Showing Posts For InfernoX.9638:

my hallowween costume disappeared

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: InfernoX.9638


as you can see i purchased the mad king outfit a while ago and now that im ready to use it its no longer here!

Anet send me my costume
proof in the picture below


Commander Rave King – Yak’s Bend

Soldier Rune Build Need Help

in Warrior

Posted by: InfernoX.9638


Long story short, I am wearing
(Soldier Exotic Gear w/ Soldier Runes)
I’ve been looking at
(Knight’s Exotic Gear w/ Soldier Runes)
Good change, yes/no..?

And what traits /sigils/weapon combos can I use with them?

Commander Rave King – Yak’s Bend

more appealing squad chat

in WvW

Posted by: InfernoX.9638


Squad chat isn’t very appealing is it, maybe a few adjustments can maks it easier for everyone to use. Example.

Being able to see Squad commander chat on screen. It’ll mame orzanized groups well more organized.

What do you think about tbe squad chat? I just thought about it so I wasn’t able to sell it good

Commander Rave King – Yak’s Bend

Winning seasons = 100g to each player

in WvW

Posted by: InfernoX.9638


The reward should be based on the wvw achievement, although they got people who just farm the events it atill shows who actjally contributed vs who’s mindless zerging

Commander Rave King – Yak’s Bend


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: InfernoX.9638


After A Brief Chat In Lions Arch I Go To WvW TO Find Out I’ve Been Suppressed, thats cool but its been over a hour and my server is losing that map BECAUSE I CANT CHAT I NEED AN ASAP FIX PLEASE

Suppressed character: Rave King

Commander Rave King – Yak’s Bend

Looking for WvWvW Roamer Advice Please

in Warrior

Posted by: InfernoX.9638


If you’re roaming running glass cannon is tricky. However with a sword /shield + longbow set you have less defensive and mobility options then a GS + sword / shield setup. I think you could try a heavy condi or mix condi damage build. I think rabid gear + undead runes will catch a lot of people off guard.

ya i agree with this. If I ever roam in WvW solo capping flags and such, running into a enemy or two, the the high amount of bleed you can drop with this setup can throw off an unprepared enemy

Commander Rave King – Yak’s Bend

Sweet Revenge?

in Warrior

Posted by: InfernoX.9638


What do you guys think about this trait?

I think they should switch Sweet Revenge to a minor trait. It would be a difficult change to make because i also love Fast Hands, But i believe warriors lack proper downed skills when it comes to getting ganged(which in my case is most of the time)

I don’t want to have to choose it as a major trait because the substitutes for it outweighs the usefulness yet its still useful
What do you think?

Commander Rave King – Yak’s Bend

map completion with no reward

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: InfernoX.9638



Commander Rave King – Yak’s Bend

map completion with no reward

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: InfernoX.9638


I had map completion for about a week now, thought it’d be something that’’d get patched on its own, but i need the gifts aNet, anything i can do?

Commander Rave King – Yak’s Bend

WvW needs a better warning system

in Suggestions

Posted by: InfernoX.9638


This Happened to me several times before but it’s time i try to speak up!

Its a small problem and it can be fixed super easy. In WvW we need a simple warning system better than the one were using currently. I’m talking about the new build warning. I just lost a 5 man Golem team all paid by me, before we server just took over a fortifityed tower using tons of siege, not looking to get reimbursed, I’m looking to accomplish getting a simple warning saying 1 hour until new build, or a heads up so people can take it easy with the siege droping.. If its in place already I haven’t noticed

Commander Rave King – Yak’s Bend

Singapore-based guild looking for a new home.

in WvW

Posted by: InfernoX.9638


Dude its a no brainer… everyone in gw2 knows Yaks Bend is the most friendliest helpful community out of all the US servers.

+ We are positioned in T4 which is where you want to be at cause every other tier is nothing but large zergs and no strategies. Our PvE community is second to none, we have people constantly checking on dragon timers and encouraging lower levels and first timers to check it out. + our karma train in orr isn’t dead so get your grind on

Teamspeak? No problem, Yaks bend has our very own mumble with 1024 slots, but the best part isn’t that, if your guild is big enough and it is (300 strong is impressive), you get your own room!

