(edited by Khristophoros.7194)
If only we could sit on chairs.
It’s funny but this feature alone would probably revitalize the RP community. lol
Oh, and thanks for the offer but what I really want is for my guild to become active again. We’re still friends outside of the game and we do other stuff. I just miss the stuff we did before. :P
(edited by Khristophoros.7194)
This isn’t flood control or anti-bot, it’s a technical limitation. If we could reduce it we would.
I’ve said this elsewhere before, but I don’t remember where.
I suggest improving/clarifying the error message so people don’t get the impression that they’ve tripped bot detection.
Hey thanks for the thoughtful reply.
On content. I know that ANet said they spent a lot of time designing systems with HoT to allow them to make content faster going forward. However, they’ve spent an awful lot of developer resources inventing and reinventing systems and features over the years since launch. Hopefully there will be less of that and more actual stuff to do going forward. I don’t think the game could survive endless reinvention at the cost of content. Maybe regular bursts of new content would bring some people back. Maybe not.
I really, really agree with this part of your post especially. Anet didn’t earn their success with perfectionism or second guessing themselves. They earned it by actually putting out content. That was how GW1 and pre-HoT GW2 were made.
This is not one of those “I am quitting because xyz” posts. I actually haven’t played GW2 as a game in months. What this is about is other people quitting. Why do I care? Because I really enjoyed the roleplaying community. I still logged on to GW2 for my guild’s RP events up until today when the decision was made by the guild leader to suspend all official RP activity and stop having weekly guild meetings. The reason is that there aren’t enough people still active in the RP community. My guild hasn’t had any events in months since the HoT hype completely dried up, so none of us were surprised about the decision.
So this is about the RP community dying due to just people getting bored and leaving the game in general. Most RPers play the game, so when there isn’t enough content being released and/or current content doesn’t keep people playing, we see a decline in the RP community as people log on less and less.
I have some specific criticisms, mostly based on my personal experience and why I don’t actually play anymore. This is not a list of “conditions which must be met for me to play again”. It’s just things I think could be improved which could lead to people getting interested in the game again.
HoT lack of content – It just didn’t add much content… Honestly, the price isn’t the issue. The issue is it was hyped up but barely added anything. It added a few very cool things like guild halls and the raid, but very few areas and not even a new city. In terms of creative design, you have a lot from GW1 to work with, yet you didn’t. I honestly don’t understand given that GW2’s monetization model is sustainable and adding a large content update would stimulate more gem purchases.
HoT grind – Most of the new gear that HoT added requires a lot of grind to obtain. I don’t know if this was meant to extend the amount of time people spend playing to compensate for the lack of actual content, but either way there are a lot of people who just don’t aren’t going to do it. I wanted certain things like viper’s gear but I lost interest in HoT well before I finished a set of armor. Another grind issue that didn’t push me away, but probably pushed others away was the amount of hero points required for maxing out an elite spec.
The Raid – I really enjoyed it, but I only actually killed one of the bosses before I lost interest in HoT. They are quite difficult and the only way I killed one was when an acquaintance took me with his guild for a few runs. I also tried pugging VG to get some more of that currency for the ascended gear, and the pug couldn’t kill the boss. Not that I minded, but just pointing out that it was probably too difficult for most pugs. I dunno if the meta has advanced by now but I don’t see this as very accessible content. That is fine if you have other content, but this is the only raid. So I think it would have been better to add multiple raids and have some of them be easier.
Discouraging people from playing Dungeons – I mean sure, the dungeons are probably still worth doing, but it’s about the message. When you basically tell people “this content is now deprecated. No more updates, oh and we nerfed the rewards.” that is just bad for your game in the long run. Sure, you may have pushed more people to play HoT but you shot yourselves in the foot in the long run.
So that’s pretty much all I have to say. Again, this isn’t a quitting post. I just wanted to give some feedback due to the situation with my guild.
So 1800 toughness is too much for druid? Because i geared my druid with clerics armor, rings and amulet and got 1800 toughness from that too. So i should equip magi armor instead?
Most tanks prefer to have like 1400-1600 so you’re forcing the tank to change their gear if you have full cleric’s.
