Showing Posts For KingZ.2314:

Players Against Stacking/Skipping/Stuff

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KingZ.2314


stacking/skipping/zerker combat system is killing the game. The combat is not appealing. It also goes with class discrimination.

Fractals of the Mists. Why, ArenaNet?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KingZ.2314


the reward system is horrible. I keep receiving rings that I dont want. For a guard, I would like to see ptv/zerker/knight. I have 25 relics that I got in 25+ and dont know what to do with them. why not let the player choose the type of reward they want?

(edited by KingZ.2314)

Dredge Fractal discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KingZ.2314


I got NONE in my 375 runs. The reward is not even close to the effort. And guess how many gold we got in the daily chest? 1.2 g.
AC p3 offers 1.5g.

I agree with most of the above.
I run fractals 49 on daily basis, and getting the dredge on this particular level can (even with an experienced group) increase the length of your entire run from around 75-90 mins to a good 150 minutes.
- The cage is too hard without having a fully coordinated group with exactly the right stats and approach. (And even with I’d like to see the devs run this without fail)
- Especially the bomb run is poorly done. (Endless mobs)
- The ‘clown car’ is (however good loot) unnecessarily time consuming.
- The boss however, is fine.
I’d suggest getting rid of the endless mobs, or taking away some parts entirely. It is shocking to me anet is simply fixing exploits, without actually wondering WHY players have the need to exploit. Difficulty/length wise this fractal is in no league with the others you can possibly get in the 3rd level. (Aetherblade, Volcanic, Thaumanova Reactor, or evenCliffside) This makes the time spent/reward (which is already poor! Running 49 should absolutely be worth more than a 1g 40s reward) completely out of proportion. Oh, and in my 400 runs so far I’ve had ONE fractal weapon. ONE.

Another fact I find shocking is that this whole dungeon thread isn’t really getting ANY love from the devs. I know the devs are reading this, and am very much wondering why this ‘problem’ is not being acknowledged.

(edited by KingZ.2314)

Dredge Fractal discussion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KingZ.2314


I pray while in the transition screen every time not to get the dredge map. It is not a difficult map but an annoying map. The bomb part is just stupid.

(edited by KingZ.2314)

Does Empower look like a mighty fart?

in Guardian

Posted by: KingZ.2314


it does with norn char, lol

Berserker gear yes or not

in Guardian

Posted by: KingZ.2314


I know what you are thinking.

dont let those threads mislead you, you will find the play is not so pleasant and smooth once you go full zerker with guardian. full zerker guardian is more for those who have a organized group and do daily quick run. You can do what I do — i am 70-80% of zerker and 20--30% knight gear and I am very proudly going AH because in my opinion every class has its signature trait that can max the class’s role in pve, AH is the one for guard.

you’re funny

Berserker gear yes or not

in Guardian

Posted by: KingZ.2314


That too!

dont let those threads mislead you, you will find the play is not so pleasant and smooth once you go full zerker with guardian. full zerker guardian is more for those who have a organized group and do daily quick run. You can do what I do — i am 70-80% of zerker and 20--30% knight gear and I am very proudly going AH because in my opinion every class has its signature trait that can max the class’s role in pve, AH is the one for guard.

And here i though Pure Voice was > AH =P

(edited by KingZ.2314)

Berserker gear yes or not

in Guardian

Posted by: KingZ.2314


dont let those threads mislead you, you will find the play is not so pleasant and smooth once you go full zerker with guardian. full zerker guardian is more for those who have a organized group and do daily quick run. You can do what I do — i am 70-80% of zerker and 20--30% knight gear and I am very proudly going AH because in my opinion every class has its signature trait that can max the class’s role in pve, AH is the one for guard.

Guardian dps numbers for various builds

in Guardian

Posted by: KingZ.2314


I agree that you are offered different traits and gear to accommodate either of the play styles. At the same time, however, each class does have their own strength. For e.g., guardian will maximize its strength if one goes bunker and take dmg for the team, while provide support for members. Same as war. goes full zerker and concentrate on dps. Of course you can go full zerker on guard. or go meat shield for war. but that is not the class’s strength lie in.
I actually tired of such AH/zerker discussion, you play however you are pleased. In the end, in pve what matters is that how well you know the fight/boss rather than you personal build.

The guardian is a supporter, first and foremost: you have to heal your team, protect it against your enemies. Svarty is right: you can’t play a build that requires dodges and using your cooldowns to save yourself or remove conditions while they should be used to heal your team; also, if you dodge you lose dps and you break aggro from the enemies, while you should be tanking them instead, doing damage to them so your team doesn’t take aggro.

