Showing Posts For Immo.9217:

Can't respawn in new map

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


Same for me, in 2 games.
We get a message saying that the “map is not flagged for testing”.

Its a glitch should read “guildwars_2 is not flagged for testing”

One Class needs to happen

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


Another SAtaarcoeny thread where SAtaarcoeny talks about SAtaarcoeny and tells us to be more like SAtaarcoeny because SAtaarcoeny is SAtaarcoeny and only SAtaarcoeny can SAtaarcoeny SAtaarcoeny hey everyone SAtaarcoeny #1 NA SAtaarcoeny!

Sorry man but you sound really full of yourself all the time now and I dont feel like playing SAtaarcoeny wars 2 and I will disagree on the one class per group.

Crystalline Blade, Myth or Real?

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


Greatsword at the moment only gives kodan and encrusted and arcing? I think

Crystalline Blade, Myth or Real?

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


Ive put 15 in sword mostly got kodan with a couple orrian and 1 arcing

I can cofirm
focus = ancient scroll
hammer = magmas arm
scepter= water scepter
shield = moon shield
rifle = plated sniper
axe = mammoth axe

Secret underwater room in HOTM deleted??

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


Tried to show a friend it the other day when I saw it was gone, so sad.

Where we go after the 1 week trial

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


Would love it like this with also a random arena availble as well with 5 randoms vs 5 randoms.

Game Update Notes - January 28, 2013

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


Yea foefire change is nice and update to daily/monthly will bring more pve players I guess otherwise idk

What is up with "Instant" skills lately?

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


Yea Ive had this happen as well thought it was my keyboard though.

''No weapon swapping hurts competitive play''

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


Hey Jon ever think about letting players use energy out of combat as like a speed boost so that way each class would have access to swiftness or something while the drawback is entering combat with low energy to gain the speed.

No more weapon swapping during game?

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


As a Guardian if you didnt run a staff and greatsword you had to have them in your inventory for the speed bonus on switch now without them you are beyond slower then any class and extremely useless for anything unless you have a teammate giving you swiftness.

Gray Screen Solution

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Immo.9217


Thanks did it and it worked

Grey screen AFTER patch completion and Login

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Immo.9217


This prolly just shows their intention of never bringing the mac client out of beta.

Grey screen AFTER patch completion and Login

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Immo.9217


Might not be until tommorow I know the devs were saying they were gunna pvp after the patch came out so they prolly wont check the forums till then.

Grey screen AFTER patch completion and Login

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Immo.9217


Yep same grey screen

Guild Wars does not load after update

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Immo.9217


finished downloading patch but the game wont play just get a empty grey screen

No more weapon swapping during game?

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


Pretty heavy nerf to any class that doesnt have great movement abilitys on primary weapons I know my guardian will be next to useless for anything other then bunker now.

Finally, team colours are GONE

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


This is pretty cool if true cant check atm

Locked out of tournament - "Network Error"

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


Happened to me couple weeks ago 4/5 of our team got locked out of the match.

Say NO the RNG in PvP. Some changes needed.

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


Im confused at what your saying ens we are trying to make this game more competetive and you dont want that? I’m not trying to insult you just honeslty confused by some of your posts.

Say NO the RNG in PvP. Some changes needed.

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


I still dont understand why you are argueing against eliminating randomness in the traits/utlilites in the OP most examples you give involve randomness directly involed with a player and their skill.

Any player can throw a shot from the opposite court its a hail marry thats controlled by a player if instead that player has a guarenteed 50% chance to make it or lose it that would be terrible what if he is bionic and can make it 100% but the baskets has a cover that closes 50% of the time when a player throws a ball.

(edited by Immo.9217)

Say NO the RNG in PvP. Some changes needed.

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


Players will always feel like this, and you know what, it is often true.

Take table tennis for example; sometimes the ball lands on the very very edge of the table, making it impossible to return. Should the player be complimented for his skillful shot or should the volley be replayed because of the randomness? In reality neither happens—the point is tallied AND the player apologizes because both players know that it was by luck and not skill. These things are accepted and the game goes on.

Part of becoming a mature competitor is realizing that chance occurences are just that—you play all your cards right, you do everything you can to MINIMIZE the possibility they will happen, but they do still happen. Immature players allow this to affect them emotionally (ie. tilt), and are never able to reach the highest level because they do not see the games for what they are.

Often it becomes a matter of hubris; they take their victories to mean they are better than their opponents and their losses are purely due to chance or error. They think by removing any possibility of randomness that their true skill will become apparent.

