Showing Posts For Jabronius.8674:

The Walk of Shame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jabronius.8674


How about asking for a report option for leeching?

Kicking all Sylvari from my parties

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jabronius.8674


The Sylvari have two factions currently, the ones from the Grove and the Nightmare court and they are at odds with each other.

There are at least two additional sylvari factions: the Soundless, who choose to cut themselves off from the Pale Tree and sylvari who are not born from the Pale Tree at all, such as Malyck.

[Spoiler] A Message from the Seraph Guard

in Living World

Posted by: Jabronius.8674


The message is from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security encouraging citizens to report suspicious activity. Local governments have similar programs, such as this one from Indianapolis.

Customized Programmable Wired Controller

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jabronius.8674


Here is a thread with links on setting up an Xbox 360 controller via Xpadder. I’ve been using this configuration for a long time, and I believe it works well. Good luck!

Suggest a New Daily Task!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jabronius.8674


Daily Dirt Nap – Die at least once in each region (Ascalon, Kryta, etc.) on the same character.

Share your WIntersday 2014 screenshots :D

in Living World

Posted by: Jabronius.8674


Wintersday charr is watching you celebrate.

Happy holidays, everyone!


Dead players dragging everybody down.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jabronius.8674


How about putting in a report option for leeching?

Dev Blog: Changes to Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jabronius.8674


This proposed change doesn’t sound good to me, although I’ll wait to hear the specifics. One thing I suspect is that trait unlocks might be gated by currently unpopular content in order to boost participation metrics. For example, new characters might have to finish the Dredge fractal to unlock a trait used in many builds.

The A-Net staff know which traits and builds are popular/meta, and they also have data on which activities don’t get done, so I can see putting one behind the other. Although I might be too cynical. We’ll have to see.

(Anecdote: This proposed change reminds me of one of the old Ultima games where you could not level up your character past certain points unless you completed specific quests.)

MS Paint Valentines

in Community Creations

Posted by: Jabronius.8674


Here are some samples of Valentine’s Day cards that Tyrian kids could exchange while stuffing their faces with chalk-flavored candy hearts (on sale now at the Black Lion Trading Company). Enjoy!


is "Stacking" the new "Tanking"?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jabronius.8674


“Stack and Smack” is the new “Tank and Spank.”

Aetherblade Ship Names?

in Lore

Posted by: Jabronius.8674


Greetings. After all the encounters I’ve seen with the Aetherblades and perusing the official web sited and wiki, I have yet to come across a named Aetherblade airship. The Dead Ships used by the Risen often have names, for example.

Have I missed something? If not, why don’t the Aetherblades name their ships, or is it just that the rest of Tyria doesn’t know the names? Maybe it’s not important?

Let me know what you think. Thanks.

[Suggestion] Nourishment/Sigils for Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Jabronius.8674


I searched this forum but did not find any topics about using food or utility buffs for pets or about being able to equip sigil upgrades to them. My apologies if the topics have been covered previously.

Anyhow, the proposal is straightforward – how about allowing rangers to use food and utility buffs on their pets or to equip a sigil to the pet? The sigil could be rationalized as being on a collar or harness, for instance. It would require new coding to give a “feed to pet” option for consumables, and I think there should be one sigil allowed per pet slot (four maximum).

An alternative would be to allow the pet to inherit nourishment buffs via Fortifying Bond and to forgo the ability to upgrade them with sigils.

Let me know what you think.

Why Taimi Is Very Fishy

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Jabronius.8674


Her name’s an anagram for “aim it,” so maybe she’s a spotter for Scarlet’s superweapons.
New character out of the blue? Not suspicious at all.

Roll heavy or don't play at all

in Fractured

Posted by: Jabronius.8674


Actually, they are visibly working to cripple ’Zerkers-uber-alles. The overall strategy of reducing Vigor uptime and reducing the number of dodges available is a direct attack on builds that rely on dodges rather than toughness/vitality/healing power to stay alive. The constant unavoidable damage ticks from the toxic spore condition is vastly more dangerous to glass canons than to bunkers. Basically the whole game is shifting towards a condition damage meta because of the disparities in ways classes absorb damage.

Yes, but condition damage doesn’t hurt lighter armored classes any less than heavies, because they typically have lower health pools, except necromancers. Warriors and guardians have good condition clearing abilities as well.

[Oct. 15th] Post patch thoughts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jabronius.8674


I play with a controller, so the “fast with range indicator” ground targeting option is great for me. Haven’t tried the LS elements yet, but I am pleased with the quality of life updates.

OMG, not Scarlet again

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Jabronius.8674


I suspect Tara Strong’s voice work was already paid for and recorded, so ANet can’t really afford not to use it, even if Scarlet is unpopular.

It's fun and all, but this isn't really fair.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Jabronius.8674


Well, the new Tequatl fight is going to be permanent content, so you’ll eventually get a chance, though you might miss out on any LS achievements this time around. Good luck!

Community Damaging Content

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Jabronius.8674


You… just said increasing the timer to 30 minutes is a bad idea, then go on to suggest it.

I think what he meant was to add 5 minutes to the timer for every 25% of Tequatl’s health depleted. The timer would still start at 15 minutes, but you could get bonus time for beating up the dragon.

A New Failure [Idea]

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Jabronius.8674


I think you underestimate the trolls. If player deaths counted toward failure, it would be easy for them to strip naked to avoid repair costs and perform multiple suicide runs to grief the event.

Best Pet Names

in Ranger

Posted by: Jabronius.8674


Aporkalypse (Warthog)
Atinlay (Pig)
Jam/Marmalade (Jellyfish)
Image Macro (any Feline)