Showing Posts For Knightfall.8471:
I’m speaking mainly of the Vigil and Arah sets. The female versions look soooo much better. I would kill to have that shoulder/glove model on my human male warrior. I would actually have a reason to farm do Arah if I had that armor model.
I’ve also noticed that the Noblemans legs (CM Explorable Set) are bugged for males, but not for females. When running the front part between the legs moves awkwardly and the back skirtish part appears to bug out when you are running with a 2h.
I just wonder why? I don’t like to play the opposite sex in games, I like to relate to my character. But in my opinion the female armor always looks so much better.
Warriors have a few bugs, such as fast hands and sure footed. Doesn’t seem to be much of a priority to Anet. Haven’t had a warrior fix in a couple of patches.
Or, you can be Cogbyrn. Basically telling everyone to suck it up, warrior isn’t as important as other classes.
Noone is complaining, it’s just sad to see everything but us getting bug fixes. When most of them are relatively simple fixes. Rush could be fixed by making it like ranger’s great sword movement ability. The only problem with Ranger’s GS skill is missing due to height, which they are actively working on.
I know warriors aren’t in the worst place ever right now, but they aren’t particularly in a good place. Why is every other class getting cute little changes and fixes… But not warriors? Literally almost all the recent patches have included nearly every class, all but warriors. Kinda just a let down. I always get excited for patches for no reason.
Any Sigil that procs on crit, or happens on weapon swap will share a cooldown with other similar ones.
For example, Sigil of superior energy and Superior fire on a sword/shield; proccing the Fire attack will nullify the Energy swap for 5 seconds, and vice versa.
Hope this helped.
You didn’t bug anything. But, you will have to run Arah story again. As did I.
It’s giving me a message saying
“Card approval failed. Please check your card details and try again. IF the issue persists, please contact support”
I’ve entered the card credentials several times just to insure it wasn’t user error. IT is not letting me make purchases with my mastercard nor with a pre-paid Visa I just picked up from CVS. I’ve had no problems purchasing gems before so I’m not sure what the problem is.
Richard Gadgetson, sign me up please!
It records well.. Better. Alot better then originally. Thanks for the tips man.
I just don’t get how all the YouTube stars like Swifty and Super Squad record at flawless fps with perfect quality.
Hello all land thanks for viewing.
I’ve been wanting to put together a PvP video, some tutorials, builds, and other content but I can’t record for crap. I usually run around 50-60 fps but whenever I turn on fraps my fps shoots down to 20ish and that is uncomfortable for me to play in, and doesn’t look so great when you view it either. My system specs are;
Graphics card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 470
Processor: AMD Phenom II X4 975 (4 CPUs) 3.6ghz
1 terabyte memory (678 gigs available)
IF you need more specs or have suggestions please feel free to share.
I know this isn’t a bad rig, and should be capable of recording well.
I support.
Mainly because I hate the human male great sword and 1H+shield unsheathed running animations and love the female ones. I won’t play a female because I find that odd but I would love to just have their unsheated weapon animations.
it would be considered a free one, I.E not trigger the one on your bar.
Just like the Endure pain at 25% hp when you spec 30 into defense. Doesn’t use the one on your bar
Although true that warriors do have a substantially higher health pool, you miss one fact.
That health isn’t going to matter if you have 900 toughness. someone with 1500 toughness and 1000 vitality is just as defensive as someone with 1500 vitality and 1000 toughness.
Difference being that when the one with vitality compared to toughness get’s hit, the hits will be much larger. But that is compensated for his higher health pool.
TwistedWarrior – I appreciate the suggestion but alas, I cannot. I play warrior to feel strong, self-reliant, like i don’t need to be a flame throwing demi-god to step up to a challenge. That’s why I love to swing around a big, great sword. Or take an onslaught behind a shield. It’s just how I’ve always liked to play. Dual wielding IMO feels weak to me. But that’s just my opinion.
Naraldeth, that is exactly the point I’m trying to get across. Against skilled players who pay attention and dodge accordingly, it becomes near impossible to get a HB off. I never get caught in them, and when I do I have shake it off to get out.
