Just enjoy it for what it is. No monthly fee and as a casual player you get quite a bit from it. Really I dont know what people want from games anymore lol. I play them to get a few hours of fun here or there.
If you enjoy wvw or pvp just go Thief. If you like PVE then ranger is fine. Enjoy
Odd got 2 out of about 20 chests. Figured they were common with that rate. Guess I was lucky.
Something to do while I do my daily? Only makes sense to do one a day now.
Great game. Since its free.
I possibly have a good amount of people that are wanting to transfer to a medium pop server. We are debating on 2 specific servers (not going to mention) but can we get a brief presentation of your guys’ server (wvw community, ts, any other relevant info) please?
Send me your qualifications. Ill let you know if you are fit for my server. Thanks.
This game is mechanically just like war hammer. Battle objective capping. Until there is a different set of abilities / armor only obtained via kills.. This game will promote only 20+ Zergs. Garbage.
Yeah. New patch made it worse. I like that they tried now its just even more of swap tower fest. Zergs try to avoid each other unless they know they have a big advantage.
Why would you pigeon hole yourself into one weapon? Run scepter/dagger and switch to staff in certain situations. Elementalist is one of the best in wvwvw. Grass isn’t that much greener on the other classes lol.
Enjoying the wvww changes. Everything else is fine.
I got used to it. Don’t pay any attention since I mainly wvwvw.
Why I love this game. Pugs with enough size stomp organized. Nice vids.
Lol this thread. Poor guy having to wade through it all.
That said, to the OP: best advice I can give you is to send a few of your guys to the top three servers you’re interested in. Spend a week there. Get to know the community a bit first-hand.
Because while you can indeed transfer again if you don’t like it, that will add up cost-wise over time. Find a community that means a permanent home for you. And while WvW is fundamentally an entity unto itself, it’s like picking the right girl for you …. you may adore her, but realize you’re going to spend a lot of time with her family, too.
Good luck in your search.
Lol nice try. The family thing was cute.
The game is how it is. No matter how you and your mates want to run around and gank. I guess get more mates?
We just want to have fun thats all.
Sounds more like you need attention. Lol
Why does it matter if you live in Australia mate? I live in the Us and play on an Eu server and do fine.
Don’t waste a spot with mist form while surfing the Zerg. Feed the Zerg with might and aoe healing goodness.
(edited by Kromsin.6359)
Now you more properly appreciate one of the big difficulties with giving players freedom and choices, people today more often than not take the “easy” route to “win”.
This is human nature, to win, and win most efficiently. This is why a lot of us level up to 80 and want BIS gear, not for fun but to win (for many this is fun). If I can zurgball for 2 hours what took me 2 days to do then I’ll choose the 2 hour method every time (for me that’s 6 hours less grinding so it’s a no-brainer).
The system ANet setup is to give a reward for each win, this means the more wins you get per hour the better-off you’ll be, so ANet either made a mistake in their design or they want this.
That’s actually a lie, human nature is to survive and procreate. Winning is something bred into us by society. Realistically when the goal is to have fun it doesn’t matter if you win or lose if you are having fun. The preference is actually a mix of both or it gets boring always losing or always winning. It’s the challenge, the drama, and the back and forth turmoil along with the rush of competition.
The only reason people have more fun “winning” to the extent people do today is because of brainwashing and a select portion of the population trying to compensate for their own insecurities. Oh and btw if you want to win buy X product or service. You don’t want to be a loser do you?
Maybe for losers. Winners take things and dominate. Losers go with the be safe and procreate thing.
No that is a money sink
I’m a casual who enjoys the random wvwvw game. Oh the decent Orr group events where I tag along are nice also. We need more wvwvw and more open world content. This game is great .
As a casual Piken person. Great fun fights from both sides. KA did some nice leading in EB.
Dont know what to say. Glass cannon builds without an escape ability or a zerg to hide behind suck. I tried for awhile to run the GC build on an elementalist. It works but a bunker build works so much better. Start screwing with the boons a bunker build relies on it wont be pretty.
