Showing Posts For Krizzy.6950:

All Active SPvP Guilds/Teams.

in PvP

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


Fenga Papit [FAP] NA
Small guild only accepting people who prove their worth. (sounds bad but quality>quantity)
Contact – Leet Magi Karp or Steez in game

Fellow sPvPers, help a community member!

in PvP

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


Good deed of the day, check

Idea for paids

in PvP

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


Side note, I realize within the week/month that we will be getting 1team v 1team and so forth. But if that ends up being a dead end this idea could come into play.

Idea for paids

in PvP

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


Hey all,
I am an avid stream watcher and pvper of GW2. would just like to give a suggestion to help get the community to grow a bit and help players trying to compete (lots of talk about what we CAN and SHOULD be doing for the community on streams but I see no action). As we all know in NA there are 3 or 4 teams that run paids atm (by run i meen demolish every other team that tries to start running paids.)

So my suggestion, would it be possible for the top teams to reach some sort of agreement on times that they will queue and when they wont? Example:
Top teams queue during the regular paid hours until a certain time (11 server for example.) After 11 server time, top teams (and teams with 200+ QP possibly?) stop queing so that teams that want to play teams that aren’t going to completely wreck them can. No more pug stomping in frees all night because you know that QT or PZ etc are queing. This allows teams that are better to play better teams and teams that want to learn more are able to. Then teams that think they have grasped the concepts and have built their synergy can start queing during the times when better teams are queing.

I know some people might say “Well this isn’t going to work, I want MOAR QP’s!” and “Not everyone with 200+QP/top teams are going abide by the scheduled times” To this I say: What are QP’s worth to you? Is it in the games best interest (and your own) to destroy players who are at a lower level of skill then you, just to see more and more players quit because they can’t get into more competitive play? With this system, players with the highest amounts of QP will still stay at the top of the ladder (who cares) while allowing other players to join in to create an even bigger ladder.
The second point: Players who queue during the dedicated “new player paid time” with more than 200+QP (again this isn’t set in stone im just throwing numbers) aren’t gaining anything but QP’s and people telling them how pro they are because they beat a team trying to work their way up. All im trying to get at is that i’m sure we could change the “EU SUCKS/NA SUCKS” banter into “Wow you queued against the lowest of the low and won, now go and play the top teams and try to win bro”

Let me know what you guys think. (constructive criticism please)

D/F - S Power/well PvP Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


Guess I haven’t noticed, I only started using fire this week. Been switching between bloodlust and accuracy mostly on main hand so I guess that would be the best to use. Thanks for the info though

D/F - S Power/well PvP Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


Random Notes/Tips
Every enemy is different. You have to KNOW the other professions. You have to KNOW the abilities that a person is using so that you can think ahead of a situation and be able to pop wells when they have no defensive cooldowns up, or to stop an enemy from ressing another person and creating an area they dont want to be in, popping DS to avoid burst or stab/shroudstomping for the clutch kill. All these things come in time as you play the build and learn what to do. Don’t underestimate any one skill (youd be surprised how many times Life Siphon has saved me with its miniscule healing.) Combo your skills and utilities to maximize damage output. Don’t throw marks down on the ground without your enemy being imobd/slowed/chilled/feared/etc. There are few situations when you should (thief pops outta stealth for a burst on you) but for the most part it is safest to try and get your imob on them first. F1-DOOM-F1-Dark Pact is a killer combo. Easiest way to get a imob off for sure. Even though it is not stated in the tool tip focus 5 removes 3 boons on a pretty short cooldown.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that you are able to use doom while shroudstomping or shroudressing a team mate. OP

Thanks for reading my power build, lemme know what you guys think and how it plays for ya

(edited by Krizzy.6950)

D/F - S Power/well PvP Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


Hey guys!
My in game name is Steez and I have gotten a lot of people asking me about good power builds to use in pvp. I’ve decided to post mine in the hopes to see a lot more competitive power necros out there! (and to direct people to this forum post)

First off:
This build focuses on maintaining a strong amount of pressure on your enemy with large crits and high attack power, sustaining as much damage as you can via DS and kiting, and for the overall insane burst and CC chains you can get.

