Showing Posts For Killver.7653:

Being in Tier 1 doesn't mean anything.

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


The reason for that is the presence of Vizunah, it’s just not fun to play against them.

I really enjoy NA T1 this week, thre equally matched servers that are also up for some action. So much better than fighting running Vizunas.

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


I dislike these queues…

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


Wow you really get kitteny after taking SM back?

The story behind it:

VoTF taking SM
VoTF wiping HB
HB leaving map bcz they cry
VoTF leaves map
HB comes back
HB takes SM
HB happy

Afaik he just wanted some people in SM to fight, no reason to get so upset.

Yes you wiped us, well played and congratulations. But next time you can also add the fact that you outnumbered us 2:1 if not more

Always finding excuses that are not true. But well, keep it easy. Still were some great fights, even though unfortunately just a few.

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


I wish it was a better word than kitten.

Well the forum software replaces certain words with kitten

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


Awesome fight @ Jade Quarry Valley!

Until you pathetic EMP players decided to spam Golem in a Box in mass at us. Good indication of how bad your guild really is.

But thanks for the bags.

Someone has to start this every week. Thats cute though. Remind us how bad we are next time you’re locked out of your borderlands.

But really, do everyone a favor and keep your negative comments off the forums. It doesn’t do anyone good. You can trash talk all you want but all that really matters is the score at the end of the week.

Well, you are right ofc. Doesn’t change the fact that it’s really, really lame.

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


@ Aneu
This was all on resetday(so friday) my guild arent in wvw everyday unfortunately….so i hope you can rewind…cus i always get my fact straight hehe.

Thanks for your info about OSC i wondered what happend.

The -only- time FG wiped us on Reset was with 39 KAZ, 10 man IRON a full raid of yours and other deso pugs. We were 24 at that time. Also OSC wasnt on the map – Your facts really need a recheck (Check our videos, we posted that wipe up plus all the other times we fought you.)


haha then you are mistaken mate…try to record everything next time;) wiped you 4 times to be exact…i think one was even alot of fun…you guys were sieging briar with alot of VOTF and you had balistas up….ahh well you may be in denial….can’t fight against that;)
See ya ingame.

Killing one single afk straggler doesn’t count man :P

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


Well, that’s how I was expecting it. Personally, I am not willed to stay up late during a tough working week just to win this matchup, and I feel many more on SFR are feeling the same way.

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


How do you expect us to focus on Vizunah when you SFR are pushing us at the same time, please don’t bother with your maths lesson. If you think we’re going to sit back and let you play fiddle then you’re mistaken. So congrats to you both on putting us were we “deserve” to be. The day will come when VS and Deso put aside our longstanding enmity and put you back where you belong.

Strange as I spent a lot of the afternoon chasing the same failsquad of EXG off SFR owned supply camps whilst viz was ravaging your territory….

Des have always had an overinflated view of their ability -nt as bad as BT mind you. They were truly awful.

Now lets just focus on hating Viz – yet to find a server with anything positive to say about them.

Elona loves them. So keep them out of T1!!!!!

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


Another week another conspiracy theory.
Last night reset was awesome. Us and SFR trading leads back and forth.
Seems like Vizu never went to sleep though.
Early days yet

It’s their usual strategy. Many skipß reset and start a whole day saturday raid in the morning.

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


Deso In T2 next week ? Keep focusing SFR guys… are saving us….

That would bring us another hiding in keep T1…not that much fun. But at the moment it looks like that will be the case.

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Desolation vs Vizunah vs Seafarer's

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


You really fall for that RG troll?

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Desolation vs Vizunah vs Seafarer's

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


Btw do we know where PRX is going too?? Really sad they left T1 had some good fights against them……what happend?? or would i open een dramabox? hehe

No drama involved. We all time knew that it was just a step on their journy on our server. We love them!

About details a PRX member should tell you more. Not my business to do so (regarding where they move etc.)

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Desolation vs Vizunah vs Seafarer's

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


did PRX leave sfr?

if so, next week should be interesting, VS usually night caps every alternate week.

It’s useless to play any mystery around this.

Yes, they did leave us. Personally, I want to thank them as they have been a great addition to our community and always have been great and awesome folks. GL in the future!

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Desolation vs Vizunah vs Seafarer's

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


We will get you soon VZ!

Will be extremely tight matchups next week(s)! Looking forward to it.

