Showing Posts For Jenia.2418:
hundreds of issue pertaining to spvp now? Class balance is the main spvp issue right now.
It most certainly is not.
Enlighten me.
a) so we should not address this problem now? wait until they introduce new modes and see the crying?
No because there are hundreds of issues that are way more urgent and should have developer and design time spent on.
hundreds of issue pertaining to spvp now? Class balance is the main spvp issue right now.
a) so we should not address this problem now? wait until they introduce new modes and see the crying?
b) and I think it is too much of a payoff
Right now in the current node-based meta, elementalist are extremely powerful, but they don’t contribute too much due to it’s low CC abilites, but once spvp start introducing new modes, I can see the AOE, Constant condition removal, constant regen, impossible to kill build becoming a huge problem. I would like to know what other people think of this.
I know elementalist have a high ceiling of skill to master, but I think it pays off waay to much.;TsAg2CpoAzAmAMLYOwkgtEYEwWAA
A build for people looking to try out a trap build, it will make you pretty tough.
I suggest you open with axe/torch with torch 4(8 second burn) and then axe 3 and then switch to bow, spike trap, follow up with burn trap immediately and then poison. Burns are VERY important in this build.
I also open with wolf to blow all the skills and then aoe fear, by then the player will probably wan to heal so I pop our spider and hope it casts poison in time.
A tip for traps, use short bow 3 and 4 for 100% projectile finishers for an extra second of poison or burn.
any suggestions are welcome.
rank 32
Voice communication is a must.
In game names are :
Lyza Lee (necromancer)
Lyzarie (thief)
Jenia Lyzai(mesmer)
Jenia Lyza (engineer)
When I think of necromancer or warlocks, I think about standing in the back, casting/channeling some evil looking spells that makes you wanna run away.
Not running up to them with a dagger and poking them. Or casting a channeling burst sustained damage ability. Or laying fancy textured mines.
I barely remember Gw1 but the necromancer on that game seemed to be much more imaginative.
When I play this class, I don’t feel like a necromancer/warlock of a traditional sense.
How do you feel about this? I personally feel that this class was an afterthought, which is a shame because necromancers in guild wars 1 seemed really cool.
…I mean srsly.
I feel pugging gives an obvious huge lack of communication and this is a idea to put some organization in it.
This is basically a collection of shortcuts to use to convey important information
First we need a way to identify nodes, I came up with a braindead way to do it, it involves the numbers 1, 2, and 3.
1 = close point
2 = mid point
3 = far point
So we someone types 1 into chat, they are referencing close point. Now we need a way to reference incoming number of enemies, for this, we will utilize 1, 2, and 3 again.
11 = 1 inc mine
12 = 2 inc mine
13 = 3 inc mine and so on
So when someone types 13 into chat, they are saying there are 3 incoming close point (mine or henge)
12 = 2 incoming henge
24 = 4 incoming graveyard
and so on
Now we need a way to reference how many is going to help out, we will simple utilize c, where c = I’m coming
teammate 1: 12 = 2 incoming henge
teammate 3: 1c = I’m coming henge
teammate 5: 1c = I’m coming henge
Now we need a way to ask if a node is fine, it will simple be the number of the node (1, 2, 3) followed by ?
And to answer that we will be using F, X, and D, Where F = Fine, D = Danger and X = Node lost after the number of the node
2? = how is graveyard
2D = Graveyard is in danger, HALP!
2x = Graveyard is lost
You can use F and D even without the asking of the teammate.
for instance:
teammate 1: 12 = 2 incoming mine
teammate 3: 1c = I’m coming
teammate 5: 1? = how is mine?
teammate 3: 1d = mine is in danger
teammate 5: 1c = Coming to mine
teammate 5: 1f = mine is fine
Just a shortcut to convey meaningful information. The thing is, we need people out there to tell pug what it means, if the community welcomes this system,.
the first digit of this system recognizes whether if it is a close point or a far point
1 = mine
2 = keep
3 = henge
c = I am coming to this node!
? = how is this node?
d = it is in danger!
f = it is fine.
x = node lost
2c = I am coming to keep
3f = henge is fine
2x = keep lost
1? = how is mine?
(edited by Jenia.2418)
Rank 30 bunker engy/ shatter mesmer/ BS thief LF sPVP Guild
voice communication a necessity and would like to pick up a team anytime I get on
I dont do hotjoin (unless you consider pugging free tourny hotjoin)
What you said is true but I still think 1 player soloing boss is too much of an advantage, sometimes if you save the lord you have nearly no choice but to have someone guard the broken door/boss in which case it would make the game a 4v4, in which case could make the game a 3v4 if that same team sends someone else to go for their lord.
