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Hammer Rev Damage Needs Nerf

in Revenant

Posted by: Kappell.1923


I’ve been playing Rev since its release, I agree that Rev Hammer is difficult for beginners, I particularly do not know how to play with Sword, I think it’s bad, I love Hammer, but I have to practice a lot, get the right tempo of the skill, I agree that he is Very slow, easy to dodge, in X1 is very difficult, but not impossible. Plus the result of their damage and very satisfactory for their difficulty.

This is balanced, difficult to deal with Hammer but satisfactory with its damage.

Go to 16:50 of the video and watch the magic happen.

Ideal Machine for WvW ?

in WvW

Posted by: Kappell.1923


Someone else suffers from dropping FPS on WvW?, I have an I7 4790, GTX 1070, 8GB, when I’m playing Pve and PvP I have no problem, I can put all the graphics in Maximo that is above 60 FPS without problems, but when I enter WvW the difference is gigantic, especially when it is close to the fights, when there are fights, you can give as dead, I need to put everything in the minimum to have an acceptable FPS rate of FPS above 30FPS, without speaking on the internet, The ping is very high.

Lower the Rank Requirement for Armor

in WvW

Posted by: Kappell.1923


I think it would be fairer, both the veterans and the new ones, that T3 should be Legendary Armor, the veterans doubt that they no longer have full ascendent for what char they have, so it has no long-term motivation, to keep them even more, and New is a great incentive. Example is my case (low rank in WvW)
Game at 1 year and 10 months, only WvW, nor full open map I have, average 2.3 hours per day, during the week, a little more weekend, I’m already full ascendent in my main character. Rank 755 in WvW, for min is a continuation of playing, because I can mount another ascendent set for another character that I choose or wait to set up a legendary set or wing.
For the veterans, I see no reason (except for the love of WvW) to continue with the same enthusiasm, since this must already be full Ascendent, majority has PvP Legendary Wing. Nothing expressive to say that is from WvW. So now that there is something for WvW you tell those veterans over 4 that they need to play for another 2 years or more to get something Legendary from WvW. It’s disheartening.

If you are not inTS you don't matter.

in WvW

Posted by: Kappell.1923


If you are running on a Zerg, I agree that using TS is mandatory, so you do not happen to be in a zerg of 50/50 and have only 10 people in TS, and you are decimated in 10sec, because zerg has split At the time of Bomb / regrup / heal. You do not have to talk, just listen to what the Commander says.

I’m from Brazil, I barely speak English, I enter TS, I do not speak a word, but I understand the commander’s battle orders.

So TS in Zerg and Battles, in my point of view is mandatory or would not enter the Zerg / group.

  Now if you are not with Zerg, continue as cool as you can and be happy.

Yes, I used the translator … kkkk

Do commanders sell squad participation?

in WvW

Posted by: Kappell.1923


Dude, you just insult the whole WVW community. Get your golds and ….

Now that PvP will give you ascended gear...

in WvW

Posted by: Kappell.1923


Craft only serves to make you legendary now.

Now that PvP will give you ascended gear...

in WvW

Posted by: Kappell.1923


It is so ridiculous that I only played WvW for over 1 year, and only had 2 pieces of armor ascended, yesterday I made the 10 initial matches of PvP and already bought 1 piece ascended.

Now that PvP will give you ascended gear...

in WvW

Posted by: Kappell.1923


This is ridiculous. In my case I do not play Pve, only WvW game for more than 1 year, until today I do not have full set of ascendent due to low drop in WvW. Now put it in PvP where you do not need stats. It’s a joke

What is the purpose of Maguuma?

in WvW

Posted by: Kappell.1923


It’s an easy game, Either A) get good and stop sucking or quit, either way crying on the forums accomplishes nothing

Now to ask a simple question so that you can understand what is going on in your head is to cry? Crying is asking to stop doing. Which I’m not asking.

What is the purpose of Maguuma?

in WvW

Posted by: Kappell.1923


What is Maguuma’s goal in making this kind of ridiculous game? In all WvW time I have never seen this kind of low level atitutu, this is certain that capturing the castle is part of the game, plus doing respawn kill, that is too much. Any acceptable explanation for this kind of attitude?

Revenant "Changes" 10/18/16

in Revenant

Posted by: Kappell.1923


Seriously our only source of stability was this way? serious that the healing Shiro will stay that way? I beginning to believe that they do not test the changes before. As a player 70% of the WVW, 20% PvP, this Rev. my main, was retired in these two modes of play, I do not know how changes in Pve.

To see another change to fix this, I will look for another class that pleases me to these two modes of play, contrary casso is CYA.

PS: sorry for English, google translator.

Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Kappell.1923


Yaks this low due to changes aproveitadoras guilds , how YAKS was winning T1 , was a wonder to everyone, after the changes in WVW when YAKS started losing began despair for some guilds, bunch of traitors to the same people from my own guild did it.