The build:
I DO NOT spec into targetable wells for 2 reasons. Even though the crit from speccing into curses is nice along with the fury when entering DS, the whole tree focuses around condi’s except for targetable wells (which could be considered condi i guess) so it doesn’t help to much as a power necro. Also, when you place a targetable well on the ground it will tick on your enemy 5 times, compared to the 7 ticks you get from placing it at your feet. As a power necro with dagger you will be in melee range so you don’t need the trait anyways.

Spite – Spiteful talisman – reduces cooldown on focus skills. If anyone has ever played around with reapers touch on the focus you’ll know that the damage output is pretty decent if your within melee range. Between 3-5k damage in a second depending on crits, WHILE spamming dagger one is nice.
Reapers Might – I use reapers might in my second slot in spite for the power boost, even if you dont have a target to hit you can still hop into death shroud and stack a bit of might ooc. I change this trait out a lot with Chill of Death not only for the chill, but the fact that it strips 3 boons on a target when you are trying to burs them. (bye stability and protection)
Close to Death – of course! Large boost to targets lower than 50% YES PLEASE

Death Magic – Admittedly this trait can be changed with any other trait tree but I like to use it for either greater marks or lower staff cooldowns. All preference.

Soul Reaping – I spec into Soul Reaping for more survivability in DS and also crit damage. Build contains a significant amount of crit damage which is why our crits hit pretty hard.
Path of Midnight – help lower the cooldowns of your death shroud skills, doom in particular which is amazing for avoiding bursts and stopping stomps.
Soul Marks – 3% life force from marks is probably the most efficient way to gain life force (other than spectral armor/walk). Going into the second line of soul reaping also gives spectral armor when you reach 50% hp, which is another great way to get your life force and survivability up for a bit.
Foot in the Grave – main question I get is WHY. First off, contrary to popular belief lately on the necro forum, shroudstomping still works. 3 seconds of stability is the perfect amount of time for a stomp if you time it CORRECTLY. (note that correctly is bolded, I have my DS bound to my mouse so I may click and press stomp at the same time which is extremely easy to do. If you time it incorrectly you are prone to getting a stomp that doesn’t go through and wasted meter.) This trait is also PERFECT for avoiding a warriors bull charge at you and a thiefs constant stun lock. If you can time your DS correctly, it makes it very easy to negate incoming stuns if your attentive to the battle.

Well of Corruption- damage, nice crits, AOE, boon stripping
Well of Suffering – damage, nice crits, AOE, vuln stacking (works well when used with Reapers Touch to stack 20+ vuln)
Signet of Undeath – insta res and slow but steady LF gain
Lich – insane damage. Get a mesmer on your team, time warp, win. Just hope the enemy doesn’t target the big green kitten machine.

sigil of accuracy on dagger, sigil of rage on focus
sigil of energy on staff
Eagle runes to reach 43% crit with 58 crit damage. (Can be switched with divinity or anything else, just my pref.)

(edited by Krizzy.6950)

AOE not to strong dont change (reply devs)

in PvP

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


I agree with Vyndetta. Especially when the only mode for PVP is capture the node. Doesn’t need a huge damage nerf but a slight decrease would due. AOE damage builds do prevail in the current game type/meta, will be fun to see this game if it decides to come out with another game type.

Some Timewarp Counters.

in PvP

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


Good time warp counter for condition necros is to trait blind to also chill and pop plague in the timewarp. Chill+blind every second helps negate the damage to team mates

Players looking for a team

in PvP

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


Hey all,
IGN: Steez
R37 power/well necro, condi trap ranger NA
Over 1k tournys played
15 QPs, no dedicated team ;/
Message in game or here on forums
(may have a r42bunker with me as well if the team needs one)

PAID Tourny Queue this Wednesday and Friday

in PvP

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


BUMP for great idea, needs more views

GW2 Reality Check - S.o.S.

in PvP

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


Agreed, just tired of patches bringing bugs to a already buggy game. —-dat mistform/vengeance/etc resing bug.

THIS! i CANNOT believe that jagged horrors are ressing ele’s in downed mist form and warriors in vengeance STILL. Makes me hate playing my necromancer even more. Also gives res to anyone who is under mesmer illusion of life. fix?

