Showing Posts For Karnasis.6892:
That’s the problem, one side gets a clear advantage to which the other side has no applicable counter play.
The counter play is take their objectives away and you have gliding and they don’t… how do people not see that is the whole point of territories beyond stopping folks from gliding into your keeps.
The other counter play is literally use skills that target to cc, and they’ll drop like flies.
(edited by Karnasis.6892)
I like it as is, and frankly gliding is no different then if someone say uses stealth away or uses any of their skills to get an advantage to avoid death. What I am basically reading from most folks is that they want an easy win.
That’s like saying we shouldn’t be allowed to move in combat because they might avoid your attacks.
Wrong! I expect people to run or stealth if they have the ability to do so. But you still have a very good chance to catch and kill them! I usually get them too! Gliding away is not something that should be an allowed mechanic when you are in combat. So your comment about easy is just plain stupid. Maybe you are one of those people that engage the fight, then soon learn you are outmatched so you run away?
But I have the ability to glide, which is a new ability added to everyone, so I don’t see how this is ANY different than using those class abilities to escape. As I said, people want easy wins, and an easy win is one that can’t use the tools the devs have given us to to our advantage.
(edited by Karnasis.6892)
I like it as is, and frankly gliding is no different then if someone say uses stealth away or uses any of their skills to get an advantage to avoid death. What I am basically reading from most folks is that they want an easy win.
That’s like saying we shouldn’t be allowed to move in combat because they might avoid your attacks.
ty, that was strange as I was typing it into google as Gift of War Prosperity and getting now hits >.>.
I have no idea where to even look to how to craft/make/forge it. If someone has some insight could you let me know please?
Grats! I also must ask, how did you make the gift of war prosperity? I can seem to find it anywhere though I know it has to exist.
I plan on doing it the “quick” way :P
The Dervishes in GW1 channeled the power of the gods and transformed into avatars of the gods. Because the gods fled the world after GW1, it makes sense that the Dervishes lost their powers and became defunct.
The Gods weren’t really around in GW1 either, they left before GW1 (Orr was sunk by this point, the only god that was “around” was Abbadon). So they should have been able to continue using the avatar forms.
that pvp armor that took me 50 games to get in season 4 is going to be legendary now?
Don’t get too excited. We haven’t seen how we make the gifts yet . . .
EDIT: Or what they cost, rather. I see they say we purchase them from vendors. I’m just saying, I’d expect a fair grind . . .
My suspicion is that this will be tied to PvP tickets/WvW tickets….. and I suspect a fair amount given that these are legendary armors.
Fractals especially T4 are designed to be the stepping stones for you to get ready to raid.
So lets not dumb this down any further.
Since when has this been the case? Since raids came out? Because if you haven’t noticed but the original fractals compared to the new ones are drastically different in terms of difficulty…. cough Molten Boss cough
Maybe the NEW fractals were designed with this in mind, which I don’t understand because they designed raids for a small fraction of the player base so why do we need a stepping stone. But to me fractals in general felt like a cousin to dungeons (and now replacement).
And I enjoyed the first fight in the new fractal, but the second one has way too much going on. Dodge aoes + trash mobs + bounce this thing along and don’t miss one or wipe + randomly be made into a bomb. And my group gave up on the second boss.
I do like the look of the fan made eternity, but why blue/purple color, to me that doesn’t fit the theme and merging of the two swords.
I’d much rather they do something similar to the elemental sword where it’s half twilight and half sunrise at the same time (just a straight cut down the center split), if they do anything at all.
I like some of the fanmade renders of what Eternity could have looked like quite a bit and definitely would not mind if the model was changed.
That said all that I think eternity needs is a toggle that allows you to switch between Dqy mode, Night mode, and auto-switch with the ingame clock. Because of the fact that there are differences between Eternity and Sunrise/twilight, and because of the cost of making Eternity, I think its fair to allow players to pick whichever painting they want if they prefer one over the other.
I’d be okay with this, also where did you find these fanmade renders of Eternity, I’m now curious.
I see disclaimers and the like, but no explanation of the issue that the OP hopes to solve.
If that’s aimed at me, then my response is: I don’t know what the OP actually wants. Does he want a completely different sword that has nothing to do with the original two swords it’s made of? Different particle effects? Different footfalls?
My previous post explained the differences between the two base swords and Eternity. It has what made the base weapons good and added a solid bit of extras…. optional extras. If you don’t like the actual sword for what it is, why make it? I wanted eternity personally and it was only after I made it that I noticed some of the differences that I came to appreciate.
