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'Hunter's Call' should cause blind

in Ranger

Posted by: KleioLeander.1482


If I had 3 giant birds scratting at my face for even one and a half seconds I’m pretty sure my vision would be impaired.

Tbh I don’t even need it to actually cause blind…just have it on the tool-tip for immersion or something. Increase cooldown in anticipation of the ‘rangers are OP (but really, really awful still) nerfnerfnerf’ kitten-storm that will follow from any non-ranger that’s been downed by one…Don’t care. Just do it…it makes sense!

I mean this is just on Rhumblus in AC…on Lupi it’s actually ridiculous.


More GUILD options!

in Suggestions

Posted by: KleioLeander.1482


A tab for guild information would also be good. The message of the day works for temporary things or brief permanent ones, sure, but it would be nice to be able to have a place where you can post the more core features of the guild. For my guild I want it to be clear that we don’t mind if members are in multiple guilds/don’t rep and that discrimination will not be tolerated. It would be nice not to have to explain things like that to every single new member!

I’m all for guild-wide mail also. That would be really useful.

What do people think about a ‘last login’ feature also? I know it would just get used to kick people who aren’t online 24/7 but tbf that happens anyway. I’d want it to make sure people got promoted if they’ve been active/helpful even if me or an officer wasn’t online to see it.

fed up being suppressed trying to help people

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KleioLeander.1482


Guess what I’m trying to say is, however bad we think we have it, there’s always someone who has it worse!

True…however this is a way that nothing ever changes (in game and rl!).

I party with someone a lot who likes to send us the relevant potions of so-and-so-slaying but they get suppressed after two party members get the item. It’s a bit nuts.

OP, maybe you should give people chance to reply before sending the same message again…

Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: KleioLeander.1482


I <3 Alma Rey!

Here’s my bad-kitten ranger Ezra Shade when she glitched through the map in CoE…

Armour has been a huge problem for me to find. I need to point out that ‘coat’ and ‘bra’ and not kittening synonymous -.-


(edited by KleioLeander.1482)

Ranger in dungeons

in Ranger

Posted by: KleioLeander.1482


I agree that group composition is important, however I’m pretty much full zerker with a small amount toughness and vitality and I out-last everyone in the dungeon most of the time. I know this is hardly an indicator as to usefulness since I couldn’t kick out as much damage as a ‘zerk warrior who survived and ended up soloing, but I can take a few hits and easily finish the encounter (if the parties agrees it’s the best course…I mean it does take days for me to solo bosses at near full health and I don’t like leaving their corpses lying around bored after I failed to rez them in time and I rub my longevity in their faces…). Rangers have a hard enough time being accepted a viable class for dungeons so, personally, I would stress knowing the encounters, getting to know the one-shot graphics and really timing your dodges/evade skills rather than entirely relying on the party.

Is there a way to keybind stow/activate pet?

in Ranger

Posted by: KleioLeander.1482


I posted about this a while ago and how it would be useful to be able to stow in combat without it coming out again. It’d be invulnerable of a fashion but I’m sure there’s a way to keep it at the health/conditions it was stowed with. It’d make getting the kitten thing out of AoE far far easier. Then someone said it’d be useful for jumping puzzles to stop it bugging out everywhere when you lose a little bit of health.

It could just be on F4 since it’s next to the ‘return to me’ on F3.

Proof that AP means nothing....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KleioLeander.1482


Mob aggro works like this:

1) Ranger with a pet
2) Ranger without a pet
3) Anyone that looks like a Ranger
4) Anyone with a pet
5) Bounce around randomly until a Ranger shows up

Man I wish this worked for me! When I’m in a party that’s familiar with each other (ie. guild members or members of guilds we’re linked with) I tend to kite bosses if the need arises. This is usually when everyone else is dead and I’m debating whether to solo or just get ooc, but other times because of Anet’s favourite ‘boss has invuln shield, go here to remove said shield, spam dps’ mechanics. The worst being the dreaded Ghost Eater and I have to make people stay well out of its aggro range to kite it round pillars when the rest of the group is filling the traps.

A note on AP…I only go by under the 1k mark as meaning anything to do with a players skill the rest to me is irrelevant. If they have 540 AP then the player will have questions, they won’t be optimised and they probably think that dungeons are an extension of the personal story and thus soloable on the first try. Anything above 4k and I’m generally more likely to assume that they won’t take off their commander tag in a dungeon where it’s not necessary to keep it on, will be far too reliant on questionable ‘safe-spots’ and will rage-quit when it’s suggested that the group tries a different approach and then their preferred method.

Stow Pet During Combat

in Suggestions

Posted by: KleioLeander.1482


My suggestion is being able to stow pets in combat.

This would just be a fix that (as far as I’m aware) wouldn’t be too hard to implement in the meantime before there’s more control for pets (a menu of training options etc).

I play mainly PvE dungeons atm as ranger and find it difficult and next to impossible (in cases where the entire floor consists of it) to get my pet out of aoe before it dies completely using F3 ‘return to me’.

However, with being able to stow in combat the player would be aware that they’re taking a chunk out of their damage just to keep the pet alive. Immersion-wise I think this would be something a ranger would do anyway.

It would just have to be so the pet is in stasis when stowed and not reset to full health at this point. And be key-bind-able ‘cause as far as I’m aware you can only click to stow.

Feedback from rangers and other classes is may affect would be appreciated