Lol , you Necs are like the guys in the warrior forums … QQing that you did not manage to win a 1v2 fight….
This can really only come from professions that were much to op once, and think they should easily pull such things off…
NO profession should ever win agains 2 others IF players are of the same skilllevel !
Not even kittening tanky condi builds should be able to pull that off.And perhaps the guard just saved his teleport to use after your fear, cause he understood what your intention was when your tried to move that battle upon a bridge ( quite obvious imho ).
Wow, someone should give that memo to thieves.
Hey thieves, quit using stealth to disengage and fight on your terms!
You’re supposed to roll over and die to superior numbers!
so much wisdom O_O. Some of you guys really clamouring for warrior type regen while in DS, would you give warrior DS?
What is this comparison?
What makes warriors so strong is their great sustain combined with good mitigation acceptable mobility and high damage.
Take the first 3 away and slap DS in it’s place and the first thing that would happen was “Warriors no longer wanted in dungeons”.
If a warriors damage mitigation stopped healing signet from functioning they’d fall off PvP as well.
Because it goes against GW2 game design.
Mobility/mitigation/recovery combined with control/support and DPS, not tanks and healers. DeathShroud is a tank mechanic, a very questionable one at that since it stops healing.
(edited by Kiriakulos.1690)
one interesting way to allow DS to “scale” to multiple enemies could be to have life force function as a timer.
eg, a full bar of life force is X seconds in death shroud regardless of how much damage you take.
to balance this, they would probably have to lower the amount of time you can spend in death shroud per fight compared to now, but it would make DS much stronger in situations where the necro was focused by multiple people.
This could be a very interesting possibility, which would also "fix"the problem that DeathShroud is designed for a Tank/DPS/Healer paradigm.
Defenses in GW2 are supposed to be active and short not passive absorption of damage during prolonged periods.
DS with the same cd, total immunity and something like 20%/second LF degen would make DS a much more active defense.
The low duration of DS would also be an excuse to allow things like targeted dark path since entering DS would become a much bigger defensive trade-off than it is right now.
Considering that feature patches come within 5 months periods of one another, this change can be implemented, tested and judged quite easily in that chronogram. With all the different improvements to DS UI and other parts of it, I’d say DS is closer to a base state than a downed state and healing would not be a very impactful code change. In fact, I’d expect it to be nothing more than a gate – if (DS)- followed by another gate – if(source == self)- to allow this change. They already have the code model for unholy sanctuary to serve as base.
Would this come outside of a big balance/feature patch? No.
No, it isn’t that easy. This isn’t a high school programming project where they just have to put a few cute little statements and be done, game coding is far, far more complex than that.
Only when you do it wrong.
Good code is simple and intuitive, easy to adjust and add to it.
Complex systems can be achieved with very simple algorithms and routines, that’s the whole point of software engineering.
3. lol. In this entire thread, I did not use the word sustain (<— til’ there). The OP was arguing about attrition, and I highlighted that necros are already good at outlasting other classes. while that may or may not be sustain, if you combine that with significant improvements to sustain then you may end up with necros out lasting everyone. Or with all necros being nerfed to compensate for healing improvements (see: all ranger pets being nerfed because BM was too strong, rather than nerfing just BM scaling). I’m not going to bust out “webster’s dictionary of what necros consider sustain to mean in the current meta.” IMO, sustain is any reasonable form of recovering effective HP. For necros, LF generation is a form of sustain.
I am 100% arguing about sustain. Sustain is what we lost in exchange for DS but DS doesn’t work within GW2 combat design due to the reasons I stated. Attrition is our combat design according to the devs- people who are responsible for how the game should work- but since we don’t have sustain, attrition is an impossibility, once again for the reasons I stated.
If your arguments are not about why Necro sustain is lacking or why you believe it isn’t, I have no idea what interest you have in this discussion.
Now, something to note is this is likely a very hard change to make. Without knowing how DS is programmed, it means they would most likely need to add in everything as an exception. Obviously it is possible to heal “through” DS, but it would likely be a lot of work to do it for the number of things they’d have to. So while this is a great change that should happen, its probably a lot of work to implement.