I understand people want bigger more fantastic effects for the effort to make it, but I’m not sure what it is the final outcome should be. I like the idea of a collection of sorts, but for what goal beyond another skin…. and it sets a precedent that other legendaries need a collection to make them even “cooler”. And then there is the preexisting problem that Greatswords already have 3 legendaries, but many of the weapons currently only have 1 (and some have 2).
I’d rather them focus on finishing the second set of legendaries and only then maybe go back and revamp the originals.
I feel like the OP is on either on CD or the servers linked with CD, as we had someone complaining about that last night in Team/Map chat. Either that or very coincidental :P
Honestly just running with a group will get him the participation, run your guild wvw reward track boost and if you have excess boosters that boost wvw track you’ll get through it (it might not be an all in one day thing but you’ll get there). Also dailies net you wvw potions…. 2 potions = 1 reward/notch closer to finishing the track. I save my potions up and use them closer to the end of a track.
Personally…. I like my Eternity
There are subtle changes between it and Twilight/Sunrise that make it stand out for me.
The glowing pommel, the fact that there is sort of a flame in the same art style that flows off the blade while in use, and that some attacks get both sunrise and twilight added to the animation. The footfalls are cool too and ad some extra uniqueness to the sword over just one of the blades. And the night/day cycles.
But my opinion is my own
Scythes…. but I’m biased towards Dervish :P
Oh, okay, I lucked out yesterday and there was a new build, got it after that. Ty for the advice everyone
Anyone, this stops anyone from finishing Incinerator III, and this event isn’t commonly run as it’s in a vanilla map.
Trying to do this event for Incinerator collection, but it’s bugged out. Old bug from what I’ve seen but it’s not like I can change maps and have it get fixed…. is there a solution to this?
Oh well then XD, sucks to be a gold seller then XD
It’s the rich being silly (as the posting fee is probably outrageous), or one poor fellow who thought he had something awesome and posted to realize he just lost all of his gold and now he’s just trying to sell it out of fear XD.
I wouldn’t worry about it, I mean you can’t buy it unless you have that amount since it’s a sell order XD
Honestly, I enjoyed the way FFXIV did their player housing.
It was instanced
It is not instanced… Instance means its your own personal game world where other people cant join unless they are in your party. Housing areas in FFXIV do have loading screens but they are not instanced. Also there is no loading screen when entering yours or someone else house.
By that definition GW2 isn’t instanced, but I think the devs would say otherwise. A true open world would have no player caps, no multiple copies of a zone, and no load screen. But sadly GW2 has those things and that makes it instanced. GW1 was also instanced, but differently, as every time you left town you were no longer able to see anyone unless they were in your party becuase everyone had their own version of the world.
In massively multiplayer online games, an instance is a special area, typically a dungeon, that generates a new copy of the location for each group, or for certain number of players, that enters the area. This the definition I got when entering “Instanced Gaming Definition” into google.
And the player housing in FFXIV might not have player caps for the whole zone, but it does have multiple instances due to the limited land space per instance and that it loads basically everyone’s house within the instance. And yes, there is no load screen for your own home, but if you use the personal rooms for some reason those are instanced within the bigger instance.
Okay, cool, I mostly concerned this was going to be a permanent problem as there isn’t REALLY good sources to farm most of the T6 mats (well none that I know of that I don’t want to kill myself afterwards XD)
Honestly, I enjoyed the way FFXIV did their player housing.
It was instanced, but you had to buy each plot of land, and each plot was priced by size (so you could have a small home or a freaking large home if you were out and out rich). However guilds typically bought these homes as well (as they didn’t or possibly still don’t have separate guild halls), do they typically had the large plots.
But you could walk down the street of the instance you were in and visit someone else in their house (mostly outside unless they invited you in), and just becuase you had a house as a guild didn’t mean individual players couldn’t also buy land in that instance for their own personal home. And to stop people from being from making money off this you couldn’t buy from other people, you bought from Square Enix with in game funds.
I think a system like that could work here (as we already deal with instances anyway), and we wouldn’t have to compete with guilds for guild halls
I have a feeling the spikes in T6 mats today are gonna be the new norm. Or do you think it’ll balance out in a few weeks back to pre-legendary armor announcements.
I know myself I’m frustrated as I am working on Incinerator, and was hoping to be able to keep my costs lower with the 30-35 silver buy orders, but from say the Vials or Powerful Blood I need it went from being 75 gold to 96 gold (not a huge spike, but every gold counts).
