Showing Posts For Khaun.4321:

Fireball, whaaaaat!?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Khaun.4321


Can SOMEONE from Anet PLEASE weigh in on this?! I would feel better if one of you just said: “we did it on purpose deal with it”. But they refuse to admit if it’s a mistake (which god I hope it is) or anything.

"Fireball" animation way too small

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khaun.4321


That’s the thing. This HAS to be a mistake. It doesn’t just feel less impactful. It is laughably smaller. Picture the difference between the normal heads and the bobble heads.

"Fireball" animation way too small

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khaun.4321


The patch note state that the “noise associated with” the fireball graphics were turned down but some how this caused the ability to show as a ridiculously small orange BB. Before anyone screams “working as intended” please note that it’s now HALF the size of the other Ele staff skills. It is either a mistake or a bug. Period.

Precursors, really?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Khaun.4321


Thanks everyone, this whole thread made me LOL. I love how easily everyone is manipulated by linking chat codes. I honestly laughed out loud at the 40% comments. Although all the 99% vs 1% comments kind of depresses me. Sad how the welfare state is creeping into everything, even video games. Oh and because I’ve been playing the game longer than half an hour I know that level 20 trial account characters can’t get level 80 exotics from drops so I’m not buying into that either. Please include screenshots in any replies.

Asura Engineer - A Loser's Jumping Puzzle Hero

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khaun.4321


Just 4 words: Engineer Rifle Jump Shot

Exactly, mesmer and engineer skills work. So why are all the others kittened? I could understand if it was a blanket ban.

EDIT: ROFL, it censored g i m p e d

Asura Engineer - A Loser's Jumping Puzzle Hero

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khaun.4321


necro worm pet can be used to blink through and across ANYthing

Hahahahahah, no. Our worm pet has a blink that has a very limited range, doesn’t work across gaps, doesn’t work across slight changes in altitude, and is supposed to AoE poison but actually does nothing.

Well that’s disappointing. I’m leveling a necro and I found the worm pet to be kind of useless in lower level pve but I tested it and was able to blink from outside a building back into it. Although, I did note the limited range I was still optimistic about its capabilities. This just reinforces my statement though. WHY? Why, why can’t it go across gaps?

Asura Engineer - A Loser's Jumping Puzzle Hero

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khaun.4321


I’ve always been bothered by this games hard line attitude toward using gimmick skills to cheat the terrain. I’m surprised that this skill works this way because in my experience I haven’t been able to jump gaps with either the ranger or the guardian leap skill. I don’t see why these kinds of skills even exist if they can’t be used in fun ways like this. And if the answer is that they don’t want them to be used to get to places that you aren’t supposed to, I direct your attention to the hundreds of invisible walls that infest this “fully explorable” world. Besides, the mesmer portal and necro worm pet can be used to blink through and across ANYthing so I’m really confused about the limitation on most other movement skills.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khaun.4321


The thing you’re failing to realize is for every person who hates this, there’s a person who loves it.

Yeah there’s 5600 posts in this thread because people are happy with the changes.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khaun.4321


When i read these comments i dont know whether i should cry or laugh , honestly , most of you complain about people whining , about how Anet is catering to people that didnt play GW1 , yada, yada, yada, yada.
Who the hell cares about GW1 , this is GW2 .
The problem is that most of you who are defending GW1 , complaining about change etc, etc , must really be bored because you waste your time here on the forums , WHINING like babies , the game needs new content and the game needs changes , Anet has seen it and 80 % of the other players who are not posting here have seen it , so if youre not happy , go play GW1.
I really think that its the feeble minded that complain about something that has’nt even been exposed yet , so dont judge , wait and see , kitten how backward can this get!!

And so you are complaining about the people complaining about the people complaining……I salute you sir, you are the bigger man.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khaun.4321


If agony is only a condition in the Fractal Dungeon, then I really don´t see where the big problem is.

But I promised myself to not join the hysterious theorycraftig before we actually see the new content and have some hard facts.

Plz continue with the hilarities. I just hope the DEVs aren´t too swayed by these forum “flash-mobs” and remember to stay on course with their own game design vision.

The anger has nothing to do with the infusion mechanic (although it is a non skill based gating mechanic which is bad.) People are upset because they have explicitly stated that there will eventually be a FULL (capitalized for the hundreds of posters who didn’t read the whole announcement) set of ascended gear which has higher stats then exotic. They have introduced a higher tier of gear that we MUST obtain if we want our characters to be the best they can. Sure you can just not get it but that’s not the point. The core concept of the gear system was that there was hard stat ceiling and you could grind out whatever set you wanted; they were all the same. Now the best set will be one specific type. UNACCEPTABLE. And now i’m going to bed because if I read one more person talk about how its only a back item and ring i’m going to smash my keyboard.

Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Khaun.4321


Beat it several times on my Norn and then once on my Human. The size of my human was definitely an issue but for some reason it felt easier on the human. I think because the targets I was jumping toward felt bigger. With my Norn it feels like i have less room for error.

Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Khaun.4321


Beat it several times on my Norn and then once on my Human. The size of my human was definitely an issue but for some reason it felt easier on the human. I think because the targets I was jumping toward felt bigger. With my Norn it feels like i have less room for error.

Best Way to Get Haunted Door Achievement?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Khaun.4321


Completing the Halloween Huntin achievement progresses the main achievement for the mad king title.

Will there be ANY way to get BLC content without BLCs?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Khaun.4321


I love when people complain about real money system. News flash, you can exchange in game gold for gems. If there was no way to buy stuff with real money and keys cost 1.5g then no one would complain. The amount of gold it costs to buy all the permanent upgrades like bank and inventory space is pitiful compared to their equivalent in other MMOs and I have done so with considerably less effort than in said MMOs.