Showing Posts For Kyma Grey.9410:
Anyone knows which type (basic, rare) and the name of the heavy-leggings depict´d are ?
Thanks in advance
(edited by Kyma Grey.9410)
im trying to do the dailies and noticed that i can now freely move the camera without holding the right mouse button down, one click and the cursor appears, another click and the “combat, camera-mod” is now enabled.. and to be frank with you all -> im not liking it at all.
Any way i can disable this? Having to click once now to swap back and forth between both modes (combat mod and “cursor-mode”) ain´t my thing…..
€dit: Now you have to click everytime you want to switch between Camera Mode and Pointer—— please add an option to change this behaviour. Now its pretty much bs— can´t even use the map as usual (not cursor?), unless i click the right mouse button and switch between modes….. only if i have fast cast – enabled everything seems okay-ish, but still…..
(btw. im not using any mod)
(edited by Kyma Grey.9410)
Didn´t read every post/page, maybe someone already asked this :
Why did we get a Cantha/Factions addon for the first installment, but now we are “excluded” from having a great time again in Cantha 250 year later (GW2) ?
I did some test, Lion Arch 60 seconds benchmark (Plaza to Armor Vendor and back). Resolution 2720 by 1700 at max (frametimes)
a) 13-1_vista_win7_win8_64_dd_ccc_whql
b) AMD_Catalyst_13.2_Beta3
c) AMD_Catalyst_13.2_Beta3 (1920 by 1200)
d) AMD_Catalyst_13.2_Beta3 (Fullscreen windowed, 1680 by 1050)
On all test runs, through Lion Arch, the avg. frametime is above 30ms.
€dit (01/feb/2013 / 13.2.beta4 driver opti. for Crysis 3)
Further testing
2720by1700 Resolution
Fullscreen Windowed (1680by1050)
Conclusion :
13.2.beta3 (2720by1700)
MAX. 150ms
AVG. 36ms
MIN. 20ms
13.2.beta4 (2720by1700)
MAX. 88ms
AVG. 24ms
MIN. 13ms
13.2.beta3 (1680×1050)
MAX. 88ms
AVG. 31ms
MIN. 21ms
13.2.beta4 (1680×1050)
MAX. 56ms
AVG. 23ms
MIN. 13ms
Forget about 13.2.beta3 and install .beta4! :)
(edited by Kyma Grey.9410)
Here is my warrior :
2 x Superior Rune of the Mad King (+10%)
2x Superior Rune of Lyssa (+10%)
2x Major Rune of Lyssa (+7%)
+27% Condition duration + 30 points into Strength = 57% + 15% stun duration (superior sigil of paralyzation), 72%? stun duration, 57% condition duration
2s F1 Hammer skill x 72% = 3.44 seconds, right ? Hope, im correct on this.
Conclusion not worth it :)
(stun breaker)
Piken Square = Medium/high-ranked server, GW2LFG mandatory or join any PVE Guild for your dungeon addiction, Wv3 FULL (Queue on every BL!), in short : STAY Away from our home – Piken Square, thank you for reading.
Automated Message by PS.CATbot please don´t reply!
The obligatory : BUMP!
This thread is about Piken Square, not about Tarnished Coast or any other server…
STAY away from our home invaders! :)=
As someone who likes to roam and rarely joins any zerg meetings, im wondering lately what the situation is currently on Piken Server. About 95% of the usual suspects have left EB, so many new faces now, feels like im playing on a diffrent server now.
Heard past few months, when we had lots of work to do against River, Kodash and Co… that we actually wanted to drop few tiers and have a more pleasant Wv3-Matchup… now it seems, we are going after the Tier 1 Crown or is this situation right now a temporary one ?
The pioneer Guilds still around, barely seen anyone (Boon, GG, TNTD among others)… time to hop server and drop few tiers before the 28th of january and/or is PS converting into the next Tier 1 wannbe-server?
The Wv3- atmo has changed past 2 weeks or so on Piken Square…
Why can i play with ppl. from US, Asia,Australia and from EU on any Server in Lotro ex, a game from 2007. How did they actually come up with such marvelous idea, to let everyone around the Globe join, team up and raid or simply interact with each other….. incredible such system even exist.