Considering that feature patches come within 5 months periods of one another, this change can be implemented, tested and judged quite easily in that chronogram. With all the different improvements to DS UI and other parts of it, I’d say DS is closer to a base state than a downed state and healing would not be a very impactful code change. In fact, I’d expect it to be nothing more than a gate – if (DS)- followed by another gate – if(source == self)- to allow this change. They already have the code model for unholy sanctuary to serve as base.
Would this come outside of a big balance/feature patch? No.
do you dispute that SA often regenerates 70% of your life force?
do you dispute that life blast often hits for 2k as condi necro?
Actually, I do.
Spectral armor has 6 seconds base cd, so at best it would regen 48%. If traited it goes to 9 seconds and then you can recover 72%, if you got at second 0 since due to icd you’re looking at best at 8 hits, 64% total. If you had DS on you would also have lost some LF or probably broke even, so no LF regen then. If you had DS off, that’s at least 8 hits to your HP, depending on what you’re fighting that could be a hell of a lot of health lost.
As for the lifeblast damage, for that much damage a condi build needs to be within the 600 range cap. Condi builds try very hard to stay further away, so that also is less than likely to happen consistently.
I disagree. Personally, I feel if we are permitted to heal in DS, that the base health of DS needs to be lowered.
In that case, just remove that weird damage reduction that gets applied while in DS. Total LF pool is already about 2/3 of base health- before applying any bonus from Soul Reaping- damage reduction is applied so it gets to 1/1.
How would you suggest reworking it?
The trade-off was Immunity/Mobility/Health recovery.
All 3 proved to be too much, so re-introduce 1 first and health recovery looks to be simpler one of the 3. Re-intorducing health recovery within DS also fixes a lot of issues the mechanic presents in a party setting.Like Drarnor said, first allow our self heals to work within DS and evaluate the result.
If we’re still lacking add some more, if that alone proves too much make it so only a % of healing works.ANet said they want to take balance in iterations, so, iterate.
At this point though, you are suggesting a straight buff, one that I strongly agree with, but suggest no trade off. Are you suggesting that DS gives nothing up in return?
It should have a trade-off if it was balanced, but it currently isn’t, it is weak.
A lot of people seem to think DS makes Necro OP for 1v1, but that is because too many people play offensive against Necro in 1v1. The Necro will be able to trade straight hits better than any other profession due to DS, but if you play defensively the Necro will always come behind in a fight.
sleuth of problems
…hehehe, I’m going to use that. Totally worth reading the wall-o-text for.
I do agree that DS is poorly designed and needs a major rework also.
Whoops, that was supposed to be slew.
How would you suggest reworking it?
The trade-off was Immunity/Mobility/Health recovery.
All 3 proved to be too much, so re-introduce 1 first and health recovery looks to be simpler one of the 3. Re-intorducing health recovery within DS also fixes a lot of issues the mechanic presents in a party setting.
Like Drarnor said, first allow our self heals to work within DS and evaluate the result.
If we’re still lacking add some more, if that alone proves too much make it so only a % of healing works.
ANet said they want to take balance in iterations, so, iterate.
GW2’s combat was developed as an action experience. Active movement should matter, positioning should be important and visual queues/reactions are what separate the great player from the bad. To support this, classes were given dodges as innate abilities and a slew of other active skills that allow them to avoid the big hits from their foes. A party with nothing but offensive equipment is able to complete any content by playing well and timing their abilities correctly. Unless you play a Necromancer.
Necromancer have damage mitigation in the form of DeathShroud and this was deemed such a powerful ability that in exchange for it Necros sacrifice damage immunities/mobility/health recovery. DeathShroud is a very powerful mechanic and would in conjunction with all that be horribly OP, but as it is now DeathShroud goes against everything that the game’s combat was built upon by having the Necro actually tank the big hits. DeathShroud is a skill that would be perfectly in place on other MMO’s holy trinity design, but that sticks out as cumbersome within GW2’s systems. DeathShroud allows the Necro to play recklessly, to a certain point, since it allows Necro to survive more attacks than any other profession, but where is the skillful play in that? Why does such a big part of 1/8 of the professions maintain behavior that the game was designed to have left behind?