He probably read that thief venom trait and has no clue how venoms work.
And the oppinion on Reapers onslaught vs Blighters boon?
Well I disagree with the above response to this question. I think Blighter’s Boon is great, but I mostly use dagger/horn which is a lot better at proccing sigil of strength than anything else. Also traited Wells and Spite. So it depends on your build. However, I find the healing from Blighter’s Boon to be the most important part. I can heal back to full while in shroud, making for an extremely strong sustain cycle.
But anyway, I opt to use Reaper’s Onslaught for PvE because I simply don’t need the sustain from Blighter’s Boon. I’d switch to it if I needed more sustain. It does that job pretty well if you have a lot of boon generation going.
Yeah considering all of the ways warrior has to block damage it should work. The question is can you bring PS and still tank? That would be the most useful type of warrior tank.
Signet of the Locust is ~6k heal when there are 5 enemies you know.
I do kind of feel that agro could be held in other ways. A debuff of whoever engages the target first for example.
The toughness based agro mechanic makes it hard for me to take ANY gear other than full glass. And lets face it. If your trying to complete content in a raid without a druid putting on a little toughness ain’t exactly horrible as long as you kill it before the enrage timer.
On that note however. It does give a purpose to toughness builds in a way. But in the end. They made it so that most of the mobs are so easy to tank through active defensive that the toughness can be completely irrelevant if your good at rolling cooldowns. It doesn’t even take skill to do it but mechanical knowledge and muscle memory since none of the bosses have anything that punishes the tank any more than its other attacks.
In other games bosses would often put some kind of debuff on a tank. Something that caused him to take more base damage for awhile, would cause his cooldowns to take longer to come back (chill would work >.> Would atleast require them to pay attention to there cleanses and cooldowns.), or have a quick cast unblockable attack it would occasionally use that bypassed shields but wasn’t a 1 shot. But it occurred quickly enough that if the tank got low it would finish him. And occured often enough that it was something the tank had to be constantly aware of.
Well I don’t think there’s a lack of skill required for the role. The tank’s job is to position the boss, and how the boss is positioned makes a huge difference for everyone in the raid.
Just a little heads up. My main account was banned for over a week, now has 30 minute flood control and can no longer send private messages. All because i mentioned these things in a post. Which then got deleted and infracted with 4 infraction points because i was talking about an “exploit”.
Nice excessive punishment on a vague topic open to interpretation. And it seems its only an exploit when certain people talk about it. :P
PS. I appealed saying “surely a deleted post and warning is enough since i had no way of knowing it was considered an exploit. Especially since others are talking about it openly with no punishment.” No response yet.
Thanks I guess I better delete the OP of this thread just to be safe.
Vampiric Aura is also a DPS increase, as well as sustain!
I don’t think it’s an increase compared to not having the Blood line, unless you’re a Wells necro, which I don’t think is a viable build due to terrible fields.
It’s viable and the fields are good. Lifesteal on projectiles is good. It increases DPS. You get 25 might without fire fields anyway. I like it on the tank. It provides protection to the melee guys in VG. You don’t want to teleport downed players to the tank’s position anyway.
Necromancer has easy rotations and survives really well even if the player has slow reaction time.
Toughness aggro would make sense if it was actually necessary to survive as a tank but a lot of builds don’t really need it. A necro can sustain purely with high vitality thanks to how shroud scales. And of course a chronomancer can survive via abilities.
Those facts don’t really make it harmful but it does feel kinda weird.
The harm it causes is the fact that healing power often comes with toughness. This limits healing builds because a bunch of the healing power combos contain toughness. Healers don’t need the toughness in this context but they end up having less options to choose from because they have to avoid affixes that have toughness.
Why not just have an object that the tank player interacts with to gain an aggro buff? It wouldn’t change much except allow healers to spec more freely.
To answer the question: probably not everybody.
You said yourself it was 1 person. That leaves 9 others, you included, who were just fine. Maybe you should have gotten rid of him earlier isntead of taking the abuse.
The real problem with the player base in this game, is that they’re not used to wiping on content for hours or having to work at difficult content. For the most part this game is easy, everything is just about handed to us on a nice gold diamond encrusted platter.
