Showing Posts For Icewolf.6790:

Is this armor in the game by chance?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


I was wondering if this armor set was possibly in the game by chance or is there a way to possibly get it put into the game?


Computer Help Issue

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


I was thinking bout having myself a new computer built with the following Specs and was wondering if I would have any issues with running Guildwars 2.I know the graphics wouldn’t be any better I just want to know if I would have any problems playing it cause I’m making this comp for other stuff besides Guildwars 2

Windows 10 Home 64bit English
DirectX 12
Intel® Core™ i7-6700 Processor (4-Cores, 8MB Cache, Turbo Boost 2.0, up to 4.0GHz)
NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1080 Founders Edition with 8GB GDDR5X
16GB DDR4 at 2133MHz
2TB (64MB Cache) 7200 RPM SATA 6Gb/s
Tray-Loading Dual Layer Blu-ray Reader
460 Watt Multi-GPU Approved Power Supply
Intel® 3165 1×1 802.11ac Wi-Fi Wireless LAN and Bluetooth 4.2.

Bug or not? Warmaster's Pack

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


I was doing the Auric Basin meta cycle.. I did it all from the start of the cycle to the end and we beat the octovins etc and won.. But it did not give me the Gold Backpack frame from completing the meta event cycle. So my question is do you have to do the achievements in order or does it matter.. Cause I havent completed the one before that one which requires you to complete the Heart of thorns Act 1 Mastery. Or is this a glitch?

Warmasters Pack Question

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


I was doing the Auric Basin meta cycle.. I did it all from the start of the cycle to the end and we beat the octovins etc and won.. But it did not give me the Gold Backpack frame from completing the meta event cycle. So my question is do you have to do the achievements in order or does it matter.. Cause I havent completed the one before that one which requires you to complete the Heart of thorns Act 1 Mastery. Or is this a glitch?

Bug. Frostfang II

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


Not for sure if this is a glitch or what. But I finished frostfang I and I bought vol.2. Well I went to the weaponsmith and said i was working on Astralaria and she told me I had to choose basic Requistion and she she told me before I could go any further I had to give her 250 basic mithril axes.. Well I did that and she told me i needed so many of each type of axe blade.. Well When I closed out of it and I try to go back and see what it was and how many of each blade it was she tells me I need to give her another 250 mithril axes.. Is this a glitch? Cause I cant figure out how to get her to tell me how many of each axe blade it was she needed… Plz help

Q. Frostfang II

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


Not for sure if this is a glitch or what. But I finished frostfang I and I bought vol.2. Well I went to the weaponsmith and said i was working on Astralaria and she told me I had to choose basic Requistion and she she told me before I could go any further I had to give her 250 basic mithril axes.. Well I did that and she told me i needed so many of each type of axe blade.. Well When I closed out of it and I try to go back and see what it was and how many of each blade it was she tells me I need to give her another 250 mithril axes.. Is this a glitch? Cause I cant figure out how to get her to tell me how many of each axe blade it was she needed… Plz help

Q. New Legendary Weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


ok so my question being the following: I want to start crafting Astralaria. Do I need to do The Revered Antiquarian, Magister of Legends, Historian of the Armaments and all that needs to be done with them masteries before I can start on Astralaria.. Or Do I need to max out the masteries till I get all the way to scholar of secrets like it says by the vendor then start on astralaria. Cause I bout the vol 1 for frostfang thinking I had to make the pre for it but didnt kow if it applied to Astralaria. Or does the 1st 3 only apply to the old precursors.. This is where im lost. Maybe someone out there can help ne out. Thx again

About Guild Halls Im confused

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


Will we be able to take our guild halls on launch date? Im hearing so much bout we need favor to access the guild hall.. But from what I have read favor is used to upgrade things and repair it not used to access the taking of the guild hall.. I know if i read correctly that you will need to pay 100g but that was it to start the encounter to take it back.. Is there anything else that is needed to start that instance?

Guild Bank Space With Heart of Thorns release

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


Once again my guild has been wondering what is going to happen with Guild bank space and the items in the bank with the Heart of thorns release.

HoT boxed version - Hard Copy [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


According to the website It says the following…

Can I pre-purchase through my favorite retailer?
Yes. Starting on June 23, 2015, you’ll be able to pre-purchase boxed and digital editions of Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns from our official retail partners. You may also be able to pre-order through retailers, but there is no official pre-order program and pre-purchasing is the only way to receive the benefits of our pre-purchase program, including access to all of the Beta Weekend Events.