And thinking about that, I would have to say the Lord is probably not the problem, it’s the npc’s that guard that lords, I would say that they are too easy to take out.
Also onto your unfair point, I also think warrior is unfair because they get a free 15s rez to finish off the lord. And upon saying that, I think lords should be able to stomp.
I dunno, do we really want the Lords to be solo-able?
I mean I know we can defend it decently but jeez its not hard to slip past the door and do the lord announcement causing 2-3 players on the other team to drop what they’re doing/3 cap them for like 10-15 seconds (maybe 20-30 points) for 1 player.
You guys do realize it took ONE person to make DOTA…….
From one perspective, the major audience for this game is people who DONT even get on forums, we are sort of a subgroup of etlistist fans, their main buyers are people who just want to have fun, not people who post on forums.
The post on the OP doesn’t even detail whether they are programmers or not.
2 people are enough.
not neccessarily, one can easily log out and switch to another character mid fight which is exactly what this build is to me, go into tourny, find out they got a huge bunker team, log out and log into my necro. And reviving could very well mean the difference between winning or losing a fight/game and experienced teams know that.
If guild wars 2 didnt come with the ability to switch characters, i might not even be playing necro at all tbh.
(edited by Jenia.2418)
Im actually doing quite well against certain setups with this build, and from my experience the WoB on revive actually does the upfront burst heal
and upon looking at the well of protection trait, you are right, i didn’t know WoP also applies protection to allies as well, gonna incorporate that
(edited by Jenia.2418)
First off I just want to say that I have A TON of respect for necromancer players now. They have to work soooo hard to accomplish what other classes can do much easier. Heck my Condition Spec Engineer can be about the same amount of dmg with more survivability/CC. And a good chunk of the weapons suck, I only use the staff for stomp/revive interrupts. And to think a week ago I thought Necromancers were sort of ridiculous because I had to go through like 3 healthbars to kill some of them.
This build is probably nothing new at all but I decided to post anyways. I played through several different necromancer builds and none were working for me, either because I just sucked at it, or the opponents didn’t care they just rolled through me like nothing. While I played through the different builds I kinda focused on what the Necromancer can do better at than any other class. And that was Boon Stripping, Necromancers can boon strip like a mofo, making bunkers go down waay too easy.
Umm the runes don’t really matter,in fact, you can totally turn away from the revive aspect of the build, I just use it when I get an organized team.
This build isn’t really meant for pubs 8v8 or 5v5, but actual organized teams, if you pub this build many headaches will be had. I think this build shines best if you are going against a heavy bunker team.;ToAAzCpoOyck4I7RujkHNIYSC
Condition Engineer that focuses on BURNS!!!!!;ToAAzCpoAzAmAMLYOwkgNEYKA
With this setup your burns will tick for 634 each and bleeds for 104 each.
One of the most important facets of this build is the Rocket Kick(8 second burn) and Incendiary ammo(up to 13 second burn). These both apply burns. That and Rocket Boots is our get out of dodge break stun skill, don’t hesitate to use it.
Flamethrower is in this build for the kit refinement trait, switch to this weapon with an enemy near you and you apply a 3 second burn(the traits make it 3 seconds, that’s 1.8k just for swapping weapons) to nearby foes, you can then use the aoe blind and pushback from it and just switch back to whatever else you need.
Close up Blow Torch burns will last for 9 seconds, couple that with sustained poison and bleeds you can be doing up to 1.4k dps, not to mention confuse bomb hits for nearly 800 a tick.
(edited by Jenia.2418)
I am running bunker build and experimenting with Elixer X (tons of knockbacks) and i noticed a significantly huge portion of the time i use the skill nothing happens…. what is up with that? anybody experiencing this?
I am guessing the max duraton a boon can last is 30%?
because I get 30% from traits and i have rune of earth runes (20% protection duration) and I still only get 6.5 seconds of protection (from 5 seconds)
I agree I am playing thief all day today and shadow refuge is crazy good, matter in fact, shadow refuge and blind powder in hands of a good thief leads to TONS of survivability for a glass cannon character
Sometimes i want to use a skill and the icon will show me that it is in quened to be used….but sometimes in the thick of battle i would just stand there with a wdf look on my face with both of my hands in the air and my skill is quened for like 8 seconds straight until my character uses it.
Everybody is still playing so it isn’t a network problem.
And even sometimes all my skills go on a 1.5s cooldown, and i am not even dazed.
This is really ticking me off, when i want to use a skill, use the skill! lose countless fights because of it.
Is this intentional??