When you take DeathShroud into PvP a whole other slew of problems pop up. Necro’s have attrition as their core combat philosophy, but DeathShroud is anything but an attrition mechanic, as any experienced Necro can attest, when you get pulled into combat battle becomes a ticking clock, the longer the fight lasts the less likely the Necro is to win.
Why is that? Because Necro’s sustainability also goes against GW2’s intended combat design. Any other profession will sustain by avoiding the enemy’s attacks and using positioning and skills to mitigate damage while at the same time recovering their HP. The Necro cannot avoid the enemy’s damage and recover HP at the same time. DeathShroud blocks all forms of health recovery- Unholy Sanctuary is not meaningful enough to make a difference- and that means that a Necro’s HP is constantly depleting during combat. But, you might say, DeathShroud also works as HP! The Necro can recover LifeForce in % chunks and has a huge pool of HP! Well, here’s the problem, when DeathShroud is active LF also gets spent as a % for each second and a Necro needs to attack a foe to recover LF!
People generally try their hardest to avoid being attacked. When a Necro and another profession engage in combat and both decide to play defensively and recover their HP the other professions will at the same time avoid being attacked and recover HP, the Necro will use his healing skill and not be able to attack the enemy and recover LF. So the phase of recovery is over and both go back to hitting each other, the Necro is building up LF now right? Well yes, but he’s gone back to losing his health as well! This leads to a cycle of constantly decreasing health for the Necro. Necros are constantly fighting against a clock in combat, we have to go all in burst, even in condition builds, or inevitably lose a fight.
The best strategy against a Necro is to play conservatively, the Necro is always being worn down during a fight. How can that be the reality of the profession with attrition as its combat philosophy?!?
TL;DR – DeathShroud is part of old MMO Holy Trinity design and doesn’t fit nor work with GW2 combat.
(edited by Kiriakulos.1690)
One day, I hope, dagger two will not be literally useless. Ideally by completely removing what is there currently, and putting something useful in there. Like a small gap closer, or like, anything that isn’t an awful channeled ability that wastes valuable AA time.
I use dagger 2 all the time. Just because it isn’t part of a DPS rotation doesn’t mean its useless.
But the channel time/damage/heal does.
What’s worse is that I think Necro’s ability to shroud stomp in PvP/WvW will lead to stability stomps being considered OP and Necros will end up having their stability nerfed.
And when Anet nerfs, they nerf into the ground.
8% shave off Healing signet.
None of these changes were game-changing, luckily.
Condition specs didn’t get the buff I feared, but yet power-specs didnt receive any either.
I don’t play Necromancer, but I can acknowledge when specs are out of balance. Power-necro is still only viable because of Lich Form, which is a horribly designed elite skill. The most powerful skill should NEVER be an auto-attack. They should’ve nerfed the auto-attack dmg while distributing the damage (or usefulness) of the other skills. Additionally to that, they should’ve increased the sustain for power specs only (dagger, axe).
On the bright side, these changes won’t break the game for another lame meta.
No not the Necro changes.
But you will probably learn a new degree of regret from Ranger/Mesmer/Engi, the power creep is strong on these prof’s buffs.
- Unholy Sanctuary – In addition to healing, this trait will now activate Death Shroud if you have enough Life Force when you take a lethal blow (i.e. an attack that would kill you). This trait has 30s internal CD and even if your Death Shroud is on cooldown it will circumvent that cooldown.
Why?…. Seriously what is the though process here?….
Making sure you’ll go back to 0 LF if you take this trait and find yourself in an unwinable position.
There is nothing wrong with axe. Learn how to set up combos like Mesmers have to for their shatters.
Axe auto is about as awful as current mesmer scepter auto.
Heck, every single main hand Necro weapon has one useless skill.
Axe 1, Dagger 2 and Scepter 3, make a weapon with those 3 skills and you have the absolute worst MH you can actually imagine.
I think what he is trying to say is that Necromancer was left last with very little changes that would effect it positively balance wise across Gametypes (PvE, PvP, WvW). There was also very little time to leave effective feedback due to this.
at least no nerf \o/
Lichform lost 1/3 of it’s duration and no more well shenanigans for PvE.