This is unfortunately very true.
On topic, and not wanting to nitpick, but 1,800 toughness is a lot. You should be running base toughness as much as possible. The problem is simple, the agro mechanic of the first boss is based straight on highest toughness. If you run 1,800 toughness, your tank needs to run 2,000. You both do less damage than you could.
As mentioned, usually tanks run 1,400-1,600 toughness (often full zerker with some knights trinkets to get the toughness needed). You are well advised to be below that value with about 200-300 toughness.
It also amazes me how all the praise for arenanet finally letting us “play the way we want” has disapeared. I remember page long posts of people here laughing at zerkers being required and praising the implementation of tanking thinking they could finally run their Soldier, Knights, Clerics or whatever gear in content.
Where are we now?
- unless you are tanking, you better have full damage gear of appropriate type (yes, zerkers won’t do any more. better have that condi gear ready too if your class demands it)
- the selection process has become even steeper
- the cutthroat attittude has become worse due to harder contentNow some players, myself included had warned about this happening. We got blamed that all we wanted was to stick to our “zerker meta” (which in hindsight was never as enforcing as the current situation is).
So here is my recommendation once again:
- play with friends and guildies (this is a big one)
- try to be informed and properly geared (not talking full ascended. but exotic armor and ascended trinkets is a good start. ascended weapons help too)
- have the appropriate buff food, and don’t be cheap. having second grade food is okay for tries, but make sure you bring the grade 1 stuff for serious tries
- don’t take abuse. leave if things turn sour
- do plan to invest 1-2 hours. nothing is more frustrating than having people leave after 2 failed attempts
This is 100% true. I ran knight’s necro before HoT and pugged my way to the dungeon master achievement (didn’t buy any arah paths either) and personal reward level 50 in fractals. And it wasn’t hard to stay in groups or get the content done. I rarely used other characters. I literally just played what I wanted to play.
Now I am lucky because my chosen thing is a valid tank for raids but generally my group prefers to have a chronotank. I’m also lucky that I enjoy the condi warrior so I can play that instead. But I’m just super lucky that the stuff I enjoy is effective. Most stuff sucks, especially the popular “muh a few soldier’s pieces mixed in my zerker” is now among the worst thing you can do.
Zerker was meta because it was the fastest, most efficient way to run content for rewards. It wasn’t like people actually forced other people to do it. I never had people asking me to ping gear or telling me that I didn’t do enough damage. The only thing I couldn’t do was join a “meta builds only” group as my necro since necro wasn’t meta.
All you have to do is take a party of 5 to 38 and kill the dredge on the first floor, once you have done that reset to dessa’s lab. My average was 5 globs an hour and about 10-15 gold worth of mats.
Sounds good I make around 50g per hour and not fighting involved, just gathering 2 maps with 4 chars.
god this game is boring now
In general, Rangers have weapons with lower coefficients used in calculating damage. This makes power scaling not as good as other classes. Reasoning is that pets are supposed to provide damage in compensation.
Specifically to your post, longbow actually is pretty good, but short bow is not really a power weapon and not that great with berserker stats.
Are there any pets that can compensate? I mean my ranger autos are so low that I can’t see a 20-30k rapid fire every cooldown making up for it.
I’ll enlighten you, since you seem to believe Necromancer deals more damage, thus believing burst and not statistics.
Numbers =/= damage.
Rangers are a class with high sustained damage dealt in low hits of rapid frequency with pet combined.That being said, Rangers belong to the higher DPS category. If you want to learn how to deal as much DPS as you can, search for “Frost Spotter Ranger”.
You’ll learn everything you might need either here at forums or anywhere on the internet, youtube included.
I mean just dagger autos with my necro. Even if I don’t use anything besides autoattacks on my necro, my ranger puts out lower numbers less frequently.
So tell me how to do damage as a ranger.
edit: @Shadelang ranger melee weapons have really low damage ratios on the auto chains so I really doubt they beat shortbow or longbow.
So… give up on power damage? Condi ranger is good?
(edited by Khristophoros.7194)
Ranger is my least played profession. I have one at level 80 and I put full berserker’s exotics on him. It seems like no matter what I do with traits, Longbow and Shortbow both do extremely low damage. My necro in full knight’s actually does more damage.