And According to this one… says the following…

Q: Will this expansion only be available digitally, or will there be a boxed edition as well?
A: Both. Once Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns is available, you’ll be able to buy it digitally or get boxed editions at retail stores…

So Im kinda Confused cause a customer support person told me they wernt for sure if they were going to make a hard copy or not. As far as I knew a boxed edition was a hard copy.. So are they going to be making a hard copy or not.. And second ive tried calling my local retailer to find out if we can go ahead and pre order etc and they say they dont have anything for it.. So im really lost.. Can someone please clarify this for me… Thank you again.

Guilds and Guild Halls

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


I was wondering and my guild was wondering if you do not go out and buy the new hot expansion will guild members be able to access guild halls without the expansion?

Expansion and original copy of gw2

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


If we buy the expansion and it comes with the core game also are we able to still apply the xpansion to our already exsisitng accounts or will we have to totally install both the core game and expansion again.. I dont want to have to create a whole bunch of new characters id rather just roll them over to the new expansion if i make sense.

Hard copy or digital download for Hot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


Not trying to sound stupid but if you preorder from their site are you ordering a hard copy or a digital download for release date?

You bugged TP !

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


I can confirm this bug due to mine is the same way also.

Cinematics Question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


Hello Donari. I wasnt able to get the link to come up it keeps telling me error 404: not found with the link you gave me is there any other link that would work?

Cinematics Question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


I don’t know if I’m putting this in the right forum area or not. But I’m really into the cut scenes that anet does and I was wondering if anyone happens to know the program or programs that they use to do the cut scenes?

Old Characters New Expansion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


I was wondering I understand they said that the Revenant wouldnt be able to go back into the original gw2 content due to restraints and mechanics. But will our characters from gw2 going to be able to continue into the new expansion. Like if my warrior is 100 % complete in the original gw2 content will I be able to use them in the new expansion or will I have to create a whole new bunch of characters?

Bout ready to give up

in Looking for...

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


Ive been playing since launch and I have been through I cant say how many guilds.. I just cant find that right one that I feel appreciated in. So I’m still trying to hunt for that right guild.. Im from the Tc of course. My main is a lvl 80 world completed warrior along with 3 others 2 far. I pretty much would like a pve guild even though i do a little wvw not much into pvp. I like playing with others and helping people out, No im not looking to run your guild for you. I dont mind helping but thats what it is.. Helping.. Anyway if you are the right guild for me, plz hit me up.

Looking for a small New Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


I’ve been playing for a while and I have been through quite a few guilds. They start out small but as they grow it’s like they lose touch with the people in it. So I’m looking for something were you can get to know the people. I love helping people out on here and i’m willing to show people around or answer questions if I can. I’m generally on a’lot if I’m not working so you can generally get a’hold of me if you need to. I do wvw on occasion or if someone just wants a friend to run with them I do that also. I guess you could say that I’m more of a team based person. I don’t mind following but I also don’t mind giving my opinion if someone needs it or wants it. I know a’lot of guilds do fractals a’lot But I haven’t really been in a guild where they want to do them a whole lot so I’m low scale when it comes to fractals. But I’m down with it of course.. I’m not looking for a guild where I have to go online to put in a resume or anything like that. If you can invite me ill try your guild out and if you like me then kewl if you don’t then ill quitely go on my way if you want me to. But I am looking for something more family friendly oriented. I want to know that I’m liked and needed not just add me and forget bout me. Well anywho if you think you can accept me hit me up in game or leave me a message on here and I hope to find a home soon. Thx again.

LF Guild on TC Server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


Looking for a small Family Oriented guild on the TC Server. I have been through Numerous guilds but just haven’t quite found that right one that clicks with me. Even though I want a small guild I would like them to be fairly active. I do a’lot of PVE and I’m always willing to help someone in need. I also enjoy doing dungeons and the new content, But I’m not excellent at them by any means. So I guess what I’m asking is for a guild that is laid back, likes to have fun, easy to get along with. Just enjoys playing the game in general but also willing to work together for a certain cause.

About WvW And map Completion

in WvW

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


I was thinking and please just hear me out cause im not asking for a free ride in WvW or to cheat any system. But when it comes to map completion I was thinking bout maybe you could impliment a system where if you go to WvW and all you are doing is the map completion ,by making it where in a way you dont die but you dont get any points for your team or anything like that.. Kind of like a tab you can click on. But if you click on you it you have to stay in that mode for the duration of the it me you are there you cant unlick it so you can help your team out. Thats just cheating the system in my book. All you are doing is getting the map completion part and nothing more. Cause I know there are people out there who get tired of going to WvW and they dont WvW but yet all they keep doing is getting killed. I know what im trying to say but just dont know how to put into words.. It was just a thought and I know im going to get for even suggesting it but hey Figured id ask.