Corrupt boon got an extra 0.25second cast time, too little to be significant since animation has almost no tells, but still a nerf.
These are not all the changes, just the ones they thought were relevant for feedback. It is very important to note that they do not preview every single number change, only some of them. The changes were fine. Were they great? Will we suddenly be top tier everywhere? No, but they were entirely reasonable changes. Frankly my only disappointment was that (as far as I saw) they didn’t nerf reaper’s prot/nightmare runes.
These are almost certainly all the changes.
Same thing happened last time. We HOPED there was something more but there wasn’t.
This might just end up being Dhuumfire 2.0
Didn’t test myself, but this seems pretty convincing.
No one’s OP when everyone is OP.
Soooo… mesmers and elementalist…
Another instand cast immob/blink.
Vulnerability stacking within seconds, aoe aoe aoe. with more burning and vulnerability stacking.
Toughts..? because im getting a bit edgy and concerned here..
Torment. So much torment. Permanent 8+ torment easy on the scepter mesmer.
I don’t think even the mesmers were ready for what they received.
Going by the Ele tornado rework, Lich might get the same treatment.
I also expect something to break, probably related to Death shroud.
To put this in perspective, if they don’t clump them together, the last two professions to be covered will be done on September 5th, giving us just 4 days to give feedback and for them to respond. That just isn’t enough time.
That’s why I think the last 2 will be guardian and ele since they, IMO, are in good places and should see only buffs to underused things and other small tweaks both up and down on whatever skills.
Probably next are mesmer and necro so we can give some feedback.
i can see it now: necro gets regeneration while in death shroud. yay?
Is this a quip about Unholy Sanctuary?
No, you can make a Necro that won’t die. You just won’t do anything else, whereas others will.
Curious, could you post a build using soldiers or sentinels or even nomads if you want? Are you talking about a well build or a spectral build.
I’d imagine it’s a spectral build, as those are our best defensive utilities.
Just slap Plague into the Elite and bam. Tanky no dps Necro.
Kind of worried that no mention to useless GM traits and Sigil of Vamp.
But if we can actually survive with updated utilities does issues do become less meaningful.
Hope for more out of Axe besides animations, unless those entail decreased cast times.
Necro issue isn’t being tanky, I can make a tanky build that will be extremely difficult to kill pretty easily. The issue is having that tankiness and not being worthless.
The only tanky build where I don’t feel completely useless is the soldiers spectral might stacking build. Even then I’ve found you are better off just using the zerker amulet with it.
The issue I’m talking about is the misconception that Necros are inherently very tanky purely because of DS. People think that because they forget we have no damage mitigation.
Once the log shows the ridiculous amounts of damage other profs can mitigate, which we can’t, the proof will finally be conclusive that Necros are in fact flimsy and that DS is not good damage mitigation.
Having DS should not have precluded the profession from having any other form of damage mitigation, that’s what I hope the improved log will show.
Thief combat log will probably be hilarious with all the 3k+ damage evasions.
I really would love a trait that makes wells move with you.
That’d probably be OP as hell.
Inescapable wells of suffering and corruption?
Moving well of darkness?
Jesus christ, how horrifying.
According to this entry based on gamescom information the combat log will now display mitigated damage and healing values.
Personally I believe this means that Necros will finally be able to confirm or dismiss this whole myth that the profession is tanky. Yes we can take more punishment and absorb more damage than any other profession, however, we also have the smallest amount of mitigation tools.
I’ve always felt incredibly flimsy when focused on a Necro, but because of DS complaints of survivability have mostly fallen on deaf ears in the balance forums. The new combat log might finally give us concrete proof that Necro’s defensive options are severely lacking and show the rest of the community the kitten we’ve have to put with for way too long.
Or it might just prove to me that I’m an awful player and need to get good, who knows?
Playing with a friend as double power-well Necros and well bombed Keep in Niflhel.
There were 4 people in the circle.
There were no survivors.
The keep was never uncapped after that.
For WvW it was the time our party was roaming in the lake and came upon some 20+ bots farming scales.
We wiped them, came back later, wiped the ones rezed and their “keeper”, came back again wiped them and 2 more “keepers”, came back once more and they were gone.
Good times, lots of bags.