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Desolation vs Vizunah vs Seafarer's

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


VoTF having a guild meeting in Hills for hours last night, not doing anything useful (except holding bay, so not entirely useless I guess)..from an outsiders perspective that showed a lot of disrespect to the rest of the server as well as an attitude that you think you are ‘leet’. Maybe you just didn’t think about it (or didn’t care), but you lost a lot of respect pulling that stunt. May as well join the jump puzzle campers. Not impressed. The rest of us got on with things, fighting off bigger numbers and holding stuff despite your ‘guild meeting’. You become an OOR (Object of Ridicule) on our vent for last night, grats!

Hmm that sounds harsher than it should, sorry I know you guys are capable of doing a good job. Please continue the good fight.

I don’t understand why you need to post such things in a public forum. If you have a problem with it just approach us in private. During our meeting we were all time aware of the situation on the map. If needed, we defended stuff (e.g., against IRON hills and tower). I guess you have not seen anything of us switching to another server meanwhile, so no need to worry, we have done our job during the meeting and moved out afterwards to wipe the foes.

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


The rumors are true by 50%. The agreement was concluded only between rusian guilds of Seafarer and Deso. They fight only against the VS and do not capture objects allies.

I am very disappointed because I wanted deserved 1st place for my server w/o 2vs1.

rumors are true by 50%


Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


VS strategy in a nutshell:

-Abuse Culling
-Abuse Culling
-Abuse Culling some more
-More culling abuse
-Spend some time thinking they are good
-Resume abuise of culling.

You forgot that they send a 20 man guild to transfer to SFR to afk at EB JP … that’s so bad

Sure….and obviously, you took a screenshot of that ?

Poor little thing…

Why should anyone come up with a thing like that? I cant get to EB Jp now, ill try to get a screen tomorrow. But maybe someone else has one.

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


VS strategy in a nutshell:

-Abuse Culling
-Abuse Culling
-Abuse Culling some more
-More culling abuse
-Spend some time thinking they are good
-Resume abuise of culling.

You forgot that they send a 20 man guild to transfer to SFR to afk at EB JP … that’s so bad

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


At least I am so happy about my decision at the start to join a international server instead of a German speaking one (I am German speaking).

<3<3<3 SFR community

Let’s dominate the next weeks and prove them all wrong that we are a one-time-wonder.

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


atleast we dont ask people to play the game for us cause we fail hard

so stop this and move on

its just another “shipjumping” server – nothing to see here

I dont get it. Elaborate pls.

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


Yo Elona.

Should I remind you of this matchup:

You got crushed without the help of any NA guild.

Now just focus on playing and not on crying.

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


Now your NA ppl give you another advantage, their New Year starts 6-9 hours later …

I don’t see your point? About 90% of the players will leave between 6 to 8pm, so will they do.

Oh oh^^, may I help you with some computation:
“6 to 8pm” in North Amerika is not now, but in 6-9 hours,
and their 0am is in 11-14 hours.

They should have plenty of time getting some pts for you, while we are in New year break, AND do their new year evening afterwards.

Haha, no worries. I am aware of the different time zones. The thing that I am saying is that you won’t see a strong night force from us this night and furthermore, PRX usually does not have any organized raid during the day. So this will for sure not have a high impact. I am more worried about the frenchies this night.

But basically I don’t care. Enjoy new years eve. Spend it with your girl or boy and have a nice night

I am looking forward to this matchup when holidays are over (dont forget that russians celebrate christmas on 6th and 7th January). Anyway, it is a blast as always

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


Now your NA ppl give you another advantage, their New Year starts 6-9 hours later …

I don’t see your point? About 90% of the players will leave between 6 to 8pm, so will they do.

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


So now let’s see if the frenchies abandon new years eve

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest/Elona Reach

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


Germans bandwagoning the french trakittenalk. So cute

You really want only PvD at night? Be happy that you can fight PRX. But well, if Vizunah could PvD all the time they would be so happy, because they only play for score.

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


VS deserve the most respect as a server. They have maintained their T1 status from week 1 and continue to push for T1 victories. Their achievements far outweigh yours.

and this without any external assistance by US/RU players.

Ill take all your unemployed frenchies with kisses

Don’t take this serious Keep up the great work VS, BT and SFR. Hoping for another great week, but don’t let your families suffer

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Original culling behavior has been restored.

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


The trial culling system was way, way better for me. The whole last week it was just pure horror for me regarding culling.

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


Oh god that just feels so good! That’s how we roll!

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


I normally don’t care about such stuff, but why is BT helping Vizunah to gain 1st place?

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


Great fun the last 2-3 hours on BT BL. Constantly switching between Redbriar and Bay fighting against huge zergs and finally gaining momentum and turning the whole thing around! That’s how I always expect T1 to be and that’s how it should be. Cheers to Vizu and BT!