If we take the following into account :
As far i remember, correct me if im wrong, every Guild Wars 2 Server are somewhere in the US, including 1x Login Server (NA, Datacenter)… so WHY in the name of Quaaganindrix, did they not just add a 2nd NA LoginServer for Backup (too many Login Request aka Load)… and we could join and team up and have a cup of tea together, world wide..
I don´t understand the decision behind it, seriously. Why would you tell every EU-person to login to a EU data center server and re-direct him or her over sea to the home server (EU) on US-Territory it does make no sense to me, unless the EU server are really located in Europe somewhere.
It´s 2012/3 and for some odd reason we have to separate the player base of our upcoming MMO into 2 factions… i don´t mind if we can not Guest on diffrent Server/Regions, but come on …
Dungeons are instanced – I-N-S-T-A-N-C-E-D its the year 2-0-1-3, not 2001. Why can we not join a US Group (from EU) and run a dungeon together? I don´t get it…..
after reaching level 10 (yippie!), i have access now to the 2nd tab from the nice golem vendor. Here are the level 80 ascended rings (FOTM), each require 10x of sumtin that drops or is loot-able from the daily chest (level 10+ runs).
Thanks for reading, take care.
€dit : Of course wiki already has them in their database, eh. Can be closed :(
(edited by Kyma Grey.9410)
No “Mobile Strikes” means → The End for you, once you get crippled, snared or rooted.
If you don´t use a Warhorn (to remove immobilize), 20 points in Discipline are a must have, for every Warrior Wv3 Build (solo, roamer"), me thinks.
If we had a EU/US Matchup and 1x Oceanic Server, the PvD-issue would be more or less be addressed/fixed, but think that is too late now, as we have a nice “mix” of ppl. on from every continent on every server.
Another possibility is, give those underdogs additional “breakout” events for the night, that don´t require player interaction. Acquire the service of an army of npc (20+) that attacks or defends randomly for ingame money (10g or 250 BoH), with some add. night-players this could help out those that suffer from the “PvD symptoms”.
I bet Anet has already some ideas for February Wv3 Update, we just have to be patient and have fun playing the game.
But how would they do that, if they have no clue when the timer begins ;)
At reset? 3h 33 min into a fight after a reset? or 3 days later… and what if there was like a General per server, handing over tasks to the commanders, like a Dungeon Master (could be a Devs. doing this for fun).
Add a form of resource-management, with a visual indicator on top of the screen (full bar), the more you waste on siege weapon, the more resources you need or you run out of materials.
This could encourage some ppl. maybe to gather nodes for siege or even materials that drop from boss-mobs that a required to upgrade a tower (mystically-forged) ;)=
Have Doylaks just for the first 2 tiers of an upgrade, but for a Tier 3 upgrade you have to raid the “raid-type-boss /overgrown grub” in every lowlands for a “mystical” component required for the tier 3 upgrade.
(edited by Kyma Grey.9410)
Even after 4months, ppl. keep following the zerg. Press B, enter EB and ask where the zerg is… is pretty much what the majority of the players are doing. The problem right now, and probably a serious issue for the Future of Wv3, is the timer. (me thinks)
Without a timer, or just one that is hidden, the “raid for just the tick” mentality would finally stop, since we actually have to raid enemy towers for the points and more importantly defend them for a full reward that a an enemy tower yields.
- Remove the timer from the Wv3 or hide it
- Raiding a T1 tower yields pointsas usual
- Raiding a T2 tower or one that is fully upgraded (T3) should grant more points
- Defending a recently captured enemy tower for the next 5min grants an extra incentive/reward…..
- Losing a recently captured enemy tower for the next 10min will reduce the total “winnings” and of course the enemy gets a boni for capturing one of its lost towers
- Successfully defending a recently captured enemy tower for the next 15min will grant extra points.
- Of course everything gets a muliplier for T1(1x), T2(2.5x) or Tier 3(4x) Status
(just an example)
I think, this could potentially encourage a zerg of 50 or more to split up and actually raid or defend on few points on the map at the same time, instead of zerging 1x tower, then next one and so on… (of course, some servers might never attempt this due low Wv3 activity).