(edited by Kiriakulos.1690)
Aug 18, we might get some answers.
Its legal reasons. I’m not 100% sure of the reasons why, but its this case for pretty much everything remotely similar.
In most countries 18 is the minimum age when someone can be considered an adult.
To avoid a lot of legal complications and exceptions, using 18 as a minimum age cuts the bureaucracy on running a tournament involving international travel, cash prizes and company responsibility by a lot.
If all participants are over 18 ANet can have them all sign contracts stating that the company is not liable, nor responsible, to anything outside of lodging, travel and accommodation and that the participants are personally responsible for their actions and can answer for anything they do.
It’s pretty simple really, ANet doesn’t want to act as anyone’s legal guardian, because a lot of kitten can happen.
If something is worse it doesn’t justify this being bad.
Prove it is bad? You are claiming your subjective opinion as if it were fact. Personally I feel it is very well balanced with a very few builds having one specific trait or skill combination that is a problem when combined.
The reason they are showing you something is worse, is because it could be subjectively believed that in comparison, most MMO are bad and that in comparison, this one is very good.
Prove it is good? Not just better than awful.
If enough people agree on something, it is probably right, especially since you can’t objectively define balance.
There have been numerous threads about how awful the balance iterations are, I can’t remember a single person posting it is actually fine.
Until now that is.
How about this, when we get vigor, blocks, invulns, a skill that completely fills our DS bar while also making us half-immune to damage, healing signet, massive damage, tankiness, and CC all in one weapon loadout, amazing team support, great might stacking, amazing mobility, and every other mechanic that warrior gets, then we can talk about LF degenerating.
OI! Don’t you go around plagiarizing my posts!
That’s almost word for word what I said to Anas Tarci!
At OP – That is an awful strawman and why would you post this HERE?
Do that on the War forums where some clueless people might actually agree with you.
Man, I’m glad some of the people on these forums aren’t in charge of balancing the game.
Ever paid attention to the rate at which a well balanced fighting game progresses? Or better yet, what happens when there’s a knee-jerk nerf in a fighting game? You gotta be really careful and meticulous with this kind of stuff.
Maybe the current schedule would be ok if the game was “well balanced”. But it isn’t and that’s why a shorter balance period is required.
Also, too many balance changes make no sense from a player’s perspective. Remember Dhuumfire? Necros said that was a bad idea since the preview.
This game is more well balanced than most people would like to admit. There are some problems, of course. No game is perfectly balanced, but Anet has done pretty well considering all the factors that need balancing.
I feel like a lot of people that post here have never played a really imbalanced competitive game and have a hard time gauging what is truly imbalanced and what isn’t. But I’m no game designer… what do I know?
If something is worse it doesn’t justify this being bad.
Most of these sound contradict to the “attrition” that devs have in mind. I doubt they will happen.
Most of what the devs DO contradicts an attrition play style.
Low sustain/recovery, high spike damage and bad mobility =/= attrition.
Man, I’m glad some of the people on these forums aren’t in charge of balancing the game.
Ever paid attention to the rate at which a well balanced fighting game progresses? Or better yet, what happens when there’s a knee-jerk nerf in a fighting game? You gotta be really careful and meticulous with this kind of stuff.
Maybe the current schedule would be ok if the game was “well balanced”. But it isn’t and that’s why a shorter balance period is required.
Also, too many balance changes make no sense from a player’s perspective. Remember Dhuumfire? Necros said that was a bad idea since the preview.
Balancing consists of the following steps:
1. Collect Data.
2. Review Data to see if Balancing is required.
3. If required, propose solutions.
4. Determine if solutions meet your goals, are realistic, and do not significantly impact other areas of the game.
5. Select a solution.
6. Develop the solution.
7. Test the solution.
8. Revise the solution if anything comes up during testing.
9. Test again if revisions are made.
10. Repeat 8-9 as needed.
11. Release Balancing changes.Start over at step 1.
A history of Necro patches disagrees with the existence of steps 7 to 10, hell even 6 is kind of suspect…
Any change the involves a simple number fix can be done in an afternoon, you change a property and that’s it, you can build the solution and just run it.
15 charsssss.