Not complaining per say, just didn’t expect the announcement of legendary armors, or I would have bought my mats beforehand XD. Just more so concerned that these will be the new norm for pricing (as many of these mats hovered in the 30-35 silver range for a long time)
I would rather they keep the system they have now and make an effort to mix up the themes and silhouettes outside the typical formats. (as a light main, I’m jelly that mediums get all the cool coats)
I mean, I’m not opposed to that, if that’s all they can do for us. I’m just sick of playing light armor characters and constantly looking like some noble guy wearing his normal clothes out to a dangerous area.
I find it interesting that they chose to do skins in the game based of what class you are, as opposed to just making the skins functional globally. Or maybe that’s how all mmo’s handle their skins.
I’m not too keen on the state mesmers are in right now, and I love playing my mesmer. I’m not the best mesmer, but our damage is meh right now. I think that’s why they are relegated to buffing (or in some cases, tanking), but otherwise I don’t see people crying out for mes dps.
I also get that not every class is equal, and some are better at damage than others, and some are more support. But I dunno, I feel like the dps is pretty bad :S
If I’m wrong, lemme know
P.S. I would love to see a more dps focused elite spec, whatever form that might be
What would the game display if you have one heavy armour skin and 5 light armour skins equipped?
Probably seams where the armors don’t line up would be my best guess. That’s probably why they don’t want to do it (this is probably another reason they have trouble with skins for all the races and why it takes so long to complete them)
I completed the core tyria mastery lines, the only mastery points I actually hated grinding for were the lws2 story (I found that dull to play through). I think it’s mostly that I had some of the content completed before MP’s came out in HoT (Like world Exploration) and that gave me a boost.
Though that being said they aren’t overly necessary to complete fully (though if you like fractals I’d say do it).
If only the outfits looked/dyed better. It’s why I like the idea of using skins of a different weight class ideally, because I just find they are more detailed and I get some semblance of control over the design. I’m mostly disappointed with the fact that light armor is essentially “normal clothing” with a few exceptions.
I would be fine that if I had to transmute into heavy armor then all of my armor has to be heavy or it’s not doable, as it would make sense that light/heavy armors wouldn’t match up. There is even some medium armors that I would love to be able to use.
I kinda also wish they made complete armor skins for each elite spec of each class, just one piece leaves much to be desired. I would love to see what a full tempest set or the chronomancers set would look like for example (as the Chronomancers Epaults kind of have some of the look I want for light armor characters, but it literally matches 0 armors I’ve come across from a material/dye standpoint)
Also, completely agree on the wvw/pvp points where outfits are used (though not as commonly)
While the forum search doesn’t work it is possible to google one of the many previous threads on this subject. In short: Meshes, seams and Dye channel incompatibility between the armor weights
That’s…. strange. But pretty disappointing, as many of the light armors are boring to look at, but the heavies get some of the more interesting designs imo.
I can just hope that if they get back to doing actual skins (which is doubtful) then maybe I can get a armor skin that looks like some armor. or combine elements of both light and heavy.
So my suggestion really relates to being able to transmute beyond the armor classes (light, medium, and heavy)
Specifically I’m personally interested in having heavy armor looks on my light armor characters, and I know that there are some medium armor skins I’d like on my heavies and so on.
Though I suppose that there is a behind the scenes reason that this isn’t already in the game, or probably due to outfits being a thing (but outfits don’t dye the same way, or appeal to mixing and matching my armors together). Though if anyone knows of a heavy armor look in the light armor category, lemme know.
And I’m specifically saying armor types. I don’t want to get into having a sword that is actually a staff or anything like that.
I’d honestly would say almost any server, I’m not going to try to convince you to come to CD, but if anything, I would encourage you to avoid Eredon Terrace.
Unless something has changed since several ET guilds left for CD (mine included), it’s been basically relegated to T1/T2 links (since it’s NOT a host server).
I just didn’t like the bandwagon train that CD had when 4 servers teamed up to win T4, and lose miserably ever after. Not the great server that players seemed to flock to when they were advantaged. I have enjoyed my WvW games with every team mate. FC, SF, Ebay, NSP and now FA. The only one that has been no fun at all was CD for me. Win or lose. The best commanders are from other servers, and so many, even on the forums still ask for a 4th server again….why? cause they are tired of losing and the transfers are starting to regret their choice of move.