(edited by Kyma Grey.9410)
Mobility-wise it´s not fully optimized. I personally have 1x valk. set with 2x runes of air, 2x runes of speed and 2x rune of sumtin else, which i like quite a lot (perma swift).
On my 2nd set, full p/v/t armor, i have perma swift/fury and might. No need for FGJ anymore, which i replaced with Battle Stance (14s uptime Stability), im still tweaking around, now farming for a pwr/pre/tough set, just to see if the knight set is any Better.
Back to your build:
- Healing Surge (massive heals, no condi. removal)
- Bull Charge usually is enough for 100B, 360º
- 30% chance on crit to chill -sigil for 3s on your rifle, it should do the same job as bolas pretty much (cripple-33% and 3s chill -66% movement, don´t think they add up)
- No condition removal, no stun breaker, swiftness only up for 30s, 60s cd on SoR
- why Stomp?
Something like this, with healing surge: (
I´v been on every NA server for at least for 24h, fought Blackgate, Dragonbrand, Yaks, Borlisianers and other fews. Went throught T9 to T3 hell on Piken Square and to be honest with´ya all ->
even after 4 months, it´s about to zerg or getting zerg´d. Defending an enemy tower after raiding it or camp, is not required, we got it for the “TICK”.. is the tactic right now (on every server more or less). Remove the tick system or hide it Anet, hopefully this will encourage some to actually defend an enemy tower for more than just 20 seconds…
Getting in the middle of a “sammwich” :P for a month straight, that was the best thing i had on Piken Square.
(edited by Kyma Grey.9410)
There is a culling-system, because there is no CPU/GPU out there capable of rendering 500 no scripted AI peeps, every Lord/NPC and siege warfare/effects going on at once on your screen. And.. who plays no-days at ultra low at 800by600? :)
(me thinks)
At Dayra
It´s the system, which makes Wv3 unplayable sometimes. Not the graphics, you can play it at ultra-low with subsample and you still would have only 15fps (3 server congregation).
It´s either not yet optimized or some parts of the engine/ transfer client/server needs a tweak or two, that is just my guess as a gamer. Wait til April 1st and maybe it will fix the problem ;)
Anyone remember this? :)= (disable the music, yikes…)
(edited by Kyma Grey.9410)
Guild Wars 2 is great game, you get a lot for the 60 to 200 $. / ………
Got an 8 year GW1 Account with only 3k hours playtime. GW1 Prophecies was a great start into the Series, the change after leaving Pre-Searing was shocking (in a good way).
GW1 during Factions? went from being a social game to more an Esport Type thingy. The Espot mentality shifted over into PvE as well, getting in a UW party was impossible for quite some time as a ranger, this segregation was the reason of my departure from GW1.
In other words, in GW1 the Build was the meta. Semi good build? Sorry, you are not ready for us.. at the end, you had to have at least a necro or a monk 55 to get everywhere and farm. So, i kept doing RA for 3 years, nothing else (and i don´t want this to be the case with GW2);
This is one of the reasons why Anet decided to remove the 2nd profession-tab from GW2, it´s a lot easier to balance and keep track of everything.
Don´t get me wrong, GW2 is nearly perfect (remove the region restrictions and allow US vs EU (Wv3 Fights, should be possible, right?), bring back the Story Mission (with optional objectives) or make sumtin memorable becauseGW2 story (human) is redundant to a degree, very generic to be honest, nothing memorable sadly imho.
How in the name of Santa, can a World with its Lorebackground/History (Gw1) change dramatically within 250 years? Bettletun is now a village with its own market, a small “Circus” and of course an After-Work Discoteque (CM Manor sumtin)… what happend to Piken Square?… gone, what happened to Temple of Ages?.. gone, only the archipelago Ring Of Fire survived the devastated power of 250 Years of “tectonic earth shakes”.. everything else, got a new “overhaul” which is okay, if you never have played GW1, but as a GW1 Vet. myself, i can not find any “connection” between both Games.
And i miss that. Bring back the dwarves, an expansion like in the form of Moria :)
Moria for me, is still the BEST Expansion across every game to date!