RJMazz, exactly what I was thinking. I love that ability.
continued, sorry on my phone however in my opinion, rooting someone andkittenthem isn’t fun. I love the flow of combat, the dodging, the blocking, parrying moving it’s just so fluid and fast! .. Except when you have to sand still to cast HB. I don’t primarily dwelve into other weapon sets because I’m a big fan on 2H swords and axes. No 2H Axes yet but you get it.
I love greatsword, the concept, The look and the animations. Just not the lack of mobile damage. I just want to see my favorite class and weapon on par without focusing it o use a knockdown/root for utility or mainhand mace/sword just to do damage.
Vandal and Rdescope, those are excellent proposals. Pretty much exactly what I was thinking when I made this thread.
Twisted, I do infact play a warrior, Knightfall on Isle of Janthir, currently my only level 80. And this is NOT a nerf HB thread. As it stands with all the stun break/cc removal/cc and bigger problems like pistol whip, which applies the stun itself and grants evasion, if someone gets caught in HB, they deserve it. But this still does not change the fact that as it roots you, it is currently useless in competent PvP matches.Yes maybe 30% is too ludicrous and I apologize for the exaggeration, however.
I.. what? I play a warrior and know how tight of a spot we are in in tPvP. All warriors bring to the table atm is HB damage and FGJ, this being stated why in hell would I want to nerf them? You speak of nerf whiners starting flame wars when you come in here shooting off at the mouth just because you don’t like someones proposal. That is what these forums are for, discussing warrior related things. Just calm down a little bit, alright? Maybe 30% is to much but it does do ludicrous damage. Not that other classes don’t and I think that needs to be handled as well. But frenzy hundred blades isn’t FUN not for me anyways.
Sometimes I will get slight input delay out of the blue, no idea why.
Usually lasts a couple minutes then goes away
Both very good ideas, I like the idea of adrenaline skills varying depending on Mh and off hand weapon choice, kind of like a thief’s dual skill. But you would have to compensate with 2H weapons having two bursts, like I suggested.
The problem with having to be stationary with 100B is that there is so much CC and CC break in this game, it almost never goes off in high level play, where people know what they are doing. Hundred blades isn’t like pistol whip or mesmer’s 1H flurry where we evade all attacks. IF we evaded with using hundred blades, that would alright. But i would much rather like to see it usable while moving. One of the big things in this game is mobility. Standing still to use a skil lis well.. Boring.
Hello and welcome fellow warriors!
I’ve been thinking lately of a few weapon sets where the burst skills are dull, or just well.. Not even a benefit to use (Great sword) and I have a few ideas on the subject.
Dual burst skills. Everyone knows warriors are the bread and butter typical melee class. And that they should be the easiest to understand/play and that’s cool by me. But it still doesn’t help the fact that our class mechanic (burst) is the most uninteresting and lackluster of any other class.
Necros get a new very powerful skill set and a damage bubble, rangers can control a plethora of pets, thief’s can steal very powerful abilities etc etc.. So I was thinking, why not two burst skills? Possibly one offensively oriented, like all burst skills are now, then one defense oriented. Off the top of my head Great swords second burst ability could be like this
Combat focus Channel your adrenaline to enter a state of heightened mind, raising your sword and counterattacking any enemy that strikes you in combat for 6 seconds or until 3 attacks are countered.
I think it could add a whole new perspective to warriors, make bunker warriors more viable while still not making it severely difficult to understand, so new players can still have fun with the class.
Let me know what you think.
Greatsword “Rush” and hundred blades changes
Hundred blades is a problem. A problem in the fact that against lower skill players, glass cannon warriors are downing them in 2-5 seconds causing them to come here and demand nerf. And the standard bulls charge HB combo is to easy for higher skilled players to avoid, making greatsword very sub par therefore making warrior very useless in higher level pvp. I think a good solution would be to move Hundred Blades to the burst skill for GS, reduce it’s damage by around 25-30% and make it channel able whilst moving. Possibly at a small movement speed cost. This could put Greatsword warriors back into tPvP and stop them from destroying lower skilled players, everyone could benefit!
Rush, despite the 14th update is still very.. Clunky, annoying just.. Not good. Either the animation tries to go off and somebody will just move 2-3 steps to the left or right, making the warrior sit in place for a good 1-2 seconds unable to move, or it just overshoots and sprints into somebody’s chest for 3 seconds.