I still dont see how this would help noobs win vs “pros” as the main reason I would want randomness toned down is to make evenly skilled fights more entertaining the better skilled player who makes less mistakes should win.

Now I had a paid match yesterday that was very close the score was in our favor at around 365 to 350 when one of our team died he waited about 7 seconds before he relized he got the infinite load screen bug by the time he relogged and entered we were down my 20 points at the end of the match we lost by 8 points. Now this had to do with a game bug and not something that was intened either way I dont like losing because our team got the bug and theirs didnt, just like I wouldn’t like to see a engineer lose because he got stealth when he wanted stability or vice versa.

Say NO the RNG in PvP. Some changes needed.

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


Players should never feel they lost because of lol random the chance to lose should be on the player not because you rolled a 1 and he rolled a 20.

Why tourny wins in monthly PvP achievement?

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


yes their needs to be 8 full teams it doesnt take long just que up and either talk with your team or jump in a hotjoin you have maybe a 5min wait unless your trying to que at like 6am or something

Say NO the RNG in PvP. Some changes needed.

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


agreed less RNG more skill pls

sPVP Discussion/AMA website link with Anet?

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


Am I the only one wondering why they necroed a month old thread.

TPvP Player ideas for first serious changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Immo.9217


Very well though out although idk about all 5 maps in tournys and the Solo/Duo Paid Tournaments as it would split playerbase even more but other then that these would be great changes.

Please let me PvP with my party

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


You know you can switch teams in spvp during the match right(press b then press the plus sign next to the opposite team) so long as its not completely even.

My idea about Glory Reward

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


I have the same problem and an easy fix would be to have defenders get 2 points every 10 seconds your on a point (with a personal timer so people cant just run by and grab it) and increase defender kills to 15 points and decrease skirmisher points to 5.
Set the glory cap to 300(currently at 350 I think) and increase the winning bonus to 100 points.

This would help 8v8s as well as in makes holding and defending points more profitable points wise and the win bonus is actually noticable.

(edited by Immo.9217)

Bunker Guards and Thief Burst Unaddressed

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


But they did nerf both of these things did you not read the patch notes?

fixed the guardian block bug
nerfed svanir and boon duration runes
nerfed protection duration on shield

CnD and dancing dagger damage nerfed as well as cluster “bomb”?
fixed stealth bug
Dazelock nerfed aswell

What did you want lol 85% of backstabs damage nerfed or toughness on guardians nerfed by 60% these nerfs are a great start and might be plenty on their own wait and see.

(edited by Immo.9217)

People Will Leave

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


To be honest, if I’d put it to the extreme I could just pick up your arguments and request that they dont let e-sports teams play on the paid tournaments, because my “normal” premade is getting beaten by teams like Paradigm etc.

no applying your argument to that situation would go like this: if you faced team paradigm or equivalent the first match of every tournament losing 500-50 would your team be having fun? I could just say well get better team mates or better communication otherwise go play spvp.

Actually if I could face Team paradigm every match that would be awesome but thats because I play with people who like challenge and want to get better. We que up for paids every time we can but usually we are never on together at primetime for our server so que can be an hour plus.

Done with paid tournies until guard block bug is fixed.

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


You can glitch the mace 3 to block all attacks for 5 seconds

thats the block bug

Unbalance between dps and support make pvp not fun.

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


Support is more then just healing arena net has already stated they wanted to remove the 3 original trinity of dps tank and healer, multiple posters in this forum have also stated this and I quoted a few of them. They are not random sentences, stop ignoring what people are saying when they answer your questions as to why being a dedicated healer is not a option.

Done with paid tournies until guard block bug is fixed.

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


Now thats a little extreme and most likely impossible as I doubt Anet could track every time a ability was used let alone used and glitched.

Unbalance between dps and support make pvp not fun.

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


“Read all the topic.
Please copy and past to me all the time that me, and other people, wrote that everybody knows support is not only healing… but this is a topic where we talk abut healing.”

I just did what you asked and I did it on topic as your topic is about support not heals

look at your thread title

Done with paid tournies until guard block bug is fixed.

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


Yea this bug is really OP especially if used at clutch times I was in a fight with a guardian at graveyard made him use up his heals/etc and he was down to sub 10% hp when he uses the block bug and thats game as we lose 497 to 502 in a paid tourney.

(edited by Immo.9217)

Unbalance between dps and support make pvp not fun.