(edited by Kyma Grey.9410)
probably it´s only a nostalgia-thing, but i really do miss the Guild Wars 1 random arena fights-option, where i managed to get rank 5 or 6 (PvP Title, took months) with random-pugs.
I´m not a fan of the “hold this point” PvP mentality, i don´t get it why i have to capture a base to win or gain points. Why can´t we have the same old GW1 PvP 4vs4 or in GW2terms 5vs5 last man/team standing?
Kill or get killed, easy right? No need for any trebuchets or Siege Warfare on a small map, capture points? bleh thats not my thing. I want to have the same feeling, when i was the only one left in the team, facing 2 enemies and actually be able to beat them (pindown, d-shot, poison), that WOAAH! Sensation, im simply not getting this with Gw2 PvP.
So, i really hope to see a GW1 Nostalgia Mode, no need to select any server, simply HotJoin and get into a team of pugs, you know like we did for few years in GW1 (RA).
Am i really the only one, who prefers the old format over the new one?
- We need a Guild Wars 2 Random Arena. NAO! :)
Wv3 no matter what opponent, always has portions of fun in it.
Wonder, if we lost some PS-guild recently, since we seem not to have any queue any more for a long time since we fought FS and Abba? Still having fun, Tier 9, Tier 6 or Tier -1 who cares! :)
Anyhow, don´t pay attention to my humble rambling, just wanted to go off topic a little by saying :
THANK YOU! Dear, Asura – Elementalist from AR! You can be proud of yourself and feel free to add this valuable information in your next resumé!
You Sir or Mam are/were my 10000th Kill!
The pixel-dude inside that Victory Bubble, yep i´m that [cool] ;)
€: Sorrey!
According to wiki, the rune is currently not working (6th rune bonus). And because of that, without having 15 points into defence (adrenal health), it is kinda pointless to have that one as a class-cannon.
Not sure for how much it heals, if at all (see wiki). You can go with the Rune of the Thief for extra 10%+ for when you are chasing people
or :
- Superior Rune of Rage (for extra Crit-Dmg, +20% fury uptime, +5% when fury is up)
- Superior Rune of Divinty
- Superior Rune of the Soldier (5x) and the cheapest you can get (Precision +25)
- Superior Rune of Infiltration (cloak at 10% HP, never tried this one)
- Superior Rune of the Eagle
Weaknesses are :
- long cooldown on condition removal
- snared/rooted/immobilized means “The End” for you in Wv3, if you are bleeding, crippled, immobilized and poisoned among other conditions → Shrug it Off! won´t serve any purpose. (F1 skill cost less, Rifle)
Out of Topic!
Can we finally get a Wv3/PvE only Build Creator? The same build made over at has lower stats than the one created with
So.. which one is the “right one”?
Personally, i don´t like the warhorn. Looks weird running with something that looks more like the 3rd letter of the alphabet and some of them are fugly.
GS+Rifle imo is the superior one, since you have 2x attack weapons not just the one. Sword / Horn is good for mobility and to snare a target, but has a weak dmg output. GS on the other hand, gives the player more opportunities. You get 2x extra dodges for free (skill 3 and 5, kinda), even if not traited for GS your dps will be beyond 10k (100HB), great pressure tool.
And here is why i think the GS>wins hands down : Skill 4 (with the right traits) is extremely handy (offensive and defensive-wise).
Major weakness with a greatsword, you don´t have perma-swiftness without the runes. With a sword/horn combination + SOR one does not need 2x rune of speed, 2x rune of air and another 2 rune of “i forgot the name”, once can opt for a diffrent rune set.
These are the stats, once i can afford it that is (just for the fun obviously), €dit : rifle with sigil of sup. intelligence, instead of the battle one.
(edited by Kyma Grey.9410)
Tried it, according to your playstyle. For Wv3, you lack mobility with 2x ranged weapons.
No mobility in Wv3 is like a death sentence, no chance to escape dangerous encounters 1vs2 or 1vsZerg :), so that´s why i´v added Bull Charge, gives you at least some way of escape, but don´t rely on that one, once crippled and thanks the 40s CD on BC its The End for you in Wv3.