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


to Blacktide and Vizunah Square


At least, they don’t need US player to rise them…

Oh come on, please stop that stuff finally. You are ticking more in night than we do and we have achieved T1 without help of PRX.

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

8.12.12 SFR v BB v ER

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


My resume until now: Spains love their Arah’s Hope!

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

8.12.12 SFR v BB v ER

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


Game over already due to the many oversea guilds on SFR and Baruch.

Lol, so why are we ticking 3 times more than you in a timeslot where no oversea guild is playing? But well, that’s typical german behavior, giving up early. I want deso back!

You want to start another flame war? It’s fact. Live with it.
Also why you have more population? Maybe because SFR is an international server?

Nope, I don’t. I just cant stand that whiny behavior of german servers. Just face the battle, nothing to change here and try your best.

You mean like SFR fought last time they reached t2 and got dominated and nightcapped by arborstone?
You barely reached the 200 points, even during primetime
This match is pretty pointless. SFR having russian(no problem with it) and now american (just pathetic) presence. How do you think we can compete with this as a 1 timezone server?

I can understand your feelings, but there is still no point in giving up.

Nobody is giving up. But you wrote that you are ticking with three times more points during morning/forenoon when no overseas guilds are playing. Maybe, just maybe the reason for this is, that most of us played yesterday till late at night, and have to sleep sometime. We have no americans who do the work for us during night, while our european players can sleep.
And if that is “typical german behaviour” may i ask for your nationality to write down some prejudices about it?

Soory, man don’t take it so harsh. I just had the feeling that you are giving up already. Just keep it going and keep the flames away (it also doesn’t help your server if you always point out your lack of forces etc). With typical german behavior I was referring to gw2 german behavior. I am btw Austrian.

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

8.12.12 SFR v BB v ER

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


Game over already due to the many oversea guilds on SFR and Baruch.

Lol, so why are we ticking 3 times more than you in a timeslot where no oversea guild is playing? But well, that’s typical german behavior, giving up early. I want deso back!

You want to start another flame war? It’s fact. Live with it.
Also why you have more population? Maybe because SFR is an international server?

Nope, I don’t. I just cant stand that whiny behavior of german servers. Just face the battle, nothing to change here and try your best.

You mean like SFR fought last time they reached t2 and got dominated and nightcapped by arborstone?
You barely reached the 200 points, even during primetime
This match is pretty pointless. SFR having russian(no problem with it) and now american (just pathetic) presence. How do you think we can compete with this as a 1 timezone server?

I can understand your feelings, but there is still no point in giving up.

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

SFR/Deso/BB - 01.12.2012

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


Doesn’t matter who goes to T1 and T3, what we all deserve is intense battles and good fights and that’s exactly what I have been experiencing this week. Be it a big zerg or 1vs1 I have truly enjoyed this match. Kudos to all sides for the fun and lets keep battling out in the field instead of the forums :>

And exactly that’s what we want, but cant do against BB. They are near nonexistent in our primetime but log on in masses starting from 1am…that’s really unfortunate.

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

SFR/Deso/BB - 01.12.2012

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


Deso night teams are mostly the same players you see during prime time just reduced down to the players who are willing to stay up till 4:30am on a 6-8 hour wvw session. Thought SFR would know this by now.

Yep, still you get good numbers in nights which we are still lacking.

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS

SFR/Deso/BB - 01.12.2012

in WvW

Posted by: Killver.7653


Well for BB the weekend is the weakest time of the week. We are trying to hang arround in points so maby during the weekdays we can surpass Deso.

Both of our rival servers have A LOT more population than us but I find their Zergs soft as gelly and not very good quality.

Yesterday night in Deso Borderlands was a killing fest but we where just overwhelmed by numbers. We where wiping one zerg south to have to immediately run north to wipe another zerg and so on.

We even did a 10 man takeover of the central fort just to see a SR zerg waiting outside to steal it. At least we scored this 2 times O.o

Its nice to see SR again, from what I see they lost quality for quantity which now a days is quite a smart choice tbh.

Good fights overall up to now. I hope we can get over the weekend and see if during weektimes populations are a bit more balanced.

Seriously? I have the exact same feelings for BB: they are squishy as hell, but I would never point somethign offendig out, but now that you are doing it I can do it as well

I have never lost a fight until reset against BB where it was zerg vs zerg even if we have been outnumbered occasionally.

But well, I wish all servers luck for the rest of the week and let’s see how we will do against desos and bbs night teams during weak.

Killversan – Guardian – VoTF – SoS