Showing Posts For Kisai Hikaru.1052:
I can’t login either over here. I get this error code:
Build: 80832
Error Code: 42:1000:7006:1232
trying to find something using the error code but no luck so far
I noticed occasionally, as I was riding the raptor approaching a jumpable gap, that there were light blue bars in those gaps. When I got closer, they disappeared.
Yeah, the version you get from the supply agents is account bound.
So, if the GW2 wiki is to be believed, the recipe for the Bowl of sweet and spicy butternut squash soup is sold by the pact supply network agents randomly. I have visited all 6 agents every day for about 2 months now (maybe I am exaggerating that but I checked for a long time) and I believe I’ve seen them sell every single recipe EXCEPT for the butternut squash. Is there a bug going on? Is this just really unlucky? Is the recipe removed from the rotation and the wiki just hasn’t been updated yet? I am getting quite frustrated because I really want this recipe and I don’t want to spend 180 gold on the trading post for it.
I also did not get the cooling room thing from Bolt III: Zap. I think both of the items you need to get from the thaumanova fractal are bugged at the moment.
So, for the bolt III: Zap collection, I need to get to the diving goggles in the Not so secret jumping puzzle. I think there’s a bug going on there. At some point, when you reach the last bunch of platforms, you have to use those twisting gears that shoot you forward, and you have to use two in a row. However, no matter how well I aim, the second gear always seems to undershoot the platform after that, resulting in me plummeting down to my death and having to restart all over again.
This is of course very frustrating, and limiting.
I got it just now thanks to the help of someone but it’s still clear that the platforms aren’t working as they are supposed to.
I understand that an idle character animation issue is not as important a bug-fix as, say, an event bugging up, a bug preventing story progress or this new bug where you’re reset to where you enter the map but… well it’s been well over a year now I want my chronomancer to be able to stretch her arms like she used to!
I was in Southsun Cove, getting killed by a bunch of karka ganging up on me. I was on Ventari and I had the tablet out. When I was fully dead, I waypointed, quite a ways away from where the tablet was originally. Strangely though, the tablet was still out, and I could still use the skills, but it was just nowhere to be found. I thought it was just invisible at first but no, the other skills didn’t heal me either. It was just gone. It was only fixed after I used the 0 skill to dismiss it and then summoning it again. Hope this was useful.
So I just got out of the first beta round and there’s a few small glitches here and there that I managed to find:
- Some mobs, items or other interractable things didn’t have a name but instead had a code (probably will be added later so no big issue xD )
- There was this cave where from the outside, it looked pitchblack, until you actually entered. I’ve actually see that glitch pop up a few times in the normal game a long time ago so it somehow managed to find itself back in the game there.
- The pact soldiers carrying supplies to the rally point. They walk a few steps and then halt. Walk a few steps, halt. They kept doing that while there weren’t any enemies spawning or whatnot. This happened with at least two different escort events.
- There was an event where you had to pick up salvage in a deep pit. It wasn’t really clear what you had to do there. There was no drop-off point and when I went back out through the door it didn’t contribute to the event.
So far that’s about it if I haven’t forgotten anything. I had a blast, I must say, especially when I unlocked gliding xD and what I was able to find so far all looked amazing
edit Almost forgot. I don’t know if this was because of my graphics settings or not, but whenever I entered the Itzel outpost, my screen flashed black really shortly. I walked back and forth a few times and it happened every time.
edit 2 During the second round I worked towards the bouncy mushrooms. Some of the bouncy mushrooms unfortunately didn’t do their job properly as I would just not get high enough to reach the platform it was supposed to send me to. There were also a few events where the timer would go to 0, but then the event would still keep going for about another minute. I still had a blast though, and gliding and jumping to navigate through the map was a lot of fun imo ^^
(edited by Kisai Hikaru.1052)
… I’d want there to be some kind of store called ’Ogden’s Hammer’ that always has really great discounts. Pls make it so, Anet
By the looks of it, a core feature of my build on my elementalist (elemental atunement + Evasive arcana ) is now gone. My build will be even more kittened when the stats and trait-lines get split and stats become solely armour-based. I do hope I can still be running around with my d/d and my current build when this drops and not having to conform to the staff-meta.
She* and yeah, me and likely a lot of other people I should have said. I know of quite a few people with unorthodox builds.
Me and a lot of other people. On my elementalist I run a not so meta build with full knight’s gear. On my trait-lines I got 0 2 0 6 6, also granting me a sizeable boost in vitality and healing power. With the upcoming seperation of stats from traits though, it looks like instead of this nice ballance I had going, I would have a load of power, precision and toughness without any vitality and healing power. This not only screws over my health bar, but it’s also going to screw over my runes of exuberance. I could shift to celestial gear probably, but then that would mean that all of my hard work on my ascended knight’s gear will all have been for naught.