Eh, CD currently essentially got their “4th server” with a large portion of ET transferring to it 2 months back. We’re still in last in T4. I know personally a lot of us were just unhappy bouncing from tier to tier, and as of late ET, as I posted above, are stuck in in T1/T2 (which a good portion of us hated). Being in last on T4 basically insures at the moment that we won’t be moving up anytime soon, and I know a lot of us couldn’t be more happy.
Setting up licenses, vetting products, doing quality checks, and so forth is a time-consuming and labour-intensive business. And because it’s our IP, our involvement on that level would be required. Because we’re not able to engage in the lengthy process of individual licensing, we formed a partnership with WeLoveFine, as they are experts in this very field. They will be able to sort through and kitten various offerings, then bring them to us for final approval before manufacturing the items and offering them for sale.
So the only opportunity to create merchandise, such as t-shirts, using our brand is to work through the WeLoveFine Fan Forge.
Thanks for understanding.
So, I gather my wish (and I assume many others) for an official licensed GW2 figurines of our characters are not possible because ArenaNet are either unable to make the licensing deals, or choose not to for any number of reasons.
Which is a shame, because I think GW2 would actually lend itself pretty well to that type of product, given the huge number of variations of each individual character. Although I suppose that could mean a lot more work on Anets end.
(I really want a figure of my Asura Mesmer covered in Leyline armor sitting on my desk :P)
(edited by Karnasis.6892)
Honestly, I think the only thing that should change as a result of MP’s and the xp bar is that if you have all the non-Raid MP’s unlocked, you start earning Spirit Shards again. Not that I am low on Spirit Shards, but I think for those who do intend on getting their masteries (which a good chunk actually help with moving around the HoT maps, and even some of the LS3 maps), but not enter a raid get a purpose for xp again.
But I’m still not sold on people quitting over the xp bar, as once you hit 80 unless you are actively working on any masteries you aren’t actually losing a huge reward (spirit shards are obtainable in other ways)
then why have legendary weapons /ascended armors as achievements at all seems your not wanted if you don’t have said. and treated as a lesser player every day I play I see map chat filled with some ones linking of all there ascended gear and legendary yes I don’t need it but why cant every player no matter how they play this game have a way to get it with out the said set up as it is
People link these items because they are excited about crafting these items. Ascended is just nice to have as they are the best armor type to have, and legendary weapons/backpieces have cool skins and effects that many other items don’t.
And just because someone has these items doesn’t necessarily make them a “better player”. You can still be a good player in exotics.
I personally like my Eternity gs that I crafted, and the Nevermore staff is cool. I like the staff, but I actually enjoyed the journey collections associated with it, which got me to do stuff in the game I probably never would have done otherwise.
I’d say GW2 is a game of goals. If you don’t have something that drives you to play, be it the collections, or the masteries, or the different game modes, then I’d say why bother at all?
i’m so with you on this matter but may I add to this my self I don’t craft yet to get ascended armor I have no choice but to craft or do pvp witch I don’t get why ascended is part of that then there is fractals but hat what I don’t pvp or do fractals as for achievements its more when it fills out it fills out but yes if there was a way to get mastery points other then grind some meta boss till your hair falls out or to get ascended armor with out crafting or grinding pvp and fractals but hell I’m just a noob not the uber elite pvper or fractal / raid runner
But if you don’t do wvw, or fractals, or raid, then why do you need ascended in the first place? You will do fine with exotics if that’s the case.
I’m not sure what the issue is here though, yes your xp bar doesn’t move, but the only thing you get from having it move after your masteries are maxed out is a single spirit shard “per level”. You aren’t really missing much honestly.
e-mail (which is really a form of 2 step, since there are two things we have to do with getting her logged in)
So she informed me it’s not that she can’t access the account, it’s that she typically doesn’t get emails (like password resets and the like), well she received a code about a half hour after she tried logging in the first time, but because she tried several times, the first code was invalid.
I understand 2 step verification is a thing, but because we had a phone/internet service outage for like 10 minutes this is affecting her account lol
I’m posting this on behalf of my wife, as she is unable to log into the forums and the game. She is submitting a ticket (or attempting to) because of the forced e-mail authentication system.
The reason this is a problem is that she can’t access that e-mail address she used for the account anymore, therefore can’t access the email authentication code. That was the reason she didn’t sign up for two step authentication in the first place.
I am not sure why this hasn’t been spoke of anywhere or even told by a dev that it was a planned decision before it happened, it was just forced on us.
