Showing Posts For Killigraphy.3075:

Anti Casual

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Killigraphy.3075


um its not, everything can be completed by casuals

Tier 3 weapons….would like to have a talk with you.

Heaven cannot brook two suns, nor Earth two masters.

Increase Sticks of Butter drops.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Killigraphy.3075


i throw out butter or sell it to vendor. Too many to hold

An anecdotal response is all forums come with, I’m gonna need some proof there fella, mobs you’re killing for it?, time it took to gather? I mean I can be vacuous aswell.


When you learn Cooking you are informed it requires more time and resources than other professions. Thus your comparison to Armorsmithing is invalidated.

Again, I’m addressing the early levels, a profession (even if regarded as ‘hard’) should be versatile and fun at the beginning. Keep in mind that I’m talking about an ingredient to help you catch some experience early.

Heaven cannot brook two suns, nor Earth two masters.

Why punish crafters ?

in Crafting

Posted by: Killigraphy.3075


Other MMOs don’t even allow changing crafting professions unleass you are willing to lose all your progress… People today just want to have everything, no work eh?

And yet others MMO’s, reward the players for crafting with fun recipes early on. We can address the giant rainbow colored Elephant in the room; WoW for all of its pro’s and con’s, has a fun crafting system because its fun and versatile early on. Sure no one likes farming for mats, but at least when I did so, it was to boost my craft into higher levels or help myself and others in major ways.

The truth here, is that the devs messed up big time, and people exploited simple ways to level just by crafting. Its really not the fault of the players because the devs decided to not scale exp enough.

Heaven cannot brook two suns, nor Earth two masters.

Increase Sticks of Butter drops.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Killigraphy.3075


Probably been posted before, didn’t find anything on it in this forum. While I’m sure plenty of players exploited butter to hit higher levels, I just want the ability to use a profession entirely during the early levels. WoW destroys GW2 in this particular aspect. If I can’t buy an ingredient early on, I should be able to farm some mobs for desired item, and it shouldn’t take me two hours.

This is a fundamental flaw in the professions in general(Armorsmithing doesn’t feel the pain of the curve as copper is found every where). I get that the devs messed up the amount of exp you get from said profession(s) but that shouldn’t nerf me from having fun trying to build on an aspect that is consider a corner stone of many MMO’s. Crafting is fun, when done right, its especially rewarding when you can still feel versatile during the early levels (1-20).

Heaven cannot brook two suns, nor Earth two masters.

Available: Combat Mod+,UI,MouseTrap

in Suggestions

Posted by: Killigraphy.3075


I wouldn’t mind some UI modifications in game. I just wish to move some things around, like the map and chat box. Still can’t see how the many fascists on here think everyone should have the same UI, as if moving the mini-map around is going to make you better at the game.

Heaven cannot brook two suns, nor Earth two masters.

"Kill" stealing with dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Killigraphy.3075


How about communicating with others and joining teams? MMO <—-doesn’t mean; “I’m the only players that deserves this”

Heaven cannot brook two suns, nor Earth two masters.

In my opinion, this game requires too much grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Killigraphy.3075


Anet’s solution; Never address the issue directly, and or have conversations with actual players, Close topic. Must be fun.

Heaven cannot brook two suns, nor Earth two masters.

Condition Damage

in Warrior

Posted by: Killigraphy.3075


Linking a video from July 2012, with players who had no idea what conditions were, is not a valid argument.

My point was that its viable, so yes it is a valid point. Nice try though.

Heaven cannot brook two suns, nor Earth two masters.

A Daily Stipend...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Killigraphy.3075


As the title implies, I (and many others I’ve asked) wouldn’t mind a form of keeping the players paid for keeping with the game and doing “quests”. Now this nothing new, Final Fantasy 8 has this very system, and it works, so long as you keep fighting monsters in that world. I would imagine the equivalent being; doing dailies or killing random event monster.

I feel like the low levels are so unrewarding when it comes to “cash” that it makes grinding for said jobs, tedious. I like many other players enjoy jobs like; Armor smithing, cooking, etc. The low levels don’t exactly lend to jobs like cooking, especially with the lack of buying butter, but I digress.