I don’t get it, all the other armors look somewhat tame on females but leather armor, all I can think of is DAT AZZ
kinda how to guestimate chances, but you can change it and whatever.
edit: made some personal changes, I took 20 out of explosions and put 10 alchemy and the rest in tools. the damage seem about the same, ofc if you plan on using grenades then it is somewhat of a no go, but I plan on using this build as a rifle build with barrage so eh. Same damage it seems thx to the 10% crit dmg
(edited by Jenia.2418)
I take the bomb kit over flamethrower anyday, the 3k-4k aoe blast is awesome, plus the smok bomb.. But yeah the burn trait is definitely worth investing in if you want 2-4 burns to go with the barrage.
This is a rifle/grenadier burst build I’ve been running. It is an offshot of the jack of all trade build I posted earlier.;TkAg0CnoqxUjoGbNuak1MIA
This trait takes all the power and precision from both the explosion and rifle tree, mixed in with the tool traitline for an extra 20% crit dmg
Build has a 52% crit chance but since I love running medkit(LOOVE the medkit) I can boost that up to 72% with very good upkeep.
Burst Rotation
To get the best burst make sure you immobolize/overcharge knockback first/make sure they are not gonna move for the next 1-2 seconds. I’ll be the first to admit this rotation isn’t exactly thought provoking.
Open up with Grenade Barrage (this makes a potential 8k burst, normally 4k-5.5k burst), then follow up with charge shot for another potential 5k burst/ normally 3k-4k burst.
From there blunderbuss for a potential 4.5k and keep auto attacking for around 1.5k-1.8k a hit.
I go 20 points in toolbelt because the medkit’s main heal is on the toolbelt, along with the grenade barrage and the Time Bomb(which crits for a potential 4.5k also, I normally lay this down after I charge shot). Also I took the scope trait because I think it can be applied to grenade barrage, so stand still when you cast it. In a game about point defense you need to be able to move around the map fairly quickly so I always get speedy kits.
Also the minor trait refills my toolbelt cooldowns when I am low so I can heal/ burst again for a turnaround. So I think this buid is VERY medkit centric.
Shrapnel Grenade - Can we get doubled cd and 2 bleed stacks per grenade instead?
in Engineer
Posted by: Jenia.2418
This is why grenades are a broken concept. They will always be either too bad for sPvP/actually moving mobs and too good vs relatively static targets (which applies for 90% of PvE and then there is still the AoE aspect).
What do you mean by broken concept, sounds to me like the concept is working as it should or are you saying its a bad concept?
This build focuses on rifle/bomb/grenade/medikit
Not sure if this is a standard build but I did a quick check and saw no builds similar so….
Build is only a 35% crit chance.
Numbers on light golems:
Grenades hit for 450-ish normal, crit for 900
Regular hit for 900-1100 normal, crit for 2k
Rifle hits 750 normal, crit for 1.4k
Solo Burst rotation
Take out medikit and and drop stimulant, will bring your crit chance up to 55%
OverCharge Shot (possibly 2.5k) if you want to, I do so it can come off CD quicker
Rifle Net
Grenade Barrage (can crit up to 7k on heavy)
Jump Shot (3k crit)
Blunderbuss(up to 3k again)
So a potential 15k burst in the matter of seconds.
Then do whatever, I use Throw Mine as another knockback (could crit for 1.8k).
The survivability in this build relies on rune of earth for all the protection bonuses(traited for it heavily) it grants and the magnetic aura. And the Medikit which will boost your speed while you run around spamming bandages/cure a condition if you are in need.
Very versatile, no matter which kit you use, you will be doing impressive damage.
Very control heavy
Not entirely reliable crit
Thing about those two ideas is that you have to be highly skillful even with the unreliability of shatter and you have to wait for an extended cooldown(90s on first idea). With my rotation you just have to hav mirror images for opener and you really don’t need it any more after that and you can rotate it at a more constant state (every 20 seconds of so, pistol stun is not necessarily needed but its the icing on the cake mid fight)
I mean sure you get 24 stacks of confusion on someone but what if they don’t attack, I think it is too many cooldowns for something that might not work/simply trying to take them out of the fight for few seconds, where as in my rotation, yeah if they don’t attack, you still took them out of the fight with a few minor cooldowns.
I mean sure if you could pull it off then it’s amazing but if it doesnt work out, it comes at a high price is what I am trying to say.
just an update
you can totally switch the desperate decoy for phastasm fury, the duelist usually do about 4 bleeds a salvo without it, it might bump it up to 6-7 at a more steady state., sometimes without the fury perk it only gets off 1-2 bleeds
infact I recommend it, if you are getting killed alot, then switch to the decoy trait.
(edited by Jenia.2418)
you can switch it out ofc, if i know i am going against a condition heavy team i will get that one signet that removes conditions.