What is the trick to getting damage out of a ranger?
Let’s face it, no matter how many different, seemingly equal fractals there are, people will always gravitate towards some that are considered easiest/quickest by the masses. Just look at how many people used to be farming CoF p1 despite the fact that there were similarly easy/quick and more fun (but probably less well-known) dungeon paths around. Look at other games and their dungeons, there’s always some considered the “best to farm” (even if they aren’t, they’re just the most well-known to cheese a lot of times).
There’s really no way to “force” people to play everything. Some people do, simply because they enjoy changing things up. Others don’t because they feel the need to do a kind of optimized farm. Taking the (for me personally) much more flexible system that lets you choose your own fractal instances away from everyone just to push those that optimize to the point of ruining their own fun won’t help anyone.
But there’s really not that much difference to what we had before. I was at rewards level 50 before the update, but I’ve played next to none of the instabilities, because the only groups I could reasonably get (considering the to me huge time-investment high-level fractals meant back then) would play nothing but 40+50. The only other instabilities I ever saw were an occasional 38 or 49, but even those were rare.
If things are closer to equal it’s easier to fill a group for the less popular stuff. Like before when everyone did dungeons, you could fill any dungeon group even though CoF P1 was the farm status one.
Well for dungeons a big part of it was that each one had its own daily. So maybe they should do that for fractals.
Swamp isn’t the easiest it’s the fastest.
The easiest is jade maw.
Get your facts right!I dunno man, Jade Maw requires more player input. Swamp is pretty chill since you can just stand on the stick and press 1 while doing something else. On maw you actually have to look at the screen and stuff.
Even if you do mossman legit you can just play a reaper and not worry about dodging or mechanics.
Most of the DPS loss against raid bosses is from people getting downed or pressured so a class that is naturally more resilient is actually really useful.
They’re going to abandon it once they realize they can’t fix it. That’s why they abandoned dungeons. That’s also why they gave up on GW1.
What Anet does is they make something cool that works pretty well, then the players find some abusive, degenerate strategies and it needs to be fixed. Anet attempts to fix it, but they always fail at this point. They don’t have a deep enough understanding of the issues so they end up missing the mark, usually making it worse in the process. After maybe a few more attempts to fix it, they throw their hands up, declare the content fundamentally flawed, and abandon it.
Once Raids are deemed a failure they’ll move on to GW3 or another IP.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the first raid and I’m sure I’ll love the next ones but eventually players will break them and Anet won’t be able to fix them, like always.
Some of you guys are hilarious, trying to defend this garbage.
Like if Anet added a new fractal that was literally just 1 veteran and then after you kill it you completed the fractal, they’d defend that too. “I just want my dailies I don’t wanna play the game”
You’re a joke if you defend this.
I’m sure this is 100% a constructive argument and not a personal attack on people who do log on just to play their dailies and then have to get off. Seriously, lay off and don’t enforce your way of playing on everybody else. The higher tier fractals will see more play when they aren’t absolutely terrible due to toughness scaling. Nobody wants to do higher tier fractals because just one fractal takes forever unless you have condi builds.
Before the toughness problem everyone always rolled swamp first. So that isn’t the reason. The reason is people will always do the fastest thing possible and avoid doing anything unnecessary.
Anyway why should the rewards be the same for somebody who only logs in for their dailies? Should this philosophy be applied to every part of the game too? If not, why only fractals?
Its good the way it is, it’s not even a “grind” I made my ascended set in like 1 month just playing normally and having fun.
I´m curious how you managed to do that?
Ascended set including leveling crafting is like 800- 900g now.
That means you would have to atleast make 30g every single day for an entire month. Getting 30g a day takes me roughly four to five hours of Silverwastes farming including doing the event to buy keys.
Here’s a hint, sell the stuff from your bank. If you are making less than 10g per hour with silverwastes, you aren’t selling stuff or are afk half the time.
But yes, 1 month for ascended if you want to craft ALL of it would be quite expensive at the moment. How lucky that there is ascended boxes in many different game modes and getting 1-2 drops per month is very doable.
The fact that you have to farm silverwastes instead of do what you want is the problem.