(Bug) Celestial Orichalcum Inscriptions

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


I dont know if this is a bug or what. But I made a Celestial Hammer by discovering it and I went to make a spear and a dagger and I have both pieces for each one and then I went and made the inscriptions for both of them. For some reason though when I go the discovery pannel, I can put both pieces of the weapon in but it wont show my inscriptions for me to be able to discover it neither one of them. So is this a bug or what? Everything I know is for lvl 400, and im at 449 so I dont see what the problem is.

Didnt get my 100% world completion reward

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


Alot of times when you complete the game it doesnt register so what you have to do and it has worked a many times for me. You have to go to blood tide Coast and go to the chantry of Secrets at the waypoint (DeadEnd Waypoint) on Stormbluff Isle. Go into the cave and go through the Portal into the Chantry of Secrets and go as far in till it registers and if it worked and if you arnt missing anything it should register and you get your world completion items.. Hope this helps ya out.

Question about the 10 day Ann Sale.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


I have been seeing alot of this on this forums since it started. Can Someone tell me if they are going to be putting the Rox’s Weapon sets and Brahams Weapon set on the Tp Or in the black lion weapon Specialitst. Cause I really want them both

Beginning August 23 – Mini White Kitten and Wintersday Weapon Skins
Beginning August 24 – Molten Alliance Mining Pick
Beginning August 25 – Consortium Harvesting Sickle
Beginning August 26 – Chop-It-All Logging Axe
Beginning August 27 – Rox’s Weapons, Braham’s Weapons, and Fused Weapon Skins
Beginning August 28 – Dragon’s Fortune Fireworks
Beginning August 29 – Bouquet of Roses
Beginning August 30 – Flame and Frost Dye Kits
Beginning August 31 – Miniature Spooky Trio
Beginning September 1 – Super Adventure Box o’ Fun and Sclerite Weapon Skins

Weapon skins and the 10 day sale.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


Plz I know this may sound bad but dont put all the weapons on the black lion weapons specialist. One in particular is Braham’s Shield Skin. Plz put this back in the Tp. I really want this and dont want to have to buy black lion chest just to get scraps to get these skins. I dont mind having to use gems to get it but plz dont put all the skins in the weapon specialist. I know i may be begging but i was happy when i foudn out you would be bringing back some of the skins from the past year but it kinda defeats the purpose if we have to get scraps all the time to get the skins.

Skins In General

in Suggestions

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


So I know in the Achievements panel under unlocked rewards you can see the different Zenith skins you have. But I was thinking, why not make it where when you get new skins in general in the game like the back skins and other weapons skins that they also go in this panel or even a different one. So at any time in the game, if you want to go back to another skin that you liked, you can. Cause some of us really like certian skins but dont always want to have to transmute things or even run the rick of loosing a good skin. It was just an idea. Thanks again anet and great job on the game by the way.

Weapon screen

in Suggestions

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


So I love what yall did with the main log in screen where it shows all your progress on things you have done so far etc. Was wondering if maybe you could work on a screen where it shows your weapons you have currently equiped to a specific character etc. Showing maybe the stats of the weapon, the looks etc and have it maybe where if you wanted to you could change a set of gear right there on the load screen before totally logging into the actual game. Like a storage type for alternate gear. I know im really bad at trying to explain myself so im trying my best. But just a suggestion. Thx again anet for the great game and loving the new content.

Unlimited Salvage Kit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


So here we are we have seen all the unlimited harvesting tools, but just a random thought to run across you. But How about maybe making a unlimited salvage kit which is equal to that of maybe a mystic salvage kit. Rather you have to get it through a random drop, a ticket or buying it off the Tp. It was just a thought though. Thx again and loving the game bythe way.

(Bug) Character pixelated and see through.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


Hello i wasnt for sure to put this in bugs or somewhere else but. Latley I noticed after the last patch that sometimes when i switch armour or even when I just go to lions arch that my body armour disappears and i become see through and my body area becomes somewhat pixelated. Here is a screenshot to show what I mean.


( Bug ) Not Getting Ac Tears or quest reward

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


We never skipped over kohler or any other boss in the dungeon. We had to fight kolher cause he is part of path 2. As for staying like you said. Yes we all stayed for up to 15 minutes to see if we would get them and none of us did. Which i thought was weird cause I know you should get them after beating the boss.