While I do not completely disagree with your opening statement regarding what the Guardian is, you are also somewhat wrong.

There is no primary class meta in the game has it relates to DPS, Healing, or Tanking. Therefore, you are offered up different traits and gear to accommodate either of the play styles. By that very nature alone you are incorrect in that a Guardian is a supporting class.

You gear and trait for your play style. No more, no less. Because of the state the designers and developers believe the class to be in is another story and thread all together and probably means why people say we are the best supporting player and will never have the leading role.

(edited by KingZ.2314)

Empowering Might+AH good?

in Guardian

Posted by: KingZ.2314


Stop with the “AH is for new people” already..
It’s in the grandmaster line. No where does it state “this is for new players only”.
It’s a trait, it’s there to be used by anyone who wants to.

It’s like saying only new players use Selfless Daring because they don’t have any friends to heal them.

I really do think half of you forget that there are a large portion who play MMO’s for enjoyment, and not to fuel their ego about being “best” or “better” than others. If someone wants to play AH then let them, there’s nothing wrong with it whatsoever.

I agree. Full zerker build, like demonstrated in the video is very misleading. I will state my point again as I have stated in this forum before: The best guardian never fall. Those who argue AH is bad please tell me where is your damage when you are down, and where is your support for the team when you are down? AH shares the same philosophy as the condi build for thief. You will down even faster than you kill with zerker build, while condi or AH for guardian kill slow but with steady damage.
Another notable point is that full zerker guard is a good choice ONLY if you have a organized team. For most of the players who are seeking for random party members I do not suggest you run zerker with guard and mislead by people who argue AH is bad.

(edited by KingZ.2314)

[Guide] DPS Guardian for PVE

in Guardian

Posted by: KingZ.2314


I absolutely do not agree, simply because you always have a organized group where you can maximum your dps and do not need to consider surviving for you own. This build is very misleading. The way I see guardian is that you cannot do damage or span skills if you are down by running glass dps build. Same way as I play thief.
I do agree that EM + AH is selfish, or not? Because only if you live can you continue supporting the team. The guardian should definitely be the last one standing even in a wipe. So from this perspective, AH is the best support for the team, especially in high end pve.

(edited by KingZ.2314)

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: KingZ.2314


Same issue. Dont know why

I’m having trouble with the BLTC. when I want to sell anything I first got a blank page. then I cleared my Browser History, and now I get this Error when I want to sell things. anyone know how to fix this??

Anyone use traps?

in Thief

Posted by: KingZ.2314


Me myself did not use traps in pve. and i did not see a decent working build for traps so far. Traps defintly need loves.

Thief traps are the worst utility skills of the game.


in Thief

Posted by: KingZ.2314



If someone asked you to define a thief what would you say in 144 chars or less? Now I know its a fantasy game and not meant to be real life but play a long.

My definition – A Criminal, someone who is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goal. No morals or ethics. A bad guy. A outlaw.

My thief is a hero not a criminal. He is born into nobility and recognized as honorable. He’s a good guy and part of society.

But that doesn’t mean he can’t dress in black at night and hunts bad guys.

**Name the Useless Thief Mechanics

in Thief

Posted by: KingZ.2314


what is your definition for ‘broken’? for me, when you see a guardian gives ally boons when land a critical hit, while get self heal base on the number of allies near by; when you get kicked by party say to you in the face: ‘no thief, selfish class’; when we have skill like ‘last refugee’ the condition of which will never occur in a million years; when i add 30 in SA and just reached 2200 armor(2700 armor for guard for same gear) in which a burn condition could result in death; when ……
these are called ‘broken’ for a class. or ‘in-balanced’ if you will.

I dont think we’re broken per say… okay maybe in pve.

Heavily fractured most everywhere else:
Traits. Everywhere traits.

I know the last one is broad and it’s not just us(thieves) in bungled traits/skill bugs.

I’m really hoping for overall bug fixes(through all classes/areas of the game) onto phase 2:
Splitting finally and forever splitting pve/pvp skills – wvwvw/spvp same ruleset. *consumables still usable in wvwvw, then to phase 3 – each month each class gets its balance/debug/revamp whats needed evaluation time.

(edited by KingZ.2314)

**Name the Useless Thief Mechanics

in Thief

Posted by: KingZ.2314


Thanks. Tell the testing staff (who will test thief in game): dont cry when party kick you out. lol.