I get both because i like screwing people up.
Being able to take more hits is better than a single condition stack you can’t control, unless you going rambo spawning clones.
ya, while i played engineer in pvp, the flamethrower just sucked so much. That and the elixer gun.
Weapons – Staff ofc, Scepter/Pistol
Skill Rotation – Open with Scepter/Pistol
Phantasm Duelist
Pistol Stun
Mirror Image
Scepter Blind (Double tap the skill, don’t use for block, trait makes this skill also inflict confuse)
Scepter Confuse Channel
6 Confusion stacks so thats about 900 dmg when they use skill, A bit of a psychological effect since they are thinking about not using a skill after that got opened up on while the duelist/clones pumps bleeds into them.
From there you have the option to Confuse Shatter/Switch to staff, Just make sure you keep duelist up and rotate your confuse skills, I personally don’t use scepter auto attack, by the time i am done with duelist/confusion rotation I am ready to switch back to staff in couple seconds.
When a melee class has a lock on you, don’t hesitate to use decoy/blink, don’t save it for last ditch situations, because chances are if you use it early, you got another chance to use it later. Also if you use it early they would probably just ignore you and focus someone else.
Embraces Mesmer play with you being very slippery
Constant Clone upkeep
Pretty fun, not just sitting back and GS auto attack (legion build)
Bleeds tick for 105 per
Burn tick for about 660 per (rune boosts burn time)
Direct Damage Survivability
No Condition/Boon Removals
Fighting Mesmers confuses me so i think it is a horrible idea too.
the backbone of most mesmer builds is to inflict conditions, namely bleed.
Mesmer can be an fairly good ranged dps(condition/direct dmg build) and a good tank build(condition with an ultra focus on survival).
Mesmers specced right can slip out of anything, just a super slippery caster class.
Legion’s Direct Dmg build(GreatSword, sword/pistol, the rune that increases all stats and increases max crit dmg)
Relies on specific clones to maximize damage, can have alot of trouble taking down toughness characters in my experience. Includes specific traits to maximize this build with some room for personalization
Condition build(staff, pretty free of choice but I usually go with the armor runes that gives alot o toughness + any other stat you need, I got that rune set that regens health)
Slower but can take down anyone given enough time. The main dps from condition comes from a trait that lets your illusion inflict bleed. Does not necessarily need specific illusions, can take any illusion to pull off right. This has alot o room for personalization.
in order to be effective in pvp a mesmer NEEDS precision.
thats overall what I got from this class
my 2 cents on this build and why i think condition is superior
This build is excellent, but it relies solely on direct dmg, they are some classes that simply won’t go down with direct damage in my experience, My whole team couldnt kill an engineer, and Guardians, are tough to take down with this build. Condition Build can take down anyone, no big fancy numbers or crits, just they healthbar going down slowly, very slowly, until they drop.
This build is somewhat fun to play, you press some buttons and sit back with the greatsword(thats the way I played the build). Condition build is somewhat more fun to me because I can play like ima clone and it doesnt rely on phantasm so much. Also I can be even more of a slippery brat thanks to the traits and skills i use with my condition build opposed to the more streamlined nature of this build to get the full effect
thats pretty much all i wanted to say
i dont think he is talking about fighting, he is talking more like traveling from point A to Point B
unless you want a pve only thing sure, but if you just want to flat out introduce a speed buff or something of the like, would make mesmer terribly imba
mesmer don’t need to be fast, they have so many escapes and oh kitten buttons that bumping their speed up would be ridiculous
I dont get what the iduelist/image or iwhatever stuff the forum keeps talking about but i took the first suggestion, your right, that skill should increase my overall dmg way more than the condition on illusion death perk
@zid, yeah it is sometimes iffy but it saved me more times than i could imagine, i cant imagine the frustration of the pursuer when they realize i got like 3-4 escape spells, some people make it a mission to take me down during fights (granted only the 8v8, tourny knows better)
(edited by Jenia.2418)
heavy tough build, speced for mass clones with alot of Get Aways
3 rune of the lich and 3 rune of melandru and rabid amulet
bleed 481 dmg 5.5 seconds and burn 596
I still don’t know which is better, vitality or toughness but this is serving me well.
staff is main weapon and pistol is for stun or what you may wish.
I prefer mass invis because I like to do group ambush attacks or if I want to pop out of nowhere with an chaos storm – phase retreat opening.
is big battles I prefer to sit still with 3 clones near me so they would have to guess which one is me (unless they tab it, which is lame.) when they kill the clones they get crippled and an extra condition
not sure if this is cookie cutter or not but there it is, suggestions?
(edited by Jenia.2418)