If you like to “explore” alone, you need more mobility. If that´s not case, and you like to follow the zerg, change the Discipline trait line completely and add 30 points into tactics (shout heals, banners, diff. rune remove condition etc.. be more supportive).
(edited by Kyma Grey.9410)
Here is my attempt, 5x GS + LB for constant AOE Might
5x GS with Aegis -> perma block (pretty much), not sure if the sigils proc. with only 45% crit chance. Time it right, and most of the attack can be blocked due Aegis. Con : no condition removal, weak heals.
A perfect rotation would be :
Everyone uses SoF with Burst Skill on the longbow, followed by the finisher Arcing Arrow, everyone should have 10+ stacks maybe more.
- GSW1 uses SOR
- aggro trash/boss and dps
- Switch to Longbow, Burst Skill -> Arcing Arrow (as soon its up again)
- GSW2 uses SOR
- repeat first 4 steps.
(edited by Kyma Grey.9410)
To be honest with you, i kinda find the build “limited”. Im not sure, if you mentioned this already, but where do you use this build on a daily basis? Healing power at 150 is mediocre at best.
Since your main weapon is the rifle, your pretty much on a “selfish” route to win or lose, you have zero support, unless you keep swapping weapons and grant a 7s swfit/vigor buff on your allies constantly.
I´v tried both versions, one with 400 or 500 healing power, shouts healing for 1.4 to 1.7 each and then one with 1000 or 1100 healing power -> latter one is def. the one to go with (sPvP, Wv3) with a hammer, one can be a duracell.
Mobility is good, but requires you to spam Horn Skill 4 as soon the skill is ready. The problem with shouts healing is, that to be effective with it and to really help your party in a dungeon enviroment, you need to spam those shouts very often.
And to be 100% good at it, again you need healing power at 1000 or more and more importantly you forgot to add a 4th Shout! Shrug it Off! (trait) -> your 4th shout (i know, you can not fire this one up, you have to prey that this thing pops when needed ;… i had moment where my party members would send me flowers of gratitude for saving their skin 4 shouts at max healing power is like 9k heal every 25- 30 seconds).
Another Cons :
Sigil of Blood works wonders, if your mainweapon can actually hit multiple targets at once., the rifle cant do that (pointless, swap that for a sigil that actually emphasis on the cripple skill 2 of your rifle -> 30% on crit to chill for 2s.
And is there a reason to use a +5% CChance on a warhorn? Sigil of energy 50% endurance on swap, remember to dodge before swapping is the better one.
And one finaly inquiry, 2500 Attack is not even average. 3000+ is the goal of any warrior. To backup the high precision effectively 50%+ or even higher, 3000 Attack should be your base value.
At the end, this builds lacks on many parts. Rifle limits the user to a role, stay away and attack at range, support on this one? zero, except for the skill 5 and maybe skill 2.
Sword is only good if you are traited for full condition damage, which the build is somewhat avg. 1k+ should be the goal for max. ticks. And besides, Raw DMG > Condition dmg (cond. dmg is support and should not be your main dmg. source, are you going to wear any opponent down? Quick Wv3 tests :
3000+ Attack -> easy kills 1vs1, for 2vs1 i lack “competence” ;)
2500< Attack -> with hammer, 4 shouts healing me, 2x endure pain and what not… it is very slow.
This is my approach, this might work during zerg situations. But main goal should be Dungeons.
- or this one, get a hammer 2nd weapon set, no shouts heal though (purely cc´ing)
- and finally my attempt on a sword/horn build i made the other day (Rune of Lysaa).
Main Weakness of this build are , link posted page 1, post 1.
- 2250 – 2500 Attack only… i think one had those stats when we hit level 60?
