Showing Posts For Imperialist.6927:

Promised optimizations still being worked on?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Imperialist.6927


Still no settings for particle effects. Give us that and 90% of peoples WvW related issues would dissolve. We have the settings for WvW quality and character limits, why not particles?

Parked alts at the event chest for easy loot

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Imperialist.6927


Troll Post Nice try:

How can you park all your alts where the chest is. The chest disappears in a certain amount of time, and 90% of the time your alts are no where near the event, so that will take time to just get your alts there, especially wadding through vets on the way, and on top of that, most likely you will get in a different overflow. Sooo I call bull Dinkles on the post.

You do realize , that if you have a friend in the overflow the chest is in, you can port directly to said overflow and not even have to reform the group right?

I love Trahearne

in Personal Story

Posted by: Imperialist.6927


I agree with Aevic, but i can add that for SOME reason, because Mother Plant has faith in him, all the bickering, stubborn, or otherwise distrustful races of Tyria manage to unite under his “leadership”. Something he didnt exactly work for. Any credit he has to the mantle of “Pact Leader” is due to you doing virtually all the work. Hes a terrible strategist, and on more than one occasion he has simply let men die under his command. During the battle of Fort Trinity, its clear that the gates are swung wide open, and you couldnt keep a stray cow out if you tried. Then he shuts them, effectively abandoning his men to certain death (despite the Risen being able to…not care about walls at all, they burrow through sheer titanium if it means more fighting for YOU to have to do). He puts more thought into his battle speeches than he does his battles. Hes a scholar alright.

Why do choices in the story matter so little?

in Personal Story

Posted by: Imperialist.6927


The way it’s structured, the storyline is split into several parts, none of which really cross over into each other. After Claw Island, the storyline assumes a general stance towards everything. It seems like they got extremely lazy and didnt bother to record new dialogue simply to acknowledge that yes, you are a Sylvari, and yes, you met Trahearne before. The good news is that the “branching options” at least lead to some mission variety. The bad news is that, more often than not, most of the story chooses your race and class to be irrelevant, yet the same doesnt go for everyone else. Its unfortunate.

The most disappointing aspect of the game.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Imperialist.6927


I think the biggest problem with the aforementioned “Trahearne taking credit” issue, is that people BUY it. Trahearne did almost nothing “heroic”, and when he did, you are doing most, if not all of the work. We are led to believe hes some great scholar turned general, but then his solution to half the problems seem to be “Oh, theres Risen. Close the gates, leave everyone to die!”

Best Holiday event I've seen in an MMO.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Imperialist.6927


There was no need to google anything regarding the mad king scavenger hunt quest. If you used at least a small portion of your brain you could have realized how simple it was. As for the puzzle, it wasnt even required.

Having added a mini-zone, two pvp minigames, a series of events, a scavenger hunt questline, a dungeon, and a bunch of rare halloween themed items…it pretty much outdoes most other MMOs in terms of holiday content. Had you asked me what i thought of it during phase 1, i might have expressed displeasure. Acts 2 and 3 outdid my expectations by far.

Appreciation for the Guild Wars 2 Design

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Imperialist.6927


While i feel your post is a little overzealous and possibly clouded by said zealotry, i feel that your positive view of the game is a good thing (granted you arent being completely sarcastic). However, i cant totally agree. The game is hugely flawed in some departments. It really isnt the savior of the genre…i dont think there is such a thing. While it gleefully takes tried-and-true concepts and ties them together into one single product, the end result is still not incredibly unique. GW2 has done almost nothing new, instead relying on the foundations of its forerunners. This was my biggest disappointment. Sure its not a WoW clone, but its not exactly the first game (or best) to tackle particular features. The skill system i find myself frequently at odds with, as it ultimately punishes use if a singular weapon/combo (5 skills, that dont change, ever. If you love that greatsword, be prepared for using the same 5 keys forever, not all of which are entirely useful).

My biggest problem though is the lack of WvW progression. They seemed to NOT carry over that part from its (superior) predecessors. Instead their idea of progression is “have bags drop inconveniently in battle that may or may not contain the badges you need to get the gear…which all looks pretty horrible”

Overall, its a good romp. Its fun to play, and there is no subscription. The lack of a venerable lore-base doesnt keep me as interested in the game world as i would like, but im here to stay…on and off for the duration of the game’s lifespan, or until they really ruin it in a way that i cant imagine myself playing it. Your opinion is noted, and respected, i simply cant agree with everything you said I wish i were less cynical, maybe i wouldnt have to worry so much about these things.

When all your friends stop playing..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Imperialist.6927


Honestly, if you need to rely on other peoples tastes to play the game you paid for, why even play games at all?

More Weapons / Weapon skills for mesmers?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Imperialist.6927


Mesmer is generally considered a ranged/caster class. I believe it is intended that they dont have a huge amount of melee capability, nor should they. I find it ridiculous enough that they get greatswords at all, even if it is used for ranged purposes.

If any class needs more weapons or weapon combos, its Thief.