Yaks Bend is the perfect place to settle down with your guild bro.. but if you don’t believe check out our very own server website that is 100% community driven

Commander Rave King – Yak’s Bend

Please help with the Pop cap this week?

in Suggestions

Posted by: InfernoX.9638


trying to jump to tier 1? I agree with the rest of the comments, should of considered before server hopping

Commander Rave King – Yak’s Bend

Commander's Presence

in Suggestions

Posted by: InfernoX.9638


I’ve been doing WvW for quite a while now mostly in eb, before becoming commander I never fully understood why commanders had such a hard time controlling zergs. Thats until i became a commander myself last month.

I didn’t join a WvW focused guild so when I log in I’m rolling with mostly pugs, we good perfectly fine until the zerg gets huge 20+. My icon then become useless and people just start to attack the closest thing on the map. It’s horrible to watch a zerg run into their death because they don’t follow the commander

So my suggestion is to add Commander’s presences to Active commanders. For those who don’t know I believe it’s increased Vitality to those who stick next to the NPC Commander Siegecrusher and Siegerazer. Give feedback on what you think about this?

Commander Rave King – Yak’s Bend

Yak's Bend Needs Oceanic Transfers!

in WvW

Posted by: InfernoX.9638


Yes! Transfer To Yak’s Bend Today Before The Server Resets! Our Commander Community Is Tight! You Defiantly Won’t Regret!

Commander Rave King – Yak’s Bend

Why did you roll a Charr?

in Charr

Posted by: InfernoX.9638


Personally cause I love the size of my GS on a charr. first character was a asura, I thought they were awesome until a charr came next to me with the same GS.. I was like WTF I need that size!

Commander Rave King – Yak’s Bend

Dungeon Group Finder Please!

in Suggestions

Posted by: InfernoX.9638


I agree, they should add this feature to the game.. but until then you can use to find dungeon groups

Commander Rave King – Yak’s Bend

Siege Weapons

in Suggestions

Posted by: InfernoX.9638


Siege Weapons Should Defiantly Be Open. By This I Mean That I Should Be Able To Donate Into My Guild Bank. My Guild Has Been getting into the WvW and we sometimes don’t roll in a group. I Should Be Able To Send Siege Equipment Another Team If He’s a Guild Mate.

’I Suggest “Guild Bound On Accuire”:)

Commander Rave King – Yak’s Bend

Armour Talk

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: InfernoX.9638


I was looking on the market trying to buy a new set for my warrior, is there any Toughness, Vitality, Healing Power?

Commander Rave King – Yak’s Bend

Please make Legendaries unsellable

in Suggestions

Posted by: InfernoX.9638


I Agree Make Them Soulbound On Acquire

I don’t feel that strongly about this, but I can see that having legendaries on sale adds incentive for some people to use gold sellers etc.

But I’d rather see them account bound, not soulbound. At least this way you’ll have the option to swap between characters – especially if over the long term you come to favour a different character, or new races & professions are released.

Yes that is actually better, I’m just so use to playing 1 character I forgot about accountbound/soulbound difference

Commander Rave King – Yak’s Bend

Help with Ideas for My Guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: InfernoX.9638


I created a guild with my friend a while back.

Now we are growing rapidly in size and I just got a message from my officer telling me that members are wondering if the leaders(me) are gonna be having our own events and such.

I guess what I’m asking is how should i go about coordinating an event for my guild and what is a cool idea to do?

Commander Rave King – Yak’s Bend

Please make Legendaries unsellable

in Suggestions

Posted by: InfernoX.9638


I Agree Make Them Soulbound On Acquire

Commander Rave King – Yak’s Bend

Be A Part Of Something New! Yak's Bend

in Guilds

Posted by: InfernoX.9638


We are a United States Based Group From Yak’s Bend

We are a small group of highly active people but are rapidly growing. We are , mainly focused on Dungeon Running specifically Fractals.

You’ll defiantly want in on us because recently Guild Leaders are now running Their own events where prizes are constantly are being given away.{ Gold, Exotics, Bulks of Mats }

We recently created a Forum and are soon hosting vent

Because we are focused on building a strong community the only 2 requirements we ask for:
Be Active and Represent

Guild members also focus on helping each other with tips and trick to getting things done. Some of are members are aiming for Legendary, while others are looking to hit level 80. Wide variety of members so you’ll always fit in.

PM Rave King / Akremon / Charrdann for an invite

Commander Rave King – Yak’s Bend

No Legendary achievement for Sunrise/Twilight [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: InfernoX.9638


that wouldn’t be fair, I’m close to Twilight and already stressed out, the thought of having to do it again is unbearable

Commander Rave King – Yak’s Bend