Does it take a little longer to get around, sure, but is it really THAT much longer? I doubt it.
A little?
You want a comparison that I’ve used before, go to desert border, SW tower.
Stand in the lord room or on the western wall (it helps if you own it, lol). Now look straight west.
See that sentry standing by the tall cliff?
On ABL, that’s the distance to bay outer walls when you stand in the SW tower and look NW.
So yeah. A little.
Guess I never noticed that it was that long of distance between towers, but really I don’t understand the issue, as I never felt that it was longer (evidenced by the fact that I was wrong about the distance)
I don’t like cramped maps though, I’m of a mindset that I enjoy large maps with fewer people on it. This doesn’t just go into GW2, but many other games as well.. I like big maps on games like Battlefield (or to the lesser extent CoD, there are larger maps on there compared to the more popular smaller maps). It’s probably why I enjoy the DBL’s more than the Alpines, or at least a large reason, in addition to my reasons in a previous post.
I’m not a fan of the ABL’s because of this reason. And no I like fights too from time to time as K-Training does get boring, I just don’t like that everything is close together (and why I don’t even set foot in EBG). Too crowded.
But to each their own.
Does it remind you of the T8 maps from whence you came, dearie? Miles of running around without seeing anyone?
Not really, at least not recently with YB/Ferg zerging around on every map right now in the current linking.
Honestly I just don’t see the hate, it’s a fun map, but since it’s not the alpine BL’s no one gives it a chance because… gasp they have to play a game!
I don’t understand the hate for the DBL’s… since Anet removed some of the more annoying functions of the map (barricades and the lag inducing map event) it was pretty solid.
I like the “new” Tower Lords as they actually seem to be unique, and interesting to fight. Unlike the samey Tower Lords in the ABL’s. Same goes for the Keep Lords.
I also like that there seems to be more avenues of approach across the map than in the alpines (though that could just be more subjective).
Does it take a little longer to get around, sure, but is it really THAT much longer? I doubt it.
I’d rather take the DBL over the ABL anyday
I typically run alone sometimes. Not all the time, but sometimes. If I want to solo take a camp or even sometimes knock down a tower wall alone (it does still happen). But there are times I’ll be solo taking a camp, and thief jumps in, kills me after a minute or so of fighting and caps the camp I did all the work for, and what usually gets me killed, the fact they can stealth the fully heal.
Honestly I’d be okay with stealth if you couldn’t heal up during. That you could only heal unstealthed, as it would mean you’d have to break off and get lots of distance and then re-enegage. Either that or make it have longer cooldowns.
Ya necro pretty nasty with the no target required, pile down the aoe. The only way I fight them is from range and stealth on my druid. If they get into melee, I’m in my staff flying backout to 1200 range. No one is just going to stand in necro aoe spam lols.
I get that, but stealth is too powerful of an effect that can be just spammed but certain classes. I have fought to many people that can just spam it (rangers and theives mostly) that just when you think you have them they stealth, which drops your targeting and you waste a skill…. again I understand that every class has unfair things like that, but why do 4 out of the 9 classes have stealth, even if you have to build for it?
Don’t get me wrong, I like my build as it is, but I’m just tired of being at a disadvantage because I can’t just disengage and fully heal up.
I realize that Necros have an unfair advantage with shroud, and skills that cool down while in shroud. And I’m sure people have complained about that as well. But so far I have damaged a theif, they stealth, they hit me back hard, I pop shroud, they stealth, heal up, destroy my shroud, and now I’m screwed. That is basically how my fights go in general with all stealth fights, just using thief as a filler.
I’m not running condi necro though, so….. and I also would need to know where they are when they are in stealth. But since they are invisible, I’d be wasting cooldowns hitting nothing
(edited by Karnasis.6892)
I’m annoyed.
Good now that we got that out of the way, I’m personally only really running into Thieves, Mesmers, Engineers and Rangers while I roam. I do run into other classes, but so far in my experience I get into the most fights with these 4 classes. And I could possibly actually kill them if they didn’t have so much stealth. It’s aggrivating when you have your opponent almost downed, and BAM they have stealth and run away.
For those asking (or not) I play a Necro, we’re slow by nature. I also understand that each class has to have a foil, a hard counter. But I have the biggest issue with the large amount of stealth each of these classes gets. They get to heal up, and I’m stuck with half hp or no shroud left.
I’m also specifically talking about 1v1 fights, big groups it’s fine. I’m also probably in a minority that feels this way.