Leaving only the guilds with honor to help reorganize the YAKS .

Yaks was winning T1 thanks to DK and Chris commanding near non-stop coupled with HIbergate being very Hiber. They also had “The Alliance” for a while. Once the Alliance left and Hibergate once again became BlackGate, the beatdown commenced.

A lot of guilds including mine left because we had new and returning players on other servers while YB was locked down. We had no other choice but to move. Besides there is nothing dishonorable about moving servers… now calling some dishonorable that plays without cheating and doesn’t insult others falls into that category.

Just reminded me about a guild group that moved onto JQ a month or two back. I forget the exact tag name, but they had mentioned that YB treats people who weren’t on YB from the beginning badly. Be called dishonorable for moving servers was I believe one of the things they mentioned getting thrown their way.

YAKS has always been my home has more than one year , I have never seen this, do not say do not have , but I ’ve never seen , even when we have been united with Anvil Rock , never seen anything like this .

Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Kappell.1923


Yaks this low due to changes aproveitadoras guilds , how YAKS was winning T1 , was a wonder to everyone, after the changes in WVW when YAKS started losing began despair for some guilds, bunch of traitors to the same people from my own guild did it.

Leaving only the guilds with honor to help reorganize the YAKS .

Yaks was winning T1 thanks to DK and Chris commanding near non-stop coupled with HIbergate being very Hiber. They also had “The Alliance” for a while. Once the Alliance left and Hibergate once again became BlackGate, the beatdown commenced.

A lot of guilds including mine left because we had new and returning players on other servers while YB was locked down. We had no other choice but to move. Besides there is nothing dishonorable about moving servers… now calling some dishonorable that plays without cheating and doesn’t insult others falls into that category.

I understand , your situation is different, more guilds with 20+ players that were active in YAKS do so. Without giving an explanation in the Forum, now to use the Forum to recruit players and announce Guild events, there was there every week.
In my opinion, the form and situation that happened transfers was . Because all movements happened just when YAKS started losing week. Why did it before while YAKS was on top ? What is the reason for the transfers? what do you call that move? Came to a movement to collect gems to pay the transfer guilds WITH INTEREST OF IF TRANSFERRED BY WILL OWN , was arrecado the gems and was able to transfer 2 guilds, very good by the way, however one of this idea creators did the contrary, in first opportunity given in the foot. How can we call this?

Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Kappell.1923


Yaks this low due to changes aproveitadoras guilds , how YAKS was winning T1 , was a wonder to everyone, after the changes in WVW when YAKS started losing began despair for some guilds, bunch of traitors to the same people from my own guild did it.

Leaving only the guilds with honor to help reorganize the YAKS .

Help with a WvW roaming condi build

in Warrior

Posted by: Kappell.1923


Official Feedback Thread: WvW Reward Tracks

in WvW

Posted by: Kappell.1923


Reward Tracks are great. I had myself suggested this idea countless of times here and finally it is here. Of course I am happy! Thank you! I wish we have had them before.

The reward track progression is way too slow at the moment, like 4-6x too slow. In spvp the reward track progresses much faster and I feel it is unfair that WvWvW players must spend more time grinding. WvWvW of course offers other rewards as well, but most of the other “rewards” from wvwvw are very weak: I often get tons of green items, broken chips and fangs + few hundred badges + only 0.5-1 gold from hours of WvWvW. Pve rewards e.g. doing world bosses or silverwastes chest farm is far more profitable than wvwvw.

I feel that the reward tracks give out way too many tomes of knowledge. I already have several stack of the tomes. What should I do with them!?! All my characters are of course level 80 and I got several thousands of unused spirit shards. So either reduce the tomes of knowledge or give us some useful things we could buy with them. Currently the tomes are just junk to fill the inventory.

Of course it would be nice to have more reward tracks, but even more important it would be to have more useful items you can purchase using WvWvW currencies. Here are some examples (and possible pricing):
- ascended back piece (5000 badges + 40 laurels + 50 gold)
- ascended armor piece (4000 badges + 10 laurels + 40 gold)
- ascended 1-handed weapon (3000 badges + 10 laurels + 30 gold)
- ascended 2-handed weapon (5000 badges + 20 laurels + 50 gold)

The high badge count is intentional to make it easier for most players to get those ascended items from pve. Exotic items are not that interesting, unless they offer unique skins. And what about a WvWvW specific legendary back item/armor/weapon? The WvWvW specific legendary item might require:
- 200 laurels
- 10000 badges
- 500 proofs of heroics
- 500 memoirs of battle
- 500 g worth of materials

Of course it is possible to implement these also via reward tracks as well e.g. the legendary precursor requires lots of different components, which are each obtained by completing a different wvwvw specific reward track.

simply this.

Cloaking Waters is straight up OP

in WvW

Posted by: Kappell.1923


This is the most fun part of the game, if OP or not, does not matter, the important thing we deserve.