Oh, I never said you couldn’t do other things. Play any of the new maps, or play some of the old. Everything works.
My respons was simply to one of the considered “best farms currently” getting missrepresented to dramatize a point (the point being that players need to grind massively).
As is, if you don’t go on regular wild spending sprees, gold will accumulate and you’ll be able to afford ascended armor.
that being said, 80+% of the stat bonuses from ascended are not even from armor, but from trinkets and weapons. Both of which are a fraction of the cost of full ascended armor. Maybe start with that?
I have ascended trinkets for most things but to make a good condi build it requires hours spent doing the story which I don’t enjoy.
Its good the way it is, it’s not even a “grind” I made my ascended set in like 1 month just playing normally and having fun.
I´m curious how you managed to do that?
Ascended set including leveling crafting is like 800- 900g now.
That means you would have to atleast make 30g every single day for an entire month. Getting 30g a day takes me roughly four to five hours of Silverwastes farming including doing the event to buy keys.
Here’s a hint, sell the stuff from your bank. If you are making less than 10g per hour with silverwastes, you aren’t selling stuff or are afk half the time.
But yes, 1 month for ascended if you want to craft ALL of it would be quite expensive at the moment. How lucky that there is ascended boxes in many different game modes and getting 1-2 drops per month is very doable.
The fact that you have to farm silverwastes instead of do what you want is the problem.
Some of you guys are hilarious, trying to defend this garbage.
Like if Anet added a new fractal that was literally just 1 veteran and then after you kill it you completed the fractal, they’d defend that too. “I just want my dailies I don’t wanna play the game”
You’re a joke if you defend this.
When I did AC first time my group spent like 2 hours on Kholer until we quit. When I did Gorseval first time we got it on second try.
Not to mention a huge amount of topics complaning about too hard dungeon difficulty and oneshots.
Well I am not asking for a nerf to Spirit Vale. I actually enjoy it. I just want some other raids that aren’t as hardcore.
Or just remake the dungeons to have similar mechanics and enforce roles.
Its good the way it is, it’s not even a “grind” I made my ascended set in like 1 month just playing normally and having fun.
I´m curious how you managed to do that?
Ascended set including leveling crafting is like 800- 900g now.
That means you would have to atleast make 30g every single day for an entire month. Getting 30g a day takes me roughly four to five hours of Silverwastes farming including doing the event to buy keys.
He probably did it before the prices went up. I did too.
I’d like to see him get a full viper’s set though. Anet seriously has to be joking with this. Not only is it overpowered, but it’s extremely expensive/grindy to get.
Also this reminds me. John Smith, stop acting like you’re some kind of supergenius. Your control of the GW2 economy is laughable. It’s as though you don’t even pay attention. Quartz was climbing for a year, the supply so low that individuals were able to manipulate the price on a whim. Like somebody could drop 30 bucks on gems just to kitten with the quartz prices just because they felt like it.
So what did you do? Did you add more quartz? NO YOU LITERALLY ADDED A HUGE QUARTZ SINK. L O L
(edited by Khristophoros.7194)
You should check out this site: http://guildwars2roleplayers.com/
What you mean grind living story? do you know what grind is? you literally do it once.
And I literally feel like killing myself after getting halfway through one of the missions. It’s literally that boring. Literally.
And like I said, it’s great that some people enjoy it. But why the kitten do those of us who don’t enjoy it have to do it to get a specific ascended amulet? That’s not “play your way” that’s “PLAY OUR STORY WE THINK ITS COOL SO YOU HAVE TO PLAY IT”
And let me add that when I play with people every single time the discussion on voice chat ends up being about how annoying all this stuff is, because guess what. The people who want to do raids don’t want to do living story, and they don’t want to farm for mats. Guess what they actually want to spend their time doing. Seriously can anyone guess? I’ll give you a hint, I just said the exact thing they’d rather do earlier in this paragraph.
(edited by Khristophoros.7194)
Like Living Story and etc is not content….Just because you don’t care about certain content, it’s there and someone is enjoying it.
That’s great but I don’t enjoy it so why are the rewards I need for totally different content tied to it?
