Showing Posts For Kentaro.6571:
I haven’t played in years, came back about a month ago. Still enjoy my Engineer despite what I’m tending to see on forums. However, I’m trying to update myself on the current “meta” PvE Engineer.
Correct me if I’m wrong, however, it seems that P/P Condi (Viper) Engineer is the current “meta” build?
Problem is people are only thinking about pure damage as engineer. Probably running Power/Precision/Critical Damage gear with berseker accessories and Grenade Kit as their only Kit with might elixirs.
It’s just like seeing a 5 signet warrior, laziness.
The reason the number of Engineers are low is because they’re the second most complex class just under Memeser (as stated by ArenaNet as the professions were being introduced) and because they don’t push out “super” high DPS, but there are a ton of people who are happy with the Jack of All trades.
I know people love to bring me along on my server and in my guild to Agony level fractals because of all the utility I bring to the table with my build including the ability to combo with myself to give out AoE might stacks of 12+ for 20 seconds on a 30 second cooldown.
Besides ArenaNet has been buffing us. Recently, with the sigil to kits change and soon the weapon stats to kit change.
(edited by Kentaro.6571)
I’ve played Engineer throughout testing, and release and most of the blogs I’ve followed stopped updating. So, I thought it would be nice to begin my own blog to document my journey throughout the game on my Engineer. If you enjoy the Engineer profession and wish to read up on the daily progress of one, then don’t hesitate to follow my blog.
The blog will be updated each day with fractal progression, legendary progression, achievements, farming, you name it.
As a note, I’m still learning wordpress so bear with me if you see some changes go on around the blog.
Tired of going through the tedious process of claiming dungeons like CoF just to have them become contested after one run and forced to repeat that tedious process again.
Seriously increase Dungeon capture times.
Anyone have any information on how to obtain these? I see them in the trading post, but I can’t find any information about them on the internet.
We had one person drop out. Just need a fifth for our static group.
Schedule is the following:
Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.
5 PM – 9 PM
Alright, I understand your messages get suppressed after you shout a couple of times, but I feel that the amount of time your messages are suppressed are excessively long. I understand it’s to prevent gold sellers from spamming (they just flood your mail either way), and to prevent general spam, but it really hinders people attempting to find a group or members for a group to accomplish a task.
In my server (Tarnished Coast) people tend to use Lion’s Arch as a central hub to find groups for story or explorable dungeons. With the spam block timer being the way it is people shout a couple of times then need to move zones or ask other members in their group to shout for them.
For example, I was seeking a group for explorabel TA or CoF and after a couple of shouts my messages were suppressed. 45+ minutes later my messages are still suppressed in Lion’s Arch.
You might want to consider reducing the timer or something.
Still looking for at least possibly one more person maybe two.
I never felt “forced” to use grenades at all. Sure, they do swell damage, but I don’t be obligated to use them at all. I do fine with dual pistols or even pistol/shield.
I’m attempting to create a static group for players on the Tarnished Coast server that will meet up at least once a week though multiple times a week would be preferred to farm dungeons. First story for those in the group who need it and then explorable for tokens.
This way we can all gather and collect the armor sets over time as well as the PoI in each dungeon for 100% map completion, and the path achievements.
If you’re interested either PM me on these forums or contact me in game.
IGN: Tiarnach
Honestly, the only turret I love is the net turret due to the CC is provides. Otherwise turrets just seem to flop over if touched unless you’re specced to them and even at that I didn’t notice the reduced damage by 30% trait to make a big difference.
Just letting everyone know that my stream is now live and will be until 9:30 PM, come b and check it out sometime!
Stream Status: Online
Hey everyone!
Just dropping in and letting you all know about my stream. I’ve been gaming for many years (since I was 9 and I’m 21 now) and so I decided to start streaming it! It’s a 720p stream mainly consisting of Guild Wars 2 Engineer gameplay (Dungeons, Map completion, WvW, sPvP) as well as other games, which I usually stream on the weekends! (Crysis I & II, Walking Dead, King Arthur II, Borderlands, etc) For example, on September 20th I’ll be streaming Torchlight II Engineer gameplay! So, tune in sometime and join in on the fun!
Timezone: EST
Monday: 5:00 PM – 9:30 PM
Tuesday: 12:00 PM – 9:30 PM
Wednesday: 3:00 PM – 9:30 PM
Thursday: 10:00 AM – 9:30 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM – 9:30 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM – 9:30 PM
Sunday: 12:00 PM – 9:30 PM
Note: Schedule is subject to change per semester due to my class times shifting. Schedule is also subject to change around mid-terms, finals, and some general exams to give time to study.
Guild Wars 2
Torchlight II (Starting September 20th)
Borderlands 2 (Possibly starting September 18th)
Other various steam games.
So, I suggest you all check out the channel! If you like it then don’t hesitate to follow and tell your friends! Also, I’m looking for more moderators to the chat as the stream grows so if you want to help out feel free to send me a message either here or on twitch!
(edited by Kentaro.6571)
All professions are easy to pick up, however, the hardest to master are Mesmer and Engineer. ArenaNet stated some time ago while people waited for the release of the game that the order of the professions released were their level in difficulty to master and Engineer was second to last to be announced and Mesmer was the final profession to be announced.
Elementalist’s mechanic is to switch between various elements. Each element has different skills depending on the weapon you wield. This gives the Elementalist the largest array of abilities to choose from, which is why it might seem daunting to you. Necromancer’s mechanic is Shroud Form which is basically bonus HP when activated. I’m unsure as to who is saying they require the most work out of all the professions, but they’re wrong. Mesmer might be confusing due to the fact that is suppose to be the most complex to master, however, as I said they’re all easy to pick up. My advice is to simply play the profession you’re the most interested in. Don’t prevent yourself from playing a profession you might actually enjoy because of some “X factor.” We all learn over time and you can learn that profession over time.
Besides keep in mind every profession will has to do their fair share of work in order to not die all the time. There is no aggro system, there is no pure tank, and there is no pure healer in this game and it pulls from GW1 where various monster families have different acting AI and require the players to have synergy and work together throwing out blinds, dazes, condition removal, regen, vigor, etc.
Warriors > Elementalist > Guardian.
Events are determined by the damage you contribute. Pointless to be support during an event if you want gold.
Honestly, the purpose of a support/healing setup is for dungeon/WvWvW play. Besides even with a full healing power setup you won’t see absurdly high healing numbers. I was actually just talking to a friend on steam about this for Engineers healing since I play a support Engineer with my friends for explorable dungeons. I told him healing is not meant to be traditional “Sit there and heal the person and move on.” You supplement the healing with blinds, slows, daze, knockback, knockdown and just crowd control in general and evade in order to make the healing actually count.