( Bug ) Not Getting Ac Tears or quest reward

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


Ok I have a question I ran the ac a few months back. This was the 1st time Since then that I have found a group to go in with me (today being the Dec.27th ). I know the 1st time that I ever ran it a few months back I got 60 tears for the 1st run. Well when we went in this time I only got 3 tears in a bag and none for completing path 2. Why is this. I feel gipped for all our hard work that we put in specially being majority of us were new.. People are saying something like it has to do with a reset. If it has to do with the reset then we should of got 60 anyway plus the quest reward cause it would of been after the reset being a new day. Concering that this was the 1st time I have ran it in months and all the others were completly new to the whole exp mode. Is there a way we can get my tears for completing path 2, Or are we just out of luck? I talked to someone on the Gw2 facebook page and they said they ran it this morning and no problems so makes me wonder if it is a bug.. Plz Anet trying to get what I need for my legendary and only getting 3 tears at a time is going to take me forever.

(Bug) Subdirector Noll - Out of Order

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


Noll is not working properlly and wont allow anyone to the hanto trading post part. So everyone is waiting and cant progress any further in the game for the lost shores part.

(Bug) Crafting stations not working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


well now the stations seem to be working all of a sudden but cant deactivate jeweler and go back to tailoring. lol.


(Bug) Crafting stations not working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


No i just wanted ot start the jeweling cause I needed that next. I have who knows how many jeweles that i could use but when i go to the production tab there isnt any of the basics there to start jeweling. Its all bugged for me in every station that i go to.

(Bug) Crafting stations not working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


Yes I have tried in Lions arch and The Cideal. The thing is on some of the stations like it is suppose to it allows me to deactivate one and start another. Well the thing is majority of them will allow me to deactivate and start another but when i open the panel to start the basics for the crafting area nothing is in the panel it is just blank. Like right now im wanting to work on jeweling and I have plenty of jewels to do what i need to but the production panl is just blank. Which is were the basics are suppose to be so you can begin that craft. All mine are just blank. they are like this. See picture.


(Bug) Crafting stations not working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


Yes actually i did. I even attempted changing from one to the other and I couldnt get anything to come up at any of them. So im at a lose at what to do, cause when i wentto one it would say do you want to cancel such in such and do this etc. So i tried each station and nothing comes up. Cause I have my weaponsmithing and tailoring maxed out so i went back to tailoring to do my gift of history and nothing would come up and neither in any of the others. But yes thank for the suggestion, is there anything else maybe I could try?

(Bug) Crafting stations not working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


Yes I had just recently bought the gift of history recipe from miyani in lions arch and had tried to open it and I know you have to use The taloring skill to see what you have to have to get the gift of course. But come to find out none of the crafting stations are working at all. I cant craft a thing at any of the crafting stations and also apon that I spent 10 Gold on the recipe and dont know if it will be in my taloring area when yall are able to get it fixed. So im kinda at a lose either way. If there is anyway to fix either one id be happy. Thx but wanted to let yall know.

(Bug) Clipping Problam with any sheild

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


hey was playing gw2 yesterday and noticed that my sheild was clipping in the wrong area and my arm is coming out the side of the sheild. So i did try another one and it did the same thing also. Noticed that just recently alot of people been having clipping problems ith weapons etc.


Info Request: Error 7

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


Well first I’d like to point out that I have had Gw2 since it came out and everything was fine till today. I went into the ac with some friends and thats when everything went bad. I got logged out 5 times in about 15 minutes. It would say couldnt connect to server try again in a few minutes. But it has been pretty bad after the last update it seems and I havent changed anything with my computer. But anyway.

If you have a game account for the original Guild Wars, can you play it?
I dont have a original guild wars account.

Where are you playing Guild Wars 2 from?
Raeford North Carolina

At what time and in which time zone do you play Guild Wars 2?
Generally from 5pm-10pm weekdays and generally from 11am-6pm Weekends. Also my time zone Eastern Time Zone (UTC -5 hours).

(Bug) The bank isnt working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


ya looks like it is an NPC issue. I tried what you said bout going to one of the crafting stations and i could get into my bank just fine, but then went back and tried the npc at the bank and couldnt get in.

(Bug) The bank isnt working

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


I went to go check on some stuff in my bank at the black Cidadel and it wouldnt let me in my bank. All i kept getting was the banker asking me what I wanted. I asked around and a few others are having the same problem and I have alot of mercendise in my bank there. Thanks again

(BUG) Killed Champion Rhendak the Crazed, but nothing in return.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


Well there were a few of us that had went in and killed Rhendak the crazed, but when we kill him he isnt dropping any chest and the two chest that are in the area with him stay locked. When you go up to the chest and try to open them they say that they are waiting for the person who owns them to return. So we all basically got nothing out of beating him. This was also my third attempt at this quest and have yet to recieve anything out of it.

Killed Champion Rhendak the Crazed - Chests Stayed Locked

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Icewolf.6790


I just did that same temple and your right the chest stayed locked and there must have been like 9 of us that defeated him and nothing happened. He never dropped anything and we couldnt open the chest either.