A stipend of reasonable pay that one could increase or decreases over time(due to inactivity) would be nice to see.

Heaven cannot brook two suns, nor Earth two masters.

Condition Damage

in Warrior

Posted by: Killigraphy.3075


running a condition warrior handicaps you.

While everything else was presented beautifully by you, here is where we disagree and where I have to emphasize that what I quoted is opinion;

Condition Warriors are viable.

Heaven cannot brook two suns, nor Earth two masters.

Condition Damage

in Warrior

Posted by: Killigraphy.3075


Wouldn’t it be easier to just do both fire and bleed conditions? (Bow + Shield/Sword)

Heaven cannot brook two suns, nor Earth two masters.

Warrior or guardian?

in Warrior

Posted by: Killigraphy.3075


Guardians are like the Paladins of WoW, they heal themselves and others quite easily and you pretty much understand the dynamic very early on. They can summon pets and or “familiars” (one at a time for a duration) that help with dmg.

Warriors are just that, they head into the fray and wipe out everything in their path, however, they deal in dmg mitigation and toughness, NOT heals. They kill things quick (Berserker) and take tons of dmg.

I find Guardians easily more likeable, the regen and healing per hit drew me in immediately, as a player who has Tanked over a decade, its good to see a tank that can handle any situation by himself with some regen. However as is par for the course, a Paladin-type will always be on a stepping stone above Warriors for me. It just makes sense Heals + Plate > Plate + Shouts.

Heaven cannot brook two suns, nor Earth two masters.

I can't call it personal story.

in Personal Story

Posted by: Killigraphy.3075


Let’s be honest here, its not you’re story till you can write about in Bio section of your character. This is all meta thinking but that’s what I loved about City Of Heroes, yes you had you’re own tale, but you also had a description of who you were, what you did and how you planned on going out.

I like the story arcs in GW2 but its missing a few things.

Heaven cannot brook two suns, nor Earth two masters.

Can't buy butter from vendor anymore...?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Killigraphy.3075


I’m gonna bump this simply because its ridiculous to level a profession without the ingredients to do so. I don’t wish to grind mobs into oblivion just to get my digital stick of butter. Seriously, the whole “anti-grind” angle is starting to feel like the old bait and switch.

Heaven cannot brook two suns, nor Earth two masters.

Guild Wars 2 Is Not Grind-Heavy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Killigraphy.3075


OP you’re completely leaving out the early levels of the game where quests turn into “Kill x amount of X” or “Kill the x boss”.

Heaven cannot brook two suns, nor Earth two masters.

In my opinion, this game requires too much grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Killigraphy.3075


The problem is, this game isn’t WoW (thankfully) but still, the gold grind is very apparent, and the bigger question still…how to fix it? After all, most of the really rich people in game right now, are either massively hacking/exploiting/botting/lucky? or playing the markets exceptionally hard.

Its WoW lite, sure there may not be the HT but many of the quests/jobs/classes are extremely similar but I digress. The solution is simple. “Quests” need to reward more copper or even silver during the lower levels(1-20). The players need to feel comfortable investing in a profession instead of penny pinching just because they haven’t done every daily and quest in said area.

Or a stipend system ala Final Fantasy 8 comes to mind. For example; special quests you complete add more to your daily stipend. This would still be a sort of “lite grind” but at least its to further advance how much zamolians you could get, basically you decide your level of payment.

Heaven cannot brook two suns, nor Earth two masters.

Predict the balance future re: warriors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Killigraphy.3075


Warriors will always feel the nerf hammer the hardest. A class the relies on stance switching and lack of strong healing usually does. It’s the same in WoW, expect Warriors to be overlooked for quite a while. Especially in a world full of Guardians and Necos

Heaven cannot brook two suns, nor Earth two masters.

In my opinion, this game requires too much grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Killigraphy.3075


I find it hilarious and still saddening that the Devs released with; “No Holy Trinity” , but still keep the same archaic form of grinding gold. I’m not saying give gold away, but it isn’t exactly easy earning it. Yes you could always auction for it, but even then that very notion supports my point. Nothing is really done to break the monotony of grinding for gold yet again…on another MMORPG.

Heaven cannot brook two suns, nor Earth two masters.