Showing Posts For Kuzeer.5320:

Arah path 4, hard to find a group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kuzeer.5320


Well I’m always down to help people out with arah so feel free to add me. I’ve cleared all 4 paths many time.

Most absurd thing i've seen yet..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kuzeer.5320


Ya I find this funny anet talks about how they banned so many and made it harder to bot in the game. But all they did was add a few champs and vets to the events in Orr so now all the bots moved to lowbie zones. Bet the next great idea will be to add more vet and champ mobs in all the zones lol.

Arah path 4 High priestess Dwayna guide

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kuzeer.5320


thanks totally forgot about the debuff dead eye. But as for everyone loS’ing the orbs around the statue, i wouldn’t recommend that at all since most of the time orbs will just hug the statue and follow u around. Like i say i found the best way of doing it is just having 2 people kite the orbs like i said. Least that is the best way i have found in 30+ clears.

30 clears eh? I’ve been looking for an experienced group to do this, it’s the last path I need in Arah. Would you be willing to bring me in on a run? If you’re up for that, add me (Dagon Blackthorn). I’ve gotten up to Lyssa and I’m generally a pro with the rest of the dungeon

Ya for sure, like i said if anyone needs help with a boss or wants to do a arah run any path feel free to add me, and hit me up anytime i am on. Most of the time im down to run arah. Least till the 15th

Cool, sounds good Kuzeer is your in game name?

Nefferpie is my warriors name. which is what i do 90% of my runs on

Arah path 4 High priestess Dwayna guide

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kuzeer.5320


thanks totally forgot about the debuff dead eye. But as for everyone loS’ing the orbs around the statue, i wouldn’t recommend that at all since most of the time orbs will just hug the statue and follow u around. Like i say i found the best way of doing it is just having 2 people kite the orbs like i said. Least that is the best way i have found in 30+ clears.

30 clears eh? I’ve been looking for an experienced group to do this, it’s the last path I need in Arah. Would you be willing to bring me in on a run? If you’re up for that, add me (Dagon Blackthorn). I’ve gotten up to Lyssa and I’m generally a pro with the rest of the dungeon

Ya for sure, like i said if anyone needs help with a boss or wants to do a arah run any path feel free to add me, and hit me up anytime i am on. Most of the time im down to run arah. Least till the 15th

Arah path 4 High priestess Dwayna guide

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kuzeer.5320


thanks totally forgot about the debuff dead eye. But as for everyone loS’ing the orbs around the statue, i wouldn’t recommend that at all since most of the time orbs will just hug the statue and follow u around. Like i say i found the best way of doing it is just having 2 people kite the orbs like i said. Least that is the best way i have found in 30+ clears.

Arah Path 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kuzeer.5320


I had it once that one party member wasn’t able to interact with the terminal, but other than that I never had any problem with this fight.

Ya I’ve seen the terminal bug for one person bug never the whole party

Arah path 4 High priestess Dwayna guide

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kuzeer.5320


Arah Path 4 High priestess Dwayna guide

This fight is considered the hardest and to some the buggiest fight in the game at the moment. I thought i would write a guide on how my group as been clearing it since release. ( This is my first guide so sorry if it’s not the easiest read )

Before beginning this fight there are a few things you will want to work out.

1. Being; who is going to kite the orbs and in what direction will they be kiting them in. YOU NEVER WANT THE ORBS TO BE KITED CLOSE TO THE GRP. This is because they aggro the person they are closest to, NOT who is hitting it. So if the kiter takes the orb closer to a another person the orb will switch targets.

2nd. Once you have that figured out you will want to figure out where in the room you will be fighting the boss. ( as said before this should be a spot out of the path of the kiter or kiters ) For my group it is on the wall right of the prisons.

Once you have that figured out you should move into the room and inprison 4 out of the 5 orbs why only 4?. Because you will take this time to go around the room and gather up as many Tears of Dwayna as you think you will need to finish the fight. Remember more is always better as you don’t know how long this fight may take for your group.

Now to the fight itself.

Phase 1 of this fight is pretty straight forward, you will want to dps the priestess down to 50-55% HP, While getting people out of petrified (with Tears of Dwayna). At this point you will want to stack bleeds/poisons as high as you can. Once she reaches 40-45% HP she will go invisible for the first time.

Hint: Once you see the high priestess turn grey you have about 5 secs before she goes invisible and the orbs spawn. Your kiters should begin getting in position to kite their orbs once they see her turn grey.

HINT: Kiting the orbs can be difficult. But one thing you need to realise is the orbs are ranged not melee so they will not follow you to a T. The best way i have found to kite the orbs is to simply watch where the orb is and place a prison between you and it and run a straight line away from the orb.

Hint: having a thief that can spread poison is very useful in this fight, but if you don’t have a thief hopefully you have at least one human who can pop their elite skill GRENTH as the poison and -33% healing effect are very useful in this fight. If you don’t have any of the above, deeps your heart out and pray you have good kiters.

HINT: Many people don’t seem to realise this but the priestess is INVISIBLE NOT INVULNERABLE. you can keep auto attacking thin air and you will damage her.