New Necro Downed state

in PvP

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


Nero do you play glass cannon shatter mes? And the damage has always been that much

Necro the new bunker

in Necromancer

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


You don’t have to be a bad player to stand in wells. For instance, the combo I used to use on people after I knew they used their stun break was dark pact, well well, golem charge, grasp. They are in the area for 5 seconds and its gg(when I played a power d/f,a/w) Now what I use for bunker is well of power, spec armor, and plague sig. The 3 together seem to be the best for bunker (can exchange plague sig for sig of undeath but I would only do it if your specd for shorter cooldowns.) Works especially well if you trait for condition removal into DS and spec into 5 sec DS.

Might as well post my build now that i’m already posting everything about it :P (at work though and no build editor website will work for whatever reason)


Death Magic- reduced staff cooldowns and condition removal when entering DS
Blood Magic – Area heal when exiting DS and Life Transfer heals allies. (can change these and go for more power if your not trying to be extremely team support/bunker)
Soul Reaping- lower spectral cooldowns, LF from staff skills, 5 second DS cooldown

Again I apologize about not being able to have this in a neat format and know every skill, but my computer at work SUCKS.

For my healing skill I use well of blood to heal both myself and team. For the my three main utilities I use well of power (to help get rid of constant conditions from teammates), spectral armor (gain LF and with a lower cooldown a good stun breaker), and plague signet(to help my team from worrying about condition and also for the buffs and stun break.)

Weapons in this build are mostly a personal pref. Personally I use axe/focus and staff. Axe for the retal you can get from multiple enemies near you and focus for the LF and easy vulnerability stacking combined with axe (chill is also nice ) Staff is pretty self explanatory, easy LF gain and good skills to help keep you alive. Regen from the #2 is nice if you have healing power in your neck piece.

That’s everything I can give for now until I get home. I can tell you im using the mercy runes on my armor for straight team support and toughness but that’s about all I can remember.
Let me know what you guys think.

Necro the new bunker

in Necromancer

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


@ostracize I think in the OP I said I didn’t post it so it didn’t just become some cookie cutter build that everyone used(I said “as of yet” meening I will post it once we get some posts in here), and I wanted this thread to be a constructive bunker thread to see what everyone could come up with. You sir, are the classic call someone out without reading the post d-bag.

and nowhere did I post that my build is “awesome” loltroll

Necro the new bunker

in Necromancer

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


Hey everyone!

No you did not misread the title, I am going to throw this out there for anyone saying that necro is still in a bad spot. Played over 750 tournament games before this latest patch, trying any and all builds I could before I stuck with a power build with wells solely on the purpose to bring down bunkers (and it worked). With the new patch however, fixing our SR trait line to actually gain the increased DS %, I have come across many builds that can EASILY be compared to guardian survivability. With this increased DS, 5 second CD/3 sec stability, one of the HIGHEST health pools in the game, and many abilities to slow/stun/chain foes, I would even venture to say that necromancer is BETTER than what guardian was before (without the block bug and svanir glitch of course.) Not gonna link my build as of yet because I don’t want you guys to just make a cookie cutter out of it. Instead I want to see all of your ideas for the best Necromancer bunker spec!

One more thing i’d like to throw out there. I’m not oblivious to the bugs that our class still endures, but I like to try and work past those things. Anyone who still doesn’t believe necro is viable for tpvp, i’m virtually showing you the door.

Mes portals

in PvP

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


I don’t think anyone can deny that portals are OP in tourneys, especially when one team is using them and the other isn’t. @defektive ya that’s my idea. Portals should be targetable after the mesmer drops the first one. Example: Mesmer gets henge, lays portal, and starts to leave. You walk up to henge, notice the portal there, and take it out ASAP so that their whole team can’t immediately zerg you from keep/etc. I think this would fix a lot of the complaints about portal being OP (don’t try to deny it, it is). May also force Mesmers to use a different utility if people start getting strategical with killing portals. Just my opinion.

Mes portals

in PvP

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


I see a lot of complaints about this, and I wanted to post a fix that I think would meet everyone half way. Keep the portals and the distance and so on but make portals targetable and killable. More strategy = more fun. Yes/no?