And raids are among the more hardcore content ppl were asking for, it’s not for everyone now and they’ll go nowhere if you don’t have the gear now, work for it, like most of us, you can experience it eventually + you can get gear by different methods.
Nobody said “We want harder PvE that requires massive grind before we can do it!” People just said “We want more challenging PvE so we don’t just faceroll it with 5 zerkers while half asleep”
One of the biggest advantages that GW and GW2 had over other MMOs is that you could get your character’s build maxed out easily and then go do all the content. Unfortunately GW2 has been moving away from this with certain gear affixes being expensive/time consuming, hero points (even after the change), ascended items, and various things being gated behind time consuming things.
It makes no sense to me because the difficulty of raids is greatly affected by how much DPS the party can deal, so you end up with part of the challenge being how much grind you can tolerate before you just say it’s not worth it.
The challenge of a raid should purely be two things.
1) The mechanics and player skill.
2) The strategy. What your team comp is and how well you understand how to play it.
Currently one thing is the biggest offender to what I’m talking about. Viper’s stats, and the ascended condi accessories you have to grind PvE to get (living story, etc…)
But even setting up any ascended gear on a character is expensive, especially with people wanting it so badly now that the mats have gone up. This wouldn’t be so bad if you could bring one single build to everything, but with 3 main roles in the raid and various sub-roles, people are finding that they need several builds.
It’s not necessarily the case that ascended is “required” but the fact that you’re competing with people who have it to get into pugs, and even to keep your spot in a static group.
We need to move back to the what GW had and GW2 started with, which was you do the content that you enjoy and you get your rewards from that. You shouldn’t have to go do some other content you’re not interested in. That’s why I’m calling it grind, because I don’t happen to enjoy most of the content that I’m being pushed to do by the way rewards are distributed.
LOL everyone who had fissure armor cheesed it in some way.
I used to be in a group that would escort people to the forge and they’d pay us a lot of gold. They of course bought their gold or scammed people for it. Anyone who’d farmed that much gold would be more than capable of getting to the forge in a PUG.
Dungeons and Fractals ARE your easier Raids.
The problem is that anet basically killed dungeons and fractals. And yet there are people out who want to do instanced group content but don’t have a high skill level, not much time, or just want to do some easy content. Of course those players also want to have some content that’s worth playing.
An easy solution would be to give dungeons back their rewards, but that probably will never happen.
Well if I just wanted decent rewards I’d do the fast dungeon paths because they’re still worth it.
Not like you could look for people or join a guild who are willing to try out your stuff. Raids are made for organized groups, so get organized.
That’s not realistic. People aren’t willing to try stuff.
Dungeons and Fractals ARE your easier Raids.
No they’re just 5 zerker facerolls.
I’d welcome remakes to those that make them more like Spirit Vale.
You mean that you could complete those without dodge and you would only need to use two skills? Cof1 is harder than VG.
I mean at least with VG you need a tank which opens up different types of builds. The healer role would also be interesting but most professions are terrible at it… But it could be interesting if they fix that.
But the point is, dungeons and fractals don’t require multiple roles. Everyone is just DPS. That’s the big difference.
Dungeons and Fractals ARE your easier Raids.
No they’re just 5 zerker facerolls.
I’d welcome remakes to those that make them more like Spirit Vale.
I like having a group content that is more organized with actual roles. The problem with the first raid is it’s not accessible to everyone. You basically can’t pug it.
That’s fine but it would be nice to have some more accessible group content with the same concepts.
Like, I want to try a bunch of different builds on VG because the fight allows characters dedicated to tanking or healing to matter. But you know nobody’s going to take a tank that isn’t like a standard reaper or chronomancer, let’s be real. Why should they trust some random dude with his ranger tank or warrior tank or whatever?
Pugs aside, you can theoretically try stuff with your static group or guild if you have one. But let’s also be real on this too. Most guilds or organized groups don’t trust that one crazy guy in their group who wants to innovate, or they’re very impatient with the results.
So I mean, let’s be real here. The only people who will innovate and push new builds are the top 0.01% of players who have smashed the raid so many times that they’re bored and they’re willing to try whatever their members feel like.