- Armour slighty better than a glass cannon, 2300
- Warhorn has one purpose only -> Group Swfitness (for fights, i find it to much of a hassle, dont believe me? try build 3 i´v listed :P)
- Fear Me! is an AOE skill. Has a 80 seconds of a cooldown and you don´t have anything else in that regards, i mean weapon-wise you have zero CC. If your mainweapon is the rifle, your job is not to interrupt a 5man team near a supply camp. I believe there are better skills suited for a “rifle-gameplay” but then, this build lacks “raw dmg” output, see #1
- Sword is only good if used “correctly”, meaning -> to close gaps, to cripple and immd. to snare and flurry the target. For dungeons, i think a sword is the worst weapon one can carry around. Raw Dmg is low, you rely on ticks which are not at max. with this build and to be honest with you : against 5 veterans and one champion it just lacks on everything for dungeons, 5v5 situations. Every warrior out there has a sword for one thing -> leap forward our out of dangerous encounters.
- Major weakness : incredible low healing power of just 150… seriously what the frick.
- And another major one : Shrug it Off! Trait is a must for a perfect warrior healer (extra 2.2k heal or more), total 4 shouts healing for 8.5 to 9k.
- minor issue i have with this one, although i don´t understand why one would go with a sigil of superior health(aoe selfheal on 5 targets if crit) on a weapon meant for single targets.
- Sigil of Superior Accuracy on a warhorn . . . . . no comment on this one.
Conclusion :
Personally, i don´t like it at all. But maybe it´s just not my playstyle.
(edited by Kyma Grey.9410)
What i don´t understand is, why there are some ppl. logging out when they are in downed state, it is very unkwel of you. /Ahem to the Guardian/Warrior duo :)
AnyhOo, we all are suffering from this new culling issue. I wanted to know, if we actually could team up, all 3 servers on EB* ex. and have group picture with 500 (hopefully) players for a final g-bang, big finale? … know like a demonstration against the bad culling system ;)=
(just a thought; didnt see anyone doing if before, so why not?)
*or any other BL
Theorycrafted, around the Rune of Lysaa.
Tried it in 2 or 3 matches (Hot Join) and in im opinion the build only works in Wv3/PvE Environment.
Here the link to intothemist website creator,
With this build, you dont get any decent heals at all. This build requires you to spam healing signet every 16s (if u need it or not, you need to spam it to get a random boon, hopefully retaliation or protection).
Thanks to 30 points into tactics and add. 20 or 30?% food boon duration, you will have with luck 16 seconds of retaliation or protection and perma vigor/swiftness.
In worst case scenario, you get a might boon or regen… but thats not a biggie -> thanks to perma vigor, you can dodge more than ever before. This is a very demanding build, nothing that will 3-shot an enemy. You need to predict pretty much every attack of your enemy, most of them you can dodge others just leap out (sword skill 2). Stances also grant vigor, so feel free to spam those as well.
One thing i´v noticed :
Don´t combine Healing Signet (random boon) with Signet of Rage. If you use HS first and imd. SoR after – you dont get every boon for 5 + 2 seconds (6th bonus from the rune set).
Anyhow, thats about it. Perma Vigor, Swiftness, great mobility, decent conditon removal (5 you remove via healing signet, horn removes another 2), in theory sounds great.
Biggest downside is -> Blind and heavy necro condition spammer and with this build you get a mediocre heals, but with luck 15/16 seconds of retaliation or protection + few dodges. Like with any other warrior build, ranged classes have the upperhand. No ranged weapon with this one, although one could swap out axe/mace for a rifle, might work.
Let me know, if this build around the Rune of Lysaa is any good at all. Sadly, dont have any mace/axe (exotic) to give this a try (PvE).
€dit : Interrupter “approach”,
(edited by Kyma Grey.9410)
Well, not sure what you mean by a notch. Master volume is set to about 65%, never changed that in months… at 44.1Khz.
I didnt recieve any chest yet. Do i or do we have to actually send them images, to prove that we were actually “there”, taking part at the event?
Finally gave the sPvP a chance, not a fan of the “mechanic”, i still prefer the good old “last man standing” PvP like in Guild Wars 1. Maybe they add that, that would be great! And while they create add. content.. why does SpVP lag so much and Wv3 not?
AnyhOo, made this build here, slow dps, very slow. After a few matches, changed back to a hammer setup, but maybe one of you out there likes it.
Link shortend, due “Bad Link”
Have to admit, that i´m currently using brainbit mod-driver for my Asus Card. Maybe this and the issue (apparently) of the sound/engine, might be the cause for the problem.