Phase 2. Kiting the orbs is 70% of the fight if you can’t get it down you might as well not even try. For my group we use 2 people to kite the orbs. 1 person will grab the 2 orbs in the back and move clockwise around the tree. While the 2nd person will grab the orbs at the front of the room and move them around the tree counter clockwise. Now if this is done properly the person kiting the back 2 should be done and back with the main group before the person kiting the 3 is at the tree.

Phase 1. Now we are back into phase one with one slight difference you now have a time limit on how fast the high priestess goes invisible ( about 40-45secs). At this point you want to do as much dps as you can with out leaving people petrified. Remember stack bleeds/poison during this phase as it will help slow her healing.

If all goes well you should have her dead in 3-5 invisible phases!.

BUGS: Now there are a few bugs that can make this fight a little harder than need be. 1) it can appear that 1 orb sets off the graphics for 2 prisons. This can easily be countered by paying attention to which prison the orb enters FIRST as the second prison it sets off is still actually avaliable. Another bug that can occaisionally work in the favor of the grp is that 2 orbs sometimes get inprisoned in the same prison. This works in your favor because, for the next invisible phase, if you kite 1 orb into the prison that was empty last time it will bring dwayna out right away.

IF you have any other questions about this fight or any other boss fight in Arah feel free to whisper me in game. As i have cleared all 4 paths many many times.

What Arah Exp Paths Are Bug Free Currently?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kuzeer.5320


nop, the seer path is broken, last boss cannot be killed at the moment.

It’s not impossible, let’s clear that up before the white knight brigade charge in riding their silver horses and proclaim it technically beatable and therefore balanced because Arenanet can do no wrong.

However, it is extremely artificially difficult due to buggy AI pathing on the sparks and buggy, unresponsive circles that randomly fail to catch the sparks half the time.

Edit: I should also point out that there is a waypoint in Arah path 2, the one after the hall full of spiders, that WILL KILL YOU if you teleport to it.
There’s some sort of death field surrounding it that drains all your health in seconds. Using it after death is okay, because you have a few seconds of invulnerability and can dodge out of it. TP to it while alive? You’re toast.

He said last boss. Dwayna isn’t the last boss. The crystal is and it has bugged on my grp maybe 2 out of 20+ runs. But that was a while ago. And to clear something up the pathing isn’t bugged but the graphics for the prisons are but you can easily keep track of which ones u kite thru to know which ones are still up.

(edited by Kuzeer.5320)

Simin, the kitten from hell

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kuzeer.5320


People are still crying about this…… Learn the proper way to kite the orbs and till the graphic bug is fixed for the spark prisons learn to keep track of the ones they go into. And bring some real dps.

Is possible to obtain dungeon armor sets inside the dungeon (drop)?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kuzeer.5320


That is the only way.

Arah - Path 4 (Seers Path)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kuzeer.5320


As Lucas said sparks just don’t run around you have to learn to kite the properly and bring high dps. The grp I do this with almost every day gets it done in 3 sets of sparks. And if all else fails bring a their and stack the crap out of poison.

Lost Shores: Dignified anticipation!

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Kuzeer.5320


BUT! the real question is. Where is this sneak peak that is already in the game for the nov 15th update? O.O

An unforgettable event alright.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Kuzeer.5320


Guess you have never played any other mmo, because so far gw2 has crushed almost all of them with server stability for release of the game and release of the first few major holiday events.


in Warrior

Posted by: Kuzeer.5320


Well how I run might not work for you since I run wvw/dungeons with the same people but I run 0/0/30/30/10 that being a full tank/shout heal build. in full arah knight gear with Dwayne ruins and cleric off pieces putting me at 2.1k toughness 3.3k armor. Doesn’t really matter what dungeon we do I can face tank 90% of bosses and unless I get focused by a kitten ton ofpeople I usually won’t die in wvw either.

LFG (Consistent Dungeon Runs) HoTw + Arah

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kuzeer.5320


feel free to add me for arah im done for it anytime. have cleared all 4 paths many times.

Do you play for Fun? Tokens? or Both?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kuzeer.5320


For the ladies….. >.>

And fun & token and a little tpvp

LF Arah Solid Group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kuzeer.5320


I’m down to run arah anytime on my warrior just add me in game. Iv cleared all paths.

healing help

in Warrior

Posted by: Kuzeer.5320


The build I am running and have Ben running for a while now is 0/0/30/30/10. That’s with full knight armor from arah with dwayna runes and full cleric off pieces my shouts heal for about 2.6k each with bout 2.1k toughness and 3.4k armor so makes me more or less a support/tank now the Dmg is on the lower end for a warrior but from what I have gatherd it seems mobs will target the person with the highest armor that’s where the tank part of this build comes in. I can face tank just about any boss other then lupi of course but I never die on that fight unless I just sit there and eat a couple of volleys of aoe or sit in two bubbles in a row. Some people may think that isn’t a lot of healing but considering most class have between 11k to 18k hp in a good dips setup a burst heal of 8k is quit alot.