Good news. Seeing way to man builds based off abusing culling. I’ve even done it myself.. Lol
I would fix it by adding PVE and TPVP AND SPVP. Oh wait
Accept it for what it is.
Build a thief and solo roam or elemental.
I enjoyed the lady from the Priory story also. My two favorites.
Playing a thief to 80. Really I can’t find anything to complain about the other classes lol….
A lot of fun as a Piken. Great fights against both sides.
Good change . Hope it wasn’t on accident lol
lol everytime someone slags of Piken or name calls them in SFR map chat I take offense and am almost,“hey kitten you, you kitten kittener!” So I guess it will always be where I think of as home. <3
I am homesick.
I try not to attack any Piken Invader, it feels so wrong.
Well few more days you wont need to worry about that! Cheer up
Horrible patch. Excluding small family style guilds with their guild mission system. No BIG WvW changes to bring longevity to the game. Makes me thankful there is not a monthly fee.
Well I guess they don’t want the small guilds to have access to this feature. Not much else to go on. Join a larger guild I guess.
Ill let you know when I can actually update.
I guess they want you to run their FOTM..
Being in a small family guild. Cant stand the change. We realize getting things would take longer being in a small guild. But this is really too much. Oh well.
Id really like to play.
So crap post Chrono, we have Old Piken again and for us only!
- Bandwagoners gone – so after weeks complain about it thinks sort out by self
- RG gone so no more gtfo from map on chat and no more arrogance around, they did more toxic like good here, they join when we was in T3 and left in T2 which we don’t want be in, so now that is SFR problem not ours any more. Bob have fun focusing old home server but some people are just like that :P cant have then try destroy but on PS that dosnt work at all.
- We going down to T3 – we vote for that long time ago so we can enjoy once more guild actions on smaller and bigger scale, less culling and lags and focus on fun general not points and campaign.
- We lost few good guilds: siN we understand this as in t3 no so much to do on night for them, great guys they fit PS so well nice skills and RP good luck to You guys, RG – no one care, Boon get touch by corruption of being in top tier they left so fast so many of us didn’t manage to say good bye and good luck (hope so you get where you want to go), TUP which move 2 weeks before all and maybe we can convince them to come over once more as all troubles which bother them just gone,
After that we still have over 10 good guilds bigger /smaller which will be perfect for T3
and when we wipe all dust left by easy riders – gonna roll againSo no more drama, no more arrogance, no more pressure for points over fun from game, no more crap just Piken like was before.
Hopefully no more drama and just fun. Those guilds that left Im sure they will find the attention they are looking for somewhere else. Best of luck to them. Piken will go back to being the nice work together server it used to be.
Perhaps less leave the map and dont follow us stuff
YAY PIKEN IS COMING BACK TO US <3 I knew our relationship would never truly end :P
We should all meet at the grub and have pie.
I have geared out 80 engineer,guardian and necro. Lol my thief in WvWvW just blows them away . Waiting patiently on the balance.
If you left can you stay gone this time please? Thanks RG and Tup!
Guilds like GG and KA who have been on this server for a very long time seem to keep showing up with no drama.
It’s not fair. I get rolled up all the time by the organized guilds. That’s the way it should be though.
I live going after glass cannon builds on my thief. I get a laugh every time they drop.
I go with the Benny Hill song.
I enjoy it for what it is. Playing a thief or elementalist is fun in WvW. I try not to compare it vs DAOC. Its better that way Smaller groups have their place. You just have no chance vs a zerg.
Everyone knows that tears feed the Zerg machine.
Lol… Just carry a staff. Pick and choose to dagger.
Even more amusing. A guild on my server was requesting people to leave. So their guild mates could get in. Never seen that in Daoc.
I casually play on Piken from day one. Must have been a bunch of people that transferred. Ive never seen the ridiculous Q’s to WVWVW before. They need to do something about Wvwvw you are either stomping the other teams or getting stomped. Very rarely is it even handed.
I would love to see something that reward guilds for staying on a server for a period of time. The guild jumping really feels wrong to me.
I get bored of every mmorpg I’ve played. Eq and Wow held my attention the longest.