Showing Posts For Kuro.9843:

New Dungeon; Wizard's Dynasty

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuro.9843


I would love a dungeon that would stray off from the regular linear exploring kind of thing.
Like a huge arena with more and more waves of enemies coming at the players and since it is one arena it would also be possible to add a lot of effects where monsters destroy walls and the ground. This place seems just perfect !

Suggestions Regarding the Mail System

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuro.9843


3. Filter. Just filter the more common gold spams and mails with a lot of £ or $ signs and websites.
It can’t be that hard no?

Color Blindness Accommodations

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuro.9843


Awesome idea! I seen this implemented in league of legends and more of a utility its a nice gesture towards players. I’m not colour blind but seen images of before and after of LOL games as seen by a colour blind person and I just couldn’t believe how much of a difference a little change of colour makes.

Should the 'Downed' state be removed?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuro.9843


Ah come on the helping of a downed player makes up most of the team play why would we want that removed O.o It is one of the most amazing and original ideas gw2 has.

Noting on my Map

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuro.9843


This would be an awesome feature ! possibly with say drawings too, would love to be able to draw a mining route or where an event takes place.

Reporting Botters

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuro.9843


keyboard faceroll names…

Suggestion *Amended

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuro.9843


I have previously made a topic that got deleted since it has shown some players names, I will address the same issue of bots being ten times as numerous as players in some areas.

This time no names shown purely for your judgement, you can see just how many coordinated characters there were by the number of bears, must I say they used the exact same skills and stood at exact same spot while not running too. I would like this issue to be discussed and noticed, reviewed in a good light and understood as a problem.

It destroys gameplay and the economy, if anything I see many players very annoyed by the very sight of cheaters.


More underwater skills

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuro.9843


More underwater WEAPONS and some skills (as in 6-0) that are water only.

Either allow add ons or give us some way to measure our dps

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuro.9843


Dummies on Mists and in Lions arch that measure dps ? that would allow us to test out what build packs the biggest punch yet not use add ons or destroy teamplay.

Real pvp missing! -pvp analyzed

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuro.9843


I enjoy the combat in gw2 but the pvp needs some serious improvement in order to be fun and competitive rather than be an annoying blood boiling experience.

WvW is dominated by “zerg” strategy, the more players the better and on a side note I am highly disappointed with my own server (Vabbi) to be matched up with a server many times its size (ring of fire) as the wvw has became completely useless and the whole big aspect of the game is gone due to being outnumbered 1:20 (people by now do not even try to go wvw, go figure) I can only imagine that many servers have the same issue too. With the benefits that go with wvw (level, karma and badges for gear even winning puzzle easily) this further deepens the gap between good and bad servers.

Also neither WvW nor sPvP allows for me to become better at the game and test out my own builds efficiently, in both the fight is reduced to either zerg or battles between 2-4 people as it is in spvp. I would love to see some sort of dueling system introduced, maybe within the mists with an option to use the spvp or your regular gear? I find that the only possible method of improving my combat skills, before I could at least stray off the regular path on WvW and find someone to duel, now due to wvw going terribly wrong it has became impossible.

Lastly, why not disable combat while in the puzzle on battle grounds? those puzzle give extremely good rewards when compared to other puzzle yet the fun is reduced to many people camping them and blocking access, many times do I find huge groups of people not even there for the loot any more but just to pick on someone.

(edited by Kuro.9843)