for a double one for free

Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

(edited by Hyxorcisten.5786)

Random "obstructed" projectiles

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]

1v1,2v2,3v3 and 5v5

in PvP

Posted by: Hyxorcisten.5786


I vote yes.

Would be very cool if they added 2v2/3v3 arena like WoW have.

Hyxorcisten – Denial eSports [Den]