44.1Khz is set to default, heard there are some offline games that won´t even launch if the output of the card is higher than 44.1Khz.
I´m going to re-install the “old-asus” driver, just to see if it´s a driver error or not.
I´m not sure on how to describe this or what the issue might be. Ever since the last update, post November 2012, i had and still have this sound problem with the game.
The game suddenly loses “focus” on the sound part, sound is gone and i only get an annoying “PiEP-PiEP” out of my left headphone /speaker.
I have to restart the client to fix that. The SPU has it´s own power supply/connector and to be frank never had any issues with t, not with GW2 or any other application until this or last weeks.
Not sure if that matter, but since im in Wv3 all the day and listening to some Music in the background, well something must cause this “crash”.
Thank you in advance
Quickest way to level up in Wv3 :
- Follow the zerg (14k EXP at lvl 80, <1k at level 1?) for every event/attack/defence/action
- Farm Sentries / Doylaks?
- Farm Overgrown Grub and the likes
Possible, but completing Map (100%) should be faster.
Wv3 2013 :
- Naval Battle, Guilds can purchase and build diffrent battleships!
- Mounted Combat
- Airships – Galore-action
- 20Miles under the Sea Wv3-Warfare! Underwater combat at its best! PewPew
Nice matchup so far and we got a taste of Jade Sea “Very Late Night” Crew ;) this sat. (successfully attack at PS Keep in EB, 5am)
/ahem NERF Mesmer portals! (taken today near Terentino´s Palace)
(edited by Kyma Grey.9410)
Gotta say, one of h… of an Event! WE need more like these. Anywho, i was too vicitm of the DC, i guess.
Fell below the Ancient Beast-Thingy into the lava, glichted through? and of course i died there. Beast had 50% HP left so what does one do, at those situations ?
a) wait another 5min and ge rewarded, but can not loot (under the map)
b) use waypoint and run back, in time
Went with b) and looks like my contribution was not high enough, because the Lord of the Loading Screen said : NO! You are not welcome here… stuck again, for the 34th time (Loading Screen) -> ALT+F4 -> Login Error -> Once inside, the event was over…
Apparently, there was a chance (minimal) of getting a precursor (according some ppl. on the event).. anyhOo, i hope i get the achievement for completing it or a reward/title, 3h+ with countless wipes and what you get? A kick in …
Not sure, but lately there is an increase in “bots” / cheathas…like invulnerablity for 30 seconds or more, the alt+f4, anyhOo at least i was able to “gank”/annoy some AM Bots today, made me feel happy!
Hope, we are prepared for the Tier 5 Encounter this friday and that we ALL can play and have phun together (friggin! LAG!)
this happens to me quite often, when i try to enter the EB jumping puzzle. Did report it once or trice, problem still persists.
Alt + F4 and back into the queue-line.. ain´t worth it for 10min in EB for some free blueprints/BoH. :/
Looks like, there are not many out here that share the same “interest” like us two poor souls.
I vote they they reverse the buff. Make it a debuff, that way anyone in control of all 3 will have a -15% debuff making it so the oppsing teams are stronger
And not only that! Disable any interaction with the orb as one “entity”, you have to be with a certain amount of players near the altar to be acutally able to steal/remove it.
You like to I-I/-\(I< ? Ain´t working no more..
Or Anet could actually add an additional incentive/task to every enemy keep, like a chest well protected by the Lords Pet -> you need the chest content to be able to remove or even interact with the Orb (one alone obviously can´t do that).
There are many ways to address this.
That is all kinda weird, seriously.
My system :
CPU i5 750 from 2009 working at 3.30Ghz, Ram 8Gb mix´d, due that its only running at 1000Mh and a 6870HD non OC.
Playing 24/7 at 2560 by 1440p at custom settings (2x changes) :
With that change, i gain´d +15fps. And if you do the same with the Reflection (only Sky), you get another 5fps, in conclusion -> everything at ultra/high, except for Shaders and Reflections (medium) and i get 60fps in most PvE zones.