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


You also say support build in your opening post at least 3 times.

Unbalance between dps and support make pvp not fun.

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


Leeain first read your title it says support not heals… wow

and here is a couple

“I believe the support builds (healing and buffs) " ztun

“very clear about changing the trinity from DPS/Tank/Heals to DPS/Control/Support.” aydenunited

“Ele has 4 atunments and quite long cooldowns so you actauly do sth else not only heal” stin

“This still seems high, but you will be switching attunements a lot to give other things to the party, as well as switching to CC as needed.” munchkin

“Instead of just pure healing you have to account for dodging, blocking, aegis, protection, stability, condition cleansing, etc.. . All of these mitigate damage, and you aren’ t considering any of them.” Division

“The class roles they were talking about were control support and dps. Support is more than “altruistic healing” support is blind, interupts, reflects, boons, and healing.” phys

“There is another dynamic you are all missing out on and that’s mitigation. I think the balance between healing and damage gap is bridged by mitigation i.e. dodge, stealth, block, fear, etc. There is more than one way to skin a kitten, as the saying goes.” munkiman

“The reason no one is answering your questions is because you would just ignore any answers which aren’t the answer you are looking for (which is that in your opinion healing is useless and there is no valuable support).” seether

“This game is all about damage avoidance/well timed cc, not blindly pumping out heals into yourself and your grp” phaeris

“As for you point of regen vs condition damage. Condition Removal says “hi”.” duel

“Totally disagree with the OP. There are tons of useful support skills available to every class. " yasha

from just 2 of the pages

ignore this

Unbalance between dps and support make pvp not fun.

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


Leeain when you say no one uses healing power thats a flat out lie as I have seen many guardians and eles with it so please don’t say things like they are facts. If they make healing power anywhere close to twice as strong it will be OP. When every class can heal/mitigate damage themselves that means they don’t need a dedicated healer and if there is one then its OP, support means more then heals.

support means more then heals

support means more then heals

support means more then heals

People keep trying to tell you this but you just shut your eyes and scream heals need to be buffed.

Placed 1st in Tourny as a non-bunker elementalist AMA

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


Sprawl won’t be happy unless you force your teammates to not run 3 of the 8 classes

Unbalance between dps and support make pvp not fun.

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


However this is the pvp forums so most likely yours would get more attention to being off topic.

I wish we could watch the devs meetings and see more reasons for why things get shot down or get passed.


in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


I think to many people are confusing balanced with bunker as well.

Paid Tournaments: Can we blame them?

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


Have you tried talking? If no one talked you can’t blame them if you didn’t try. And glory ranks just show who followed the zerg longer in Spvp no skill involved I would rather have a rank 10 that got there from tpvp only then a rank 30 Spvper.

playing with friends

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


You have to play tpvp which is 5v5 that will let you join together. 5v5 works best if you are playing with 5 people with voice chat but you can pug it if you want.

Paid Tournaments: Can we blame them?

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


I’m confused why don’t any of you just grab 2-3 more people and join as a group? its not hard join a guild or 2 get some in game friends and your done.

Paid Tournaments: Can we blame them?

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


“Maybe people don’t want to play in Paid tournaments because the idea of paying to play awful pvp is absurd.”

Pay for what? you use in game currency to play and teams that get 1-2 get more gems in return to play again while 3-4th get 4/5 tickets to play again.

Although I would like to see the ticket pay system changed up maybe like 1 for forest 1 for foefire and 3 for khylo so that teams that can’t make it past the 1st map don’t have to pay the full 5 tickets you would pay the full 5 at start but if you lose on first map you get 4 tickets refunded. (so more people que up reducings the time you have to wait)

Melee classes are better than Caster classes

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


Yea this does not make any sense the only underpowered range class is ranger and even then they still show up in khlyo occasionally. Go watch Phantaram/Xeph/Xee to see some ranged players owning or you can watch Oppa use scepter on his guardian.

Unbalance between dps and support make pvp not fun.

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


By Altruistic healing are players talking about the guardian trait?

Because if you think that is underpowered you are clearly playing wrong.

Arcane Shards and Crystals

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


Increase the orb amount then how about 100 orbs for 1 crystal and 10 crystals for 1 sliver

Whats your opinion on PAID tournaments - after a week?

in PvP

Posted by: Immo.9217


I would like the tickets to enter decreased if only to drop the que times primetime where I’m at is around a 5min que but out of primetime its 35mins plus I love the competitiveness though as it makes for very fun matches.