I am sure that I am not the only one who’s going to get screwed over in this way so basically, my question is if I can still keep my build the way it currently is without having to make crazy expensive changes?
In the case of Claw of Jormag:
Since the feature patch, the new champs that spawn during phase 2 do drop loot. However, the ones that were in the game before the patch (the champion wolf/wolves and champion goliath) continue to not drop loot. So, if you really want champ loot from phase 2, just go for the champ mobs that aren’t wolves or goliaths.
Actually, that’s not entirely true. Today, I actually got a loot bag from an icebrood goliath, and I remember a week or two ago, I got a champion lootbag from the icebrood elemental that spawns in phase 1.
There’s at least three instances I know of where something can’t be harvested because of the location they’re in. There is occasionally one lotus in Malchor’s Leap in the Crusted Shoals that spawns inside the wall of the small pier there. It can’t be harvested at all.
Secondly, there’s occasionally one Orichalcum ore in Cursed Shore, right in the south of the Harrowed Sea that also spawns inside an underwater stone collumn, which is also unmine-able.
Finally, there’s occasionally one Orrian Sapling, also in Cursed Shore in Compass Plaza that can only be harvested half of the time. Usually it’s alright and you can just go there, but occasionally there’s a pact airship that crashes right on top of the tree, making it impossible for us to harvest this tree.
There might be other nodes, bugged inside walls, but these are the three that I know of at this point.
I suppose that would make a bit of sense why Owain’s Refuge waypoint could get contested, because of the ‘gather karka eggs’ event that happens there. I sure hope that this gets fixed soon though!
“Instead of a brain, I have a random picture in my head!” XD
I ran into this bug as well once, but I’ve also had a succesful run a few days later. I don’t know what causes the bug to happen, but it is possible to get a succesful run as well. That’s no excuse to not do anything about the bug of course, but it might explain why it’s not on the priority list perhaps :/
Okay, so this is a something that is really annoying. According to the feature pack, every contestable waypoint should appear contested when you’re not on that map. Since the patch though, it has been somewhat of a gamble.
I’ll explain. Say I’m on Cursed Shore, and I want to waypoint to Malchor’s Leap. I look at the map and see that every contestable waypoint is contested as it should be, and this is the case for every person on the Cursed Shore instance that I’m on as well.
Now, say I leave Cursed Shore and then re-enter Cursed Shore again. This time, I end up on a different instance of Cursed Shore. I again want to waypoint to Malchor’s Leap, so I look at the map. This time, every single waypoint on the map appears uncontested.
This can lead to bad situations such as what happened to a friend of mine. I was in Cursed Shore at the temple of Grenth, and the priest of Grenth just spawned. I gave a heads up in guild chat that Grenth was up, and that friend tried to come into the instance with me. The waypoint at Grenth appeared uncontested, so she map-traveled there. When she got there, everything seemed fine, until suddenly, before she could even hit the priest, she was teleported to Meddler’s Waypoint, which is miles away. As a result, she missed the priest-event, and thus the event that would get her the trait-point.
On a related side-note, there’s an issue on Southsun Cove with Owain’s Refuge Waypoint. Most of the time when I want to go there, every waypoint in all of Southsun Cove appears uncontested, and I can just move there freely. However, on the off-chance that all contestable waypoints appear contested, why does Owain’s Refuge waypoint also appear contested? This waypoint could be contested way back during the Lost Shores living story update I believe, but has since then not been able to be contested anymore, so there is no reason to make this waypoint in particular appear contested to us.
Yeah, I know that there’s also a lot of champions that don’t drop loot, such as at the Shadow Behemoth, but the champions at Jormag have been dropping loot again since the feature pack.
That rumour that Lishtenbird mentions there might explain a whole lot though, and if this is true, then this is a very crappy system :/
I think those are just two bunnies in the exact same location. Just a thought though :o
This is an issue that has been popping up quite often. When I’m in a large group, all of us taking out a single champion or legendary enemy, more than often me and numerous others of the group won’t get any champion loot box out of it.
Now, it’s no problem if this happens only once or twice or something, but this has been happening a few too many times for it to be just a simple glitch.
It only seems to happen when in large groups of people, which is basically every single world boss encounter with champions that drop loot since the megaservers started.
Another thing that’s also noteworthy happens at the claw of Jormag. When in phase 2, there are some champion icebrood that spawn. I’d be hitting these champions non-stop, and while the icebrood trolls and icebrood kodan go down quite fast, the icebrood wolves and the icebrood goliaths have quite a bit more health. Usually, before their health drops to about 50%, Jormag becomes vulnerable, causing all of the champions to die. Now, on a few rare occasions, I still get loot from these only half-killed champions, but more than often I’m left with nothing. I don’t know if this issue is related to the above, but it is also something I don’t quite understand.