So from all of what I am hearing, Essentially what everyone is saying is the Thief is a broken class that needs a lot of attention from Anet staff that ACTUALLY play a Thief as a regular.

You can look around and see other classes have broken mechanics as well, but Thief in total takes the prize.

Thank you again for this Feedback everyone. I’ll be contacting a friend to get in touch with one of the staff in Arenanet.

Feedback from the Patch Note

in Thief

Posted by: KingZ.2314


Up to top. I need my thief back.

Immense Respect For Thieves!

in Thief

Posted by: KingZ.2314


What is BSing…..

You could also just… not… spam HS…

As was mentioned above, as u get to higher difficulties spamming HS will do you no good and is a very good way to die. And also boring as hell. Why HS when you have more fun BSing mobs and feeling like a boss when giant red letters say 9k damage (which makes me wanna do it again and see if I can top it)

Only time I saw thieves spam HS is either when they are trying to move faster through the map or when in WvW or PvP a guy is really low health and its time for the kill.

Superior Sigil of Perception

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: KingZ.2314


The precision benefit remove on switch map, I thought it removes ‘on down’?

P/P Thief PvE

in Thief

Posted by: KingZ.2314


I’ve been using P/P for quite a long time now in combination with SoM, assassin’s reward and steal on crit food, and find it to have very sustained damage and great survivability (running fractals 30+ with full zerker gear). There are no real damage checks in gw2, but what sets can outdps unload spam (taking in consideration the stealth nerf)? I deal about 8k dmg every 1,75 secs with it, and am able to keep that up for quite a while, making for a dps of around 4,5k. Keep in mind that this is ranged dps, and that I can move freely while doing this. What’s the average damage that you can actually keep up on the other sets atm? Was looking for a good discussion about P/P thiefs, because I think they are kind of underrated.

I quite agree. But I am wondering why, for many time in dungeun runs, ppl were telling me “ues melee(D/D), more dmg”.

P/P Thief PvE

in Thief

Posted by: KingZ.2314


I found this is a very viable way to get tons of init and keeping spamming unload.

thank god i have a guardian!

in Thief

Posted by: KingZ.2314


I have both a guard and thief of lvl 80 and I checked both of pro forum for fun.
here is two post today which just for entertainment and being sad for my thief.
post 1 in guard sec:
Anyone else feel bad for other classes?
post 2 in thief sec:
thief in pve is unplayeble.

so, yes thank god I have a guard which will not be kicked from a party in dunguen runs.

Hey Anet, pve/dungeon thieves want answers!

in Thief

Posted by: KingZ.2314


replied just to support this post as a PVE/dungeon player

Not so concerned

in Thief

Posted by: KingZ.2314


We’re talking about PvE. You know, where mobs stand still and Warriors can easily cleave with the highest-damaging skill in the game every 6.5 seconds followed by an immensely powerful cleave with a built-in evade every 8 seconds.

My Thief hits like a wet noodle in comparison to my Warrior.

Doesn’t matter. The thief has never been a pure DPS class as again that belongs to AoE builds. Single target the thief is still a top DPS class even in PvE. The class lacks group utility of other classes and cannot handle mobs as well, but single target… no problem.

Yes, no problem at all, so as my guadian with good looking dmg on single target. Question is, why should I choose thief while guadian ,e.g., has amzaing survivibility, OR ANY class ?

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: KingZ.2314


You guys aren’t listening, the PvE content is the problem not thieves. It’s so mind numbingly easy that there is no need for anything but dps. I don’t know how else to explain it.

I am shocked when I opened my post this afternoon and saw 1000+view and 50+replies.
Here I draw a conclusion:
Above is the shortest( lol ) but most convincible insight I have ever seen. This explained a lot when post are most of “lf full zerk war only , gear check”(which really makes me sick.)
I will keeping enjoy my full zerk thief , which is going D/D and P/P , and will not hesitate to quit the party yelling “zerk war only plz”. Because those ppl dont worth to play with anyway. You will only see “lfm, all class, just EXPed and nice plz” in
That is me posting.
peace out.

Thief PVE a joke? yes, it is.

in Thief

Posted by: KingZ.2314


It really makes me upset when a guy joint my group once , seeing two thieves and said"too many thieves, im out" and just quit. And when running COF, it seems that the thief is the least welcomed class.(no one ever complaint ‘too many engs or too many eles’). When you have a thief in the party, it means :
30% less dmg (quote from a war member of a party once), no team support boon, poor AOE dmg (90 sec cd dagger storm counts?) and a slight mistake = rez or dead.
To be fair, thief is a decent PVP class and does good looking dmg when dealing with single target. But I really hope that thief could be given a trait set or a skill combo options that situation like “too many thieves, im out” can never occur.
Here I quote form another post, which I found is totally true after tons of dungeon runs.