Phrases you'll never hear in GW2:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


“Lets get a necro for our paid tournament group, their unkillable personal minion portal is WAY better than the mesmers ground portal”

9k+ Kill Shots from 1500 range = new FoTM

in PvP

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


As if warriors weren’t good enough, they need a 5 second fear? You’re joking. To even be able to get someone off a point with necro you have to have perfect timing with your 2 fears, and even then it isnt enough most of the time. You’re telling me that warriors should be able to fear for 5 seconds off a point with the click of one button? Necros have to trait to even get 1.5 seconds of fear, that’s redic. On a side note, thief fear that they steal from necros also needs a fix. Steal my 1 second fear and get a 3 second aoe one.. yay?

My necro tourny build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


I use berserkers, but haven’t tried knights yet. Also I was on another forum skimming some of the posts and APPARENTLY (no clue if this is true or not) if you don’t take the well targeting skills you get 7 ticks from your well, as opposed to 6 with the target trait. Anyone confirm this?

9k+ Kill Shots from 1500 range = new FoTM

in PvP

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


^^^^give warriors 5-6 seconds of fear, give necromancers (who’s class defining cc is fear) 2 1 second fears on a 20 and 40 second cooldown. GG

Well of corruption

in Necromancer

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


Figured, but thought i’d ask anyways for a definite answer. Thanks for the response.

Well of corruption

in Necromancer

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


May be a dumb question, but I haven’t tested it and not on a computer with GW2 atm. Does well of corruption benefit from the trait “master of corruption” which reduces corruption skills recharge by 20%. It does have corruption in the name but on the wiki it says it’s only considered a well skill.

My necro tourny build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


A side note to add to this thread, I usually roam for my team in TPVP. At least 2 bunkers, 1 on mid and home node. With myself and a thief roaming, and a mesmer for portals. IMO (not fact but pretty kitten close) i believe that necromancer and thief are the best roam team in the game. (((((I’m looking for anyone who is a pro burst/surv thief to hit me up in game to run some strats i’ve been theorycrafting, will be on at 12 Central time tonight, send me a whisper))))

My necro tourny build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


@Alekto, couldn’t agree more. One of the main reasons I use BIP honestly.

My necro tourny build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


Forgot to mention, if your not having the best results with BIP and your struggling at keeping enemies in wells, switch BIP to spectral grasp. Good at pulling enemies from stomping team mates and also getting them in your wells.

My necro tourny build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


Hey fellow necromancers,
been theory crafting builds for necros for a long time. The current build i’m running is based on wells, debuffing enemy boons, and high damage/survivability. The build in itself does not spec into much survivability per say, but properly using DS, fears, and chill make it EASY to kite almost anyone (maybe not thieves but who cares, 3 ticks in a well is death).

The build looks a little something like this: (at work atm and build editor wont load)

30 in spite (II-spiteful talisman for quicker/further focus skills, VI or VII-either get might from life blast or go into 10% more damage from marks.. more of a personal preference, and XII-close to death for 20% more damage.)

20 in curses (first slot is also personal preference, but I use V-33% to gain 1% LF on crit, and IX-focused rituals for ground targeting wells.)

and 20 in Blood Magic (I-dagger mastery for quicker dagger skills (immobolize), and VIII-ritual mastery for quicker well cool downs.)

For weapons, as you can probably tell already, I use D/F with Staff in the other slot for mobility and kiting. Weapons have +5% damage and sigil of rage for quickness stomps/DS damage/dagger damage. Staff uses intelligence for a nasty crit from your #4 usually dealing more than 2.5k.

My utilities include well of corruption, well of suffering, and blood is power. BIP may be one of the single most important things to pick up in this build. 10 stacks of might + stacks of might from life blast = insane burst with wells/dagger. For my elite I currently switch between lich and flesh golem. Lich is good for the occasional fight but flesh is significantly better for wells IMO. Golem charge after an immobolize is a good 5 seconds of stun on an enemy (wow wells last 5 seconds, who wouldve guessed :P)

My runes are always changing, but currently im using all ogre for the extra damage from rock dog and an extra 4% damage.

Let me know what you guys think! If your having trouble my necromancers name is Steez and i’m on the server Darkhaven currently.

Cannot Finish / Revive inside Deathshroud?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Krizzy.6950


Well since we cant stomp in DS at least be able to in lich/plague? If others can with an elite shouldn’t we? Not game breaking for me just adding input :P