I would like to see it become a 1 key two skill ability. Like the first key press will start rushing towards your target, then the rush skill will become “Forceful leap” or something and plunge you into your foe for a quick strike/distance closer. Kind of like how guardians Greatsword #4 is, but without the blind.
Hope you enjoyed the thread, and sorry for the wall of text. Can’t contain myself :p
oh, my mistake! Updated.
Hello all! I hope you’re having as much fun on GW2 as I am!
To introduce myself, I’m Kelly aka Knightfall aka Kyllek. I’ve played warrior based classes since I was grinding STR and ATK in Runescape 6 years ago. I’ve always loved the thought of being the powerhouse, the one who doesn’t posses nor need magic to compete in a world of fire throwing demi-gods.
Anyways to the spec, I’ll start with some things you can expect and not expect from this build;
What you can expect
-26k hp While using berserkers amulet, 32k while using Knight’s. Your choice.
-Great survivability
-Great player/group support abilities and options
-Constant 10+ stack of Might makes for great damage
-Superb condition removal
-Superb mobility
-Rage from thieves who saw the warrior icon and thought you were a free kill
-QQ whispers from cookie cutter specs who expected to dodge your bulls rush and win.
what NOT to expect
-Frenzy+Hundred Blades killing someone in 3 seconds
-The extreme damage from glass cannon warriors, this is more then made up for in survivability. Glass cannon warriors don’t work anymore, sorry.
Not that you’ve read a “short” list of pro’s and cons, let’s get into it.
For the trait allocation; It goes
0 – null
20- unsuspecting foe (negotiable) and Forceful Greatsword.
0- null
30- Leg specialist, Lung Capacity and Vigorous Shouts.
20- Inspiring shouts (negotiable) and Mobile strikes
I’ll explain some of the more important choices here; obviously for a shout spec, Lung
Capacity and Vigorous Shouts are a must have. The reduced cooldown plus 1.5-2k heal is self explanatory. Leg Spec is also a must have, makes using blade trai lan absolute monster due to the boomerang effect, and allows for a free bulls rush/hundred blades/eviscerate, guaranteed to hit. (except vs Engi’s, effin cloaking device) Inspiring shout is great for extra Evis’s and mobile strikes is nice. Forceful greatsword is a need. IF you’re using a Great sword without forceful great sword just.. Stahp.. pls.
Gear (Amulet’s, runes, sigils etc..)
I primarily use Berserker’s amulet. Being specced so far into Tactics gives you heaps of HP, and the shouts healing is even more crazy. I keep a Knight’s ammy on me when I need to fit into the role of a sub-par bunker/defender for my team.
For runes I use Soldiers. For any shout spec, no rune beats soldiers. Removing a condition on every shout? That coupled with “Shake it Off!” is a 2 condition remover every 20 seconds, plus a heal. Yeah, for serious.
Finally to weapons, I use Greatsword and axe/shield, for Sigils, I use Sigil of Superior of Fire on my greatsword for the extra 2k aoe damage, (5 second internal CD) and for my axe/shield I use Sigil of Superior air/Sigil of Superious Battle.
And finally! Heal/utilities/Elite
For the heal, either mending or healing surge are great choices, and it is all subjective. You’re choice friend.
The utilities I run are, “For great Justice!” Which will be a 32 and a half second 3 stack of might, 10s of a fury on a 20 second cooldown, “Shake it Off!” which removes two conditions with the Soldier runes, and Bulls Charge, for the Leg spec immobilize into a free Charge, then Hundred Blades.
For Elite, obviously Signet of Rage is a must have for most, but war banner can be useful for some group situations.
Well that about sums it up, thanks for reading the wall of text, I am open to feedback, constructive criticism and tweaks/adjustments to the spec. Let me know whats working/not working, either in a comment or a PM. You can find of on Isle of Janthir at Knightfall.8471.
Thanks and have a great time!
(edited by Knightfall.8471)
I think he’s pretty HAWT.
Finally got to 80 after putting down PvP for awhile.
edit added a new photo due to poor lighting in the original.
(edited by Moderator)
I Support this.
Have been wishing this would come to light forever lol.