" Currently thief is like a bad joke for PvE. Yes, we do decent DPS if specced for it, and we can (if traited) do a few extra dodges. But we have zero survivability beside dodging, stealth is useless after last patch, our main heal (crit heals) is nerfed to uselessness.
I heard some dev saying that each class should have several good builds to choose from. Well, lets start by giving thief a single good build for PvE, because right now thief is 100% redundant for PvE (as in, no role to fullfill).
Its also very hard to motivate why any group, no matter the content, would pick a thief before another class. Maybe if they know they will die a lot, and need stealth-ressses. But then, everyone can do that with spy-kits.
Basically, thief feels like a warrior, but:
- less weapons and skills
- worse healing
- lower health
- lower armor
- less support
- no tanking ability"

The thief and its gameplay - Your feedback [Merged]

in Thief

Posted by: KingZ.2314


I , as P/P player cannot agree more with the second insight.

Hey there. My post/s will only concern Thief PVE issues.

Secondly, dual pistols could use a PVE damage buff, or perhaps some kindof buff to Ricochet in the Trickery traitline so the bullets bounce much more often. The recent change to the Body Shot cast timer was nice, but in PVE at the moment P/P is only really usable on ranged single target fights, which does not apply to many situations.

Thirdly, I feel that the 15% nerf to Pistol Whip was unjustified in PVE terms. As far as I can tell, its damage was only nerfed due to burst issues in pvp when stacked with Quickness/Haste against glass cannon players who do not take stunbreaks and do not learn to dodge perhaps the most predictable skill ingame (Pistol Whip). The damage should be refunded in PVE because at the moment you can do almost as much DPS autoattacking with the S/P combo. Pistol Whip is a dual skill that should out DPS autoattack by a decent margin. Black Powder on the pistol offhand is a great dungeon tool and should not be nerfed in any way.

Fourthly, I feel that Traps are very lacklustre at the moment. I have used each Trap maybe five times in PVE and overall I find that the Traps are not worth the utility slots.

Next, I would say that the Sword/Dagger combo is very poor for PVE, I only use it on the Mesmer boss in TA to remove her buffs.

I am glad you only implemented the Backstab nerfs in PVP, if they had been implemented in PVE also it would have destroyed crit daggers. However, I do not see why Dancing Dagger had its damage nerfed in both PVE and PVP, it was only an issue in PVP. The damage should be refunded in PVE.

I also feel that Sword should be available for use in the Offhand slot giving us another few weapon combos. Dual swords would be nice if designed well.

This poster expressed everything I wanted to say (and more, so I only quoted the points which I also wanted to make), so like many others who want to have a voice on these concerns, I’m posting if only to echo my agreement.

personal thinking about the theif

in Thief

Posted by: KingZ.2314


P.P. S: Oh yeah, 10 seconds of fury and 1 might for 10 seconds every 40), NO TEAM buffs is really frustrating

The thief and its gameplay - Your feedback [Merged]

in Thief

Posted by: KingZ.2314


As duegon/event thief player, its hard to find any team skill that help to boon/burst the team. The philosophy of the game always been “freedom”—-that is build your char however you like. e.g. you can build a tanky dps ele or cond dmg war etc. However, this philosophy does not apply to thief class. I know that the thief is a wonderful pvp/dps class, but the class should provide options that may used for the duegon/event team player . and I believe this is also anticipated by many other team players.
P.S. most of the pain, thief guild cool down is crazy. it is just do the job fine (or even less, considering aoe dmg and team dps) as dagger storm and twice the cd. Really confused.

personal thinking about the theif

in Thief

Posted by: KingZ.2314


As duegon/event thief player, its hard to find any team skill that help to boon/burst the team. The philosophy of the game always been “freedom”—-that is build your char however you like. e.g. you can build a tanky dps ele or cond dmg war etc. However, this philosophy does not apply to thief class. I know that the thief is a wonderful pvp/dps class, but the class should provide options that may used for the duegon/event team player . and I believe this is also anticipated by many other team players.
P.S. most of the pain, thief guild cool down is crazy. it is just do the job fine (or even less, considering aoe dmg and team dps) as dagger storm and twice the cd. Really confused.