The title says it all. A long while ago, when the fight went from phase 1 to phase 2, the dragon’s wings would be shattered, hence why it crash lands and can’t take off anymore. Why does that not happen anymore, I wonder? Is this intentional or is this a bug, because if you look at the animation, there is still the animation of the wings getting shattered, but they still stay where they are visually.
Reading all of these concerns from other people, I’m glad about 90% agree that this seems like a bad idea.
The point that others have brought up, I agree as well, it completely takes away the sense of a living world. Sure, it will be a living map for the map you’re currently on, but every other map that you’re not on will feel dead.
I still think the better solution here would be to still give the players a choice. Gamers want to be able to make choices, and not being restricted to a schedule, even IF it might rotate sometime in the future. Why can we not choose to be on our own home server maps or on the megaserver maps? I understand, it might require more hardware over on your side, but for the players, it would be a much better system. The people who enjoy just roaming the world freely and like being able to do random group events can just go on the megaserver because there’ll always be enough people around to do those group events with you. If you enjoy the sense of home on your server and you like going off on the current API’s for world bosses, then you can simply stay on your home-server maps, much like how there was that district system in GW1. I get it, GW1 was a very different game than GW2 is, but it might not be so very different if you really think about it. We essentially currently have the exact same system as we did with districts in GW1, only this time, different districts are called different overflows and there’s no option to journey to one specific overflow, except for when you have a party-member in that overflow. I think it would be a lot better to still keep the current system alive with the current world bosses spawning times and Orr temples and contestable waypoints as they are now, and just add the megaserver on the side so that people can choose to go there if they want to, rather than force everybody to this new system :/
Okay, I waited until we got this blogpost on world bosses and yeah… I don’t think this whole mega-server is such a good idea. If anything, I’m foreseeing the destruction of the PvE community that has been growing on all the different servers.
First of all, and perhaps the smallest of my problems is the loss of a home. I’m from Gunnar’s Hold and even though I’m not really into WvW (I think it’s a great concept. Just not really my thing ^^ ), I’ve still always felt like Gunnar’s Hold is my home, and now we’ll be losing that :/
The waypoints, dungeons and temples always being contested unless you’re on that specific map is also another big issue. It will be a big gamble every time you travel to that map and then hoping your map will have an uncontested waypoint/temple/dungeon. Also, the double waypoint costs will be very troubling as well, especially in Orr.
The scheduled world events, while it would solve the introduced problem with not knowing whether or not your current map is about to spawn the fire elemental or not, it does not at all help people who aren’t able to be online very much and the like.
But those problems are nothing compared to what the Karka Queen, Tequatl and 3-headed Wurm are gonna introduce now. I am glad that there is at least a way to activate these events manually, but this is only for the larger guilds who have been around for quite some time already. Small guilds or guild-less people will be dependent on the bigger guilds in order to activate those events for them, and especially for the 3-headed jungle wurm and Tequatl, this is going to introduce a major issue. These are difficult events that will require a LOT of organization and tons of people that all come together on TS3, and if you’re in a guild large enough to take on Tequatl, then this guild will be like ‘screw these pugs and randomers. This is our attempt and ours alone’. Other people who are in smaller guilds of are guild-less will most likely be screwed when it comes to the likes of the 3-headed wurm.
Organized events themselves will be over as well. On Gunnar’s Hold, we gather together every monday evening in order to take down Tequatl. Hypothetically, we’d still be able to do that with the guild event starter, but again we’ll run into a problem. Currently on Gunnar’s Hold, Sparkfly Fen isn’t usually all that busy, and most of us will be able to join the map, no sweat, but that will also be over now, because rather than just 20 random Gunnar’s Hold people in Sparkfly, there will be 100 random people from several servers, who are not there for Tequatl and we’ll hit the map cap much sooner. Other organized events will also just be a lot harder to do for things that attract a lot of people.
Overall, yes, this megaserver idea will help solve the problem of maps like Brisban Wildlands where there’s just not that many people online, but it will most likely introduce a lot more issues than necessary.
Personally, I’d like it if we as players had more of an option, much like in Guild Wars 1. We’d still be put in our own server maps, we’d still be on Gunnar’s Hold, but if we reach map-cap, you wouldn’t be thrown in an overflow, but rather in an ‘international’ map, where you will be placed alongside other servers. It would also be great if we had the option of going to that international server whenever you want, in case you just want to enjoy some random group events that aren’t being done on your own home world. I think this would be a better solution than this megaserver idea, because it looks like it will just introduce a lot of issues rather than solve them.