That’s why we need some similar content that’s easier and pug friendly, because we’re all bored of running 5 zerkers and facerolling fractals/dungeons and soon enough the novelty of the raid will wear off and we’ll be tired of being forced to run meta builds in it, but it’ll be the only thing anyone’s willing to do because of the difficulty.
People only do swamp now. Both for dailies and raising personal reward level.
Swamp has always been a problem because it’s so fast and easy. As long as people view it as equivalently rewarding to the other fractals they’ll always spam it. Same with the other fast/easy ones.
If you change things so we have to do different fractals to get our dailies, people will still always do 1 swamp. It’ll probably be swamp, molten boss, and molten furnace.
Meh I already lost interest in the idea. LOL
You can just abuse multiple mesmer portals as well if you want. As much as its a cool idea i dont really fancy the low dps and poor orb clearing of that party.
You can probably clear orbs pretty well with multiple life transfers
i am down to try this. i have been meaning to try out my Tank set that i specifically made for raids. def hit me up in-game.
The only ascended stuff I have for my necro is a tank set. But my weapons are zerker’s so I guess I could go exotic armor + ascended trinkets.
Do you guys have anyone else interested?
Is this on EU or NA?
I am on NA, but I don’t have anyone yet.
If I really wanted gold I’d just spam dungeons I guess. The quick paths still beat everything else in the game.
People need to realize that SE 1 can be done in literally 5-10 min.
If you do it please film it. I would join myself but I woud l have to beat the vale guardian first.
I don’t know many necro players which is why I posted this. Nobody seems interested though.
The problem isn’t that you want to play a tank build. The problem is that you’re expecting people to take you when they’re currently looking for DPS. Maybe you’ll find a group looking for a tank and you can play your guardian with them. But if you wanna get in raids you should be flexible and play multiple roles.
No, I am not “expecting” anything actually, and I’m pretty dang flexible
The “problem” as you put it is that there are more players than not demanding “15k+ APs Fully Ascended Berserker Gear, to be PINGED to the squad leader before he even admits you into the party.” THAT’S the problem.
That to me is going passed being an Elite and going straight to Elitist Mode. The moment these start adding specie restriction to the mix, they’ll have graduated cracking whips.
If you’re flexible that means you’d be willing to swap to a glass cannon character to fill a role that the raid needs.
I’m not sure about the 15k AP thing because I only play with my group but that sounds kinda ridiculous and I don’t think most groups would be asking for it.
Well, I am not a tank, per se, at least I don’t think I am… that’s what some friends just say is all.
I like to play alone, I play alone 98% of my time, and in playing alone, when I have a reputable Toughness count and anywhere from 29,000 to 32,000, it ensures that if anything, I have good odds of coming out of my battles alive. That works for me, I’m fine with that, I don’t care that it takes me a bit longer to kill something.
But say, with my Guardian, same set up, she has 30,000 health but also a healing rate that when I do, say Grenth or Lyssa, Dwayna or whatever, it is repaid by the amount of people thanking me for keeping them alive, so… how would this not be an asset to the new Metas? Sure, I don’t deal out the damage but I do protect and heal you… isn’t that a benefit to everyone?
I may not be a Death Dealer, but to me, I am making sure that my fellow death dealer stays alive long enough to… deal death… shrugs
Raids work differently than the open world content.
The biggest difference you have to consider is that the boss only attacks the player with the highest toughness stat (the stat that adds to your armor, not your health)
There is other damage going on, but it’s not very much and most of it is highly avoidable.
The bosses need to be killed relatively fast and their fights are full of mechanics that wipe the party for messing up certain aspects of the fight. So the longer the fight takes, the more chances you have to mess up and wipe.
So when people are looking for players to fill up the raid they will only want one tank. The other players don’t take enough damage to need any armor or health. Maybe a little health mixed in from Valkyrie’s or Carrion (depending on condi or power) but most people are fine with 100% glass cannon.
The point is, a second tank in the raid serves no purpose.
The problem isn’t that you want to play a tank build. The problem is that you’re expecting people to take you when they’re currently looking for DPS. Maybe you’ll find a group looking for a tank and you can play your guardian with them. But if you wanna get in raids you should be flexible and play multiple roles.