Do you guys think they might revamp lich king, and #1 life blast in order to buff axe? If it’s the case, I’m absolutly fine with it, I think we should be the kind of class that has to weaken his opponent first with boon strip+ condition debuff before doing some insane damage.
Lich king?
If we’re losing LF out of combat can we get Zerker stance, Endure pain, Healing Signet, Adrenal Health, Heavy Armor and decent self boon application to compensate?
That’d be close to a fair trade then since we’d have OTHER FORMS OF DAMAGE MITIGATION.
PS- Play professions besides your own before making asinine comments.
While I do wish for Dagger to cleave, I don’t think it’s that simple.
Only the dagger AA lends itself to cleaving blows and even then Necrotic bite (third blow) would be slightly odd.
I just really wish they did something more interesting with life siphon, making it work similar to locust signet would be my favorite option.
If any weapon should get a cleave I think it should be axe. The weapon really needs some work and cleave would help it a lot. The animations already lend themselves pretty well for that.
How dare you?
You are the only one who has been saying pve most of us were talking about traits as a whole. But I’m glad you like the trait that fits into your niche build that is suboptimal for pve rock on.
At least I actually experiment with builds and traits… Unlike you who follows the crowed. Besides, I wasn’t defending this trait for PvP or WvW. Just said it wasn’t as bad you you fools think.
It’s been a long time since the last balance patch actually affected Necros meaningfully, the time to experiment is long past.
Your build IS suboptimal, just accept it and stop thinking that just because you are playing something different you are better, the opposite is more likely.
And two posts later, one watering me down to a QQer and another one trying to detract the focus from warriors to every class, still no constructive ideas about how to bring warriors and Eviscerate down in line balancing-wise.
Grimreaper and Silentnight Warrior – you seem to never have played as non-warriors vs warriors. Because if then you´d know that you cannot keep warrior at range and you´d know going melee would kill you much faster than the warrior. Let me express it once again: A warrior does too much damage while being too tanky and too mobile. Did you get it now or do you still think i´m sitting in my small world of “Dear ArenaNet, nerf stone, paper is fine. Sincerely, Scissors”? Oh, actually bad question – because warriors do not need or have INT and the answer to that would always be “Yes” in online gaming forums.
And the telegraphs are no way a disadvantage. The telegraph on Pin Down gets abused, and all dangerous burst skills only have a cast time of .5 seconds, thus they´re not overly highlighted.And the wait goes on for constructive ideas like some already been posted.
L2P and mostly learn when to dodge.
Or play a warrior, you can just ignore the dodges then.
Pet necro is OP.
5 Pets draining health for you + you draining health for you = invincibility
Oh and you can reset the fight in your favor by pressing your autowin button : F1
You wot mate?
Saying a Necro can reset a fight… wow, this is going straight to the wtf am I reading wall.
On the other hand, Necro philosophy is supposed to be attrition but Necro design has the worst attrition of all professions
What the hell? Did you read this thread, and many others about the same issue? Or did you just read the part with “dark path”?
Just showing how the whole "philosophy"argument means jack kitten.
Dark Path will never become a ground-targeted teleport. It was like that in beta and its too strong without hammering the skill with other nerfs.
It could of happened before april 15th but I agree that change probably won’t happen because dark path becomes way too strong with poc.
Also, it’ll make necromancer a very mobile profession which is against Anet philosophy.
On the other hand, Necro philosophy is supposed to be attrition but Necro design has the worst attrition of all professions. Might as well go with best mobility if we’re supposed to do everything we should backwards.
The beta Dark Path is not as powerful as people think. That was when we had Shade, unkillable Lich and a whole bunch of things making Necro far more powerful than it currently is. DP by itself would not break the Necro into unheard of levels of OP. It’s not healing signet people, it actually has a cd and every other prof would still have better mobility, yes even Guardians.
Regeneration’s usefulness is directly proportional to how much damage mitigation and how little your max HP is, that means that Regen as boon by itself is the least useful on the Necro out of all professions.
Besides which, regen doesn’t work in DS period, what made OP believe that sanctuary allowed regen to work in DS with the trait’s regen? Wishful thinking? Refusal to believe that trait was as bad as it was described?