40fps+ on average during Wv3, going down to 20fps when i got some tickets for the next Zerg-Band-Festival at Stonemist Castle.
anyone who played and still plays Lord Of the Rings Online knows the site. The admin/owner of the site sadly decided to dis-continue the project, making it a good resource page for content up to level 65.
The site allowed ever Lotro-player to filter and search for a specific armor piece/weapon with the stats needed. Full Vitality? Sure, go to lotrogear and 3 seconds later, you have every (endgame, ex.) armor gear with Vitality only.
Now, im not a programmer, nor do i have the know-legde to accomplish this via f2p websites with the appr. tools. Does this already exist for Guild Wars 2?
Right now, im heading to Lion Arch and im looking through every armor piece, to find the right ones (full VIT/Tough/Power), which takes some time. Making Screenshot of every piece and compare it with crafted armor, Karma Armor and other ones, back and forth..
Once you add weapons into the “game”, this can become a bit “tedious”. Few Builds, alts etc.. etc.. a similar site like LotroGear for Guild Wars 2 travelers would be a great addition to the game, making it more accessible to everone.
What do you think?
Here the site for Lotro
€dit: whoops, wrong subforum; Can an admin fix this for me? Thank you in advance.
€dit2: seems to have the feature already integrated.
(edited by Kyma Grey.9410)
Like with anything – else pretty much, to get better you need :
Practise and more Practise. :)
Focus on Wv3 for a week only, get to know the commanders and other players of your server. Join a small squad or Zerg and complete objectives.
At the end, everyone needs to prioritize on certain aspects and then try to emphasize them. Build creation, discussions about builds, tactics for Wv3, for PvP and for Dungeon runs all this will make you more expierenced and a better player over all.
And all that, while helping others :)
Believe it or not : Never did any PvP in GW2 until today, when i joined/did The Rumble-Mini-PvP Game, 25 kills so far.
Hello folks!
To make this short-while, i wanted to express and know what you think about the suggestion of mine, about having a Random group finder in the game.
Since Hot-Join has a similar feature/function, why don´t we get that same system for our Dungeon-runs?
Go to Bettletun (ex.) and talk to an npc and wait for the game/server to find/fill the party for you. No need to wait there anymore and shout : “LFG” LFG.. just sit and relax while the game is searching for more ppl. across all servers?
End of Story. Of course, before the dung. run, one has to specify what type of player he/she is;
- rookie
- expierenced
- expert in martial arts ;)=
So, what do you think or was this already suggested by someone?
Well the server are at full work/load; i just think most ppl. already have at least 1 character at level cap and they either are having fun with the Halloween event or are simply “alting”.
This happens in every MMO, sadly Anet ddint find any formuala to keep “maps” busy all the time, a reason to go back to like “Lonar Pass” except for the Jumping Puzzles does not exist. So, here my suggestion :
Add some random-task to the Daily Achievement, like on :
complete 5 events for the daily task in Lonar Pass
complete 5 events for the daily task in Queensdale
-complete 5 events for the daily task in Mount Maelstrom and
-complete 5 events for the daily task in Orr
Also reduce the amount of kills needed for the daily achiev. from 60 to 30. You could also add a challenge : complete 5 events in under 60min in Tyria;…
My suggestion is to merge servers?
You can´t merge just 2 servers, WvWvW requires are thrid one. And tbh. did you even look at the status when you log in? Every server is at FULL-Load.
(edited by Kyma Grey.9410)
Name: Kyma
Main Character: Elizabeth
Current Server: Piken Square [EU]
Interested Activities: Wv3, Dungeons, PvE, Occasional PvP, alt´ing
Active: pretty much every day
Additional Comments: Like others, raid exp. but a complete “noob” when it comes to GW2 Dungeons (i need to learn the mechanics, since i want to have all sets in my inv.)
(edited by Kyma Grey.9410)
I thought someone already did that, in 5h or under. 40g did it cost, think the person posted a video (30min long) about the accomplishment.
That sounds great!
10,000 in a week or maybe even less….. but, don´t you all think it´s about time that the game gets a some sort of -exe protector in the future? Would that help at all?
After reading this article*, it seems to me the “gangsters” have no hard time to adapt them to the new build version of the game.